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The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship between a three-stage model of careers (establishment, advancement, and maintenance) and facets of managers' job satisfaction. Four hundred eighty-three managers responded to a questionnaire regarding the length of time they had been in their occupation and their satisfaction with various aspects of work. The results indicated that career stage moderated managers' satisfaction with all facets of work. Specifically, managers in the establishment stage were significantly more satisfied than those in the advancement and maintenance stages with five of the six facets studied. Further analyses indicated that the first year in the occupation accounted for the differences in satisfaction obtained in the three-stage model. The results are discussed in terms of the implications for the study of managerial careers and the need for consistency in the operational definition of career stages.  相似文献   

Self-esteem and job complexity were investigated as moderators of self, supervisor, and peer ratings of performance and satisfaction with work, supervisors, and peers testing balance and activation theories. One hundred and fifty-three registered nurses served as subjects. Measured self-esteem was not significantly related to the performance or satisfaction measures. Rather, the important variable was perceived job complexity as predicted by Scott's activation theory. Self-ratings of performance and satisfaction with work and peers were greatest at optimal complexity with lower values at high and low complexity. Some support was found for self-esteem as a moderator of the relationship between performance and satisfaction measures in line with Korman's formulations.  相似文献   

Five human newborns were presented with a plane geometric triangle repeatedly on the same day and across days. Eye fixations and eye movements to within approximately ±3–4° were recorded by means of corneal photography. There were marked individual differences in the form of visual scanning on the figure. Some infants consistently oriented towards only a single feature while others alternated between single and multiple feature selection. Postnatal age or exposure alone did not appear to guarantee either response.  相似文献   

The Minnesota Job Requirements Questionnaire (MJRQ) was developed and administered to supervisors of 11 selected jobs who rated the ability requirements of the job they supervised. The MJRQ represented each of nine GATB aptitudes by five items in a Likert-type format. MJRQ ratings were compared with expert ratings in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and Occupational Ability Patterns (OAPs) derived from administration of the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB). Reliability of MJRQ ratings was shown by high Hoyt reliability coefficients. Comparison of mean ratings and variabilities of ratings by supervisors in a job showed construct validity for the MJRQ approach, as did intercorrelations of MJRQ ratings. OAPs derived from the MJRQ compared favorably with those derived from the GATB and DOT, showing promise for the parsimonious MJRQ approach to the development of OAPs.  相似文献   

The effects of static and kinetic information for depth on judgments of the relative size of objects placed at different distances was studied in 3- and 7-yr-old children and adults. Subjects viewed either a pair of objects placed on the floor of a textured alley or a projected slide of the identical scene. The presence of motion parallax information for depth was also manipulated. All subjects showed a clear sensitivity to static pictorial depth information in judging objects placed so they projected equal retinal areas. When the retinal size of objects was very different, however, children tended to respond to retinal rather than physical size. Motion parallax information increased responsiveness to depth when a 3-dimensional scene was being viewed, but decreased responsiveness with 2-dimensional projections. The decrease was greater in children than adults.  相似文献   

Job satisfaction data on managerial personnel were used to illustrate how organizations can be differentiated and described as reinforcer systems. Twenty-seven specific satisfaction scales were regressed on overall job satisfaction, separately for each of five groups of managers from five organizations. For all groups, overall satisfaction was found to be determined mainly by scales concerning challenge of the job and prospects of one's chosen career. Application of decremental stepwise multiple regression procedures to obtain minimum-variable-set equations resulted in different, though overlapping, sets of variables in the equations for the different organizations. These results suggest a way of describing organizations as reinforcer systems, in terms of the specific determinants of overall satisfaction for the organization.  相似文献   

First grade, third grade, and college Ss attempted to memorize a single set of items over the course of 5 trials, each trial consisting of a 45-sec study period followed by a free recall test. On all trials but the first, S was allowed to have available during his study period only half of the total set of items, but was free to select whichever items he wished to include in this half. Third grade and college Ss were significantly more prone than first grade Ss to select for study items not recalled in the immediately preceding recall test. The results suggest that the strategy of deliberately concentrating one's study activities on the less well mastered segments of materials to be learned, like other elementary memory strategies (e.g., rote rehearsal), cannot automatically be assumed to be part of a young child's repertoire of learning techniques.  相似文献   

This empirical study examined the structure of job satisfaction for 1991 unionized, hourly rated assembly plant employees. The sample was drawn from 10 product assembly plants in the U.S. automobile industry. A multistage, multivariate model was formulated, involving 15 hypotheses. Causal relationships among the variables in the model were estimated using path analysis. A major finding was that the more positive the individual employee's perception of upper management, the greater the employee's job satisfaction. In addition, the employee's perception of upper management had a greater influence on employee job satisfaction than the employee's perception of immediate supervision (foreman).  相似文献   

Jones and Nisbett hypothesize that actors attribute their actions to situational requirements whereas observers attribute the same actions to personal dispositions. This hypothesis is critically examined and a reconceptualization is proposed. Our conceptual analysis focuses on the attributional consequences of differences between actors and observers in: (a) availability of information about the contemporary and historical determinants of the actor's behavior, and (b) susceptibility to possible motivational distortions and cognitive biases. The relationship between this formulation and Jones and Nisbett's analysis of differences between self-perception and interpersonal perception is discussed.  相似文献   

Earlier research based on 81 Occupational Reinforcer Patterns (ORPs) suggested a nine-category classification of occupations. The present research, based on 148 ORPs, investigated the ability of that classificatory system to assimilate new information. Cluster analysis of the 148 ORPs yielded an eight-category classification of occupations in which five of the original occupational clusters appeared virtually unchanged; the other four original clusters were combined into two occupational clusters. One new cluster was identified. Principal factors analysis was employed to study the factor structure of the occupational reinforcers and to highlight the essential nature of the classificatory system. Five reinforcer factors were identified.  相似文献   

Several models of memory-based attitude processing were examined in a laboratory experiment. After receiving stimulus information with implications for either one or both of two attitudes (toward a person and toward a behavior with respect to this person), subjects were asked to recall the information and to report their attitudes. Information was received under instructions to form only one of these two attitudes. Consistent with past research, information was subsequently better recalled when it had implications for the attitude being evaluated than when it did not. However, null effects of the instructional set on reported attitudes suggested that subjects relied on their memory-for-attitude (or additional implications) rather than on memory-for-facts. The present findings extend the generality of this conclusion to behavioral attitudes, large stimulus sets, and heterogeneous stimulus items. Low correlations between recalled stimuli and reported attitudes also supported a memory-for-attitude model. However, correlations between behavioral attitudes and recall of behavioral outcomes increased under certain conditions. Results are discussed in relation to recent findings in person perception research.  相似文献   

Vocational research has focused on the occupational choice process and the individual's adjustment to work. Very little research has examined the job search process in which the individual must engage in order to implement occupational choices. This study examines one dimension of the job search process: the relationship between job source and subsequent work experiences. The data reveal that when the respondents initially entered the labor market, those relying on formal job sources tended to work in higher-level occupations and in jobs more closely related to their training than their counterparts who used other job sources. In the longer run, the labor market advantages associated with the use of formal job sources dissipated for the engineering majors but tended to persist for the business alumni.  相似文献   

In order to compare the relative effects of observation of performance and recording of information about performance on social facilitation/inhibition, 256 college students solved three concept-attainment problems in an orthogonal design. The variables were (a) number of observers (an additional observer or the experimenter alone), (b) videorecording (yes or no), (c) audiorecording (yes or no), (d) task complexity (four, six, eight, or ten total attributes in the problems). Each of videotaping, filming, and audiotaping resulted in poorer performance than the control condition, with no differences between these three recording conditions. The presence of an additional observer had no effect on performance. Pulse measures indicated that the presence of an additional observer increased arousal, but covariance analysis indicated no association between differences in performance and arousal.  相似文献   

In a two-part test of Maslow's theory of human motivation, two relationships were explored: (1) the relationship between need importance and need deficiencies, and (2) the relationship between need deficiencies and life satisfaction. The subjects were groups of women college graduates in three types of occupations: professional-managerial, clerical-sales, and homemaking. In the first study, group differences in actual deficiencies did not support the hypothesis that need importance is negatively correlated with need deficiencies. Rankings of the deficiencies for the three groups, however, were consistent with the hypothesized relationship, as were the small but significant correlations that were obtained between need importance and deficiency values. In the second study, the findings gave partial support to Maslow's theory in that a significant relationship was found between need fulfillment and life satisfaction for two of the three occupational groups. The findings of both studies are discussed in relation to considerations in women's career development.  相似文献   

In a multiphase experiment, dogs first received discriminative, discretetrial, barrier-jumping training with two tones (SD, SΔ) in a shuttle box reinforced by either shock avoidance (Group I) or by food (Group II). Then the dogs were trained on free-operant barrier-jumping reinforced by the qualitatively opposite reinforcer—food in Group I and shock avoidance in Group II. Finally, test presentations of the tone stimuli were superimposed on the free-operant behavior. The tone SDs markedly facilitated responding in all animals. This experiment demonstrates a summation of responding maintained by shock avoidance and food reinforcement and casts doubt on explanations of conditioned suppression outcomes that appeal solely to incompatible motivational states within the organism.  相似文献   

Recent concern for eliminating Strong Vocational Interest Blank (SVIB) sex bias has focused on the current use of separately normed Occupational Scales for the two sexes. This study implemented six basic methods of scale construction to examine the feasibility of combined-sex scales as well as advantages or disadvantages of modifications of current techniques designed to improve both single-sex and combined-sex scale construction. To study these six methods of scale construction, samples of male and female Ph.D. sociologists were collected. Concurrent validity and test-retest reliability data indicated that combined-sex scale construction for sociologists is possible if differences in female and male occupational interests, as measured by the SVIB, are treated as irrelevant variables in the world of work, and if concurrent validity is sacrificed.  相似文献   

The process of work adjustment, as derived from the Theory of Work Adjustment, is presented in a systems-type model. The model integrates the original propositions of the theory with the more recent work on personality-style dimensions. The mechanisms of adjustment to work are discussed to emphasize the dynamic nature of the complete work-adjustment process. The constructs of Work Behavior and Organizational Behavior are introduced as intervening variables in the adjustment process. It is also shown that the forecasting of work adjustment requires the addition of the constructs of Abilities and Ability Requirements.  相似文献   

Preschool children observed two models, one of whom (controller of resources) controlled rewards dispensed to the child and to the other model (rival consumer of resources). The nurturance of the controller was varied in terms of his relative generosity towards the subject and rival consumer. Controllers were imitated to a greater extent than consumers only when the controller had been more nurturant to the child than to the rival consumer. Imitation of the controller and consumer were affected differently by the various conditions of nurturance, but children's learning of each model's behaviors were affected similarly by the conditions. The learning and imitative performance of each model's behaviors were uncorrelated, and imitation of one model did not correlate with imitation of the other. However, the learning of the two models' behaviors was highly correlated.  相似文献   

In order to study infants' sensitivity to binocular information for depth, 11 infants, 20 to 26 weeks of age, were presented with real and stereoscopically projected virtual objects at three distances, and the infants' reaching behavior was videotaped. When the virtual object was positioned out of reach, infants tended to lean further forward and to reach less frequently than when the virtual object was positioned within reach. In addition, the proportion of reaches in which the infants patted, closed their hands, or brought their hands together was greater when the virtual object was within reach. However, no difference in the terminal location of the infants' reaches was found as a function of the virtual object's position. Examination of reaches to a near real object revealed that infants frequently did not contact the object or show appropriate hand shape or orientation. The effectiveness of the cue of retinal size and of binocular information for the depth of an object is discussed. It is concluded that 5-month-old infants are sensitive to binocular information for depth.  相似文献   

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