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论亚里士多德"自然"德性伦理学对德性伦理学复兴的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚氏德性伦理学是以"自然"为基础的,"自然"是本体用意与现象用意的内在统一,统一于"人生"之中.在亚氏德性伦理学语境中,人的生命历程与呈明"自然"的德性之美是内在统一的过程.当代德性伦理学复兴缺乏本体论承诺,致使德性伦理学复兴缺乏统一的解释力度.这需要从亚氏"自然"德性伦理学中获得启示.  相似文献   

The proposed paper presents an overview on the matter of virtue from different philosophical angles. It concentrates on three different schools of thought coming from the West and the East and their respective concepts of virtue. These schools of thought and the therewith-associated personalities and works discussed in this paper are Aristotelian virtue ethics, Confucianism and Daoism. The paper focuses specifically on the Nicomachean Ethics (NE) by Aristotle, the Analects belonging to Confucianism, and the Dao De Jing coming from Daoism. The paper is divided into three major parts. First, the concept of virtue of each school is outlined. In the second part, the concrete virtues as such according to each school are explained. In the third part, these virtues are then applied in specific business contexts like business practice, corporate culture and leadership, illuminating each school’s characteristic approach. The paper closes with a summary and conclusion. In the conclusion the paper outlines differences as well as similarities between Aristotelian and Confucian virtue ethics. Yet, the author generally takes a critical stance towards comparisons merely for the sake of finding similarities. Particularly between Aristotelian and Confucian virtue ethics there is a significant difference when it comes to the cultural and historical background of these schools, which should not be ignored. Besides, even within Chinese philosophy there are already significant differences when it comes to concepts and practice.  相似文献   

Lisa Raphals 《Dao》2011,10(3):349-357

George Rudebusch 《Dao》2011,10(3):341-348


In evaluating the merits and shortcomings of virtue ethics I focus on some central differences between virtue ethics and rival theories such as deontology and utilitarianism. Virtue ethics does not prescribe strict rules of conduct. Instead, the virtue ethical approach can be understood as an invitation to search for standards, as opposed to strict rules, that ought to guide the conduct of our individual lives. This requires a particular method. The importance of this approach in present times will become clear when we investigate the relation between virtue ethics and postmodernity. In our postmodem age moral concepts are no longer perceived as deriving their meaning from larger frameworks. Instead, their meanings are perceived as being derived from the contingencies that define our particular existences. Thus ongoing grassroots moral engagement is required, and virtue ethics is the appropriate moral framework for doing this. This results in a broadening of rationality insofar as the full richness of our situated lives are factored into our accounts of rationality. At the same time virtue ethics prevents relativism, mainly because it does justice to the social embeddedness of human activities. In order to illustrate the virtue ethical approach I will discuss two key concepts in our moral vocabulary: responsibility and integrity. We will see how these basic concepts can be properly understood only if one takes into consideration the contingencies, inherent paradoxes and tensions in human life.  相似文献   

本文首先考察了朋友概念的历史变化,然后比较了友爱和仁两个基本概念,这些是全文的铺垫。本文主要从“信”和“乐”两个方面比较了孔子与亚里士多德的朋友观。“信”为友道之基,这是《论语》强调“信”的原因所在;亚里士多德认为不同类型的朋友“信”的情况不同,有的无“信”可言,有的靠法律来保证,有的靠道德来保证,有的则是朋友本身应有之义。朋友为人类生活带来快乐,孔子认为这种快乐是“仁道之乐”;亚里士多德认为是“理性之乐”。比较有助于我们认识两位大师的伦理、政治以及哲学思想。  相似文献   

李明辉 《哲学研究》2012,(10):111-117,129
<正>近年来英语世界出现了一股藉西方的"德行伦理学"(Virtue Ethics)①诠释儒家伦理学之风潮,例如万百安的《早期中国哲学中的德行伦理学与结果论》(见Van Norden)、余纪元的《孔子与亚里士多德的伦理学》(见Yu;另见余纪元,2009年),以及沈美华的《藉亚里士多德与孔子来重探道德》(见Sim)。最近,"德行伦理学"的提倡者之一斯洛特(M.Slote)也涉入了此项主题。2008年10月他在台湾政治大学"人文价值讲座"针对"德行伦理学"所发表的系列演讲,便属于这类尝试。不过,他所主张的并非亚里士多德式的"德行伦理学",而是所谓的"情感主义的德行伦理学"(sentimentalist virtue ethics),其主要代表是休谟。  相似文献   

Before and during the times of Confucius and Aristotle, the concept of friendship had very different implications. This paper compares Confucius’ with Aristotle’s thoughts on friendship from two perspectives: xin 信 (fidelity, faithfulness) and le 乐 (joy). The Analects emphasizes the xin as the basis of friendship. Aristotle holds that there are three kinds of friends and corresponding to them are three types of friendship. In the friendship for the sake of pleasure, there is no xin; in the legal form of friendship for the sake of utility, xin is guaranteed by law; and in the moral form of friendship for the sake of utility, xin is guaranteed by morality; in the friendship for the sake of virtue, xin is an indispensable part. Both thinkers believe friends can bring joy to human life. According to Confucius, it is the joy of rendao 仁道 (benevolence), whereas for Aristotle, it is the joy of Reason. There are many commonalities and differences between the two. The commonalities reveal some inner links between Confucian rendao and Aristotelian Reason. It seems that the differences between rendao and Reason are the differences between moral reason and logical reason. The comparative study is helpful for us to understand the two masters’ ethics, politics and philosophy. Translated from Lunlixue Yanjiu 伦理学研究 (Research in Ethics), 2006, (1): 47–52  相似文献   

The proposal that care ethic(s) (CE) be subsumed under the framework of virtue ethic(s) (VE) is both promising and problematic for feminists. Although some attempts to construe care as a virtue are more commendable than others, they cannot duplicate a freestanding feminist CE. Sander‐Staudt recommends a model of theoretical collaboration between VE and CE that retains their comprehensiveness, allows CE to enhance VE as well as be enhanced by it, and leaves CE open to other collaborations.  相似文献   

Lai Chen 《Dao》2010,9(3):275-287
This essay focuses on the unity of several virtues in pre-Qin Confucians. Confucius maintains the proper application and coherence of such virtues as benevolence, wisdom, trustworthiness, straightforwardness, courage, and firmness. Further, Confucius takes benevolence and nobility as characteristic of human being. Particular attention is paid to the distinction and relationship between virtuous characters and virtuous actions.  相似文献   

Eric C. Mullis 《Dao》2010,9(4):391-405
This essay discusses the goods of friendship as they are articulated by Confucius, Mencius, and Aristotle. It is argued that since Confucius and Mencius tend to conceive personal relationships in hierarchical terms, they do not directly address the goods of symmetrical friendships. Using Aristotle’s account of friendship, I argue that friendship is necessary for the cultivation of virtue outside the family. This is supported by discussing the virtues of generosity, trust, and wisdom as they develop within family life and then are refined in friendships. Lastly, as Confucius, Mencius, and Aristotle agree that the good friendship is necessarily a virtuous one, I consider what value aesthetic friendships have.  相似文献   

Are there good grounds for thinking that the moral values of action are to be derived from those of character? This ‘virtue ethical’ claim is sometimes thought of as a kind of normative ethical theory; sometimes as form of opposition to any such theory. However, the best case to be made for it supports neither of these claims. Rather, it leads us to a distinctive view in moral epistemology: the view that my warrant for a particular moral judgement derives from my warrant for believing that I am a good moral judge. This view seems to confront a regress-problem. For the belief that I am a good moral judge is itself a particular moral judgement. So it seems that, on this view, I need to derive my warrant for believing that I am a good moral judge from my warrant for believing that I am a good judge of moral judges; and so on. I show how this worry can be met, and trace the implications of the resulting view for warranted moral judgement.  相似文献   

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