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The differential effects of task and response conflict in priming paradigms where associations are strengthened between a stimulus, a task, and a response have been demonstrated in recent years with neuroimaging methods. However, such effects are not easily disentangled with only measurements of behavior, such as reaction times (RTs). Here, we report the application of ex-Gaussian distribution analysis on task-switching RT data and show that conflict related to stimulus-response associations retrieved after a switch of tasks is reflected in the Gaussian component. By contrast, conflict related to the retrieval of stimulus-task associations is reflected in the exponential component. Our data confirm that the retrieval of stimulus-task and -response associations affects behavior differently. Ex-Gaussian distribution analysis is a useful tool for pulling apart these different levels of associative priming that are not distinguishable in analyses of RT means.  相似文献   

Novel and familiar letters were presented to Ss under conditions which controlled momentary attention states. The latencies of letter matching for the novel and familiar letters did not differ when Ss were expecting the particular letters which were presented. However, latencies to the two types of letters differed significantly when Ss were not expecting the particular letters which were presented. Additional exposures significantly reduced this difference, thereby generating a perceptual learning curve in terms of response latency. The main findings were interpreted in terms of a model of perceptual processing which involves mechanisms for hierarchical coding, selective attention, and automatic processing.  相似文献   

Visual guidance and movement to a stop were used to train subjects to make a simple movement without experiencing error in practice. Movement to a stop led to test performance as accurate as that after training with KR, but visual guidance did not. If a continuous visual cue as well as a stop were present during practice, subjects also performed less accurately, although they did not need to attend to the visual cue. All types of training were better than no training at all. Results are discussed in terms of the role of visual feedback in the development and assessment of programs for movement.  相似文献   

Passive avoidance learning occupies a central role in accounts of disinhibited behavior, ranging from psychopaths' persistent criminality (Hare 1970) to extraverts' gregariousness (Gray, 1972). To explore the mechanism underlying passive avoidance deficits, we assessed the relation of extraversion, neuroticism, and response latency after punishment to passive avoidance learning by using two successive go/no go discrimination tasks. The tasks were designed to examine two aspects of subjects' reactions to punishment: response speed on trials immediately following punishment (Experiment 1) and time to terminate punishment feedback between successive trials (i.e., reflectivity; Experiment 2). Consistent with previous findings, the results of Experiment 1 showed that extraverts commit more passive avoidance errors than introverts do (Newman, Widom, & Nathan, 1985) and fail to pause following punished errors (Nichols & Newman, 1986). In Experiment 2, only neurotic extraverts displayed this pattern of performance differences. In both experiments, longer pausing following punishment predicted better learning from punishment for both introverts and extraverts. These results suggest that, in the presence of salient cues for reward, extraverts' characteristic reaction to punishment interferes with processing punished errors and may contribute to their more general propensity for impulsive, nonreflective action.  相似文献   

Attention and probabilistic sequence learning   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Limitations of using fixed sequences of events in studies of learning in the sequential reaction-time task led us to develop a probabilistic version of the task. When sequences occur probabilistically, transitions usually follow a sequence, but with some small probability, events occur out of sequence. This variation on the paradigm provides new evidence associated with manipulations of attentional load. Most notably, single-task learning leads to particularly high error rates on improbable transitions, suggesting anticipation of the sequence. Dual-task learning shows sensitivity to the sequence (by reaction-time differences to probable and improbable transitions), but without inflated errors on improbable transitions. Sensitivity to the sequence and anticipatory errors disappeared when participants transferred from single-task learning to dual-task conditions, suggesting that what is learned with single-task practice cannot be applied under conditions of limited attention. When learners transferred from dual- to single-task conditions, sensitivity of RT to the sequence increased but anticipation errors remained the same, suggesting that attentional load limits performance, but not learning. Qualitative differences in performance result from variations in attentional resources, which may reflect different learning processes. Received: 17 February 1997 / Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

The percentage of subjects recalling each unit in a list or prose passage is considered as a dependent measure. When the same units are recalled in different tasks, processing is assumed to be the same; when different units are recalled, processing is assumed to be different. Two collections of memory tasks are presented, one for lists and one for prose. The relations found in these two collections are supported by an extensive reanalysis of the existing prose memory literature. The same set of words were learned by 13 different groups of subjects under 13 different conditions. Included were intentional free-recall tasks, incidental free recall following lexical decision, and incidental free recall following ratings of orthographic distinctiveness and emotionality. Although the nine free-recall tasks varied widely with regard to the amount of recall, the relative probability of recall for the words was very similar among the tasks. Imagery encoding and recognition produced relative probabilities of recall that were different from each other and from the free-recall tasks. Similar results were obtained with a prose passage. A story was learned by 13 different groups of subjects under 13 different conditions. Eight free-recall tasks, which varied with respect to incidental or intentional learning, retention interval, and the age of the subjects, produced similar relative probabilities of recall, whereas recognition and prompted recall produced relative probabilities of recall that were different from each other and from the free-recall tasks. A review of the prose literature was undertaken to test the generality of these results. Analysis of variance is the most common statistical procedure in this literature. If the relative probability of recall of units varied across conditions, a units by condition interaction would be expected. For the 12 studies that manipulated retention interval, an average of 21% of the variance was accounted for by the main effect of retention interval, 17% by the main effect of units, and only 2% by the retention interval by units interaction. Similarly, for the 12 studies that varied the age of the subjects, 6% of the variance was accounted for by the main effect of age, 32% by the main effect of units, and only 1% by the interaction of age by units.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We employed a novel version of the serial reaction time task to test the idea that human implicit learning allows the simultaneous learning of multiple independent contingencies and that this learning may proceed in the absence of attention. Using probabilistic sequences, we showed that both a primary sequence (the focus of the experimental task) and a statistically independent secondary sequence could be learned across 4,800 target localization trials, provided the perceptual load of the primary task was low. However, learning of the secondary sequence was abolished under conditions of high perceptual load. These findings suggest that there are attentional limitations on the learning of multiple contingencies.  相似文献   

When humans carry out actions in response to external stimulation, they acquire associations between the stimulus and the action it triggered. When the same stimulus is used in two different tasks, the retrieval of associations compiled in the competing task hampers current performance. Previous research suggests that this across-task priming depends on the task set for the preceding task remaining active across the switch of tasks and, thus, competing with the activations needed for the new task. We present two experiments investigating this notion. Participants switched between two semantic classification tasks. In Experiment 1, participants switched between short runs of the two tasks. Across-task priming was observed on switch and repeat trials. In Experiment 2, participants switched between longer runs of the two tasks. Across-task priming was markedly reduced on repeat trials. The data suggest that whether or not across-task priming affects behaviour after the switch trial depends, amongst others, on whether the task set necessary for the previous task spills into the repeat trials. The implications of these findings for mechanisms of cognitive and mnemonic control are discussed.  相似文献   

Three localized, visual pattern stimuli were trained as predictive signals of auditory outcomes. One signal partially predicted an aversive noise in Experiment 1 and a neutral tone in Experiment 2, whereas the other signals consistently predicted either the occurrence or absence of the noise. The expectation of the noise was measured during each signal presentation, and only participants for whom this expectation demonstrated contingency knowledge showed differential attention to the signals. Importantly, when attention was measured by visual fixations, the contingency-aware group attended more to the partially predictive signal than to the consistent predictors in both experiments. This profile of visual attention supports the Pearce and Hall (1980) theory of the role of attention in associative learning.  相似文献   

Three localized, visual pattern stimuli were trained as predictive signals of auditory outcomes. One signal partially predicted an aversive noise in Experiment 1 and a neutral tone in Experiment 2, whereas the other signals consistently predicted either the occurrence or absence of the noise. The expectation of the noise was measured during each signal presentation, and only participants for whom this expectation demonstrated contingency knowledge showed differential attention to the signals. Importantly, when attention was measured by visual fixations, the contingency-aware group attended more to the partially predictive signal than to the consistent predictors in both experiments. This profile of visual attention supports the Pearce and Hall (1980) Pearce, J. M. and Hall, G. 1980. A model for Pavlovian learning: Variations in the effectiveness of conditioned but not unconditioned stimuli. Psychological Review, 87: 532552. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] theory of the role of attention in associative learning.  相似文献   

Some theories of visuospatial attention propose that attention can be divided between separated zones of space that exclude the intervening region, whereas other theories state that the focus of attention must encompass aunitary, continuous zone. These contrasting viewswere evaluated in an experiment 9n which subjects were required to monitor two of four stimulus locations for targets; the two relevant locations were adjacent in one condition and were separated by an intervening irrelevant location in a second condition . To assess the distribution of attention across the relevant and irrelevant locations, event-related brain potentials(ERPa)were recorded to taskirrelevant “probe” stimuli that were occasionally presented at the individual stimulus locations. When the relevant locations were adjacent, probes presented at irrelevant locations elicited smaller sensory-evoked electrophysiological responses than probes presented at relevant locations, consistent with an attentional suppression of inputs from the unattended locations. When the relevant locations were separated by an irrelevant location, however, the sensory responses evoked by probes presented at this intervening irrelevant location were not suppressed, and target detection performance became slower and less accurate. These results suggest that attentionforms a unitary zone that may expand to encompass multiple relevant locations but must also include the area between them; as a result, irrelevant information arising from intervening locations is not suppressed and perceptual processing is compromised.  相似文献   

The implicit benefit of learning without errors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies examined whether the number of errors made in learning a motor skill, golf putting, differentially influences the adoption of a selective (explicit) or unselective (implicit) learning mode. Errorful learners were expected to adopt an explicit, hypothesis-testing strategy to correct errors during learning, thereby accruing a pool of verbalizable rules and exhibiting performance breakdown under dual-task conditions, characteristic of a selective mode of learning. Reducing errors during learning was predicted to minimize the involvement of explicit hypothesis testing leading to the adoption of an unselective mode of learning, distinguished by few verbalizable rules and robust performance under secondary task loading. Both studies supported these predictions. The golf putting performance of errorless learners in both studies was unaffected by the imposition of a secondary task load, whereas the performance of errorful learners deteriorated. Reducing errors during learning limited the number of error-correcting hypotheses tested by the learner, thereby reducing the contribution of explicit processing to skill acquisition. It was concluded that the reduction of errors during learning encourages the use of implicit, unselective learning processes, which confer insusceptibility to performance breakdown under distraction.  相似文献   

The relationship between subjects' identification and categorization learning of integral-dimension stimuli was studied within the framework of an exemplar-based generalization model. The model was used to predict subjects' learning in six different categorization conditions on the basis of data obtained in a single identification learning condition. A crucial assumption in the model is that because of selective attention to component dimensions, similarity relations may change in systematic ways across different experimental contexts. The theoretical analysis provided evidence that, at least under unspeeded conditions, selective attention may play a critical role in determining the identification-categorization relationship for integral stimuli. Evidence was also provided that similarity among exemplars decreased as a function of identification learning. Various alternative classification models, including prototype, multiple-prototype, average distance, and "value-on-dimensions" models, were unable to account for the results.  相似文献   

S Brédart  T Valentine 《Cognition》1992,45(3):187-223
Functional models of face recognition and speech production have developed separately. However, naming a familiar face is, of course, an act of speech production. In this paper we propose a revision of Bruce and Young's (1986) model of face processing, which incorporates two features of Levelt's (1989) model of speech production. In particular, the proposed model includes two stages of lexical access for names and monitoring of face naming based on a "perceptual loop". Two predictions were derived from the perceptual loop hypothesis of speech monitoring: (1) naming errors in which a (correct) rare surname is erroneously replaced by a common surname should occur more frequently than the reverse substitution (the error asymmetry effect); (2) naming errors in which a common surname is articulated are more likely to be repaired than errors which result in articulation of a rare surname (the error-repairing effect). Both predictions were supported by an analysis of face naming errors in a laboratory face naming task. In a further experiment we considered the possibility that the effects of surname frequency observed in face naming errors could be explained by the frequency sensitivity of lexical access in speech production. However, no effect of the frequency of the surname of the faces used in the previous experiment was found on face naming latencies. Therefore, it is concluded that the perceptual loop hypothesis provides the more parsimonious account of the entire pattern of the results.  相似文献   

In a successive discrimination four groups of pigeons were trained to discriminate between red and green. The groups differed with respect to the procedure used to introduce S?: Early-Progressive, Early-Constant, Late-Progressive, and Late-Constant. The aversive properties of S? were measured by an escape response in which a single peck at a second key terminated S? for 10 sec and darkened the chamber. The correlation between the aversive and error-producing properties of extinction was zero. More errors occurred when S? was introduced abruptly at a constant intensity while more timeouts from S? occurred when S? was introduced late. The procedure for introducing S? rather than the number of responses to S? appears crucial in determining how aversive S? becomes.  相似文献   

In human subjects, discrimination learning with errors results in active responding incompatible with the reinforced response. The direction of such incompatible behavior is opposite to that of the reinforced response. Responding occurs only during the stimulus correlated with extinction. The frequency of active non-responding is maximal shortly after the start of discrimination training (the time at which the frequency of errors decreases most rapidly) and approaches zero as discrimination training continues. The magnitude of behavioral contrast is not related systematically to the number of errors. Instead it is related directly to the frequency of active non-responding. Active non-responding appears to be motivated by the aversiveness of self-produced frustration, in the sense that active non-responding allows the subject to avoid the aversiveness of non-reinforced responding.  相似文献   

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