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Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts, by James A. Nestingen and Gerhard O. Forde, p.291 The Episcopal No Spin Zone, by Meg Madson, p.293 Response to Madson, by Elizabeth Purdum and Louis Schneider, p.296 Misconstruing Miracles, by Ronald F. Marshall, p.297 WordAlone: Extreme, Unfocused, or What? By C. Richard Peterson, p.298  相似文献   


The Intelligence of School Children. By Lewis M. Terman. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1919. 317 p.

The Aims of Teaching in Jewish Schools. By Rabbi Louis Grossmann. (With an Introduction by G. Stanley Hall.) Cincinnati, Teachers' Institute of the Hebrew Union College, 1919. 245 p.

Comparative Education. Ed. by Peter Sandiford. N. Y., Dutton, 1918. 500 p.

The Gary Schools. Publ. by General Education Board of New York City. 1918.

The Gary Schools: A General Account. By Abraham Flexner and Frank P. Bachman. 265 p.

Organization and Administration. By George D. Strayer and F. P. Bachman. 126 p.

Costs. By F. P. Bachman and Ralph Bowman.

Industrial Work. By Charles R. Richards. 204 p.

Household Arts. By Eva W. White. 49 p.

Physical Training and Play. By Lee F. Hanmer. 35 p.

Science Teaching. By Otis W. Caldwell. 125 p.

Measurement of Classroom Products. By Stuart A. Courtis.

Letters to Teachers. By Hartley B. Alexander. Chicago, Open Court, 1919. 253 p.

Education and Citizenship and Other Papers. By Edward Kidder Graham. New York, Putnam, 1919. 253 p.

What the War Teaches About Education. By Ernest C. Moore. N. Y., The MacMillan Co., 1919. 334 p.  相似文献   


Sermons and addresses. By John Bascom, New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913. 356 p.

Things learned by living. By John Bascom. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913. 228 p.

The Jukes in 1915. By Arthur H. Estabrook. Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1916. 85 p.

The mothercraft manual. By Mary L. Read. Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1916. 440 p.

Towards racial health. By Norah H. March. London, George Routledge and Sons, 1915. 326 p.

How to live; rules for healthful living based on modern science. By Irving Fisher and Eugene Lyman Fisk. 7th ed. New York, Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1916. 345 p.

The development of intelligence in children. By Alfred Binet and Th. Simon. Translated by Elizabeth S. Kate. Publications of the Training School at Vineland, N. J., Department of Research. No. 11. May, 1916. 336 p.

The intelligence of the feeble-minded. By Alfred Binet and Th. Simon. Translated by Elizabeth S. Kite. Publications of the Training School at Vineland, N. J., Department of Research. No. 12, June, 1916. 328 p.

Art in education and life; a plea for the more systematic culture of the sense of beauty. By Henry Davies. Columbus, R. G. Adams and Co. (c. 1914). 334 p.

Official diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European War. Edited by Edmund von Mach. New York, Macmillan, 1916.

How to study effectively. By Guy Montrose Whipple. Bloomington, Ind., Public School Publishing Co. (c. 1916). 44 p.

The gift of mind to spirit. By John Kulamer. Boston, Sherman, French and Co., 1916. 227 p.

The students' Shakespeare. Macbeth. Memorial edition. Edited, with notes, by Frank Alanson Lombard. Kyoto, Japan, 1916. 310 p.

Seventeenth annual report of the State Board of Insanity of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the year ending November 30, 1915. Boston, Wright and Potter Printing Co., 1916. 383 p.

School organisation and administration; a concrete study based on the Salt Lake City school survey. By Ellwood P. Cubberley. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 346 p.

Some problems in city school administration. By George D. Strayer. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 234 p.

How to use your mind; a psychology of study. By Harry D. Kitson. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., (c. 1916). 216 p.

New Possibilities in education. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. LXVII, September, 1916, Whole No. 156.

Form find functions of American government. By Thomas Harrison Reed. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 549 p.

The supervision of arithmetic. By W. A. Jessup and L. D. Coffman. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 225 p.

In the light of the spirit. By Christian D. Larson. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (c. 1916). 194 p.

Converging paths. By E. T. Campagnac. Cambridge, University Press, 1916. 113 p.

The expectant mother. By Samuel Wyllis Bandler. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., 1916. 213 p.

A handbook for Latin clubs. By Susan Paxson. Boston, D. C. Heath and Co. (c. 1916). 148 p.

A handbook of American private schools. (An annual publication). Boston, Porter E. Sargent (c. 1916). 604 p.

Introduction to American history. By James Albert Woodburn and Thomas Francis Moran. New York, Longmans, Green, (c 1916). 308 p.

Drake of troop one. By Isabel Hornibrook. Boston, Little, Brown, 1916. 321 p.

National Parks folio. Published by the Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.

Aus Nah und Fern. Vol. VIII, No. 1. October, 1916. Chicago, F. W. Parker School Press.

Teachers College, Columbia University, Contributions to Education:-

No. 75, Adjustment of school organisation to various population groups, by Robert Alexander Fyfe McDonald. 1915. 145 p.

No. 76 The relations of general intelligence to certain mental and physical traits, by Cyrus D Mead. 1916. 117 p.

No. 77, Completion-test language scales, by Marion Rex Trabue. 1916. 118 p.

No. 78, Ventilation in relation to mental work, by E. L. Thorndike, W. A. McCall and J. C. Chapman. 1916. 83 p.

No. 80, Measurements of some achievements in arithmetic, by Clifford Woody. 1916. 63 p.

The golden book of favorite songs. Compiled and edited by N. H. Aitch. Chicago, Hall &; McGreary, 1915. 138 p.

Yiddish-English lessons. By I. Edwin Goldwasser and Joseph Jablonower. Boston, D. C. Heath &; Company, 1916. 248 p.

Boswell's Life of Johnson. By Max J. Herzberg. Boston, Heath &; Co., 1916. 280 p.

The school and the immigrant. By Herbert Adolphus Miller. Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation Survey, 1916. 102 p.

The teaching staff. By Walter A. Jessup. Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation Survey, 1916. 114 p.

The metal trades. By R. R. Lutz. Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation Survey, 1916. 114 p.

Seventy-ninth Annual Report of the Board of Education. Boston, Wright &; Potter, 1910. 361 p.

The thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth reports of the International Institute of China. By Rev. Gilbert Reid. Shanghai, Methodist Pub. House, 1915. 62 p.

Report of the Board of Education of St. Louis, Mo. 1915. 698 p.

Maine School Report. Waterville, Maine, Sentinel Publishing Co., 1916. 291 p.

La “scala metrica dell'intelligenza” di Binet e Simon; studiata nelle scuole comunali elementari di Milano. By Zaccaria Treves and F. Umberto Saffiotti. Milano, G. Civelli, 1911. 67 p.

L'opera di Zaccaria Treves e la psicologia sperimentale. By F. Umberto Saffiotti. Milano, 1912. 28 p.

La misura dell'intelligenza nei fanciulli. By F. Umberto Saffiotti. Roma, Società Romana di Antropologia, Via del Collegio Romano, 26, 1916. 286 p.

Contributo allo studio dei rapporti tra l'intellgenza e i fattori biologico-sociali nella scuola. By F. Umberto Saffiotti. (Reprinted from Rivista di Antropologia, Vol. XVIII, Fasc. 1–2.) 1913. 34 p.

Forme e contenuto dell'associasione spontanea nei fanciulli. By F. Umberto Saffiotti (Reprinted from Rivista di Antropologia, Vol. XIX, Fasc. 1–2.) 1914. 14 p.

Anuário da Casa Pia de Lisboa. Ano Económico de 1914–15. Lisboa, R. Do Mundo, 139. Tip. Casa Portugueza, 1915. 552 p.

Tentative syllabus of the physical training program. University of the State of New York, State Department of Education. 1916. 226 p.

New York State. Eleventh annual report of the Education Department, for the school year 1913–14. 1163 p.

A laboratory and class-room guide to qualitative chemical analysis. By George F. White. New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., 1916. 171 p.

Plane and solid geometry. By William Betz and Harrison E. Webb. (With the editorial coöperation of Percy F. Smith.) Boston, Ginn, (c. 1916). 507 p.

Algebra review. By Charles H. Sampson. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1916. 41 p.

Scientific method in schools; a suggestion. By W. H. S. Jones. London, Cambridge University Press, 1916. 36 p.

Reorganising a county system of rural schools; report of a study of the schools of San Mateo County, California. By J. Harold Williams. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. (Bureau of Education Bull., 1916, no. 16.) 50 p.

Journal of Heredity. August and September, 1916. Washington, D. C., American Genetic Association.

A practical Spanish grammar. By Ventura Fuentes and Victor E. François. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 313 p.

United States life tables, 1910. Prepared under the supervision of Prof. James W. Glover of the University of Michigan. Bureau of the Census. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. 65 p.

Bureau of American Ethnology. Twenty-ninth annual report to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1907–1908. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. 636 p.

Bureau of American Ethnology. Thirtieth annual report to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1908–09. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1915. 453 p.

Physical anthropology of the Lenape or Delawares, and of the eastern Indians in general. By Ale? Hrdli?ka. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 62.) Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1916. 129 p.

Centennial celebration of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. April, 1916. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1916. 196 p.

The policy of national instinct. By M. Take Jonesco. London, Sir Joseph Couston and Sons, 1916. 108 p.

43.—Nationaler Deutschamerikanischer Lehrertag, 28. Juni-1. Juli, 1916. Milwaukee, Wis. 20 p.  相似文献   


The mental and physical life of school children. By Peter Sandiford. London, Longmans, Green &; Co., 1913. 346 p.

The demonstration schools record, number two; edited by J. J. Findlay. Manchester, University Press, 1913. 283 p.

Educational psychology. Volume two. The psychology of learning. By Edward L. Thorndike. N. Y., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1913. 452 p.

School health administration. By Louis W. Rapeer. New York, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1913. 360 p.

Young working girls. A summary of evidence from two thousand social workers. Edited for the National Federation of Settlements by Robert A. Woods and Albert J. Kennedy, its secretaries; with an introduction by Jane Addams, its first president. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1913. 185 p.

Medical and sanitary inspection of schools, for the health officers, the physician, the nurse and the teacher. By S. W. Newmayer. Ill. with 71 engravings and 14 full-page plates. Philadelphia, Lea &; Febiger, 1913. 318 p.

De la méthode littéraire; journal d'un Professeur dans une Classe de Première. Par J. Bezard. Paris, Librairie Vuibert, n. d. 2nd ed. 746 p.

Foods and household management; a textbook of the household arts. By Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley. N. Y., Macmillan, 1914. 401 p.

The Montessori method and the American school. By Florence Elizabeth Ward. N. Y., Macmillan, 1913. 243 p.

Advanced English grammar. By William T. Harris. Yonkers-on-Hudson, world Book Co., 1912. 511 p.

Hygiene for girls; individual and community. By Florence Harvey Richards. Boston, D. C. Heath &; Co., 1913. 257 p.

Young boys and boarding school; the functions, organisation and administration of the sub-preparatory boarding-school for boys. By Horace Holden. Boston, Richard G. Badger, 1913. 197 p.

Psychologie der Sprachpädagogik; Versuche zu einer Darstellung der Prinsipien des fremdsprachlichen Unterrichts auf Grund der psychologischen Natur der Sprache. Von. Chr. B. Flagstad. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1913. 370 p.

Principles of education. By T. Raymont. London, Longmans, Green, 1913. 381 p.

Young folks handbook. Philadelphia, American Institute of Child Life, 1913. 215 p.

Intensive studies in American literature. By Alma Blount. New York, Macmillan, 1914. 331 p.

Chinese womanhood. By Lucinda Pearl Boggs. Cincinnati, Jennings &; Graham, 1913. 129 p.

The marking system in theory and practice. By I. E. Finkelstein. (Educational Psychology Monographs, no. 10.) Baltimore, Warwick &; York, 1913. 88 p.

The examination of school children; a manual of directions and norms. By William Henry Pyle. New York, Macmillan, 1913. 70 p.

Elements of debating. By Leverett S. Lyon. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1913. 136 p.

Paedologisch Jaarboek, volume 8. Edited by M. C. Schuyten. Paris, Librairie C. Reinwald, 1913.

A cyclopedia of education. Volume 5. Edited by Paul Monroe. N. Y., Macmillan, 1913. 892 p.

Die Erkennung des Schwachsinns beim Kinde. Von Emil Villiger. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1913. 90 p.

The French verb; its forms and tense uses. By William A. Nitze and Ernest H. Wilkins. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1914. 40 p. (With French verb blanks.)

Trans-Atlantic historical solidarity. Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford in Easter and Trinity terms, 1013. By Charles Francis Adams. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1913. 184 p.

Linking the life insurance companies to the public health movement. By Eugene Lyman Fisk. (Read before the Reed College Conference on Conservation of Human Life, Portland, Ore., May 9, 1913) 8 p.

Concrete investigation of the material of English spelling; with conclusions bearing on the problem of teaching spelling. By W. Franklin Jones. Vermillion, S. D., University of South Dakota. 27 p.

Panama canal; what it is and what it means. By John Barrett. Washington, D. C., Pan American Union, 1913. 120 p.

The Pan American Union; peace, friendship, commerce. By John Barrett, 1911. 253 p.

Table talk in the home. By the Literary staff of the institute. Monograph of the American Institute of Child Life. Philadelphia, 1913. 16 p.

Calendar of childhood and youth. Prepared by William Byron Forbush and the educational staff of the American Institute of Child Life. Philadelphia, American Institute of Child Life, 1913. 59 p.  相似文献   


The Distribution and Relation of Educational Abilities. By Cyril Burt. London, Darling, 1917. 93 p.

The Child's Unconscious Mind. By Wilfrid Lay. N. Y., Dodd, Mead and Co., 1919. 329 p.

Education For Character. By Frank C. Sharp. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1917. 453 p.

Mental Hygiene of Childhood. By William A. White. (With an introduction by H. Addington Bruce.) Boston, Little, Brown and Co., 1919. 193 p.

Experimental Education. By Robert R. Rusk. N. Y., Longmans, Green and Co., 1919. 346 p.

The American Language. By H. L. Mencken. N. Y., Knopf, 1919. 374 p.

The Winston Simplified Dictionary. Edited by William D. Lewis and Edgar A. Singer. Phil., Winston Co., 1919. 820 p.

First Lessons in Business. By J. A. Bexell. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1919. 174 p. (Thrift Text Series).  相似文献   


An introduction to child psychology. By Charles W. Waddle. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co. (c. 1918). 317 p.

Problems of subnormality. By J. E. Wallace Wallin. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1917. 485 p.

Introduction to the scientific study of education. By Charles Hubbard Judd. Boston, Ginn and Co. (c. 1918). 333 p.

Originality; a popular study of the creative mind. By T. Sharper Knowlson. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Co., 1918. 304 p.

Civic biology; a textbook of problems, local and national, that can be solved only by civic coöperation. By Clifton F. Hodge and Jean Dawson. Boston, Ginn and Co. (c. 1918). 381 p.

Catholicity; a treatise on the unity of religions. By R. Heber Newton. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1918. 362 p.

Memory and the learning process. By Darwin Oliver Lyon. Baltimore, Warwick and York, 1917. 84 p.

The Oregon missions; the story of how the line was run between Canada and the United States. By James W. Bashford. New York, Abingdon Press, (c. 1918). 311 p.

The small family system. Is it injurious or immoral? By C. V. Drysdale. New York, B. W. Huebsch, 1917. 196 p.

The case for birth control; a supplementary brief and statement of facts. Prepared by Margaret H. Sanger. 1917. 251 p.

Methods and standards for local school surveys. By Don C. Bliss. Boston, D. C. Heath and Co., (c. 1918). 264 p.

Report on some measurements in spelling in schools of the Borough of Richmond, City of New York. Issued by the Division of Reference and Research, Eugene A. Nifenecker, Assistant Director. New York, Department of Education, 1918. 88 p.  相似文献   


Reorganisation of the public school system. By Frank Forest Bunker. Bureau of Education, Bulletin, 1916, No. 8. 186 pages. Reviewed By A. A. Douglass

Girls of the Morning-Glory Camp Fire. By Isabel Hornibrook. Boston, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co., 1916. 321 p. Reviewed By Amy E. Tanner

Education and social progress. By Alexander Morgan. New York, Longmans, Green, 1916. 252 p.

American university progress and college reform relative to school and society. By James H. Baker. New York, Longmans. Green, 1916. 189 p.

República Oriental del Uruguay; Inspección Nacional de Instrucción Primaria. Memoria correspondiente a los años 1911 a 1914, inclusives, presentada a la Dirección General de Instrucción Primaria y al Ministerio de Instrucción Pública, por el Doctor Abel J. Pérez, Inspector Nacional. Montevideo, Barreiro, 1915. 570 p.

Human interest composition subjects. By George F. Paul. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen (c. 1916). 162 p.

Plant anatomy, from the standpoint of the development and functions of the tissues; handbook of micro-technic. By William Chase Stevens. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son &; Co. (c. 1916). 3d ed. rev. and enl. 399 p.

The principles of health control. By Francis M. Walters. Boston, D. C. Heath &; Co. (c. 1916). 476 p.

The essentials of effective gesture, for students of public speaking. By Joseph A. Mosher. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 188 p.

Oral English; directions and exercises for planning and delivering the common kinds of talks, together with guidance for debating and parliamentary practice. By John M. Brewer. Boston, Ginn (c. 1916). 396 p.

Report of the Commissioner of Education for the year ended June 30, 1915. Volume 1. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1915. 780 p.

Publications of the Survey Committee of the Cleveland Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, 1916.

Boys and girls in commercial work. By Bertha M. Stevens. 181 p.

Schools and classes for exceptional children. By David Mitchell. 122 p.

Measuring the work of the public schools. By Charles Hubbard Judd. 290 p.

Department store occupations. By Iris Prouty O'Leary. 127 p.

The building trades. By Frank L. Shaw. 107 p.

Railroad and street transportation. By Ralph D. Fleming. 76 p.

Digest of state laws relating to public education, in force January 1, 1915. Compiled by William R. Hood, with the assistance of Stephen B. Weeks and A. Sidney Ford. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education, Bulletin, 1915, No. 47. Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1916. 987 p.

The Young and Field literary readers. Book Two. By Ella Flagg Young and Walter Taylor Field. Boston, Ginn (c. 1916). 208 p.

The British Isles. Cambridge geographical readers, III. Cambridge, University Press, 1915. 210 p.

Solid geometry. By William Betz and Harrison E. Webb. With the editorial coöperation of Percey F. Smith. Boston, Ginn (c. 1916). 504 p.

Present day geography. By Mrs. R. E. Brown. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen (c. 1916). 68 p.

America the wonderland; a patriotic festival. New York, Ethical Culture School (c. 1915). 55 p.

The Germania of Tacitus. Edited by Duane Reed Stuart. New York, Macmillan, 1916. 139 p.

National Education Association yearbook and list of active members, revised to December 31, 1915. N. E. A. Bulletin, Feb., 1916, vol. 4, no. 4. 375 p.

National Education Association of the United States. Journal of proceedings and addresses of the fifty-third annual meeting and international congress on education held at Oakland, California, August 16-27, 1915. Secretary office, Ann Arbor, Mich., published by the Association, 1915. 1193 p.  相似文献   

《Developmental science》1999,2(3):271-288
Peter R. Hobson Beyond Agency: Commentary on ‘Cognitive Development as an Executive Process’, p.271 Olivier HoudéExecutive Performance/Competence, and Inhibition in Cognitive Development. Object, Number, Categorization and Reasoning, p.273 Marco W. Battacchi Commentary on ‘Cognitive Development as an Executive Process’, p.275 Peter Bryant Executive Control – A Cause or a Product or Both?, p.276 Jeremy I.M. Carpendale Symbols and Side Effects: Commentary on ‘Cognitive Development as an Executive Process’, p.278 Willis F. Overton Nativism, Empiricism and Developmental Dynamic Action Systems, p.280 Pierre Mounoud What is Homeopathic when you Overdose?, p.282 Joëlle Proust Experience, Action and Theory of Mind, p.285 Elisabeth Pacherie Action Monitoring: Lower, Higher and Intermediate Levels, p.287  相似文献   


Elements of Human Psychology. By Howard C. Warren. N. Y., Houghton Mifflin Co., 1922, 416 p. Reviewed by Douglas Fryer

Experimentelle Untersuchungen über das Gefühlsleben des Kindes im Vergleich mil dem des Erwachsenen.1 By Helga Eng, Kristiania. Leipzig, Barth, 1922. 258 p.

The Practical Application of Psychology. By Claude Wm. Chamberlain. Sioux City, International Society of Applied Psychology, 1922. 225 p. Reviewed by Douglas Fryer  相似文献   


Mind and Conduct. By Henry R. Marshall. N. Y., Scribner, 1919. 236 p.

Natural Food and Care for Child and Mother. By Susan Harding Rummler. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1919. 298 p.

The Psychology and Pedagogy of Anger. By Roy Franklin Richardson. Baltimore, Warwick and York, 1918. 100 p.

The Blind. Their Condition and the Work Being Done for Them in the United States. By Harry Best. N. Y., MacMillan, 1919. 762 p.

Verse for Patriots. Comp. By Jean Broadhurst and Clara L. Rhodes. Phil., Lippincott, 1919. 367 p.

American Leaders. By Walter Lefferts. Phil., Lippincott, 1919. 329 p.

Christ as a Teacher. By John W. Wayland. Boston, The Stratford Co., 1919. 70 p.

Applied Economic Botany. By Melville Thurston Cook. Phil., Lippincott, 1919. 261 p.

Deficiency and Delinquency. An interpretation of mental testing. By James Burt Miner. Baltimore, Warwick and York, 1918. 355 p.

Education in Ancient Israel to 70 A. D. By Fletcher Harper Swift. Chicago, Open court, 1919. 134 p.

Hidden Treasure. By John T. Simpson. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1919. 303 p.

French Educational Ideals of Today. By Ferdinand Buisson &; F. E. Farrington. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book Co., 1919. 326 p.  相似文献   

Intermediate prepositional logics we consider here describe the setI() of regular informational types introduced by Yu. T. Medvedev [7]. He showed thatI() is a Heyting algebra. This algebra gives rise to the logic of infinite problems from [13] denoted here asLM 1. Some other definitions of negation inI() lead to logicsLM n (n ). We study inclusions between these and other systems, proveLM n to be non-finitely axiomatizable (n ) and recursively axiomatizable (n < ). We also show that formulas in one variable do not separateLM from Heyting's logicH, andLM n (n < ) from Scott's logic (H+S).  相似文献   

Negative psychological states such as depression, fatigue and anxiety are experienced by many women during pregnancy. This study examined whether engaging in an exercise programme during pregnancy is associated with improvements in psychological well-being among previously inactive women (n?=?56, M age?=?30.34, SD?=?4.57; M weeks pregnant?=?22.58, SD?=?5.32). Participants completed the Profile of Mood States–Short Form and State Trait Anxiety Scale-Trait version at baseline and after four weeks of exercise. Exercise was assessed using accelerometers and these data were used to determine bouts of 30-min of moderate-to-vigorous exercise. Factorial repeated measures ANOVAs demonstrated that participants who met Canadian guidelines for exercise during pregnancy at week four (n?=?17) experienced significant decreases in depression (p?=?.004, η2?=?.13), anger (p?=?.03, η2?=?.08), tension (p?=?.03, η2?=?.08), fatigue (p?=?.01, η2?=?.10), trait anxiety (p?=?.01, η2?=?.12) and increases in vigour (p?=?.001, η2?=?.19) compared to those who were not meeting guidelines (n?=?39). From a psychological health perspective, these findings highlight the importance of continuing to promote exercise during pregnancy.  相似文献   

The study identifies relationships between the characteristics of personal networks of demobilized individuals and their quality of life, through the evaluation of a sample of 102 ex‐combatants from a demilitarized zone in Colombia's Caribbean coast. The data was processed using centrality values calculation and statistical analysis through the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results showed moderate levels of nodality, proximity and intermediation degrees regarding small, closed networks with an unsatisfied high demand for support resources. Quality of life showed medium performance levels, with inverse relationships between mental health (p = .009 < .05) and vitality (p = .011 < .05) and intermediation. Positive feedback related significantly to general health (p = .041 < .05), while negative interactions showed inverse relationships to physical functioning (p = .012 < .05), physical role (p = .005), mental health (p = .001 < .05), and emotional role (p = .009 < .05). In conclusion, among the highly cohesive personal networks, there were less observations of social support that fosters increased energy and psychological health, given that access to this support is limited to a small number of members of the personal network. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A structure A for the language L, which is the first-order language (without equality) whose only nonlogical symbol is the binary predicate symbol , is called a quasi -struoture iff (a) the universe A of A consists of sets and (b) a b is true in A ([p) a = {p } & p b] for every a and b in A, where a(b) is the name of a (b). A quasi -structure A is called an -structure iff (c) {p } A whenever p a A. Then a closed formula in L is derivable from Leniewski's axiom x, y[x y u (u x) u; v(u, v x u v) u(u x u y)] (from the axiom x, y(x y x x) x, y, z(x y z y x z)) iff is true in every -structure (in every quasi -structure).  相似文献   

This paper investigates a cognitive consistency model of the directionality of conditional instructions and advice that use probability expressions to express uncertainty about the antecedent p. The proposed model combines world knowledge (conveyed by causal direction) with linguistic information (conveyed by polarity and negation), and predicts whether the complex sentence antecedent has a positive or negative directionality, which in turn predicts whether a positive or negative conclusion q will be drawn. The first experiment uses Do q if p conditionals to show that given a consequent q participants complete antecedents p with a probability expression in line with expected sentence directionality. The second experiment uses If p then do q conditionals to show similar effects in a reverse direction. A third experiment uses If p then do q conditionals to show that participants draw conclusions predicted by the cognitive consistency model but not by a decision-theoretic approach to reasoning.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the effects of an internet-delivered, distance-based physical activity (PA) behaviour change programme on motivation to perform PA in cancer survivors.

Design: Breast, prostate and colorectal cancer survivors (N = 95) were randomized to either an online Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)-based PA behaviour change programme (UCAN) or usual care.

Main Outcome Measures: Motivational variables from the TPB including intention, planning, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and underlying beliefs.

Results: UCAN had significant negative effects on self-efficacy (?.7; 95% CI = ?1.2 to ?.1; d = ?.53, p = .019), affective attitude (?.4; 95% CI = ?.8 to ?.0; d = ?.45, p = .044), instrumental attitude (?.5; 95% CI = ?.9 to ?.1; d = ?.43, p = .026) and confidence to perform PA in bad weather (?.8; 95% CI = ?1.6 to ?.1; d = ?.49, p = .030), despite health issues (?.7; 95% CI = ?1.3 to ?.1; d = ?.48, p = .031), despite pain/soreness (?.7; 95% CI = ?1.4 to ?.1; d = ?.52, p = .020), despite family responsibilities (?1.0; 95% CI = ?1.7 to ?.3; d = ?.62, p = .005) and when PA is boring (?.8; 95% CI = ?1.4 to ?.1; d = ?.54, p = .016).

Conclusion: UCAN had negative effects on motivational variables in cancer survivors. These findings may be explained by methodological issues related to measuring motivation and/or the absence of post-intentional constructs.  相似文献   

We enrich intuitionistic logic with a lax modal operator and define a corresponding intensional enrichment of Kripke models M = (W, , V) by a function T giving an effort measure T(w, u) {} for each -related pair (w, u). We show that embodies the abstraction involved in passing from true up to bounded effort to true outright. We then introduce a refined notion of intensional validity M |= p : and present a corresponding intensional calculus iLC-h which gives a natural extension by lax modality of the well-known G: odel/Dummett logic LC of (finite) linear Kripke models. Our main results are that for finite linear intensional models L the intensional theory iTh(L) = {p : | L |= p : } characterises L and that iLC-h generates complete information about iTh(L).Our paper thus shows that the quantitative intensional information contained in the effort measure T can be abstracted away by the use of and completely recovered by a suitable semantic interpretation of proofs.  相似文献   

《Developmental science》1999,2(2):145-156
Commentaries Elizabeth S. Spelke, Innateness, learning and the development of object representation, p.145 Elizabeth Bates, Nativism versus development: comments on Baillargeon and Smith, p.148 Kurt W. Fischer and Jeffrey Stewart, Into the middle of things: from dichotomies to grounded dynamic analysis of development, p.150 Pim Haselager, Levels of learning, p.152 Marshall M. Haith, Some thoughts about claims for innate knowledge and infant physical reasoning, p.153  相似文献   

We give a Gentzen-type formulation GQ for the intermediate logic LQ and prove the cut-elimination theorem on it, where LQ is the propositional logic obtained from the intuitionistic propositional logic LI by adding the axioms of the form AV A.  相似文献   

George Boolos 《Studia Logica》1980,39(2-3):237-243
G is the result of adjoining the schema (qAA)qA to K; the axioms of G* are the theorems of G and the instances of the schema qAA and the sole rule of G* is modus ponens. A sentence is -provable if it is provable in P(eano) A(rithmetic) by one application of the -rule; equivalently, if its negation is -inconsistent in PA. Let -Bew(x) be the natural formalization of the notion of -provability. For any modal sentence A and function mapping sentence letters to sentences of PA, inductively define A by: p = (p) (p a sentence letter); = ; (AB)su}= (A B); and (qA)= -Bew(A )(S) is the numeral for the Gödel number of the sentence S). Then, applying techniques of Solovay (Israel Journal of Mathematics 25, pp. 287–304), we prove that for every modal sentence A, G A iff for all , PA A ; and for every modal sentence A, G* A iff for all , A is true.I should like to thank David Auerbach and Rohit Parikh.  相似文献   

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