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A system that continuously monitors and records rodent ultrasonic vocalizations over the frequency range 10–90 kHz is described. The system records vocal frequency, sound pressure, time, and duration of call. Data are stored digitally. The system was validated by a pilot study in which distress calls of rat pups were selectively activated while they were subjected to a cold environment.  相似文献   

The auditory sensitivities of the orange-fronted conure (Aratinga canicularis) were examined in relation to the spectral characteristics of its vocalizations. Absolute thresholds, masked thresholds, frequency difference limens, and intensity difference limens for pure tones were obtained using psychoacoustic techniques. In general, hearing abilities are similar to those found in many avian auditory generalists. One exception is the unusually low critical ratio (masked threshold) between 2.0 and 4.0 kHz, similar to that previously found in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus). These auditory sensitivities were compared with average spectra for (a) contact calls and (b) a general sample of vocalizations recorded from wild birds. The spectral regions of both greatest vocal energy and best auditory sensitivity were between 2.0 and 5.0 kHz.  相似文献   

Conditioning techniques were developed demonstrating that pure tone frequencies under water can exert nearly perfect control over the underwater click vocalizations of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Conditioned vocalizations proved to be a reliable way of obtaining underwater sound detection thresholds in Zalophus at 13 different frequencies, covering a frequency range of 250 to 64,000 Hz. The audiogram generated by these threshold measurements suggests that under water, the range of maximal sensitivity for Zalophus lies between one and 28 kHz with best sensitivity at 16 kHz. Between 28 and 36 kHz there is a loss in sensitivity of 60 dB/octave. However, with relatively intense acoustic signals (> 38 dB re 1 μb underwater), Zalophus will respond to frequencies at least as high as 192 kHz. These results are compared with the underwater hearing of other marine mammals.  相似文献   

An integrated circuit device that simplifies computer acquisition of the sound-silence patterns of vocalization in dyadic conversations is described. The unit converts analog voice signals into digital form, handles the problem of cross talk that occurs when persons seated close together are recorded on separate microphones, and adds a smoothing constant to fill in brief pauses within and between vocalizations.  相似文献   

A system is described that digitizes rodent vocalizations after the signals have passed through a spectrum analyzer. The system’s capacity to record simultaneously from all frequencies in a range selected by the experimenter is demonstrated. In the graphic display, both single and simultaneous multiple vocalizations of rats ranging freely in large experimental rooms are presented. The capacity of this system to record simultaneous vocalizations in a form that permits rapid analysis of many of the parameters of the signals is especially useful in the analysis of rodent social behavior.  相似文献   

Aversive control is an important yet understudied process of learning. One reason aversive control may be relatively understudied is ethical concerns about painful stimuli (e.g., electric shock). High decibel broad‐band noise and 22‐kHz vocalizations both demonstrably affect rodent behavior while not necessarily being painful. The goal of this study was to determine if 100‐dB 22‐kHz‐pure tones were differentially more effective in reducing operant response rates in rats. We examined whether 22‐kHz pure tones would function as aversive stimuli, specifically as positive punishers. The effects of response‐dependent as well as continuously presented 22‐kHz and 1‐kHz tones on rate of response maintained by variable interval 30‐s food deliveries were assessed across several conditions. We found that response rates were lower when tones were presented response dependently than when tones were presented continuously throughout a session. We also found that the lower response rates obtained with response‐dependent 22‐kHz tones were not significantly different from response rates obtained with response‐dependent 1‐kHz tones. The primary conclusion of this experiment is that both 1‐kHz and 22‐kHz tones functioned as punishers, but that the 22‐kHz tones were not differentially more effective in reducing response rate.  相似文献   

This study examined the communicative behavior of 49 captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), particularly their use of vocalizations, manual gestures, and other auditory- or tactile-based behaviors as a means of gaining an inattentive audience's attention. A human (Homo sapiens) experimenter held a banana while oriented either toward or away from the chimpanzee. The chimpanzees' behavior was recorded for 60 s. Chimpanzees emitted vocalizations faster and were more likely to produce vocalizations as their 1st communicative behavior when a human was oriented away from them. Chimpanzees used manual gestures more frequently and faster when the human was oriented toward them. These results replicate the findings of earlier studies on chimpanzee gestural communication and provide new information about the intentional and functional use of their vocalizations.  相似文献   

Although a universal code for the acoustic features of animal vocal communication calls may not exist, the thorough analysis of the distinctive acoustical features of vocalization categories is important not only to decipher the acoustical code for a specific species but also to understand the evolution of communication signals and the mechanisms used to produce and understand them. Here, we recorded more than 8000 examples of almost all the vocalizations of the domesticated zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata: vocalizations produced to establish contact, to form and maintain pair bonds, to sound an alarm, to communicate distress or to advertise hunger or aggressive intents. We characterized each vocalization type using complete representations that avoided any a priori assumptions on the acoustic code, as well as classical bioacoustics measures that could provide more intuitive interpretations. We then used these acoustical features to rigorously determine the potential information-bearing acoustical features for each vocalization type using both a novel regularized classifier and an unsupervised clustering algorithm. Vocalization categories are discriminated by the shape of their frequency spectrum and by their pitch saliency (noisy to tonal vocalizations) but not particularly by their fundamental frequency. Notably, the spectral shape of zebra finch vocalizations contains peaks or formants that vary systematically across categories and that would be generated by active control of both the vocal organ (source) and the upper vocal tract (filter).  相似文献   

Rodent ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are ethologically critical social signals. Rats emit 22 kHz USVs and 50 kHz USVs, respectively, in conjunction with negative and positive affective states. Little is known about what controls emotional reactivity to these social signals. Using male Sprague–Dawley rats, we examined unconditional and conditional freezing behavior in response to the following auditory stimuli: three 22 kHz USVs, a discontinuous tone whose frequency and on–off pattern matched one of the USVs, a continuous tone with the same or lower frequencies, a 4 kHz discontinuous tone with an on–off pattern matched to one of the USVs, and a 50 kHz USV. There were no differences among these stimuli in terms of the unconditional elicitation of freezing behavior. Thus, the stimuli were equally neutral before conditioning. During differential fear conditioning, one of these stimuli (the CS+) always co-terminated with a footshock unconditional stimulus (US) and another stimulus (the CS) was explicitly unpaired with the US. There were no significant differences among these cues in CS+-elicited freezing behavior. Thus, the stimuli were equally salient or effective as cues in supporting fear conditioning. When the CS+ was a 22 kHz USV or a similar stimulus, rats discriminated based on the principal frequency and/or the temporal pattern of the stimulus. However, when these same stimuli served as the CS, discrimination failed due to generalization from the CS+. Thus, the stimuli differed markedly in the specificity of conditioning. This strikingly asymmetrical stimulus generalization is a novel bias in discrimination.  相似文献   

The temporal patterning of ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) during copulation was recorded for male-female pairs of Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus campbelli), prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster), and montane voles (Microtus montanus). Each species appears to utilize a single major frequency band for USVs, centered around 31 kHz for the vole species and 71 kHz for hamsters. Djungarian hamsters exhibited low rates of USVs prior to introduction of the female and following ejaculation, but a high USV rate during periods of copulatory activity. Both vole species called at high rates during all stages of the copulatory sequence, although calling rates decreased following ejaculation. Anesthetization trials, where one pair member was awake and the other anesthesized, suggest that it is the male of each species that produces most USVs. The results were compared with six other muroid species for which data on the temporal patterning of USVs during copulation are available. These data extend our knowledge of the patterning of USVs during copulatory behavior and suggest the need for additional comparative investigations.  相似文献   

This study reports on co‐occurrence of vocal behaviors and motor actions in infants in the prelinguistic stage. Four Japanese infants were studied longitudinally from the age of 6 months to 11 months. For all the infants, a 40 min sample was coded for each monthly period. The vocalizations produced by the infants co‐occurred with their rhythmic actions with high frequency, particularly in the period preceding the onset of canonical babbling. Acoustical analysis was conducted on the vocalizations recorded before and after the period when co‐occurrence took place most frequently. Among the vocalizations recorded in the period when co‐occurrence appeared most frequently, those that co‐occurred with rhythmic action had significantly shorter syllable duration and shorter formant‐frequency transition duration compared with those that did not co‐occur with rhythmic action. The rapid transitions and short syllables were similar to patterns of duration found in mature speech. The acoustic features remained even after co‐occurrence disappeared. These findings suggest that co‐occurrence of rhythmic action and vocal behavior may contribute to the infant’s acquisition of the ability to perform the rapid glottal and articulatory movements that are indispensable for spoken language acquisition.  相似文献   

Using signal detectability theory, an analysis was performed on some auditory frequency sensitivity data obtained in 1968 by Hutt et al. on human neonates. The d′-values over the frequencies from 70 Hz to 2kHz formed a significant cubic function. No state of arousal effects were found on sensitivity, as had been found in 1968. The β-values did not vary systematically with state, which suggests that levels of arousal should be studied separately. It is also suggested that the complex sensitivity found may provide a mechanism by which neonates may monitor their own vocalizations.  相似文献   

Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus; ns = 10 males and 10 females) in a burrow system responded to a cat in the open area by retreating to a burrow and emitting ultrasounds of 18-27 kHz. Females made more frequent ultrasonic cries, with longer durations of ultrasounds. In a 2nd study (ns = 19 males and 19 females), sonographic analyses confirmed the more frequent vocalizations of females and indicated that the sound pulses of females were reliably shorter in duration and of higher base frequency than those of males. Also, females emitted more pulses per pulse train with shorter within-train interpulse intervals. Six basic pulse forms were determined, and males emitted more (70%) pulses with negatively accelerated descending frequencies than females (25%). The findings indicate that female rats show qualitatively different antipredator vocalizations than do males and add to previous findings of higher levels of female antipredator defensiveness.  相似文献   

The hearing sensitivity of an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) to both pure tones and broadband signals simulating echoes from a 7.62-cm water-filled sphere was measured. Pure tones with frequencies between 40 and 140 kHz in increments of 20 kHz were measured along with broadband thresholds using a stimulus with a center frequency of 97.3 kHz and 88.2 kHz. The pure-tone thresholds were compared with the broadband thresholds by converting the pure-tone threshold intensity to energy flux density. The results indicated that dolphins can detect broadband signals slightly better than a pure-tone signal. The broadband results suggest that an echolocating bottlenose dolphin should be able to detect a 7.62-cm diameter water-filled sphere out to a range of 178 m in a quiet environment.  相似文献   

This study explored the temporal contingencies between infant and adult vocalizations as a function of the type of infant vocalization, whether adult caregivers’ vocalizations were infant-directed or other-directed, and the timescale of analysis. We analyzed excerpts taken from day-long home audio recordings that were collected from nineteen 12- to 13-month-old American infants and their caregivers using the LENA system. Three 5-minute sections having high child vocalization rates were identified within each recording and coded by trained researchers. Infant and adult vocalizations were sequenced and defined as contingent if they occurred within 1 s, 2 s, or 5 s of each other. When using 1 s or 2 s definitions of temporal adjacency, infant vocalizations generally predicted subsequent infant-directed adult vocalizations. A reflexive vocalization (i.e. a cry or a laugh) was the strongest predictor. Likewise, within 1–2 s timeframes, infant-directed adult speech generally predicted infant vocalizations with reflexive vocalizations being particularly predictive. Infant vocalizations predicted fewer subsequent other-directed adult vocalizations and were less likely following other-directed adult vocalizations when considering up to 5 s lags. This suggests an understudied communicative role for infants of non-infant-directed adult speech. These results demonstrate the importance of timescale in studying infant-adult interactions, support the communicative significance of reflexive infant vocalizations and other-directed adult speech in addition to more commonly studied vocalization types, and highlight the challenges of determining direction(s) of influence when using only two-event sequences.  相似文献   

Communicative competence is one measure of an individual’s ability to navigate conversations with social partners. The current study explored the possibility of basic communicative competence in a non-mammal speaker, a speech-using African Grey parrot. Spontaneous conversations between one Grey named Cosmo and her caregiver were recorded, from which three corpora (i.e., bodies of text) of Cosmo’s vocalizations were developed: (1) Baseline: Vocalizations containing no requests, (2) Ignored Requests: Vocalizations immediately following Cosmo’s caregiver ignoring Cosmo’s requests, and (3) Denied Requests: Vocalizations immediately following Cosmo’s caregiver denying Cosmo’s requests. The distributions of social (e.g., “I love you,” kiss sounds) and nonsocial (e.g., answering machine beeps, “That’s squirrel”) vocalizations, as well as speech and nonword vocalizations, were statistically different across the three corpora. Additionally, qualitative analysis of the datasets indicated Cosmo was persistent in repeating vocalizations when denied and ignored, and interrupted her caregiver more often when requests were denied compared to ignored. Neither repetition nor interruption occurred during the Baseline conversations. The data indicate that despite the outcome being the same (i.e., request was unmet), Cosmo treated an ignored request differently than a denied request, modifying her vocalizations in accord with the specific context. Such modification is evidence of basic communicative competence.  相似文献   

Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) and zebra finches (Poephila guttata) share a common functional class of vocalizations called distance calls. The perception of species-specific distance calls by both species was measured with a habituation-dishabituation operant paradigm. Changes in discrimination performance were noted as listening conditions were modified or stimulus properties were altered. Both species showed better performance for calls of their own species. For zebra finches this tendency increased slightly when a background noise was added to the testing environment. Shifting the frequency region of the calls affected the discrimination performance of male budgerigars but not females or zebra finches. Reversing the temporal order of the calls affected the perceptual advantage for conspecific vocalizations in zebra finches but not in budgerigars. These results highlight species differences in perceiving acoustic communication signals.  相似文献   

The auditory perceptual abilities of male black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla) were examined using an operant go/no-go discrimination among 16 individual vocalizations recorded at 5 m. The birds learned to discriminate about equally well among eight male chickadee fee-bee songs and eight female zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) distance calls. These results do not indicate that chickadees have a species-specific advantage in individual recognition for conspecific over heterospecific vocalizations. We then transferred the chickadees to a discrimination of the same songs and calls rerecorded at a moderate distance. These results showed accurate transfer of discrimination from 16 vocalizations recorded at 5 m to novel versions of the same 16 songs and calls rerecorded at 25 m. That is, chickadees recognized individual songs and calls despite degradation produced by rerecording at 25 m. Identifying individual vocalizations despite their transformation by distance cues is here described as a biologically important example of perceptual constancy.  相似文献   

Emotions are often accompanied by vocalizations whose acoustic features provide information about the physiological state of the speaker. Here, we ask if perceiving these affective signals in one’s own voice has an impact on one’s own emotional state, and if it is necessary to identify these signals as self-originated for the emotional effect to occur. Participants had to deliberate out loud about how they would feel in various familiar emotional scenarios, while we covertly manipulated their voices in order to make them sound happy or sad. Perceiving the artificial affective signals in their own voice altered participants’ judgements about how they would feel in these situations. Crucially, this effect disappeared when participants detected the vocal manipulation, either explicitly or implicitly. The original valence of the scenarios also modulated the vocal feedback effect. These results highlight the role of the exteroception of self-attributed affective signals in the emergence of emotional feelings.  相似文献   

The combined and separate effects of parent-presented models and praise on specific vocalizations of three children (15, 17, and 20 months old) were investigated. The frequency of a specific vocalization was higher when parents modeled and praised it than when they did not. In addition, modeling and praise, when used in combination, had a greater effect on the frequency of specific vocalizations than when used separately. Three additional parents were asked to attempt, by any means they wished, to increase the frequency of a specific vocalization by their children. These parents used modeling almost, exclusively, and the children did not exhibit the specific vocalizations as frequently as did the children whose parents were instructed both to model and praise specific vocalizations.  相似文献   

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