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和平心理学把提升人的幸福与尊严、促进社会和谐进步、实现世界和平作为终极研究目标。但在研究领域内部,不同流派存在的观点并不一致,也难以统一到同一个理论框架中。关于和平心理学的相关理论,大致可以归结为三类模型:积极和平心理理论模型、和平文化心理理论模型、和平进化心理理论模型。以上三种研究模式都认同回归心理学的和平价值,挖掘个体和平潜能,建立星球公民责任感。未来的和平心理学需要克服现有人性观的片面性,树立全面的人性观; 克服过分强调积极和平的倾向,建立全面的和平心理学研究观; 超越零和思维,深入学习“人类命运共同体”深刻内涵,推动我国和平心理学研究发展。  相似文献   

和平心理学是近20年在心理学内部兴起的一种以和平心理研究实现世界和平愿景的心理学运动,主要经历了孕育、萌生、形成等三个阶段。目前最具影响力的理论模型主要包括三维和平理论模型、和平自我理论模型、过程式多维积极和平理论模型。和平心理学使心理学的和平研究价值得到回归,扩大了心理学的研究视野。未来的和平心理学理论需要突破资本主义制度内自我改良式的局限,提升到马克思主义和平本质理论的高度,需要加强与积极心理学、社会心理学的跨领域整合、重视多元方法的运用、进行更多的实证研究、考虑跨文化因素的影响。结合我国当前外交、军事、国内社会现状,在我国开展和平外交心理研究、转型期社会和平稳定发展心理研究,将势在必行、大有作为。  相似文献   

本文讨论了不同历史时期的心理学家对和平心理的看法,以“和平”为主线,追溯和平心理学思潮兴起的历史逻辑。毕达哥拉斯、恩培多克勒、柏拉图、奥古斯丁、夸美纽斯、康德等从本体论视角,确立了实现永久和平的理想追求。冯特的民族心理学重视研究原始人、战争英雄等的和平心理品质,早期的意动心理学重视人类和平意识研究,机能心理学强调通过建设学校“微型共同体”,提高儿童的和平意识。精神分析心理学则为战争与和平心理提供了新视角。人本主义心理学主张研究人的和平潜能、致力于世界和平冲突化解,推动了和平心理学的兴起。20世纪末的和平心理学主张用和平的方式实现和平,发生了“政治道歉”、和平冲突化解、“人类命运共同体”等研究趋向。  相似文献   

余海斌 《学海》2001,(3):90-92
本文从政治行为主义角度分析了拉斯韦尔对于暴力的政治观点及有效使用暴力的策略、措施等,着重从暴力与和平的辩证关系角度探讨暴力行为的本质规律和作用,同时揭示拉斯韦尔的暴力方法论对于现代政治的发展,对于世界和平的实现所具有的借鉴价值.  相似文献   

康德的《永久和平论》、罗尔斯的《万民法》集中展示了他们关于世界和平的思想和观点。虽然他们在构建永久和平思想的方法与途径上存在着关联性,但由于两位哲人所处的时代不同,讨论和平思想的价值基点不同,在和平思想确立的伦理基础上存在着差异。  相似文献   

本文向读者介绍了《论永久和平》的主要思想,研讨了康德的法权哲,学,认为美国独立战争和法国革命为各国建立法制社会,从而形成永久和平的国际关系,提供了有力的保证.  相似文献   

在弗洛姆人道主义伦理学体系中,和平伦理思想是其中重要的内容。弗洛姆继承了先知及近现代人道主义思想家的和平思想,厘清了和平的两种内涵,揭露了人的贪欲和破坏性在战争中的作用,尖锐地批判了资本主义导致人的贪欲增长和技术社会带来的人的主体性丧失和核战争的危险。因此,他积极探索构建世界和平的伦理对策,提出应当重塑人性,发展爱、理性、创造性等人的第一潜能,促进彼此了解,以团结取代对抗,维护社会公平,建立以人的全面发展为目标的人道主义的社会主义。他的这些思想对于构建持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

儒家思想中有丰富的和平文化资源。和谐论是儒家的秩序的和平论的核心。和谐论包括天人和谐、社会和谐、家庭和谐、群己和谐。从此出发 ,可以建立起天人合一的宇宙秩序 ,三纲六纪的社会秩序 ,治国安邦的国家秩序 ,天下一家的世界秩序。  相似文献   

和平包括消极和平与积极和平.和平学是识别和分析暴力、非暴力行为以及治理人类冲突的方法机制的一门学科,其研究范围包括战争与和平,也包括正义、发展、人权、生态环境.和平学的主要目标是探求用和平的方式实现和平,而和平教育则是其中的一项重要内容.  相似文献   

兰洋 《哲学动态》2023,(5):38-46
对于国家间“战争与和平”问题的阐释,伊拉斯谟的“绝对和平论”、霍布斯的“社会契约论”和康德的“永久和平论”可被视为三种颇具代表性的理论范式。但在马克思的视域中,这些理论仍然属于“解释世界”的叙事方式,都深陷唯心史观的窠臼。马克思的“历史唯物主义范式”打破了以往哲学将社会历史看作思想注脚的传统,实现了本体性逻辑和方法论视角的双重变革。马克思完成的范式革命开辟了政治哲学的全新视域,解析了生产逻辑、资本-霸权逻辑和人类共同体逻辑,奠定了思想与现实辩证互动的有效方式。它既为我们认识当今世界变局提供了科学的分析框架,也为实现持久和平、寻求人的解放提供了价值基础和现实路径。  相似文献   

No War, No Peace: Northern Ireland after the Agreement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1998 a historic agreement, commonly known as the Belfast or Good Friday Agreement, formed the basis of a negotiated settlement for the future of Northern Ireland. Since that time the level of violence in Northern Ireland has reduced but many problematic issues related to governance, sectarianism, and community relations remain on the political agenda and have destabilized the post-peace accord environment. Many of these issues can be viewed as either causes or consequences of the protracted conflict in Northern Ireland. This special issue examines some of these issues from a political psychology perspective. Economic, political, social, and psychological factors that have supported and hindered progress towards peace and stability are considered. While the paramilitary ceasefires have remained intact and certain aspects of life in Northern Ireland have been transformed, the road to peace has been hindered by both political and psychological intransigence. This paper offers an opportunity to reevaluate conceptualisations of conflict and its management in chronic situations, where divisions are deeply embedded within societal structures and relationships, and consider factors that may act as barriers to the development of a lasting peace.  相似文献   

Peace psychology for a peaceful world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the literature in peace psychology has been growing rapidly, many American psychologists are unaware of how conflict is resolved and peace is conceptualized and achieved. This article reviews the long history and broadening scope of peace psychology and introduces a model of peace that is useful for organizing the literature. The model suggests that peace can be facilitated at four different points of intervention. The authors discuss relationships between positive and negative peace, structural and direct violence, and peacekeeping, peacemaking, and peacebuilding. They advance some challenges for peace psychologists and conclude that peace psychology is a crucial field for grappling with humanity's most pressing problems in the coming decades. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

The role of religion in generating violent conflict and peace is a major topic in public, political and scholarly debates. However, despite a burgeoning field of literature, this relationship remains inadequately explained. In general, social and religious studies tend to focus on macro-analyses, resulting in essentialist and even ethnocentric notions of religion, violent conflict and peace. By using the Bougainville crisis as a case study, this article argues that as long as we disregard people's ‘lived religion’, local realities remain intangible and, furthermore, no insight is gained into the actual processes by which religion may generate conflict and peace. In particular, I show how the Bougainville crisis was conceptualised as a Holy War, revealing how Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, inspired people to fight against oppression and for peace at the same time.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated unprecedented human loss and financial difficulties worldwide. In line with recent calls for social sciences to help collective efforts to address COVID-19, we investigated the link between peace and pandemic preparedness, advancing the literatures on negative (i.e., absence of direct violence) and positive peace (i.e., absence of structural violence and presence of equality) and governments' crisis preparedness as well as crisis relief efforts. Two studies tested whether both positive and negative peace predict pandemic preparedness, operationalized as COVID-19 tests, cases, and positivity rates, during the onset of the pandemic. Study 1 did so at the national level across 155 countries; Study 2 did so at a local level, across 3144 counties within the United States. Even after controlling for population size, population density, GDP, and amount of air travel, higher levels of both negative and positive peace predicted a greater number of COVID-19 tests per one million people, fewer overall COVID-19 cases, and a lower positivity rate. These findings point to the possibility that by promoting peace, governments and the international community could potentially become better prepared to handle future pandemics and other crises.  相似文献   

In this paper, I make two related arguments: that peace psychology and social psychological peace research should give greater attention to discourse, and that critical discursive approaches in social psychology should explore matters of international military conflict, an area which has hitherto been somewhat neglected in this tradition of work. These arguments are developed in relation to debates concerning the nature and status of psychological ‘science’, and the neglect of language in social and peace psychology. To illustrate the possibilities of a critical discursive approach, research on the discursive function of ‘peace’ is discussed. In conclusion, it is suggested that a critical discursive perspective enables analysts to interrogate a range of assumptions underpinning militaristic ideologies.  相似文献   

Although attitudes toward peace and war are usually treated as two opposite poles of one dimension, in this article we argue that they may represent two distinct dimensions. To investigate this idea, we developed and tested a new balanced measure, the Attitudes Toward Peace and War (APW) Scale, in three studies (N = 4,742) in the United States and Denmark. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that attitudes toward peace and war formed two distinct, though negatively related, factors. Structural equation modeling showed that antecedents of attitudes toward peace included egalitarian ideological beliefs, the values of international harmony and equality, and empathic concern for others, and consequences included intentions to engage in peace‐related activities. On the other hand, antecedents of attitudes toward war included authoritarian ideological beliefs, the values of national strength and order, and less personal distress, and consequences included intentions to engage in warlike activities. Results also showed that political affiliation had an impact on the relationship between peace and war attitudes, with conservatives less likely to find the attitudes incompatible. The findings support the view that attitudes toward peace and war represent two distinct dimensions.  相似文献   

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