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自汉以后,三教关系是中国传统宗教与文化的重要组成部分,但对于儒学是否为宗教的问题,历来有所争论。这反映在三教关系的研究上,集中体现于对三教之"教"内涵的如何把握。然而,三教之学及其关系的历史衍变绝不是纯粹地、单一地脱离社会环境的学术形态,相反它是应具体的时代环境而生,并且能反作用于现实社会。从"学"的层面和从"教"的层面都有失片面,只有从内在精神的层面去把握中国传统宗教与文化才  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to argue that religions can contribute to fight climate change. It is argued that religions can contribute with ethics. Religions can contribute with reflections concerning fundamental ethical principles as well as practical ethical instructions concerning sustainable lifestyles. But it is also argued that religions can contribute with a world-view that underpins ethics in a very fruitful way. We can want to protect the world because it is beautiful, not simply because it is useful. A religious worldview is articulated very clearly in praise and celebration. Here all of creation is praised and celebrated as the works of an all loving God or Spirit. This implies that the universe, planet Earth and all life on it are seen as creations which all have an intrinsic value. They are not just accidental matter or means for human beings, but magnificent creations which are commendable in themselves, no matter what their utility value may be. According to this religious interpretation ethics are thus grounded in a cosmic love. The motivation for taking care of the environment is love and not rational calculation and duty. A motivation based on positive, elevated feelings such as love, respect, devotion and an experience of beauty is much more vigorous than a motivation based on cool calculations and cold-hearted duty. Religion can engage people at a deeper level than economics and policy, and a deep engagement is extremely important for the success of fighting climate changes, because it is going to take decades.  相似文献   

《周易》研究史上有古史证经一派.四库馆臣以为起自宋代。其实晋代的干宝已经系统地以商末周初的史实释《易》。干宝以古史注《易》。其思想渊源和学术渊源因为马王堆帛书《要》的发现和释读而变得十分清晰。孔子开创了儒门易传统,干宝正是承习儒门易余绪,转而在易学研究史上开创了古史注《易》的全新一派。本文还就干宝的圣人古史观和周初兴盛论探讨了干宝的《周易》古史观。  相似文献   

L.B. Brown's model of religious faith posits two bipolar religious orientations (intrinsic-extrinsic and autonomy-observance) that represent a two-dimensional space in which a religious believer can be located. This paper proposes a developmental sequence within Brown's model. The psychometric tradition of religious orientations is combined with a developmental tradition. The developmental process is consistent with models by A. Maslow, L. Kohlberg, J. Fowler, and J. Loevinger. Religious faith typically springs from extrinsic motivations. Most religious adherents achieve the next level, observance, or identification with a religious community and its creeds. Some progress to intrinsic religiousness, and fewer attain religious autonomy.  相似文献   

Janet L. Nelson 《Religion》2013,43(2):206-225
John Bugge. Virginitas. The Hague: International Archives of the History of Ideas, Series Minor 17: The Hague Martinus Nijhoff, 1976, pp. 168. Guilders 47.50

Geoffrey Ashe. The virgin, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976, pp. 262. £5.25

Marina Warner. Alone of all her sex. The myth and cult of the virgin Mary, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976, pp. 400 + xix. £6.50  相似文献   

The question of the origin of religion is explored. It is hypothesized that there are two areas where the structure, or fundamental pattern, of religion becomes visible. The first hypothesis is that in the early tribal experience of human beings rites and rules embodied in religion have survival value. The second hypothesis is that for the individual religion replaces the mother as reassurance against the threat of death.Dr. Faber was Professor of Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Psychology at the University of Tilburg, Lindelaan 2, 3951 XT, Maarn, the Netherlands.  相似文献   

试论道教戒律建设的发展历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教戒律建设,是道教教制建设的重要内容,是加强道门自身建设和提高信仰水平的有效手段。一方面,戒律从信仰的角度,可以最大限度地维护道教教义、道教经籍、道教科仪、道教活动场所、道士和道教组织等宗教要素的神圣、尊严和崇高,也可以最大限度地肯定道教的信仰与价值,肯定道教的神圣性,进而肯定道教徒的信仰追求和价值选择;另一方面,戒律也可以极力维系道门内部的严肃性、清静性和纯洁性,有助于逐步实现道教徒的人生理想,从而切实体现道教的真正价值。因此,历代道教徒都十分重视道教的戒律建设。本文将以传统道教戒律建设为视角,对传统道…  相似文献   

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