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In this study we observed the effects of type of damage, magnitude of damage, and apprehension or escape of the offender upon the perceived seriousness of the offense, perceived freedom and intent exercised by the offender, and perceived duration of the crime. Contrary to previous results, personal crimes were judged to be more serious than property crimes only when the offender escaped arrest. Results confirmed previous findings that an increase in the negative consequences of the crime led to higher ratings of criminal intent. Perceived duration and assessments of crime seriousness were positively related to attribution of responsibility.  相似文献   


This article reports the findings from a study that explored how lay people determine the seriousness of criminal offenses. While previous research on this topic has assumed that the perceived seriousness of crimes was primarily determined by differences in physical injury and economic loss, the results of this study indicate that offense seriousness is also affected by judgments subjects make about intent, motive, purpose, “fair play”, and “real harm”.  相似文献   

A survey questionnaire administered to 662 university undergraduates is used to assess patterns of perceptions of punishment. Results show that the nature of the crime, characteristics of criminal offenders, and characteristics of respondents affect the nature of punishment assigned for 25 criminal offenses.  相似文献   

Most empirical research has attempted to demonstrate the relationship between religiosityandcriminal behavior principally onthebasis of self-reported measures of criminality. The present study analyzed the influence of individual religiosity on personal perceptions of the seriousness of a variety of criminal offenses. Findings obtained from a national sample of Israeli respondents with varyingdegrees of religiosity and belonging to two different religions--Judaism and Islam--support the existence of effects of religiosity on perceptions of crime seriousness. Moreover, in the case of the Jewish respondents, religiosity emerged as the variable exerting the most influenceon their perceptions of victimless offenses.  相似文献   

A general fear of crime victimization led to modified activities in the community and feelings of relative safety in their own area for 132 elderly respondents on a 24-item questionnaire. They held sympathetic views of crime perpetrators as disadvantaged victims of society themselves, but came to the unlikely conclusions that more police control and harsher prison sentences are needed.  相似文献   

Male and female subjects read four paragraphs portraying successful (experiment 1) or unsuccessful (experiment 2) males or females in masculine or feminine occupations, with a supportive or nonsupportive spouse. The likelihoods of various conflicts, consequences, and causes of the success or failure were rated. Generally, ratings of more negative consequences were associated with lack of spouse support for a career pursuit. Spouse support influenced perceptions of female more than male success. The sex-association of the career proved to be an important determinant of perceptions of conflict, consequences, and attributions for the success or failure. Although male and female occupations had been equated for status, female jobs appeared to be generally devalued relative to male jobs.  相似文献   

Laws of negligence dictate that jurors' decisions about damages be influenced by the severity of plaintiffs' injuries and not by the reprehensibility of defendants' conduct. The authors simulated an automobile negligence trial to assess whether jurors' decisions are in accord with those expectations. Conduct of the defendant and severity of the plaintiff's injuries were manipulated. Jurors listened to the evidence, completed predeliberation questionnaires, deliberated as a jury, and completed postdeliberation questionnaires. Severity of the plaintiff's injury had a strong impact on damage awards, but evidence related to the defendant's conduct was also influential, particularly when the plaintiffs injuries were mild. Here, jurors with any conduct-related evidence gave larger damage awards than jurors with no conduct-related evidence. Findings suggest an effect of defendant conduct on damage awards that may be mediated by judgments that the defendant was negligent.  相似文献   

The classical studies by Thurstone (1927b) and Coombs (1967) on the seriousness of crimes and offences are replicated here for a sample of male and female students. Eighty subjects used both forced choice and graded dominance ratios to assess all pairs of 10 crimes/offences. The direct ratio estimates correlate very highly with pair-comparison probabilities, thus making it possible to interpret the former as direct estimates of dominance probabilities. These data can be scaled with excellent fit in Thurstone's sense. The resulting scales are quite similar to those obtained by Thurstone and Coombs. An analysis of the individual data shows, however, that 69 per cent of the average data are aggregated over a variety of distinct subgroups of individuals who partition the crimes/offences into subsets that are incomparable in their seriousness. Thurstone's and Coombs' seriousness scales must therefore be considered a population lawfulness.  相似文献   

Although neurological evidence is used with increasing frequency in criminal trials, there is limited research examining the effects that this evidence has on juror decision-making in insanity trials. Participants (396) were presented with a case summary and psychological testimony and asked to render either a verdict of guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity in a 2 (psychosis or psychopathy) x (presence or absence of an MRI indicating a brain lesion) x (presence or absence of testimony describing a car accident that caused injury to the brain) factorial design. Defendants diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, defendants who could demonstrate the existence of a brain lesion via MRI, and defendants who had a history of brain injury were more likely to be found not guilty by reason of insanity than those defendants who did not present any neurological testimony. Participants who reported they were more influenced by the psychological and neurological testimony were almost six times more likely to render a verdict of NGRI than those participants who reported that the psychological and neurological testimony and evidence did not influence their decision regarding verdict.  相似文献   

After reading a murder or theft vignette in which the perpetrator was a 20-, 40-, or 60-year-old man, 95 undergraduates gave sentence and parole recommendations. Punishment was harsher for the murder than for the theft. For murder, participants treated the 20- and 60-year-old men less harshly than the 40-year-old man, which confirms previous archival findings. However, this inverted U-shaped function occurred for murder only. The authors discussed the results in the context of the just-desert and utilitarian rationales that guide sentencing and gave suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Relative deprivation (RD) refers to the fact that individuals may feel deprived of some desirable thing in social comparison relative to a reference group. Occupational group is widely recognized as the essential reference group and generally used to compare differences in earnings and social position. Four waves' data from the Social Attitudes Survey of Urban‐Rural Residents (China) (SAS‐C; 2005/2007/2008/2009) were used to compute to Stewart's new measure of RD for different occupational groups and its relationship to life satisfaction (a cognitive component of subjective well‐being). Results showed that both economic RD (defined as individuals' RD of material benefits, such as income, wealth etc.) and social status RD (defined as individuals' RD on their evaluation of social status) consistently predicted Chinese life satisfaction for a period of time from 2005 to 2009; meanwhile, individual economic RD was moderately correlated to social status RD. The effects of RD and some demographic variables on life satisfaction are discussed and possible improvements for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

This article is a comprehensive review of issues relevant to the insanity defense and the disposition of insanity acquittees. The characteristics of persons found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI) are described. Although the locus of treatment of the NGRI acquittee varies by jurisdiction, at this time, care and detention of insanity acquittees fall mainly to state mental health agencies. Recent reforms, as they relate to locus of treatment, are reviewed and public policy issues are discussed. The author concludes that more clinical research on the insanity acquittee is necessary for the development of more informed public policy on the insanity defense.  相似文献   

The insanity defense is perhaps the most vigorously debated topic at the interface of the legal and mental health systems. This article addresses the need for empirical evidence by providing data on insanity acquittees and their later outcomes in Oklahoma, a jurisdiction not previously studied. Information was obtained on the demographic, legal, psychiatric, hospitalization, and post-hospitalization characteristics of all 61 defendants acquitted not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) and treated on the state forensic unit during a 5-year period. Insanity acquittees had few resources, significant psychopathology, and extensive involvement with the legal and mental health systems prior to the NGRI offense. Follow-up of three groups of discharged patients--those released at an initial court review, those who completed the NGRI treatment program, and those who absconded from the forensic unit--revealed that those who escaped from the unit had significantly more arrests and subsequent legal charges than regularly discharged patients.  相似文献   


Extends research on illness cognition by arguing that two major dimensions of illness cognition - seriousness and contagiousness of disease - are responsible for different emotional responses to ill persons, and that the activation of these dimensions is dependent on type of contact with these persons. Using a vignet methodology, nursing students (N = 333) were asked to imagine having different types of contact with patients with diseases differing in seriousness and contagiousness. When participants imagined personal contact with the patient, their anxiety responses and self-efficacy expectations were primarily determined by seriousness of disease. In contrast, when they anticipated close physical contact with the patient, subjects' anxiety reactions and self-efficacy expectations were primarily influenced by contagiousness of disease. Seriousness of disease appeared to be a major determinant of feelings of pity, poweriessness, sadness, and motivation to psychologically support the patient. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Strangers made reliable judgments about personality traits after viewing one 30-s excerpt from interviews with anonymous target persons. Ratings were generated for 229 military recruits participating in a study of personality disorders. Approximately 28% of the recruits met DSM-IV criteria for a definite or probable personality disorder (PD). Several untrained undergraduate students rated each video clip with regard to the Big Five personality traits, physical attractiveness, and likeability. The students accurately rated people who exhibited features of paranoid, schizotypal, dependent, and avoidant PDs as being lower in extraversion. The raters also considered these people less likeable. Students accurately rated people who exhibited features of histrionic PD as being higher in extraversion and found them to be more likeable. Laypersons can make accurate judgments regarding some personality characteristics associated with personality disorders, even on the basis of minimal information. These perceptions may influence ways in which people respond to others with PDs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of defendant remorse on monetary damages awarded to a plaintiff in a malpractice case. In two experiments, the physician-defendant expressed remorse at the time of the incident and again at trial, expressed remorse at trial, explicitly demonstrated a lack of remorse at trial, or made no mention of remorse (or a lack thereof). Participants decided how much money to award to the plaintiff and evaluated both the plaintiff and the defendant on several dimensions. Participants awarded greater compensation when the physician expressed remorse at the time of the incident than in the other conditions, both when the plaintiff was the injured patient's spouse in a wrongful death suit (experiment 1) and when the patient sued on his own behalf (experiment 2). This effect of remorse was greater for males than for females (experiment 1) and for relatively severely injured plaintiffs (experiment 2).  相似文献   

Despite nationwide efforts to professionalize public-school teaching, little attention has been given to the matter of standards of professional conduct for teachers. The authors examined teachers' perceptions of the frequency and seriousness of different categories of teacher misconduct. They administered a 34-item questionnaire to 235 school professionals in northwestern South Carolina. For each item, respondents rated the extent to which they agreed or disagreed that the behavior occurred frequently and represented a serious violation of professional ethics. Factor analysis of the ratings of seriousness yielded 3 domains of ethical concerns: (a) student-teacher boundary violations, (b) carelessness in behavior, and (c) subjectivity in grading and instruction. Teachers rated boundary violations as the most serious but least common violations and carelessness in behavior as the most frequent but least serious violation. Problems of subjectivity in grading were rated as moderately frequent and moderately serious. The authors found no differences between male and female teachers or between elementary and secondary teachers in their ratings of the seriousness or frequency of any of the 3 groups of ethical concerns. The authors discuss implications for development of a national code of teacher conduct.  相似文献   

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