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Amounts of crying were measured for two groups of infants in two states, calm and crying. The stimulus group was exposed to two test-cry stimuli (own-cry/other-cry) in both states. The control group was not exposed to the test-cry stimuli. For the stimulus group, results showed that there was no significant difference in the amount of crying during presentation of either the own-cry or other-cry test stimulus. However, the stimulus group did cry significantly less than the control group. This difference in the amount of crying was attributed to the capacity of the infant to suppress crying in the presence of auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

Soltis J 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2004,27(4):443-58; discussion 459-90
In this article I evaluate recent attempts to illuminate the human infant cry from an evolutionary perspective. Infants are born into an uncertain parenting environment, which can range from indulgent care of offspring to infanticide. Infant cries are in large part adaptations that maintain proximity to and elicit care from caregivers. Although there is not strong evidence for acoustically distinct cry types, infant cries may function as a graded signal. During pain-induced autonomic nervous system arousal, for example, neural input to the vocal cords increases cry pitch. Caregivers may use this acoustic information, together with other cues, to guide caregiving behavior. Serious pathology, on the other hand, results in chronically and severely abnormal cry acoustics. Such abnormal crying may be a proximate cause of adaptive infant maltreatment, in circumstances in which parents cut their losses and reduce or withdraw investment from infants with low survival chances. An increase in the amount of crying during the first few months of life is a human universal, and excessive crying, or colic, represents the upper end of this normal increase. Potential signal functions of excessive crying include manipulation of parents to acquire additional resources, honest signaling of need, and honest signaling of vigor. Current evidence does not strongly support any one of these hypotheses, but the evidence is most consistent with the hypothesis that excessive early infant crying is a signal of vigor that evolved to reduce the risk of a reduction or withdrawal of parental care.  相似文献   

Crying is said to result from stimulus need. An experiment was done in which infants were stimulated during quiet periods to see if this would postpone the onset of crying. The results were positive. An alternative explanation in terms of internal temperature control is considered.  相似文献   

Few studies have analysed newborns’ crying behaviour in relation to the communicative context. In the present study, duration, latency and dysphony of newborns’ cry were analysed in three different communicative conditions: absent, continuous and discontinuous tactile communication. Thirty newborns were randomly assigned to three tactile communicative procedures. Subsequently they were presented with two visual stimuli, face (social-stimulus) and square (non-social-stimulus). The study showed that newborns cried only during visual stimuli presentation both in absent and continuous communication conditions. Newborns with absent communication cried more, with shorter latency and more dysphony than newborns with continuous communication. No significant differences were found in duration, latency and dysphony of newborns’ cry between the two stimuli. Newborns in the discontinuous communicative condition did not cry either during tactile communication or during visual stimuli presentation. Different communicative contexts affected the newborns’ crying behaviour during stimuli presentation. Different interpretations are discussed here in order to explain the results.  相似文献   

Pregnant women's attitudes towards their fetus over the course of the pregnancy were studied in relation to physiological events of pregnancy, namely seeing the fetus via ultrasound and experiencing fetal movement. A consecutive series of primiparae (n = 129) was randomly assigned, at recruitment between 10 and 14 weeks menstrual age, to conditions of high (n = 67) or low (n = 62) feedback real time ultrasound. Thereafter, women were assessed at 16 and 32 weeks gestation, within 24 hours of delivery and by questionnaire at 3 months postpartum. On each occasion women completed attitude rating scales concerning their pregnancy and their fetus or neonate. These scales were subjected to principal components analysis and two main dimensions were derived for ratings of both attitudes towards the pregnancy and the fetus/neonate. No relationship was found between factor scores and ultrasound feedback condition, although scores on the fetal attachment dimension showed a significant linear increase over the pregnancy. Women reporting fetal movement at 16 weeks displayed significantly higher scores on the fetal-attachment dimension at all three assessment points. Multiple regression analyses were utilized to identify predictors of initial reactions to the neonate and attachment ratings at 3 months postpartum. At delivery, ratings of attachment to the neonate were related to drug requirements in labor and attachment ratings at 32 weeks. Reactions to the neonate at delivery and ratings of postpartum mood emerged as significant predictors of maternal attachment at 3 months postpartum. These results are discussed in the context of research attempting to establish the importance of postpartum bonding.  相似文献   

Reasoning about another's pretend and real crying is related to ma'ny important social cognitive abilities (e.g., emotional understanding, appearance–reality, and theory of mind). This study investigated whether children aged 6 years and younger could distinguish between instances of pretend crying and real crying as presented in stories. Sixty‐five Japanese children aged 4–6 years were given stories within two contexts (Play and Non‐play). In the Play context, the protagonist of the story was pretending to cry or really crying during a pretend play activity. In the Non‐play context, the protagonist was also pretending to cry or really crying after his/her toy had been hidden by another child. The children answered questions about these crying events. The results showed that the 4‐ and 5‐year‐olds showed significantly better understanding of pretend crying in the Play context compared to the Non‐play context. In the Non‐play context, they were significantly less likely to understand the cause of pretend crying compared to the 6‐year‐olds. The results suggest that the context of pretend play facilitates the children's understanding of pretend crying.  相似文献   

The relation between maternal soothing and infant stress response during inoculation was examined in a sample of 37 mothers and their 3-month-old infants. The mothers' soothing and the infants' cry vocalizations and the mothers' and the infants' salivary cortisol level pre- and post-injection were analysed. There was a positive relation between infants' cry vocalization post-injection and maternal soothing pre- and post-injection. The sample was divided in two sub-groups depending on whether the mothers evidenced most soothing of the infants in the period before (Preparatory group; n=20) or after (Contingent group; n=17) the syringe injection. In the Preparatory group, the duration of infant cry vocalizations was related to amount of maternal soothing before and after the injection, while cry vocalizations in the Contingent group was related to amount of maternal soothing after the injection. The Contingent infants responded to the injection with a significant increase in cortisol, while there was no increase in the Preparatory infants. The Preparatory infants evidenced significantly longer duration of looking at the target stimuli in a visual marking task, suggesting greater difficulties in disengaging attention. These findings indicate that 3-month-olds' stress responses and their mothers' situational behaviour are mutually regulated.  相似文献   

To evaluate lying in a cradle in the prevention of excessive infant crying or colic symptoms, and to investigate potential protective or risk factors for the phenomenon, 220 newborns were randomized to sleep either in a bed or cot (control group, N = 108) or in a cradle (cradle group, N = 112). During three months, the parents filled in diaries on the sleeping place most used and the amount of crying of their infants. Three infants in the cradle group and one control fulfilled the criteria of colic. The percentages of extremely weepy infants (25.7% vs 24.4 %) and the intensity of crying did not differ between the groups. Medication for colic symptoms was used equally frequently in both groups. A high educational (OR 3.18, 95% CI 1.01; 10.04) and socioeconomic (OR 3.76, 95% CI 1.34; 10.52) level of the family and having a sibling with a history of colic (OR 6.46, 95% CI 1.17; 35.73) were predictors for the infant being weepy. Absence of nursing problems and having no sibling with a history of colic seemed to be related with a low amount of crying. Excessive infant crying was less common in families with unemployed fathers compared to those in which the father had an occupation (p = 0.018). Cradling seems not to prevent excessive crying or colic symptoms in infants. Breast‐feeding guidance during rooming‐in period and presence of father or another adult supporter at home might be preventive means against excessive crying.  相似文献   

This study reports on gender and individual differences in adult crying. A total of 105 subjects filled out a questionnaire on adult crying (Vingerhoets, 1995) and two personality inventories, the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) (Costa & McCrae, 1992) and the Five-factor Personality Inventory (FFPI) (Hendriks et al., 1995). The results showed that gender and personality substantially and independently contribute to the variance in weeping frequency. Women cry more often and perceive weeping more as a coping style. Neuroticism proved to be considerably correlated with weeping frequency and weeping as a coping style, even after partialling out the effects of gender and age. Extraversion was correlated with relief and positive feelings after crying. These results are discussed in the context of an ongoing international study on adult crying.  相似文献   

This study examined the affect of infants just before the onset of crying and just after crying stopped. Two infants (between 7 and 14 months old) were observed longitudinally. In total, 102 crying episodes were analyzed. The infants displayed negative affect almost always just before starting to cry and soon after crying terminated. However, there were exceptions. Positive affect was observed. These were crying behaviors that the mother identified as “fake crying” or “emergence of fake crying”. These data indicate that, although normally infant affect just before and right after crying is negative, infants also can exhibit positive affect when they show fake crying. Infants who are capable of fake crying might communicate successfully with their caregivers.  相似文献   


Crying is a common response to emotional distress that elicits support from the environment. People may regulate another’s crying in several ways, such as by providing socio-affective support (e.g. comforting) or cognitive support (e.g. reappraisal), or by trying to emotionally disengage the other by suppression or distraction. We examined whether people adapt their interpersonal emotion regulation strategies to the situational context, by manipulating the regulatory demand of the situation in which someone is crying. Participants watched a video of a crying man and provided support by recording a video message. We hypothesised that when immediate down-regulation was required (i.e. high regulatory demand), participants would provide lower levels of socio-affective and cognitive support, and instead distract the crying person or encourage them to suppress their emotions, compared to when there is no such urgency (i.e. low regulatory demand). As predicted, both self-reported and behavioural responses indicated that high (as compared to low) regulatory demand led to a reduction in socio-affective support provision, and a strong increase in suppression and distraction. Cognitive support provision, however, was unaffected by regulatory demand. When the context required more immediate down-regulation, participants thus employed more regulation strategies aimed at disengaging from the emotional experience. This study provides a first step in showing that people take the context into account when attempting to regulate others’ emotions.  相似文献   

This study explores the crying episodes of twenty‐eight clients treated at a family therapy service in a community centre. The crying episodes were associated with some significant elements: the time of appearance, the content and triggering factor, the interpersonal context of sessions and the emotions clients had for the therapist, as well as the therapy's outcome (end of treatment and the satisfaction of clients). Crying was much more frequent during the first session. It occurred more frequently when there was another family member present. The proportion of clients who cried during the treatment was significantly higher for clients who completed it successfully. Clients who cried perceived the therapist, in all cases, as a kind person who never got annoyed with them. Crying could be considered a type of behaviour that helps the therapist to create a safe context and foster the therapeutic alliance.  相似文献   

Acoustics and distress ratings were examined during four minutes of naturally occurring crying from 20 healthy, 1‐month‐old infants. Two listeners made continuous judgements of infant distress during every 10‐s segment of each cry sample. Dysphonation, number of wails, and pause duration were related to distress ratings across the 4 min of crying. Means and variances of ratings and acoustics, and the predictive value of each acoustic variable to ratings, differed in the first and second halves of the samples. Differences in the pattern of results occurred for individual infants. The results highlight the importance of studying the cry as a dynamic acoustic signal that may provide unique information about an individual infant's level of distress. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Personality dimensions of Psychoticism (P), Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N) were related to multiple measures of lateralized hemispheric processing in order to test the predictions of right hemisphere overactivation in E, right hemisphere underactivation in N, and left hemisphere under- activation/overactivation in P. It was also predicted that architecture students would be characterized by right hemisphere activation and language students by left hemisphere activation. Lateral eye movements, verbal and nonverbal dichotic listening tasks, and Block Design and Digit Span subtests of the WAIS were assessed in 43 undergraduates, together with personality and degree course. High P scores were characterized by fewer rightward eye movements and hence reduced left hemisphere activation, while high N scores were characterized by poorer Block Design and superior Digit Span performance. These results which indicate a relationship between Psychoticism and left hemisphere underactivation are in conflict with the finding of Raine and Manders (1988) (Br. J. Clin. Pschol. In press) overactivation in those with high schizoid personality scores, a discrepancy which may be resolved by the notion that P reflects a different form of psychosis-proneness to other schizoid scales.  相似文献   

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