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Tangible preference assessments were compared with verbal preference assessments for 6 individuals with mental retardation, behavior disorders, or both. In the tangible assessment, items were placed in front of the participant. In the verbal assessment, participants were asked, “Do you want X or Y?” and the items were not present. The two assessments yielded similar high‐preference items for 4 of the 6 participants. The verbal assessment was typically completed in less time than the tangible assessment.  相似文献   

The developmental priority of identity conservation as contrasted with equivalence conservation theorized by Elkind (1967) was investigated using quantity and number conservation tasks. Subjects were 60 four-, five-, and six-year-old children of middle socioeconomic class background. All children received a battery of tasks which included qualitative identity, quantitative identity, and equivalence conservation of quantity and number problems. For the quantity battery, under the without justification condition, conditional probabilities and significant performance differences in the mean number of trials passed indicated that the order of acquisition of quantity tasks did conform to the hypothesized sequence: qualitative identity, quantitative identity, and equivalence conservation. No significant performance differences for number concepts were noted for both justification and without justification conditions. Scalogram analyses performed upon the combined quantity number task array indicated a scale or quasi-scale in the predicted order of difficulty. It was concluded that identity concepts develop prior to equivalence concepts when the content area is quantity conservation. In contrast, clear-cut conclusions cannot be made about number conservation.  相似文献   

An analysis of the score differences and characteristics achieved by 9- and 15-month-old infants tested twice with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, one week apart, shows marked variations between what could be considered optimal estimates of ability and estimates of ability based on actual scores. There is approximately a 50% chance that an infant's actual Developmental Quotient from a single examination will differ from its optimal score by more than one standard deviation of the BSID. The fact that single test scores do not reliably estimate “true” capabilities reconfirms that a caveat be maintained concerning the use of single Bayley scores as baselines of longitudinal research or as outcome measures, but holds out the possibility that the usefulness of such scores as predictive of outcome measures can be improved over its present negligible status through repeated assessments.  相似文献   

Researchers have recently begun to evaluate video-based preference assessments; however, only two studies have evaluated the efficacy of this preference assessment modality in assessing preference for social interactions. Four individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder who could not match pictures or graphic-interchange-format images (GIFs) of social interactions to in vivo interaction participated. We compared picture and GIF-based paired-stimulus preference assessments for social interaction and evaluated the preference assessment hierarchies by conducting a concurrent-operant reinforcer assessment including all social interactions. The GIF-based preference assessment produced similar hierarchies to the reinforcer assessment for all participants, whereas the picture-based preference assessments produced similar hierarchies to the reinforcer assessment for 2 of 4 subjects. Additionally, we conducted a modality preference assessment in which we evaluated participants' preference for viewing GIFs or pictures of social interactions, and found that 3 out of 4 subjects displayed a preference for GIFs.  相似文献   

Bulf H  Johnson SP  Valenza E 《Cognition》2011,(1):127-132
Statistical learning – implicit learning of statistical regularities within sensory input – is a way of acquiring structure within continuous sensory environments. Statistics computation, initially shown to be involved in word segmentation, has been demonstrated to be a general mechanism that operates across domains, across time and space, and across species. Recently, statistical leaning has been reported to be present even at birth when newborns were tested with a speech stream. The aim of the present study was to extend this finding, by investigating whether newborns’ ability to extract statistics operates in multiple modalities, as found for older infants and adults. Using the habituation procedure, two experiments were carried out in which visual sequences were presented. Results demonstrate that statistical learning is a general mechanism that extracts statistics across domain since the onset of sensory experience. Intriguingly, present data reveal that newborn learner’s limited cognitive resources constrain the functioning of statistical learning, narrowing the range of what can be learned.  相似文献   

Heart rate conditioning in the newborn infant   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In an attempt to condition heart rate in newborns, 21 infants were assigned to Conditioning, Random Control, and Backward Conditioning Groups. During training trials, the Conditioning Group received an eight-second tone (CS), a six-second ISI, and a ten-second presentation of glucose via nipple (UCS) that overlapped the last two seconds of tone. The Random Control Group received tones at the same intertrial intervals as the Conditioning Group, but glucose varied randomly. The Backward Conditioning Group received glucose during the ten seconds immediately preceding tone onset. The response to both CS and UCS during base trials was HR acceleration. The response to tone habituated in all groups, but the acceleration to glucose was maintained throughout conditioning. Although no conditioned response to the tone developed over trials, a large HR deceleration appeared during extinction to the absence of the UCS in the Conditioning Group only. This deceleration was interpreted as an orienting response to the absence of an expected event.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, the free-recall performance of young children, college students, and older adults was examined. Subjects encoded words by simply learning them, by studying them in either base or elaborate sentence frames, or by constructing sentences. Overall recall was better for the college students than for the children or for the older adults, and the college students recalled best in the simple learning condition. The young children recalled best in the sentence construction condition; recall by older adults did not vary as a function of the encoding tasks. In Experiment 2, college students and older adults recalled a categorized list, encoding the words by simply learning them, by studying them in elaborate sentence frames, or by completing word fragments. For both age groups, simple learning produced the highest level of recall. These results suggest that organization provides the most effective encoding system and that older adults may need a more obvious basis for organization than do younger adults. Younger and older adults recalled equally well only when organization was discouraged by conceptual processing.  相似文献   

Functional analysis results indicated that maladaptive behaviors displayed by a 25-year-old man with profound mental retardation were maintained by attention from caregivers and possibly, to a lesser degree, by access to tangible items. A concurrent-schedules procedure was then used to study the relative reinforcing value for maladaptive behavior of attention versus tangible items. Results of the concurrent-schedules assessment and subsequent functional communication training indicated that preference for attention versus access to a tangible object varied.  相似文献   

Computational models are tools for testing mechanistic theories of learning and development. Formal models allow us to instantiate theories of cognitive development in computer simulations. Model behavior can then be compared to real performance. Connectionist models, loosely based on neural information processing, have been successful in capturing a range of developmental phenomena, in particular on-line within-task category learning by young infants. Here we describe two new models. One demonstrates how age dependent changes in neural receptive field sizes can explain observed changes in on-line category learning between 3 and 10 months of age. The other aims to reconcile two conflicting views of infant categorization by focusing on the different task requirements of preferential looking and manual exploration studies. A dual-memory hypothesis posits that within-task category learning that drives looking time behaviors is based on a fast-learning memory system, whereas categorization based on background experience and assessed by paradigms requiring complex motor behavior relies on a second, slow-learning system. The models demonstrate how emphasizing the mechanistic causes of behaviors leads to discovery of deeper, more explanatory accounts of learning and development.  相似文献   

Past research has demonstrated that pictorial preference assessments can predict subsequent reinforcement effects for individuals with developmental disabilities only when access to the selected stimulus is provided contingent on a pictorial selection. The purpose of the present investigation was to assess more comprehensively the feasibility of the pictorial format with children with developmental disabilities. In Experiment 1, prerequisite skill assessments were conducted, and the role of a contingent reinforcer was assessed by comparing the results from the pictorial assessment without contingent access to a reinforcer assessment. If contingent access was found to be necessary, the effects of schedule thinning were evaluated to determine whether a pictorial format could be made more practical in Experiment 2. The pictorial format without contingent access was successful with only some participants. However, schedule thinning was found to be an effective method to establish conditioned reinforcement properties for pictorial stimuli to create a more practical assessment for a subset of participants.  相似文献   

This study compares the syntactic structure of the spontaneous speech of a small group of stutterers and nonstutterers, using a method of constituent analysis. Speech samples were taped during play sessions with subjects, and the tapes were then transcribed and analyzed according to preselected constituent criteria. The stutterers were in the early stages of stuttering and had been diagnosed as stutterers by experienced clinicians. The method of analysis proved to be highly reliable. Differences were found in the number of complete clauses, the number of complex sentences, and in clause types between the two groups.  相似文献   

Simple geometric forms and spatial position markers were tachistoscopically presented to Ss from four age groups (ranging from five years to adult) who responded by recreating the visual array with magnetic tokens.The basic findings were: (a) Ss remembered item positions better than identities; (b) no asymptote of position recall was reached by any age group when up to five position markers were presented; (c) when required to process identity information, position memory suffered, younger Ss showing the greatest decrement; (d) with unlimited viewing time, the pattern of results relating identity and spatial recall was not altered; (e) recall was better for the locations of position markers than for locations of geometric items.The results supported an hypothesis of separate processing mechanisms for spatial location and identity information. Improvement with age seems to result from an increasing ability to integrate the functioning of these separate mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study contrasted the gains made in speech theraphy by 39 stutterers, 15 of whom were treated by conventional methods and 24 by the Probe technique. It was found that the Probe technique yielded substantially greater gains in fluency than did the conventional method, having more influence on final performance than factors such as initial fluency, time since onset of stuttering, or the presence of other unacceptable behaviors.  相似文献   

Background and aimChildren with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) have difficulty in the development of motor coordination and with learning new motor skills. Studies demonstrate that children with DCD differ in terms of the nature and severity of their motor difficulties, the incidence of co occurring conditions and family background. However, little is known whether these profiles may relate to motor progression over time. The aim of this study was to describe the profiles of children with and without DCD and track motor progression over time.MethodThe characteristics of thirty-four 7–14 year old children (M = 10.07, 85.3% boys) with and without DCD were compared and their motor progression monitored over a two academic years. DCD was identified using DSM5 criteria. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) was used to classify children as TD (≥25th percentile), having moderate motor coordination difficulties (6-16th percentile) or severe motor coordination difficulties (≤ 5th percentile). The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test – 2 (KBIT-2) was used to measure full scale IQ. Parent questionnaires were used to gather information on socio economic status and co occurrence of other developmental disorders. We used ANOVA to assess whether there were differences in characteristics between the TD children, children with severe motor coordination difficulties and children with moderate motor coordination difficulties. Linear mixed effect modelling was used to estimate any change in motor performance over time and whether this differed between the three groups of children.ResultsChildren with severe motor coordination difficulties had distinct profiles in motor and non-motor domains, lower IQ and a greater likelihood of having associated characteristics of 2 or more developmental disorders. We found significant differences between the poor motor performance of the severe group compared to the other two groups. Longitudinal analyses revealed stable, persistent and lower motor competence for the severe group. The rate of change in motor proficiency for the typical and severe groups was similar. However, the group with moderate motor difficulties gained on average more points per week compared to the typical group and achieved motor scores in the typically developing range over time.ConclusionsThis is one of the first studies to compare the characteristics and rate of motor progression of children with and without DCD using different motor proficiency cut off scores. The children with severe motor coordination difficulties progressed at the same rate as typically developing peers but remained in the severe group over time, whereas the children with moderate motor coordination difficulties caught up to TDC. The results indicate that different intervention may be required according to the nature and severity of the characteristics in both the motor and non-motor domains of children with DCD.  相似文献   

Recent research on individual psychological assessments for personnel decision-making purposes has indicated a great deal of variability in practice. This study compared the responses of psychologists who evaluated the same set of assessment protocols on the basis of graduate training and professional affiliation. Results indicated few differences in evaluations of those assessed or in the way assessments were conducted. Concerns about training for and the practice of individual assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

A population of 3,067 Mexican-American, Pueblo Indian, Navajo Indian, Black, and Anglo elementary children were administered the Draw-A-Person for norming and comparison against the existing Koppitz scoring procedure. A significant number of items for each of the five ethnic groups changed categories with final score interpretation affected. A significant difference in percentage of items drawn by the five ethnic groups was also found, as were regional differences on certain items.  相似文献   

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