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We investigated whether and how the movement initiation condition (IC) encountered during the early movements performed following focal muscle fatigue affects the postural control of discrete ballistic movements. For this purpose, subjects performed shoulder flexions in a standing posture at maximal velocity under two movement IC, i.e., in self-paced conditions and submitted to a Stroop-like task in which participants had to trigger fast shoulder flexions at the presentation of incongruent colors. Shoulder flexion kinematics, surface muscle activity of focal and postural muscles as well as center-of-pressure kinematics were recorded. The initial IC and the order in which subjects were submitted to these two conditions were varied within two separate experimental sessions. IC schedule was repeated before and after fatigue protocols involving shoulder flexors. The aim of this fatigue procedure was to affect acceleration-generating capacities of focal muscles. In such conditions, the postural muscle activity preceding and accompanying movement execution is expected to decrease. Following fatigue, when subjects initially moved in self-paced conditions, postural muscle activity decreased and scaled to the lower focal peak acceleration. This postural strategy then transferred to the Stroop-like task. In contrast, when subjects initially moved submitted to the Stroop-like task, postural muscle activity did not decrease and this transferred to self-paced movements. Regarding the center-of-pressure peak velocity, which is indicative of the efficiency of the postural actions generated in stabilizing posture, no difference appeared between the two sessions post-fatigue. This highlights an optimization of the postural actions when subjects first moved in self-paced conditions, smaller postural muscle activation levels resulting in similar postural consequences. In conclusion, the level of neuromuscular activity associated with the postural control is affected and can be optimized by the initial movement IC experienced post-fatigue. Beyond the fundamental contributions arising from these results, we point out potential applications for trainers and sports instructors.  相似文献   

Poor scapulothoracic control is a risk for developing shoulder pathology, but has received little attention so far in individuals with stroke (IwS). Trunk and scapular kinematics and surface muscle activity were measured in 15 healthy controls and 18 IwS during a low and high forward flexion (FF). Group-differences in trunk and scapular kinematics were assessed during low and high FF using a t-test (independent samples). Differences in muscle onset and offset time relative to movement start (both FF tasks) were determined using a mixed model taking into account the different groups and muscles. Recruitment patterns per group and task were described based on significant differences between muscles. In IwS, earlier lower trapezius and late infraspinatus offset were found during low FF, as well as a later onset and earlier offset of serratus anterior. For low FF, significantly more trunk axial rotation was found in IwS during both elevation and lowering. During high FF, IwS showed significantly less scapular posterior tilt during elevation and more scapular lateral rotation during lowering. IwS demonstrated adaptive muscle timing with earlier initiation and late inactivation of lower trapezius and infraspinatus, possibly to compensate for a late activation and early deactivation of the serratus anterior and to establish as such the correct pattern of scapulothoracic movement.  相似文献   

Trunk motor control is essential for athletic performance, and inadequate trunk motor control has been linked to an increased risk of developing low back and lower limb injury in athletes. Research is limited in comparing relationships between trunk neuromuscular control, postural control, and trunk proprioception in athletes from different sporting backgrounds. To test for these relationships, collegiate level long distance runners and golfers, along with non-athletic controls were recruited. Trunk postural control was investigated using a seated balance task. Neuromuscular control in response to sudden trunk loading perturbations was measured using electromyography and kinematics. Proprioceptive ability was examined using active trunk repositioning tasks. Both athlete groups demonstrated greater trunk postural control (less centre of pressure movement) during the seated task compared to controls. Athletes further demonstrated faster trunk muscle activation onsets, higher muscle activation amplitudes, and less lumbar spine angular displacement in response to sudden trunk loading perturbations when compared to controls. Golfers demonstrated less absolute error and variable error in trunk repositioning tasks compared to both runners and controls, suggestive of greater proprioceptive ability. This suggests an interactive relationship between neuromuscular control, postural control, and proprioception in athletes, and that differences exist between athletes of various training backgrounds.  相似文献   

Impairment of postural control is a common consequence of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Increasing evidences demonstrate that the pathophysiology of postural disorders in PD includes deficits in proprioceptive processing and integration. However, the nature of these deficits has not been thoroughly examined. We propose to establish a link between proprioceptive impairments and postural deficits in PD using two different experimental approaches manipulating proprioceptive information. In the first one, the subjects stood on a platform that tilted slowly with oscillatory angular movements in the frontal or sagittal planes. The amplitude and frequency of these movements were kept below the semicircular canal perception threshold. Subjects were asked to maintain vertical body posture with and without vision. The orientations of body segments were analyzed. In the second one, the postural control was tested using the tendon-vibration method, which is known to generate illusory movement sensations and postural reactions. Vibrations were applied to ankle muscles. The subject’s whole-body motor responses were analyzed from center of pressure displacements.In the first experiment, the parkinsonian patients (PP) were unable to maintain the vertical trunk orientation without vision. Their performances with vision improved, without fully reaching the level of control subjects (CS). In the second experiment, the postural reactions of the PP were similar to those of the CS at the beginning of the perturbation and increased drastically at the end of the perturbation’s period as compared to those of CS and could induce fall.These results will bring new concepts to the sensorimotor postural control, to the physiopathology of posture, equilibrium and falls in PD and to the role of basal ganglia pathways in proprioception integration. Nevertheless, in order to assess precisely the role played by sensorimotor integration deficits in postural impairments in PD, further studies establishing the links between clinical features and abnormalities are now required.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, we aimed to evaluate the interactive effect of performing a cognitive task simultaneously with a manual task requiring either high or low steadiness on APRs. Young volunteers performed the task of recovering upright balance following a mechanical perturbation provoked by unanticipatedly releasing a load pulling the participant’s body backwards. The postural task was performed while holding a cylinder steadily on a tray. One group performed that task under high (cylinder’ round side down) and another one under low (cylinder’ flat side down) manual steadiness constraint. Those tasks were evaluated in the conditions of performing concurrently a cognitive numeric subtraction task and under no cognitive task. Analysis showed that performance of the cognitive task led to increased body and tray displacement, associated with higher displacement at the hip and upper trunk, and lower magnitude of activation of the GM muscle in response to the perturbation. Conversely, high manual steadiness constraint led to reduced tray velocity in association with lower values of trunk displacement, and decreased rotation amplitude at the ankle and hip joints. We found no interactions between the effects of the cognitive and manual tasks on APRs, suggesting that they were processed in parallel in the generation of responses for balance recovery. Modulation of postural responses from the manual and cognitive tasks indicates participation of higher order neural structures in the generation of APRs, with postural responses being affected by multiple mental processes occurring in parallel.  相似文献   

This study examined whether dual-tasking affects an individual’s ability to generate arm muscle responses following a loss of balance. Nineteen young and 16 older adults recovered their balance in response to a surface translation. This balance task was either completed on its own or while counting backwards by 2’s (easy counting difficulty) or 7’s (hard counting difficulty). With increasing counting difficulty, less attentional resources were assumed to be available for balance recovery. The ability to generate arm muscle responses was quantified through the measurement of electromyographic (EMG) onset latencies and amplitudes from three arm muscles. Results indicated that the attentional requirements of the counting task did not greatly affect EMG onset latencies or amplitudes for both young and older adults. Even when an effect was observed, the magnitude of change was small (e.g., ∼3 ms earlier EMG onset and ∼2.0%MVC smaller EMG amplitude during the dual- compared to the single-task conditions). Thus, the generation of arm muscle responses do not appear to require a significant amount of attentional resources and the decreased ability to cope with cognitive interference with ageing is unlikely to explain why older adults have difficulty in generating arm responses following a loss of balance.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo study the influence of prolonged wearing of unstable shoes on standing postural control in prolonged standing workers.MethodsThe participants were divided into two groups: one wore unstable shoes while the other wore conventional shoes for 8 weeks. Stabilometry parameters related to centre of pressure (CoP), rambling (RM) and trembling (TR) as well as the total agonist/antagonist muscle activity, antagonist co-activation and reciprocal activation were evaluated during upright standing, before and after the 8 weeks period. In both moments, the subjects were evaluated wearing the unstable shoes and in barefoot.ResultsThe unstable shoe condition presented increased CoP displacement related variables and decreased co-activation command compared to barefoot before and after the intervention. The prolonged wearing of unstable shoes led to: (1) reduction of medial–lateral CoP root mean square and area; (2) decreased anteroposterior RM displacement; (3) increased anteroposterior RM mean velocity and mediolateral RM displacement; (4) decreased anteroposterior TR RMS; and (5) increased thigh antagonist co-activation in the unstable shoe condition.ConclusionThe unstable shoe condition is associated to a higher destabilising effect that leads to a selection of more efficient and accurate postural commands compared to barefoot. Prolonged wearing of unstable shoes provides increased effectiveness and performance of the postural control system, while wearing of unstable shoes in upright standing, that are reflected by changes in CoP related variables and by a reorganisation of postural control commands.  相似文献   

Electromyography-based human-computer interface development is an active field of research. However, knowledge on the effects of muscle fatigue for specific devices is limited. We have developed a novel myoelectric human-computer interface in which subjects continuously navigate a cursor to targets by manipulating a single surface electromyography (sEMG) signal. Two-dimensional control is achieved through simultaneous adjustments of power in two frequency bands through a series of dynamic low-level muscle contractions. Here, we investigate the potential effects of muscle fatigue during the use of our interface. In the first session, eight subjects completed 300 cursor-to-target trials without breaks; four using a wrist muscle and four using a head muscle. The wrist subjects returned for a second session in which a static fatiguing exercise took place at regular intervals in-between cursor-to-target trials. In the first session we observed no declines in performance as a function of use, even after the long period of use. In the second session, we observed clear changes in cursor trajectories, paired with a target-specific decrease in hit rates.  相似文献   

Muscle fatigue is a common phenomenon experienced in everyday life which affects both our force capacity and movement production. In this paper, we review works dealing with muscle fatigue and motor control and we attempt to demonstrate how the Central Nervous System deals with this particular state. We especially focus on how internal models – neural substrates which can estimate the current state as well as the future state of the body – face this internal perturbation. Moreover, we show that muscle fatigue is an interesting investigative tool in understanding the mechanisms involved in posture–movement coordination.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of foot sole somatosensory information during reactive postural control. Twenty young adults (22.0 ± 1.4 y) participated in this study. Baseline skin sensitivity from the foot sole was assessed using Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments. Postural muscle responses, in the form of electromyographic (EMG) onset latencies and amplitudes, were then obtained while participants recovered their balance while standing on a moveable platform that could translate in either the forward or backward direction. Following these baseline measures, the participant’s foot soles were immersed in a 0–2 °C ice-water bath for 12 min followed by a 3 min re-immersion period. At the completion of foot cooling, foot sole sensitivity and postural muscle responses to the balance perturbations were re-assessed. Results indicated that the foot cooling protocol reduced foot sole sensitivity and remained reduced throughout the duration of the experiment (p < 0.001). The reduction in foot sole somatosensation resulted in the soleus EMG onset latency being delayed by 3 ms (p = 0.041) and the soleus and medial gastrocnemius EMG amplitudes increasing by 14–23% (p = 0.002–0.036) during the balance perturbation trials. While the magnitude of these results may suggest that foot cooling has a minor functional consequence on reactive postural control, it is likely that the results also reflect the ability of the central nervous system to rapidly adapt to situations with altered somatosensory feedback.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare young and elderly healthy individuals and elderly stroke patients in their capacity to use visual CP feedback (VF) in controlling both quiet standing and weight shifting and to assess their sensory re-weighing when this VF is withdrawn. A total of 40 participants were involved in this study. Participants were asked to either quietly stand on a force platform for a period of 45 s with eyes open (EO), using visual feedback (VF) or without visual feedback (No VF) or to perform a dynamic weight shifting task while using VF or No VF. During the quiet standing trials with VF, only the young (YO) were able to decrease the amplitude and increase the frequency of their sway in either plane. Removal of the VF resulted in a 'destabilizing' effect in both healthy elderly (EL) and stroke patients (ST) in the sagittal plane. With regard to the dynamic task, both the YO and EL were generally more successful at weight shifting in terms of speed and control when compared to the ST. Yet, when VF was removed, only the YO were able to largely maintain speed and precision of control. Hence, providing or removing visual CP feedback during quiet standing or removing VF during visually controlled weight shifting can discriminate healthy young participants from healthy elderly, but does not clearly discriminate healthy elderly from stroke patients in the same age group. Results revealed that sagittal plane imbalance in healthy elderly and stroke patients may be largely due to the effects of aging, whereas frontal plane imbalance is much more specific for the postural problems associated with stroke.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of response interruption and redirection (RIRD) on motor stereotypy (hand and body movements) in a child with neurodevelopmental disorders. We also assessed whether a stimulus paired with RIRD could acquire inhibitory control when tested during nonintervention conditions. Compared with baseline phases in a reversal design, RIRD decreased both hand and motor stereotypies, and there was evidence of stimulus control. Extending RIRD to a second setting was also effective. The care providers responsible for intervention implemented RIRD with fidelity, and they rated the procedure positively. Clinical and research implications from these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between executive function (EF) and fine motor control in young and older healthy adults. Participants completed 3 measures of executive function; a spatial working memory (SWM) task, the Stockings of Cambridge task (planning), and the Intra-Dimensional Extra-Dimensional Set-Shift task (set-shifting). Fine motor control was assessed using 3 subtests of the Purdue Pegboard (unimanual, bimanual, sequencing). For the younger adults, there were no significant correlations between measures of EF and fine motor control. For the older adults, all EFs significantly correlated with all measures of fine motor control. Three separate regressions examined whether planning, SWM and set-shifting independently predicted unimanual, bimanual, and sequencing scores for the older adults. Planning was the primary predictor of performance on all three Purdue subtests. A multiple-groups mediation model examined whether planning predicted fine motor control scores independent of participants’ age, suggesting that preservation of planning ability may support fine motor control in older adults. Planning remained a significant predictor of unimanual performance in the older age group, but not bimanual or sequencing performance. The findings are discussed in terms of compensation theory, whereby planning is a key compensatory resource for fine motor control in older adults.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between analytical rumination and autobiographical memory specificity in participants with a history of depression. Participants completed the autobiographical memory test twice, once before and once after an 8 min manipulation designed to increase either an abstract/analytical or concrete/experiential mode of information processing. Results indicated a significant three-way time (pre, post)×manipulation (analytical, experiential)×depressive rumination (high, low) interaction. This interaction was the result of a significant decline in memory specificity from pre- to post-manipulation in individuals reporting high levels of rumination about symptoms when depressed who were allocated to the analytical condition. The findings of this study extend previous work, suggesting that low memory specificity in formerly depressed patients may be a function of state levels of analytical self-focus, with this cognitive style being more easily reinstated in the recovery phase in those who report a greater trait tendency to ruminate about symptoms when low in mood.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the type and direction of postural perturbation threat differentially affect anticipatory postural control. Healthy young adults stood on a force plate fixed to a translating platform and completed a series of rise-to-toes movements without (No Threat) and with (Threat) the potential of receiving a postural perturbation to either their feet (15 participants) or torso (16 participants). Each type of perturbation threat was presented along the anteroposterior (A-P) or mediolateral (M-L) axis. For each condition, the A-P center of pressure (COP) signal and tibialis anterior (TA) and soleus (SOL) electromyographical (EMG) recordings were used to quantify the anticipatory postural adjustment (APA). Results indicated that across both threat types and directions, postural threat induced a 40.2% greater TA activation (p < 0.001), a 18.5% greater backward COP displacement (p < 0.001) and a 23.9% greater backward COP velocity (p < 0.001), leading to larger and faster APAs than the No Threat condition. Subsequently, a 7.7% larger forward COP displacement (p = 0.001), a 20.4% greater forward COP velocity (p < 0.001) and 43.2% greater SOL activation (p = 0.009) were observed during the execution phase of the rise-to-toes for the Threat compared to the No Threat condition. Despite these threat effects, there were no differences in the magnitude or velocity of APAs between the threat directsion conditions. Since the type and direction of perturbation-induced postural threat had minimal differential effects on anticipatory postural control, these factors are unlikely to explain the discrepancy of previous findings.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the role of central and peripheral vision (CV and PV) in postural control. In Experiment 1, either the central or peripheral visual field were selectively stimulated using a circular random dot pattern that was either static or alternated at 5 Hz. Center of foot pressure (CoP) was used to examine postural sway during quiet standing under both CV and PV conditions. The results showed that, when the visual stimulus was presented in the periphery, the CoP area decreased and more so in the anterior-posterior (AP) than in the medio-lateral (ML) direction, indicating a characteristic directional specificity. There was no significant difference between the static and dynamic (alternating) conditions. Experiment 2 investigated the directional specificity of body sway found in Experiment 1 by having the trunk either be faced toward the stimulus display or perpendicularly to it, with the head always facing the display. The results showed that the stabilizing effect of peripheral vision was present in the direction of stimulus observation (i.e., the head/gaze direction), irrespective of trunk orientation. This suggested that head/gaze direction toward the stimulus presentation, rather than a biomechanical factor like greater mobility of the ankle joint in AP direction than in ML direction, was essential to postural stability. Experiment 3 further examined whether the stabilizing effect of peripheral vision found in Experiments 1 and 2 was caused because more dots (500) were presented as visual cues to the peripheral visual field than to the central visual field (20 dots) by presenting the same number of dots (20) in both conditions. It was found that, in spite of the equal number of dots, the postural sway amplitudes were larger for the central vision conditions than for the peripheral vision conditions. In conclusion, the present study showed that peripheral rather than central vision contributes to maintaining a stable standing posture, with postural sway being influenced more in the direction of stimulus observation, or head/gaze direction, than in the direction of trunk orientation, which suggests that peripheral vision operates primarily in a viewer-centered frame of reference characterized by the head/gaze direction rather than in a body-centered frame of reference characterized by the anatomical planes of the body.  相似文献   

Mental fatigue has been lacked attention in developing eye-tracking fatigue detection system for drivers. However, it has great influence on eye movement which could account for the poor validity of current fatigue detectors only focusing on sleep-related fatigue. This work sought to investigate the influence of two types of task-related mental fatigue on eye movement by examining 8 saccade-based, 3 blink-based, and 1 pupil-based metrics. We propose that two types of task-related fatigue caused by cognitive overload and prolonged underload will induce different physiological responses to eye-motion features. Twenty participants completed a vigilance task before and after a 1-h driving with a secondary task in a virtual simulation environment, while forty participants, divided equally into two groups, finished the same task before and after a 1-h and 1.5-h monotonous driving. T-test was applied to analyse the eye-motion, subjective and vigilance data during vigilance task. We found that overload driving made drivers vigilance ability decrease. The eye metrics showed different changes in underload and overload scenario. The blink duration, the mean velocity of saccade and saccade duration increased after 1-h overload driving, while the pupil diameter decreased. However, none of those changes were observed in 1.5-h underload driving, but saccade duration had a significant increase. The fatigue response to heavy demands over short periods of driving is different from the lighter demands over long periods in terms of eye-motion metrics. Considering mental fatigue in designing an eye-tracking fatigue detection system could possibly improve its accuracy.  相似文献   

In our commentary, we discuss two additional points about developmental speech production. First, we suggest that more precision is needed to accurately describe ‘speech production’ processes, and we suggest that hierarchical constructs from the adult literatures on articulatory phonology and speech motor control may be applicable to infants as well. Second, we discuss the implications from data that indicate that the effects of production are subject to task‐, attentional‐, linguistic‐, and experience‐related demands.  相似文献   

The present study examined the influences of marital status on different episodic and semantic memory tasks. A total of 1882 adult men and women participated in a longitudinal project (Betula) on memory, health and aging. The participants were grouped into two age cohorts, 35-60 and 65-85, and studied over a period of 5 years. Episodic memory tasks concerned recognition and recall, whereas semantic memory tasks concerned knowledge and fluency. The results showed, after controlling for education, some diseases, chronological age and leisure activity as covariates, that there were significant differences between married and single individuals in episodic memory, but not in semantic memory. Married people showed significantly better memory performances than singles in both subsystems of episodic memory, that is, recall and recognition. Also, the rate of decline in episodic memory was significantly larger for singles and widowed than other groups over the 5-year time period in both age groups. The findings demonstrate that the positive relation found between marriage and health can be extended to the relation between marriage and cognitive performance. This effect might be explained by the role played by cognitive stimulation in memory and cognition.  相似文献   

The study investigated the mediating role of perceived control in the association between religiosity and quality of life among young adults in south-west Nigeria. Data were collected from a sample of 1 050 young adults (mean age = 29.8, SD = 4.61; female = 38.7%). Regression analysis was utilised to predict quality of life from religiosity, partialling out perceived control. Findings suggest internal religiosity to predict an environmental domain of quality of life through perceived control. Perceived constraints appear to explain the association between internal religiosity and the environmental domain of quality of life.  相似文献   

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