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Findings from a study of 563 adolescents’ reactions following a discotheque fire that killed 63 young people in Göteborg in October 1998 are presented. The group answered a questionnaire seven months following the disaster. The questionnaire included the Impact of Event Scale (IES) and the Birleson Depression Self‐Rating Scale (DSRS). The level of trauma was found to be very high, while depression scores were less elevated. A little under a third of the students scored above a clinical cut‐off point (> 35) on the IES, indicating high posttraumatic stress levels. Girls evidenced more depression and traumatic stress reactions than boys. Levels of reactions increased with more closeness (knowing victims personally) and if the adolescents were of non‐Swedish origin.  相似文献   

This paper studies both pecuniary and non-pecuniary factors affecting happiness—an issue that has sparked a great deal of interest in the economic literature. Using an ordered Probit model and the 1998 general social survey (GSS) data, the paper empirically demonstrates the extent to which socioeconomic and demographic variables along with faith and emotionally based factors may determine happiness. The 1998 survey was conducted nearly at the conclusion of one of the longest economic expansion—a high income low inflation era in the US history. However, the findings tend to suggest that the absolute value of nominal income insignificantly, but non-pecuniary elements (faith and emotionally based factors including financial security) significantly determine happiness.
Masoud MoghaddamEmail:

Racially diverse congregations have become an important part of the American religious landscape. We use data from the National Congregations Study (NCS), notably including data from the fourth wave, collected in 2018–2019, to examine 20 years of racial diversity in congregations. We find that racial diversity within congregations has increased substantially between 1998 and 2019. There are more congregations in which no one racial or ethnic group comprises more than 80 percent of the people, congregations’ average diversity level has increased, and the percentage of all-white congregations has declined. Nearly a quarter of evangelical churches now have no one ethnic group constituting more than 80 percent of the people, a rate comparable to what we observe among Catholic churches. Moreover, congregations that meet this 80-percent threshold are more likely to be led by black clergy in 2019 than they were in 1998. We end with a note of caution about concluding that diverse congregations necessarily promote racial justice.  相似文献   

One annual tradition that children participate in is writing letters to Santa Claus. While parents and teachers pass on the general “rules” for the letters, the children often dictate the contents. The current study focused on whether the letters to Santa have changed over the years, especially in light of recent terrorist actions (for example, on the World Trade Center and Pentagon), and if so, how. Although many aspects of the letters to Santa have remained the same across the years, results indicated that requests for gifts for other people and the number of patriotic sentiments and drawings increased in 2001 and 2002. Also, compared to the year 2000, fewer gifts were requested in 2001. Santa Claus appears to be conceptualized as part demigod, part social worker, and part grandfather. The letters to Santa Claus provide a provocative and insightful look into the everyday life and world events that impact children.  相似文献   

Baeyenset al.(1998) claim that Field and Davey's (1997) controversial study of conceptual conditioning offers little threat to current conceptions of evaluative conditioning. This article addresses some of the questions posed by Baeyenset al.First, some criticisms of the conceptual conditioning study appear to be based on a misunderstanding of the procedure. Second, we address the issues surrounding the so-called Type-X procedure. Specifically, we begin by reviewing the status of studies that have used a procedure different from the Type-X procedure. It is then argued that, although the Type-X procedure has been used in only a portion of EC research, it has been used primarily in those studies whose outcome has been used to argue that evaluative conditioning (EC) is functionally distinct from autonomic conditioning. We then review the evidence from non-Type-X procedures that EC is a distinct form of learning. Finally, an attempt is made to explain why between-subject controls should be used as a matter of course in this field of research.  相似文献   

Self-discrepancy theory (E. T. Higgins, 1987) hypothesizes that actual-ideal discrepancies are uniquely related to dejection emotions, whereas actual-ought discrepancies are uniquely related to agitation emotions. A review of the literature testing this hypothesis supports an affirmative-answer to the question "Is there an effect?" However, as the results of J. P. Tangney, P. M. Niedenthal, M. V. Covert, and D. H. Barlow's (1998) study indicate, the predicted unique relations are not always found. Their article contributes to the development of self-discrepancy theory by shifting attention to the second-generation question "When is there an effect?" Four variables that moderate the likelihood of finding unique discrepancy-emotion relations are discussed in the present article: the magnitude of a self-discrepancy, the accessibility of a self-discrepancy, the applicability and relevance of a self-discrepancy in a current context, and the importance of a self-discrepancy to the person.  相似文献   

1998年组稿重点及要求根据1997年10月本刊主编和部分特约编委商定的意见,本刊从1998年开始,拟逐步向专题方向过渡,即每期突出一个主题,同时辅以其他文章,以便为读者更好地提供对某些问题的思考,促进刊物质量的提高。1998年重点组稿内容如下:(1...  相似文献   

●1998年3月,北京已是春意盎然,而乌鲁木齐依然冰天雪地。中国伊斯兰教协会包租的我国民航八架次大型客机,满载着2000余名各族穆斯林,从这两地起飞,飞向全世界穆斯林魂牵梦绕的圣地麦加,去履行伊斯兰教五功之一的朝觐功课麦加朝觐《古兰经》明文钦定做为一...  相似文献   

为纪念1978年全国西方哲学芜湖会议召开20周年,由安徽大学哲学系发起,并与中华外国哲学研究会等近10家单位共同主办的“1998年全国西方哲学研讨会”于1998年10月25日—30日在安徽歙县召开,与会专家、学者共55人,提交论文30余篇。现将会议的...  相似文献   

医学伦理学1998年综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
理论的探讨11医学伦理学研究核心的转变杜治政认为:为适应新的形式,医学伦理学应有一个转变,即从以往的围绕医疗新技术(如试管婴儿、代理母亲、安乐死、基因工程等)的出现而进行医学伦理学的讨论向广大群众的健康伦理转变。因现今人们对健康的需求普遍增长,而在...  相似文献   

一一一海一一一一一上一一省名上海海南上海海南吉林河南姓名捐款数(元)山东上海上海山东云南海南河南新疆内蒙陈瑞瑾陈大卫唐永,恩谢恩赵呈瑞曹惠云王伟杰徐洪英欧阳文朱惠秋孙桂芳昭通两会文城教堂王爱灵孟翠莲根河聚会点B·SiedeB·Siede罗领春徐牧乌卜文华万新潘玉清吉利区教会王德宽刘华香卫德云严莉莉邢治范黄金寸孙珊英姚天荣刘中峰杨佩华董边何金万奉贤耶稣堂黄瑞芬陈永孟潘其西林约律范淑梅2005oo 20O(刃1oo750 1oo 30(M) 、000 2口沉) 22《X) 650 3oo 400 970马克200美金20 1000 1oo 50C旧 8000 5oo 16(X) 2oo 270 2oo 7oo 2o…  相似文献   


Much of what is known about the responses to and the sentencing of environmental or green offenders comes from a limited number of studies that primarily draw on federal data maintained by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Little, however, is known about how states respond to environmental/green offenses and offenders and even less in known about how counties treat environmental offenders. The present study uses data from Fulton County, Georgia, from 1998 to 2014 to explore the kinds of crimes and responses to those crimes at the county level. This study examines the distribution of environmental crimes in Fulton County across 14 enforced offense categories and the changes in the enforcement of environmental crimes in Fulton County over time. Analyses also explore the kinds of punishments environmental offenders receive in Fulton County, the prevalence of recidivism among offenders, and the kinds of environmental offenses state agencies in Fulton County commit. Because the results from Fulton County may not be representative of how other counties in Georgia or the US respond to environmental offending, additional studies are needed to further assess this issue because there are many local environmental crimes. As studies are absent at this level of analysis, a great deal of information about green crimes and their enforcement is missing from the literature.  相似文献   

马列主义经典作家哲学思想研究论马克思“社会”概念的本体论及现实意义——兼论马克思人学与科学的统一/陈天庆∥江苏社会科学(南京),1998.5.81~88马克思哲学理性中的社会主义思想渊源/唐正东∥江苏社会科学(南京),1998.5.89~93马克思的...  相似文献   

1.中国天主教第六届代表会议于1998年1月17日至20日在北京举行,傅铁山主教当选为中国天主教爱国会主席,刘元仁主教当选为中国天主教主教团主席。1月21日,李瑞环在人民大会堂会见全体代表并发表重要讲话。2.1998年1月22日,李瑞环邀请全国性宗教团体领导人到中南海迎...  相似文献   

4月8日,中国伊斯兰教协会在北京举行招待会,中外穆斯林250多人共度古尔邦节。●4月10日,在政府机构改革中更名的国家宗教事务局挂出新牌子。国家宗教事务局原名国务院宗教事务局,此次政府机构大调整中,作为国务院直属机构之一予以保留。●4月20日至27日...  相似文献   

1998年1———3月新闻摘记□本刊编辑部●1月17日至20日,中国天主教第六届代表会议在北京举行。●1月21日,全国政协主席李瑞环在人民大会堂亲切会见了出席中国天主教第六届代表会议的全体代表并和大家合影留念。●1月22日,全国政协主席李瑞环邀请全国...  相似文献   

费耶阿本德致库恩的两封信c美〕P.费耶 采访达米特〔法〕F.帕特陶特(2) 阿本德 门)日本的宗教 赵伟宏(2)第一封信 门)《里克尔的解释学》中文版序言[法〕P.里克尔(2)第二封信(〕)马克思主义研究(专栏)保罗·厂。费耶阿本德 C德〕P.H.洪纳 门)马克思主义的艺犬理论[英〕G.格雷厄姆(3)俄国有摆脱精神危机的出路吗?[俄〕A.解构主义的马克思主义 曾枝盛(3) A.卡拉-穆尔扎A.C.帕纳林14.K.潘金 门)葛兰西和毛泽东关于知识分子在革命发展俄罗斯哲学及其在俄罗斯民族复兴中的作用 过程中的作用[澳〕J.1.哈纳芬() 〔美〕詹姆斯·P.斯坎兰 门)历…  相似文献   

When up and down stimuli are mapped to left and right keypresses or "left" and "right" vocalizations in a 2-choice reaction task, performance is often better with the up-right/down-left mapping than with the opposite mapping. J. J. Adam, B. Boon, F. G. W. C. Paas, and C. Umiltà (1998) presented evidence that the up-right/down-left advantage is obtained when trials are participant paced but not when they are computer paced. In all, 3 experiments are reported that show no difference in magnitude of the up-right/down-left advantage between computer-paced and participant-paced conditions. The advantage was eliminated, however, in Experiment 3 when a response deadline was imposed. Response speed, rather than participant or computer pacing of trials, is crucial.  相似文献   

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