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In four experiments, rats received flavour aversion conditioning followed by extinction. The flavour was then subjected to retardation and summation tests. Experiment 1 showed that reacquisition of an extinguished flavour aversion was retarded with respect to the performance shown by rats for whom the flavour was novel. No retardation was found, however, with respect to a control group that had been given non-reinforced pre-exposure to the flavour. Experiment 2 demonstrated that extinction showed the same sensitivity to the effects of a retention interval as did latent inhibition, consistent with the view that the retardation effect was a consequence of the occurrence of latent inhibition during extinction. An extinguished stimulus was also found to alleviate the response governed by aseparately trained excitor in a summation test (Experiments 3 and 4), but the size of this effect did not exceed that produced by a control stimulus when the procedure used ensured an equivalent aversion to the test excitor in the two cases. These results challenge the proposal that extinction can turn a stimulus into a net inhibitor.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to study overshadowing of extinction in a conditioned taste aversion preparation. In both experiments, aversive conditioning with sucrose was followed by extinction treatment with either sucrose alone or in compound with another taste, citric acid. Experiment 1 employed a simultaneous compound extinction treatment and found results indicative of overshadowing of extinction. By contrast, Experiment 2, in which extinction treatment involved serial compound presentations, failed to obtain evidence of overshadowing of extinction. The results of Experiment 2 indicate that the serial presentation of two tastes was processed as equivalent to the separate presentation of the tastes. The results are discussed in relation to: (1) Convergent evidence from research on latent inhibition, (2) competing theories of learning and, (3) their possible adaptive value in food-selection learning.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversions (CTAs) may be acquired when an animal consumes a novel taste (CS) and then experiences the symptoms of poisoning (US). This aversion may be extinguished by repeated exposure to the CS alone. However, following a latency period in which the CS is not presented, the CTA will spontaneously recover (SR). In the current study we employed an explicitly unpaired extinction procedure (EU-EXT) to determine if it could thwart SR of a CTA. Sprague-Dawley rats acquired a strong CTA after three pairings of saccharin (SAC the CS) and Lithium Chloride (LiCl the US). CTA acquisition was followed by extinction (EXT) training consisting of either (a) CS-only exposure (CSO) or (b) exposure to saccharin and Lithium Chloride on alternate days (i.e., explicitly unpaired: EU). Both extinction procedures resulted in ?90% reacceptance of SAC, although the EU extinction procedure (EU-EXT) significantly decreased the time necessary for rats to reach this criterion (compared to CSO controls). Rats were subsequently tested for SR of the CTA upon re-exposure to SAC following a 30-day latency period of water drinking. Rats that acquired a CTA and then underwent the CSO extinction procedure exhibited a significant suppression of SAC drinking during the SR test (as compared to their SAC drinking at the end of extinction). However, animals in the EU-EXT group did not show such suppression in drinking compared to CSO controls. These data suggest that the EU-EXT procedure may be useful in reducing both time to extinction and the spontaneous recovery of fears.  相似文献   

Previous research on humans suggests that simple discriminations may emerge if both stimuli, B1 and B2, are compounded with the stimuli of a previously trained discrimination, A1 (S+) and A2 (S-), and responding to the compounds, B1A1 and B2A2, is reinforced. Two questions were addressed. First, do simple discriminations also emerge if (a) only one stimulus, B1, is compounded with a training stimulus, A1 (S+) or A2 (S-); or with both training stimuli, A1 (S+) and A2 (S-); and (b) neither B1 nor B2 is compounded with the training stimuli? Second, do simple discriminations emerge if reinforcement in the presence of the AB compounds is withheld? Normal preschool children served as subjects. The study consisted of six experiments. Transfer occurred in all experiments regardless of whether both test stimuli, one test stimulus, or none of the test stimuli were compounded with the training stimuli under non-reinforced conditions. The results can be described by the following rules: Respond to any stimulus that includes a component of a “correct” stimulus of a previous discrimination. Otherwise, respond away from the stimulus that incorporates a component from an “incorrect” stimulus of a previous discrimination. The implications of data for sensory pre-conditioning and language-based accounts are discussed.  相似文献   

Theories of observing differ in predicting whether or not a signal for absence of reinforcement (S−) is capable of reinforcing observing responses. Experiments in which S− was first removed from and then restored to the procedure have yielded mixed results. The present experiments suggest that failure to control for the direct effect of presenting S− may have been responsible. Pigeons and operant procedures were used. Experiment 1 showed that presentations of S−, even when not contingent on observing, can raise the rate of an observing response that was reinforced only by presentations of a signal (S+) that accompanied a schedule of food delivery. Experiment 2 showed that this effect resulted from bursts of responding that followed offsets of S−. Experiment 3 showed that, when the presence of S− was held constant, lower rates occurred when S− was dependent on, rather than independent of, observing. These results support theories that characterize S− as incapable of reinforcing observing responses.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which conditioned lick suppression by water-deprived rats was used as an index of associative strength. In Experiment 1, overshadowing of a light by a tone was observed when the light-tone compound stimulus was paired with foot shock. After initial compound pairings, the tone-shock association was extinguished in one group of subjects. Subsequently, these animals demonstrated significantly higher levels of suppression to the light relative to a control group in which the tone had not been extinguished. Experiment 2 replicated this effect while failing to find evidence to support the possibilities that extinction presentations of the overshadowing tone act as retrieval cues for the light-shock association, or that, via second-order conditioning, the light-shock association is actually formed during extinction of the tone. Experiment 3 determined that the recovery from overshadowing observed in Experiments 1 and 2 was specific to the extinction of the overshadowing stimulus rather than the extinction of any excitatory cue. Collectively, these results suggest that the debilitated response to an overshadowed stimulus does not represent an acquisition failure, but rather the failure of an acquired association to be manifest in behavior.  相似文献   

M. J. Lavin, B. Freise, and S. Coombes (Behavioral and Neural Biology, 1980, 28, 15–33) have shown that if two rats consume a flavored solution and one is poisoned, the unpoisoned partner will also exhibit a flavor aversion during a later preference test. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that a sufficient condition for obtaining this aversion is that the poisoned partner be present with the unpoisoned rat after it has consumed the flavored solution. It is not necessary that the poisoned partner be present when the flavored solution is consumed or indeed have had any exposure to the flavored solution. Experiment 3 showed that the unpoisoned partner can exhibit a flavor aversion when there is a temporal gap of as long as 6 hr between consumption of the flavored solution and exposure to the poisoned rat.  相似文献   

We examined whether the effect of an extinction phase can be influenced retrospectively by information about the cause of the absence of the unconditioned stimulus (US) during that phase. Participants were subjected to a differential fear conditioning procedure, followed by an extinction procedure. Afterwards, half of the participants were presented with information about a technical failure, which explained why the US had been absent during the extinction phase. The other participants received information that was unrelated to the US. During a subsequent presentation of the target conditioned stimulus (CS), only the former group of participants showed renewed anticipatory skin conductance responding and a return of US expectancy. The results are in accordance with a propositional account of associative learning and highlight the importance of retrospective reasoning as a cause of relapse after exposure therapy.  相似文献   

The effects of variations in stimulus duration and interstimulus onset interval on ratings of tactile apparent movement were determined for seven Ss with stimulators of very small diameter. Judgments of successiveness and simultaneity were also obtained. It was found that apparent movement increased as a power function of increases in stimulus duration. The function relating tactile apparent movement and stimulus duration was shown to be similar to that obtained by Kolers (1964) for visual apparent movement, lnterstimulus onset interval also had a marked effect on apparent movement, and the optimal interval was influenced by stimulus duration in a manner similar to that reported by Sherrick and Rogers (1966).  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effects of laterality differences between noise bursts on two objective measures of temporal interval processing (gap detection and temporal asymmetry detection) and one subjective measure of temporal organization (stream segregation). Noise bursts were lateralized by presentation to different ears or dichotic presentation with oppositely signed interaural level (ILD) or time (ITD) differences. Objective thresholds were strongly affected by ear-of-entry differences, were moderately affected by ILD differences, but were unaffected by ITD differences. Subjectively, A and B streams segregated well on the basis of ear-of-entry or ILD differences but segregated poorly on the basis of ITD differences. These results suggest that perceptual segregation may be driven more effectively by differential activation of the two ears (peripheral channeling) than by differences in perceived laterality.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the transfer of respondent elicitation through equivalence classes. In Experiment 1, match-to-sample procedures were used to teach 8 subjects two four-member equivalence classes. One member of one class was then paired with electric shock, and one member of the other class was presented without shock. All remaining stimuli were then presented. Using skin conductance as the measure of conditioning, transfer of conditioning was demonstrated in 6 of the 8 subjects. In Experiment 2, similar procedures were used to replicate the results of Experiment 1 and investigate the transfer of extinction. Following equivalence training and conditioning to all members of one class, one member was then presented in extinction. When the remaining stimuli from this class were then presented, they failed to elicit skin conductance. In the final phase of the experiment, the stimulus that was previously presented in extinction was reconditioned. Test trials with other members of the class revealed that they regained elicitation function. These results demonstrate that both respondent elicitation and extinction can transfer through stimulus classes. The clinical and applied significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

情绪障碍治疗的关键在于消退条件性恐惧记忆,研究证明基于记忆再巩固的提取-消退范式能有效消除或改写原有的恐惧记忆。本研究将提取-消退范式应用到更复杂的恐惧记忆中,采用多感官复合刺激(声音+图片)作为条件刺激,以皮电反应作为恐惧反应指标,考察采用单个线索(声音或图片)、复合线索(声音+图片)进行提取-消退对条件性恐惧记忆的消退效果有何差异。结果表明:声音线索提取-消退组出现了自发恢复和重建效应,图片提取-消退组只出现了重建效应,复合刺激提取-消退组未出现自发恢复和重建效应。说明由复合刺激线索引发的条件性恐惧,采用复合刺激中的单个较强线索或原有完整线索进行提取-消退,对恐惧记忆的消退效果最好。  相似文献   

Rats received exposure to two compound flavours, AX and BX, where A and B were sucrose and saline and X was acid. For group intermixed (I), exposure consisted of alternating trials with AX and BX; group blocked (B) received a block of AX trials and a separate block of BX trials. Experiment 1 showed that generalization to BX after conditioning with AX was less profound in group I than in group B. Separate examination of the elements of the compound showed that the source of this difference lay in the strength acquired by the X element. X acquired less strength in group I than in group B (Experiments 1 and 2), whereas for the A element (Experiments 3 and 4) the reverse pattern was obtained. These results support the proposal that the perceptual learning effect (restricted generalization from AX to BX in group I) depends on a process that enhances the effectiveness of unique stimulus elements (A and B) and reduces that of common elements (such as X).  相似文献   

Interpretation of the finding that positive-reinforcing drugs such as morphine also possess possible aversive properties, as revealed by their ability to induce a conditioned taste aversion (CTA), remains problematic. This issue was addressed in the present study using the drug preexposure CTA paradigm. Water-deprived rats were given noncontingent preexposure to one of three doses of morphine (2.5, 5.0, or 15.0 mg/kg) or drug vehicle. Subsequently, animals in each of these preexposure groups were presented with a novel 0.1% saccharin-flavored solution followed immediately by injection with one of the same three morphine doses or drug vehicle. This procedure was repeated at 5-day intervals until six saccharin presentations had been performed. Results indicated that while the three morphine doses were differentially potent as taste aversion-conditioning agents, they were equipotent as preexposure agents serving to disrupt CTA. These data suggest that preexposure to morphine's predominantly positive-reinforcing (and non-CTA-inducing) properties is sufficient for preexposure disruption of subsequent morphine CTA. A second experiment indicated that the minimal effective preexposure dose is between 0.3 and 1.25 mg/kg of morphine. It is suggested that an important commonality may exist between the discriminative stimulus properties of morphine as a CTA-inducing agent and as a positive reinforcer.  相似文献   

The effect of repeatedly imagining paired or unpaired CSs and USs on the frequency of post-CS responses during real extinction was studied. Four groups of 10 Ss first received a model tone and shock. For two of the groups the stimuli were paired (delayed conditioning paradigm). For the others the stimuli were arranged in a long trace paradigm. The Ss then received a series of commands requiring them to imagine receiving paired CSs and USs, or to imagine the events singly. Then 10 real tone extinction trials were given. The groups which received delayed conditioning model stimuli were more responsive than trace groups, and groups which had imagined paired stimuli were more responsive than their unpaired controls. Cognitively oriented explanations of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   

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