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The aim of this paper was to estimate how suicide rates in the United States are affected by changes in per capita consumption during the postwar period. The analysis included Annual suicide rates and per capita alcohol consumption data (total and beverage specific) for the period 1950–2002. Gender‐ and age‐specific models were estimated using the Box‐Jenkins technique for time series analysis. No significant estimate was found for males. For females the total alcohol estimate (0.059) was significant at the 10% level whereas the spirits estimate was significant with an effect of 0.152. The results imply that a change in U.S. per capita consumption would result in a change in female suicide rates, whereas the male rates would not be affected.  相似文献   

An extensive body of research has demonstrated an association between gun ownership and suicide that extends beyond the effects of a range of covariates. We aimed to expand on extant research by examining the extent to which gun ownership predicts statewide overall suicide rates beyond the effects of demographic, geographic, religious, psychopathological, and suicide‐related variables. By extending the list of covariates utilized, considering those covariates simultaneously, and using more recent data, we sought to present a more stringent test. Gun ownership predicted statewide overall suicide rates, with the full model accounting for more than 92% of the variance in statewide suicide rates. The correlation between firearm suicide rates and the overall suicide rate was significantly stronger than the correlation between nonfirearm suicide rates and the overall suicide rate. These findings support the notion that access to and familiarity with firearms serves as a robust risk factor for suicide. Therefore, means safety efforts aimed at reducing accessibility and increasing safe storage of firearms would likely have a dramatic impact on statewide overall suicide rates.  相似文献   


Psychological symptoms of 108 residents in the vicinity of Three Mile Island were assessed following the restart of the nuclear plant in 1985. Findings suggest that psychological symptoms in the community remain chronically elevated since the time of the 1979 accident but may not have been substantially impacted by restart. Twenty-five percent of the variance in global severity of symptoms was predicted by post-restart attitudes. A pattern of psychological reaction in the aftermath of technological disaster is discussed.  相似文献   

Suicide is an understudied subject in Pakistan. There are many social, legal, and religious sanctions against it. National rates of suicides are not known. We calculated suicide rates of women in the Ghizer District of the remote Northern Areas of Pakistan. During years 2000 to 2004, 49 women committed suicide. Taking average mean population for women for 5 years as 65,783, we calculated annual crude suicide rates for women as 14.89/100,000/year. For women over the age of 15 years, rates were 33.22/100,000/year; age‐specific rates for 15–24 years were 61.07/100,000 per year. These figures are considerably higher than suicide rates in other parts of Pakistan and may be related to high psychiatric morbidity in Pakistani women. This study underscores the need for a standardized system of registration of suicides in Pakistan. There is also urgent need to address high psychological distress in women in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Internet Web sites and chat rooms have been reported both to promote suicides and have a positive beneficial effect on suicidal individuals. There is a paucity of studies examining the role of the Internet in general population suicide rates. The relationship between general population suicide rates and the prevalence of Internet users was examined in a cross‐national study using data from the World Health Organization and the United Nations Web sites. The prevalence of Internet users was significantly and positively correlated with general population suicide rates in both sexes. On multiple regression analysis the prevalence of Internet users was independently associated with general population suicide rates in males, and this independent relationship in females approached statistical significance. Caution should be exercised in the attribution of a causal relationship and the direction of this relationship because of the cross‐sectional and ecological study design whereby the findings are subject to ecological fallacy. However, the findings identify and support a need for further research.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have described high and increasing rates of completed suicide among psychiatric patients, the suicide risk of forensic hospital patients is virtually unknown. This paper reports on the suicides that have taken place in the country's oldest continually operating institution housing persons formerly labeled “criminally insane,” the Bridgewater State Hospital. The results show considerable variation in the suicide rate by historical period, with suicide prior to 1968 a considerably more infrequent event. By contrast, the post-′68 rate of 232 per 100,000 is comparable to data reported in a series of studies of psychiatric suicides, and significantly higher than that found in U.S. studies of correctional populations. These differences are discussed. The results strongly suggest that forensic hospital populations have suicide rates broadly comparable to other psychiatric populations.  相似文献   

Suicide and homicide rates by age were analyzed for Canada and the United States, indicating that suicide is higher in Canada and that homicide is higher in the United States. Results indicated a positive association between homicide and suicide rates in the United States but these two rates of death were not significantly associated in Canada. Holinger (1987) had associated the relative size of the cohort to the rates of suicide and homicide in young people in the United States. The more current data in both countries did not support Holinger's results. Using the measure devised by Easterlin (1980) and Ahlburg and Schapiro (1984) –that is, the proportion of youths aged 15–24 relative to adults aged 25–64–the correlation between the size of the youth cohort and the suicide rate of youths aged 15–24 was negative. It is concluded that the two patterns in these two countries may be explained from a historical perspective.  相似文献   

Jie Zhang 《Sex roles》2014,70(3-4):146-154
The gender (male to female) ratio of the Chinese suicide rates is different from those found in the rest of the world. None of the other societies with known suicide data has had female suicide rates higher than those for the males. While we investigate the factors that contribute to the relatively high suicide rates for Chinese women, we also need to ask what makes the relatively low suicide rates for Chinese men. In this study we try to examine some social and cultural variables in rural Chinese youths in order to identify the factors that account for the relatively low rate for men and relatively high rate for women. In rural China, 392 suicides (both men and women) aged 14–35 years consecutively sampled from 16 counties of three provinces were studied with 416 community living controls of the same age range and from the same locations. Case–control psychological autopsy method was used for the data collection. It is found that believing in Confucianism and being married are both protecting the rural young men from suicide, while the two same variables are either risk or non-protecting factors for the Chinese rural young women’s suicide. In rural China, social structure and culture may play an even more important role determining a society’s suicide rates as well as the gender ratios. Thus, suicide prevention may need to include culture specific measures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: From Durkheim's time to the present social researchers interested in the problem of suicide have relied upon officially reported rates of suicide to develop and test their theories. Despite the fact that the validity of any theory rests upon the accuracy of its underlying data, the relative accuracy of reported suicide rates have rarely been questioned or systematically evaluated. This paper investigates the process of death certification as practiced by a sample of 191 coroners in 11 western states. Findings indicate extensive variation in the backgrounds, professional resources, operating procedures, and governing statutes of coroners and coroners' offices and in policies concerning the use of the suicide mode. Since the coroner is generally charged with the official responsibility for certifying the mode of death when unnatural mode is suspect, the extent of variation found here calls into question the validity and comparability of reported suicide rates.  相似文献   

Multivariate dynamic relationships among suicide attempts, anxiety and/or depressive symptoms, hope, and help‐seeking were examined across time in Native Hawaiian and non‐Hawaiian adolescents, using data from a 5‐year longitudinal cohort study (= 7,317). The rate of suicide attempts decreased over time, but this reduction was significantly less among Native Hawaiian youth than their non‐Hawaiian peers. There were also significant differences between groups in hope and help‐seeking, with Native Hawaiian youth increasing help‐seeking and decreasing hope to a greater degree. Youth‐centered, cultural approaches to suicide prevention are essential in enhancing well‐being in indigenous communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Changes in age and sex suicide rates and methods are shown for a 20-year period. Rate increases from the earliest base have occurred in all age-sex groups. The proportion of poison suicides has increased greatly beginning in 1960 for women, 1965 for men. Adults 30 and over account for most of the increase in ingested poisons; death by carbon monoxide also occurs with increasing frequency among all males, as do violent suicides in males under 30. Accidental poisonings follow a similar pattern. In view of increasing alcohol consumption, risks of concomitant alcohol-drug use are discussed, as are certain protective features for women inherent in their disproportionately high use of medically prescribed drugs.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the bodily experiences and attitudes toward the body in suicidal individuals. It is argued that bodily experiences and attitudes toward the body, such as rejection of the body, detachment, numbness, physical anhedonia, and lack of protection can facilitate acts of self-destruction. This argument is supported by theories of developmental psychology, theories on suicide, and empirical data. It is demonstrated that suicidal individuals experience their body differently from other populations and that these are related to suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

The cross‐country differences and the trends of suicide rates in 71 countries from 1950 to 2004 are described. The data are from the World Health Organization's Mortality Database. It shows that suicide rates vary greatly across countries, even within the same region or at similar levels of development. Random‐effect models were used to examine the between‐country and within‐country stabilities in suicide rates. The results show that more than 90% of the variance in suicide rates is due to between‐country differences, suggesting suicide rates display a strong temporal stability.  相似文献   

Past studies on suicide have investigated the association of firearm ownership and suicide risk in the United States. The aim of the present study was to build on previous work by examining the impact of firearm storage practices and the strictness of firearm regulation on suicide rates at the state level. Data were compiled from primarily three sources. Suicide and firearm ownership information was obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Strictness of handgun regulation was derived from figures available at the Law Center to Prevent Violence, and controls were taken from the US Bureau of the Census. Mixed models were fitted to the data. Household firearm ownership was strongly associated with both suicide by all mechanisms, and firearm suicide. Storage practices had especially elevated consequences on suicide rates. Percent with loaded guns and gun readiness increased suicide rates, and strictness of gun regulation reduced suicide rates. Ready access to firearms can make a difference between life and death. Loaded and unlocked firearms within reach become risk factors for fatal outcomes from suicidal behavior. Future research might want to examine ways of obtaining more recent data on individual firearm ownership. This study proposes several policy recommendations for suicide prevention.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between core Confucian ethics and suicide. We used a proxy sample of youths randomly selected from rural areas of three provinces in China. The proxy sample consisted of 382 completed suicides and 414 community living controls, all aged 15–34 years. Logistic regression analyses showed that among the Chinese youths (1) the Confucian ethic of filial piety was negatively associated with suicide; (2) the Confucian ethic of harmony moderated the estimated net effect of negative life events on suicide; and (3) the Confucian ethic of female subordination was positively linked with suicide. We also discussed implications of our study for future research.  相似文献   

以2002-2011年中国期刊网收录的50例应用多层线性模型(HLM)的心理学期刊论文为研究对象,从样本描述、模型发展与规范、数据准备、估计方法与假设检验4个角度进行文献计量和内容分析,对我国心理学研究中HLM方法的使用现状进行评估。结果表明,HLM方法主要用于管理、发展和教育心理学,绝大多数应用都是两层模型且层2样本量较大。HLM方法在广泛应用的同时仍存在忽略前提假设检验、分析过程中的重要信息和结果报告不完整等问题,随后提供了4条建议。  相似文献   

自杀是一个严重的社会问题和公共卫生问题。但目前尚未完全了解自杀的影响因素以及预防自杀的方法。流行病学研究表明自杀未遂是自杀的重要预测因素,了解自杀未遂的特征以及影响因素将有助于减少自杀行为的发生。本文对自杀未遂的流行特征以及影响因素进行了综述。  相似文献   

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