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This article describes the developmental tasks faced by adolescent males. Biological and psychological changes that occur during adolescence are discussed. Finally, common problems encountered by counselors working with adolescent males are reviewed.  相似文献   

It is not my intent to critique individual contributions in this special issue but to assess scholarly progress since the last special issue devoted to sexual orientation in Developmental Psychology (Patterson, 1995). Because not all steps forward can be catalogued in this limited forum, I focus on several long-standing challenges faced by developmental scientists as they investigate same-sex sexuality: recruitment and definition of same-sex populations, developmental diversity of same-sex oriented individuals, and "clinical traps" created by early research on same-sex populations.  相似文献   


The authors review literature on the developmental tasks of adolescence and the unique problems faced by adolescent victims of maltreatment. The developmental domains addressed include cognition, identity, behavior and affect regulation, family and peer relationships, and sexuality. Research on the co-occurrence of multiple types of victimization is discussed. The relationship between multiple victimization and violent crime, with a focus on parricide, is examined. The authors call for greater attention to the assessment and study of multiple forms of maltreatment and its outcomes in adolescence, since adolescence is one of the least researched developmental periods in terms of single or multiple victimization.  相似文献   

Youths with a homosexual orientation face different developmental challenges during adolescence than those faced by heterosexual youths or individuals who recognize their homosexual orientation later in life. We discuss the impact of “coming out,” or defining a homosexual orientation, on the development and identity formation of youths who come out during adolescence. The process of coming out is presented as entailing four broad dimensions: recognizing oneself as lesbian or gay; exploring one's sexual orientation through the gay and lesbian community; disclosing one's sexual orientation to others; and becoming more comfortable with one's sexual orientation. Some of the major challenges faced by these youths are described, and future directions for research efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

When faced with a choice between two aversive events, a person exhibits self-control by choosing a smaller, more immediate aversive event over a larger, delayed aversive event. Task demands are often aversive to children with autism and other developmental disabilities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate behavioral sensitivity to differences in the amount and delay of tasks as part of a preliminary study on self-control. Participants were 2 children with autism who engaged in problem behavior maintained by escape. Results indicated a lack of self-control with respect to choosing between two aversive tasks and suggested potential strategies for increasing self-control (i.e., choosing a small immediate task over a large delayed task).  相似文献   

Using three Hollywood movies as a springboard, the authors offer a discussion of the psychosocial challenges faced by an individual entering a marital relationship. Keeping their attention on both intrapsychic and interpersonal factors, as well as the group matrix surrounding the couple, the authors discuss the subtleties of identity transformation, evolution of true mutuality, distance-related conflicts, and the deeper synthesis of affection and sensuality in the setting of early marriage. Their portrayal of this adult developmental phase is intended to help clinicians evolve greater empathy with newly married individuals.  相似文献   

研究以智力的PASS认知模型为基础,考察了3-5年级阅读障碍组和正常对照组的PASS认知加工特点,探究汉语阅读障碍儿童的PASS认知缺陷模式,为后期的干预提供理论上的支持和帮助。结果发现,PASS四个认知加工均存在明显的年级差异,低年级儿童的PASS认知加工能力明显不如中高年级儿童。汉语阅读障碍儿童在DN: CAS 12项分任务上的成绩均低于正常对照组儿童。同时,大多数汉语阅读障碍儿童存在不止一种的PASS认知加工缺陷,即汉语发展性阅读障碍内部是一个异质群体;阅读障碍儿童在继时性加工上存在的问题最为严重,存在缺陷的人数也最多。  相似文献   

This paper presents a version of hylomorphism that intends to solve problems faced by contemporary hylomorphism. After showing that attempts to understand form as sets or relation of essential properties fail at taking into account the dynamic development of substances, the paper suggests another version of hylomorphism able to solve these difficulties. A functionalist version of hylomorphism is then defended: the best way to understand how form can be present throughout all the developmental stages of a substance is to understand it as a certain kind of function.  相似文献   

韧性(resilience)——在压力下复原和成长的心理机制   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
韧性是指面对丧失、困难或者逆境时的有效应对和适应。当生活变化对人们造成威胁时,这种自我保护的生物本能就会展现出来。来自个人、家庭、社会三方面的保护性因素之间会相互作用而组成动力系统,共同抵抗环境的不利影响。韧性的过程模型认为韧性是瓦解和重新整合之后达到的更高平衡状态,与一般意义上的“复原”有区别。在不同人生发展阶段上,韧性呈现出具有不同适应意义的层次结构,其内涵也会因情境而变化。尽管在如何测量韧性的问题上研究者们仍未达成一致意见,但一些简便有效的韧性量表得到了广泛应用。韧性研究的目的是探索个人生存和成长的力量源泉,在教育、医疗、社区和企业中开展的韧性干预训练已经显示出良好效果。  相似文献   

Pastoral care of the aged must deliberately attend to spiritual-theological issues involved in the aging process. As clinical, empirical, and practical pastoral experiences demonstrate, these spiritual-theological problems are as varied as the range of overall problems faced by the elderly. In an attempt to focus on major issues, however, it may be helpful to examine the three epochs of aging i.e., young~ldm, iddle-old, and old-old, in order to determine the spiritual and theological issues which are particularly relevant to each epoch. This paper proposes that each of the three developmental epochs has a main spiritual-theological concem which can be expressed in a question: young-old: "What shall I do with my life?"; middleaid: "What about my dying?"; old-old: "Why must I suffer so?" Pastoral ministry is called to further examine the validity of these assertions and draw practical applications in response to these spiritual-theological issues which face older persons.  相似文献   

Sara Honn Qualls 《Group》1997,21(2):175-190
Later life families present a very special instance of group psychotherapy with older adults. This paper describes the challenges faced by later life families, including major life events to which multiple family members must adapt, and the increasing dependency of some elderly members. A developmental framework for later life problems is offered as a therapy frame useful to families. Key aspects of therapy process with later life families are also presented. Goals, strategies, structures of therapy, and the therapist’s role are all shaped by the long and intimate history of the members of this special form of group.  相似文献   

People are strongly motivated to feel accepted by others. Yet when faced with acute peer rejection they often aggress against the very peers they desire acceptance from, which may lead to further rejection. The present experiment tests three potential mediators of aggressive responses to acute peer rejection in the critical developmental stage of early adolescence. Participants (N=185, M(age)=11.5 years) completed personal profiles that were allegedly evaluated online by peers. After receiving negative or neutral peer feedback, participants could aggress against the same peers who had evaluated them. Rejected participants attributed more hostile intent to the peers, were angrier, showed a greater reduction in state self-esteem, and were more aggressive. Mediational analyses showed that hostile intent attributions mediated the acute peer rejection-aggression relationship, whereas increases in anger and decreases in state self-esteem did not. Thus, acute peer rejection evokes hostile intent attributions that, in turn, lead to aggressive reactions.  相似文献   

21世纪的中西医结合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自本世纪60年代以来,中西医结合取得了重要进展,中西医结合的经验与成果已经引起国内外重视。21世纪,在“中西医并重”的方针指引下,将会迎来更好的发展机遇。兼客、互补与结合创新是主要的三种结合形式,其中结合创新占有更重要的地位。我们应增强创新意识,选好创新目标,改善临床与研究工作条件,为取得更快的发展而努力。  相似文献   

The development of a male gender identity involves the task of relinquishing the identification with the female primary object. If this separation is experienced as loss or expulsion, and responded to by the development and libidinous cathexis of phallic-narcissistic characteristics, a specifically male narcissistic vulnerability emerges, which can, particularly in ageing men, escalate to critical proportions. However, phallic-narcissistic crises in the ageing process also contain opportunities for development, provided the losses of age can be faced with mourning. The author sets out the statements on the subject of old age in the myth of Narcissus and makes use of the concepts of developmental psychology. He outlines clinical examples illustrating this problem. Finally, he brings to mind the narcissistic plight of the aged Oedipus.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to highlight the developmental tasks of late adulthood with the help of three Hollywood movies. These tasks include: (i) struggling to maintain physical integrity, (ii) handling the "wound of mortality", (iii) maintaining activity and sexuality, and (iv) becoming wise. Among other challenges faced by an individual during this phase of life are loss of love objects, illness and possible compromise of mental functions, de-cathexis of material possessions and coming to terms with one's approaching death. All sorts of healthy and unhealthy psychosocial maneuvers come to the surface as a result of these stresses. This paper illustrates these dilemmas and their potential solutions via a discussion of three movies.  相似文献   

The difficulties faced by students and the contributory stressors include developmental issues. A number of factors appear to be the precipitators of stress but despite various suggestions from researchers in other countries there is little evidence in the UK of a comprehensive plan to ameliorate student mental health. It was the aim of this study to identify the factors perceived as stressors by students, find the extzent to which the stressors affect the students and identify a possible remedial strategy. The samples involved students from a wide variety of disciplines and included 40 students in a pilot study and a further 210 students in the main study. The pilot study led to a comprehensive list of potential stressors being drawn up for the main study. Most of these were assessed in a Problem Questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire and the Glasgow Symptom Checklist. Emotional liability was significant and this was often accompanied by self-destructive thoughts. Student services appeared to be underused even when students felt suicidal. Students need more specialized and prolonged help both in the form of increased counselling facilities which include a Mental Health Service and also mentoring schemes.  相似文献   

Self‐regulation is a dynamic process wherein executive processes (EP) delay, minimize or desist prepotent responses (PR) that arise in situations that threaten well‐being. It is generally assumed that, over the course of early childhood, children expand and more effectively deploy their repertoire of EP‐related strategies to regulate PR. However, longitudinal tests of these assumptions are scarce in part because self‐regulation has been mostly studied as a static construct. This study engages dynamic systems modeling to examine developmental changes in self‐regulation between ages 2 and 5 years. Second‐by‐second time‐series data derived from behavioral observations of 112 children (63 boys) faced with novel laboratory‐based situations designed to elicit wariness, hesitation, and fear were modeled using differential equation models designed to capture age‐related changes in the intrinsic dynamics and bidirectional coupling of PR (fear/wariness) and EP (strategy use). Results revealed that dynamic models allow for the conceptualization and measurement of fear regulation as intrinsic processes as well as direct and indirect coupling between PR and EP. Several patterns of age‐related changes were in line with developmental theory suggesting that PR weakened and was regulated more quickly and efficiently by EP at age 5 than at age 2. However, most findings were in the intrinsic dynamics and moderating influences between PR and EP rather than direct influences. The findings illustrate the precision with which specific aspects of self‐regulation can be articulated using dynamic systems models, and how such models can be used to describe the development of self‐regulation in nuanced and theoretically meaningful ways.  相似文献   

Over the past 60 years, applied behavior analysis (ABA) has made notable contributions to the literature involving populations with developmental disabilities. Practitioners and researchers have made impressive advances in addressing challenges posed by autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in particular. The focus on autism has resulted in an improved public image of ABA and, in turn, has helped highlight the need for increased awareness surrounding ASD. A summary of relevant research contributions is provided, and although the advances in autism are impressive, individuals with ASD constitute a minority portion of the educational system. A review of the existing literature, as well as a novel literature search, supports the suggestion that ABA has narrowed its focus to issues affecting populations with ASD, while concurrently being less attentive to problems faced by society as a whole, particularly general education. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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