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Consequences of teenage pregnancy and motherhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L Simkins 《Adolescence》1984,19(73):39-54
In the past 15-20 years there has been a significant increase in sexual activity among teenagers as well as an increase in the rate of pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy has many social, psychological, economic and health consequences. Although there has been a significant increase in the use of abortion since the early 1970s among white teenagers, the majority of pregnant teenagers opt to carry their pregnancy to term and raise their child themselves. This review of the literature concerns itself with some of the variables associated with adolescent sexual behavior focusing on teenage pregnancy and the consequences of motherhood on child development. Suggestions are made for strategies that may be effective in ameliorating some of the problems as well as the research required for evaluating such strategies.  相似文献   

Trad PV 《Adolescence》1999,34(133):221-240
Adolescence is a time of rapid developmental change and emotional upheaval as teenagers strive to assert their autonomy. In a similar vein, pregnancy--even under optimal circumstances with an adult mother--has been labelled a developmental crisis. Pregnancy during the teenage years has a synergistic effect, magnifying maturational changes in both the teenage girl and her infant. Recommended intervention strategies in cases of adolescent pregnancy should address not only the imminent mother-infant relationship, but the dyad's future transformations. One intervention technique is previewing, which is derived from the rhythms of adaptive exchange between mature mothers and their infants. The aim of previewing with adolescent parents is to help the teenager become more attuned to the infant's imminent developmental skills and to heighten their rapport.  相似文献   

48 pregnant adolescents who applied for therapeutic abortions (TAs) were compared with 55 adolescents who planned to have their babies (Terms) and 67 adolescents who were not pregnant (Controls) on the California Psychological Inventory (CPI). All the subjects were single, black, and ages 15-16. CPI results point to psychological differences with the Controls being most socialized, followed by the TAs, and then the Terms. Term girls seem to be experiencing a void and appear to be trying to fill it by assuming an adult role and having a baby; the TAs do not seem to have these same needs. In addition, those girls who became pregnant and described the relationship with the putative father as casual, appear on the CPI to have more daily problems, lack socialization, be less clear thinking, and have poor self-control. Pregnant girls who have good communication with their mothers showed no differences on the CPI from girls with poor communication with their mothers.  相似文献   

A M Keddie 《Adolescence》1992,27(108):873-890
The self-esteem and perceived maternal care and control of 134 Jamaican schoolgirls and 108 pregnant adolescents and teenage mothers were compared. The girls were 14 through 17 years of age, from working-class backgrounds, and living in rural and urban areas. Adapted versions of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory and the Parental Bonding Instrument were administered. Results indicated that the two groups did not differ in perceived maternal care and control. However, the self-esteem of urban schoolgirls was significantly higher than that of their once-pregnant counterparts. This was also true of the total sample. Urban teenagers without father figures were nearly 2.7 times more likely to have been pregnant than were those living with adult male relatives. Thus, father-figure absence and low self-esteem may combine as risk factors for teenage pregnancy in urban Jamaica.  相似文献   

C Rinck  J A Rudolph  L Simkins 《Adolescence》1983,18(72):923-929
This study reports the results of a survey of 498 respondents in a large midwestern community concerning their attitudes toward making contraceptive services available to teenagers and the manner in which a teenage pregnancy should be resolved. The results indicated that the large majority of respondents approved of the practice of making contraceptives available to teenagers but there were also significant differences in attitudes expressed which were dependent upon demographic characteristics of the respondent. There was also considerable variability in the attitudes expressed concerning the resolution of a teenage pregnancy. The preferred method of resolution depended again on the demographic characteristics of the respondent. Keeping the baby and placing the baby for adoption were the most frequent choices. These results are discussed with relation to the present strong political conservative movement in the nation.  相似文献   

This study followed 243 younger brothers and younger sisters of parenting teens and nonparenting teens across a 1.5-year period. The average age of siblings was 13.6 years at Time 1 and 15 years at Time 2. Relative to other youths, the sisters of parenting teens exhibited a sharp increase in drug and alcohol use and partying behavior across time and had the highest pregnancy rate at Time 2 (15%). The siblings of parenting teens spent 10 hr a week caring for their sisters' children, and, for girls, many hours of child care was associated with negative outcomes including permissive sexual behavior. Findings suggest that the younger sisters of parenting teens are at very high risk of early pregnancy and that this risk becomes increasingly pronounced across time.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the relationships between family structure and community connectedness on the one hand, as well as risk for teenage pregnancy on the other. Data were from the South African General Household Surveys 2011, 2012, 2013; N = 279 042, female teenagers = 9.9%, age range 10 to 19; black teenagers = 81%. We applied multilevel binary logistic regression to predict risk for teenage pregnancy by family structure and community affinity variables. Findings suggest teenage female teenagers from single-headed households and with higher numbers of male relatives are at elevated risk for teenage pregnancy. Similarly, female teenagers from families with parental divorce were at higher risk for pregnancy as were those from communities with lower coherence.  相似文献   

J W Scott 《Adolescence》1983,18(72):889-897
This study questions the findings of most research claiming that teenage pregnancies are generally unwanted, unplanned and unintended. It starts with the question of why most sexually active teenagers put themselves at risk of becoming pregnant if they do not desire it. The hypothesis is that sentiments of "love" and "aspirations for marriage" are related to starting sexual activity and subsequent pregnancy. The sample is 123 school-age mothers. It was found that sentiments of "love" were associated with becoming pregnant more than with starting sexual activity. Most of the respondents who were "in love" at the onset of pregnancy were hoping to marry their sex partners and, in fact, many thought that marriage would occur in the very near future following the outcome of pregnancy. These findings suggest that more research needs to be directed at the development of affective bonds with and the aspirations for marriage to the sex partners. Such research may explain why these teenagers put themselves at risk.  相似文献   

Information is needed about how the effects of socio-economic deprivation on teenage pregnancy are mediated by proximal risk factors, in order to target area-wide and family interventions more effectively. Using a 2x2 factorial design, we tested the separate and interacting effects of area deprivation and family deprivation on six specific proximal risk factors for teenage pregnancy: early sexual activity, life expectations, knowledge and beliefs about contraceptives, attitude to abortion, beliefs about love, and use of local sexual health services. Data were collected from 201 13-15-year-old girls in deprived and non-deprived families living in deprived and more affluent areas of the United Kingdom. Area deprivation significantly increased early sexual activity, and both area and family deprivation significantly reduced life expectations. Significant interactions between area and family deprivation showed that the impact of living in a deprived area depends to some extent on family circumstances, with implications for targeting different types of intervention. Living in a deprived area increased early sexual activity much more markedly among girls in deprived families, so interventions to reduce early sexual activity could target individually deprived girls living in deprived areas. Living in a more affluent area increased life expectations, but only among girls in non-deprived families, so both area-wide and individually targeted interventions would be needed to raise life expectations among girls most at risk of teenage pregnancy.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test the effects of making an attribution on later memory for the event that gave rise to the attribution. Subjects in Experiment 1 observed a scenario in which an actor's behavior was associated with high or low variance (distinctiveness) across situations, and high or low congruence (consensus) to the actions of others. Subjects either made attributions for the actor's behavior immediately following the scenario or not. One week later, subjects were asked to recall consensus and distinctiveness for the actor's original behavior. Subjects who made attributions were significantly better at estimating the high-high and low-low combinations of consensus and distinctiveness than were their no-attribution counterparts. It was suggested that making an attribution may allow for a reconstructed memory for the original event, but not enhance direct access to the original event information. A second experiment tested this concept further by having subjects view an edited version of the scenario in which either the distinctiveness or the consensus information was deleted and having subjects make attributions or not. One week later, subjects were asked to indicate their certainty that consensus and distinctiveness information was a part of the original scenario and to estimate the levels of consensus and distinctiveness. Subjects who made attributions were more confident and accurate in estimating the level of consensus or distinctiveness that was given in the original scenario than were no-attribution subjects. However, attribution subjects were also more confident that consensus information or distinctiveness information was contained in the scenario (when it was not) than were the noattributio subjects. Results of the two experiments suggest that eliciting attributions can distort subsequent memory for the event on which the attributions were based.  相似文献   

Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

A nonrandom socioeconomically homogeneous convenience sample of 150 young adolescent mothers, 260 older adolescent mothers, and 242 older mothers was analyzed according to their standing on key determinants of parenting. The results of a discriminant analysis showed that the young teen mothers differed from the older mothers in terms of knowledge of child development, punitive attitudes toward childrearing, and level of depression. Accuracy of classification was improved with the discriminant function for younger and older mothers, but decreased by 20% for older adolescents.  相似文献   

In this study we observed the effects of type of damage, magnitude of damage, and apprehension or escape of the offender upon the perceived seriousness of the offense, perceived freedom and intent exercised by the offender, and perceived duration of the crime. Contrary to previous results, personal crimes were judged to be more serious than property crimes only when the offender escaped arrest. Results confirmed previous findings that an increase in the negative consequences of the crime led to higher ratings of criminal intent. Perceived duration and assessments of crime seriousness were positively related to attribution of responsibility.  相似文献   

This article utilizes an attributional approach to explore genotypic similarities among Raven's (1965) 6 bases of power. Two scenarios describing a successful influence attempt leading to a good or a bad outcome were created. Following a randomized blocks design, 60 subjects in each condition read 6 explanations given by the target of influence that reflected the bases of power of Raven's taxonomy (reward, coercion, legitimate, referent, expert, and informational). Rating scales following each power basis explanation assessed the perceived causal dimensions of locus and controllability attributed to the target of influence's behavior and how much the behavior led, in the good and bad outcome conditions, respectively, to pride (guilt), self-esteem enhancement (decrement), responsibility (as perceived by self and by others), and gratitude (anger). The results revealed that reward, referent, and informational influence are genotypically similar and perceived as more internal and more controllable than expert, legitimate, and coercive influence. These perceptions, in turn, led to higher degrees of affective reactions, confirming the predictions of Weiner's theory (1986). The results are related to Milgram's (1963) obedience studies and Kelman and Hamilton's (1989) crimes of obedience. Comments on why reward and coercive influence were found to be genotypically distinct in this study are also presented. Implications of the actor/observer bias in studies of this nature are indicated.  相似文献   

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