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Obstacle perception by congenitally blind children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability to perceive objects from a distance and navigate without vision depends principally on auditory information. Two experiments were conducted in order to assess this ability in congenitally blind children aged 4 to 12 years who had negligible amounts of visual experience or formal mobility training. In Experiment 1, children walked along a sidewalk toward a target location to get some candy. A box was placed along the path on some trials, and the children were instructed to avoid the box if it was present. The children spent more time in the region just in front of the box than in the region just behind it, indicating that they perceived the box and acted so as to navigate around it. In Experiment 2, children attempted to discriminate whether a nearby disk was on their left or on their right. The children performed at above-chance levels, again indicating distal perception of objects. The results of both experiments suggest that blind children with little or no visual experience or formal training utilize nonvisual information, presumably auditory, to perceive objects. The specific nature of this auditory information requires further investigation, but these findings imply that the underlying perceptual ability does not require experience in spatial vision or deliberate training and intervention.  相似文献   

Bilateral mirror symmetry, especially vertical symmetry, is a powerful phenomenon in spatial organization of visual shapes. However, the causes of vertical symmetry salience in visual perception are not completely clear. Here we investigated whether the perceptual salience of vertical symmetry depends on visual experience by testing a group of congenitally blind individuals in a memory task in which either horizontal or vertical symmetry was used as an incidental feature. Both blind and sighted subjects remembered more accurately configurations that were symmetrical compared to those that were not. Critically, whereas sighted subjects displayed a higher level of facilitation by vertical than horizontal symmetry, no such difference was found in the blind. This suggests that the perceptual salience of the vertical dimension is visually based.  相似文献   

It is often that the spatial senses (vision, hearing and the tactual senses) operate as distinct and independent modalities and, moreover, that vision is crucial to the development of spatial abilities. However, well controlled studies of blind persons with adequate experience show that they can function usefully in space. In other words, vision is not a necessary condition for spatial awareness. On the other hand, thought the blind may be equal or even superior to the sighted when performing spatial tasks within the body space, they may be deficient, either developmentally or absolutely, in tasks which involve events at a distance from the body, principally in auditory localization. One possible explanation of the differences between blind and sighted (McKinney, 1964; Attneave & Benson, 1969, Warren, 1970) is that vision is the primary spatial reference, and inputs from other modalities are fitted to a visual map. Several criticisms of this theory are adduced and an alternative theory derived from Sherrington (1947), in which all sensory inputs map on to efferent patterns, is sketched.  相似文献   

Spatial representation by 72 blind and blindfolded sighted children between the ages of 6 and 11 was tested in two experiments by mental rotation of a raised line under conditions of clockwise varied directions.Experiment 1 showed that the two groups were well matched on tactual recognition and scored equally badly on matching displays to their own mentally rotated position.Experiment 2 found the sighted superior in recall tests. There was a highly significant interaction between sighted status and degree of rotation. Degree of rotation affected only the blind. Their scores were significantly lower for rotating to oblique and to the far orthogonal directions than to near orthogonal test positions. On near orthogonals the blind did not differ from the sighted.Age was a main effect, but it did not interact with any other variable. Older blind children whose visual experience dated from before the age of 6 were superior to congenitally blind subjects, but not differentially more so on oblique directions.The results were discussed in relation to hypotheses about the nature of spatial representation and strategies by children whose prior experience derived from vision or from touch and movement.  相似文献   

We examined haptic perception of the horizontal in visually impaired people. Blind people (late blind and congenitally blind), persons with very low vision, and blindfolded sighted individuals felt raised-line drawings of jars at four angles. They had to demonstrate their understanding that water remains horizontal, despite jar tilt, by selecting the correct raised-line drawing given four choices. Low-vision subjects, with near perfect scores, performed significantly better than the other groups of subjects. While the late-blind and blindfolded sighted subjects performed slightly better than the congenitally blind participants, the difference between the late-blind and congenitally blind groups was nonsignificant. The performance of the congenitally blind subjects indicates that visual experience is not necessary for the development of an understanding that water level stays horizontal, given container tilt.  相似文献   

Texture perception in sighted and blind observers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the utility of visual imagery for texture perception. In Experiment 1, sighted, early-blind, and late-blind observers made relative smoothness judgments of abrasive surfaces using active or passive tough. In Experiment 2, subjects compared vision and touch in the accuracy of smoothness detection, using a broad range of textures, including very fine surfaces. No differences appeared between the sighted and the blind, and it did not matter if touch were active or passive. Vision and touch showed similar performance with relatively coarse textures, but touch was superior to vision for much finer surface textures. The results were consistent with the notion that visual coding of tactual stimuli is not advantageous (or necessary) for texture perception, since touch may hold advantages for the detection of the smoothness of surfaces.  相似文献   

Non-verbal recall of haptically presented spatial positions by three age groups of blind and sighted children was tested under conditions varying cueing, recall type and stimulus position in a within-subject design. Slighted status was not only significant, but interacted significantly with recall type, and further with stimulus position, consistent with sequential haptic by blind and quasi-simultaneous visual processing by sighted children. Age was significant, but its only significant interaction was a relatively small one with cueing conditions and stimulus position, suggesting that the oldest group, regardless of sightedness, used verbal strategies in pre-cued conditions. The findings support the hypothesis that visual and haptic modalities of representation have demonstrably different effects on processing and efficiency in spatial recall, but counterindicate the hypothesis that these relate differentially to age. Results also suggest that a combination of cue utilization and verbal strategies is a significant, but relatively minor, factor in improvements in spatial recall.  相似文献   

In this study the sign-based perceptual abilities of 59 deaf children are investigated. Like many hearing speaking children, deaf signing children appear to perceive isolated lexical items based on the formational parameters of those items. Also, deaf signers show trends similar to those exhibited by hearing speakers for the development of the perceptual ability necessary to distinguish between minimal pairs within their respective language systems.  相似文献   

Kindergarten and second-grade children's perception of voicing distinctions among the stop consonants was investigated by assessing their ability to identify and discriminate a series of synthetic speech stimuli varying in voice onset time (VOT). Perception of these sounds was found to be nearly categorical. No differences between the two age groups in either identification or discrimination performance were found; furthermore, the children's performance was comparable to adult performance in other studies using these stimuli. When considered in the context of data on the perception of VOT by infants as well as adults, the results suggest that the differential discriminability of stimuli along the VOT continuum has a biological basis.  相似文献   

Since both speech and color have perceptual ramifications in language, the present study was developed to study speech perception through color perception. With the recent advances in perception generally and color perception specifically, this nontraditional approach to studying speech perception appeared reasonable. The 12 consonants utilized in this study generated 144 pairs of nonsense CV-syllables. The consonant ensemble was selected because it accommodated a maximum number of phonological features with a minimum number of phonemes. The 46 subjects, who were in junior high school with an age range of 11 through 14 years, responded to each of the stimulus pairs by assigning (associating) to it one of the six primary colors. Because of the perceptual orderliness associated with subjects' judgments, the results indicated that color can be used to study speech perception. Specific findings included the retrieval of sameness, fronting (or place), and voicing.This study is based on a master's thesis presented to the Graduate School, Tennessee State University in Nashville. The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation and assistance of the Speech and Hearing Institute at the University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston.  相似文献   

The haptic perception of vertical, horizontal, +45° oblique, and +135° oblique orientations was studied in completely blind adults. The purpose was to determine whether the variations of the gravitational cues provided by the arm-hand system during scanning would affect the manifestation of the oblique effect (lower performance in oblique orientations than in vertical-horizontal ones) as they did in blindfolded sighted people (Gentaz & Hatwell, 1996). In blindfolded sighted adults, the oblique effect was reduced or absent when the magnitude of gravitational cues was decreased. If visual experience participated in the haptic oblique effect, we should observe no oblique effect in early blind subjects in the conditions of manual exploration where late blind and blindfolded sighted manifest this effect. The magnitude of gravitational cues was therefore varied by changing gravity constraints, whereas the variability of these cues was varied by changing the plane in which the task was performed: horizontal (low variability) and frontal (high variability). Early and late blind adults were asked to explore haptically a rod and then to reproduce its orientation ipsilateraUy in one of two exploratory conditions in each plane. In the horizontal plane, the oblique effect was absent, whatever the gravity constraints, in both groups (early and late blind subjects). In the frontal plane, the oblique effect was present, whatever the gravity constraints, in both groups. Taken together, these results showed that, in blind people, the variability of gravitational cues played a role in the haptic oblique effect; no effect of previous visual experience was observed.  相似文献   

Mental mapping of spaces, and of the possible paths for navigating these spaces, is essential for the development of efficient orientation and mobility skills. Visual ability is a crucial component to effective mental mapping. People who are blind consequently find it difficult to generate useful mental maps of spaces and navigate competently within them. The research studies reported in this paper assume that the supply of appropriate spatial information through compensatory sensorial channels as an alternative to the visual channel may contribute to the anticipatory mental mapping of unknown spaces and consequently may improve spatial performance for people who are blind.  相似文献   

Blindfold normal, blindfold autistic and congenitally blind children made reproduction location and distance estimates of an arm movement. For each task they first experienced a standard vertical movement of a predetermined extent. In the test tasks which followed, they either reproduced the movement exactly, reproduced the end point although commencing from a different starting position, or reproduced the same distance from a different starting point. Sighted normal children and blind children performed very similarly on both the reproduction and the location task. However on distance reproduction, the blind children underestimated the longer distances more markedly than did the normals. Autistic children resembled the blind in their attempts to reproduce the longer distances. In addition they had a tendency to overshoot over short distances in all tasks.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between the tactile-kinaesthetic perception of straightness in twenty blind and twenty sighted subjects. Both types of subject are found to perceive a “plus curved” edge as straight, but this curve is significantly less for the blind than for the sighted, i.e. the blind subjects' judgments correspond more closely to the objective straight. Furthermore, the blind, both as individuals and as a group, are significantly finer in their judgments and more consistent. These results are thought to be explained in terms of the more highly developed organisation of the blind's tactile-kinaesthetic perception.  相似文献   

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