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内容提要:道教咒语作为神灵法力的载体以及与神灵沟通的手段,具有鲜明的语言符号崇拜特征.本文以隋唐时期的道教咒语为研究对象,分析道教咒语的语言特点——“四言结构”与“名讳禁忌”,并运用福柯的话语分析理论,探讨隋唐道教咒语与权力建构的关系,解释其语言崇拜的内在原因.  相似文献   

本文从语言学角度分析宋代道教咒语的语言范式、语言特征与功能机制,阐释其反映出的特定道教观念与思想理论转向,探讨道教咒语与宋代大历史之间的互动交融。在特定的社会历史背景下,宋代道教咒语发生了承前启后的历史转向。为了满足信众降福消灾的世俗需求,宋代出现了大量带有巫术色彩、凸显道士权威的道教咒语;道教法术与内丹理论的融合使得道教咒语往内修、炼炁、天人合一的方向靠拢,体现出强烈的内炼外法的倾向。与此同时,为了迎合朝廷的权威,道教咒语不仅规避与当朝政治辞令相重合的内容,且分化为两种话语风格,以使得在上层社会与民间社会中传播。宋代道教咒语不断应对变化中的时势,积极采取不同的语言策略适应主流社会的意识形态体系,在话语变化中突破困局,构建道教咒语文化的合理性与合法性。  相似文献   

人类区别于动物的标志之一就是语言。语言是文化交流与传递的重要通用符号。人类对语言存有敬畏之心,来自于对其神秘力量的认知。语言所表达的祝福或诅咒,均会发挥其特定功能。在彝族传统文化中,毕摩所念诵的语言,是毕摩与神鬼沟通的重要媒介。正因为彝人相信语言中蕴含神力,因此衍生出诸多语言禁忌。本文聚焦于分析彝族的宗教语言特征和内涵,结合毕摩从业禁忌、代表性仪式,探寻彝族宗教语言的内涵与功能。  相似文献   

吴立民 《法音》2000,(3):5-10
藏传佛教(密教)以口密持咒来修行 关于神秘咒语的问题,这是人类文化史上非常重要的事实,也是人类迄今尚未探明的奥秘,是一个“音声之谜”。世界上具有悠久历史的神秘古国,为埃及、印度、中国,在他们的古文化中,都认为咒语与原始的语言、文字一样,是文化的重心。因为咒语早在语言文字之前,但人类因为有了实用的语言文字的进步之后,对于声音的研究,除了应用在文字语言的结构以外,便把有关声音的神秘部分,推之于巫术或宗教。现在人类有系统的咒语,就比较完整地保存在密教里。印度的传统文化,一直重视声音的奥秘,婆罗门教衍分…  相似文献   

成都平原的树崇拜与道教关系探奥   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"树崇拜"是早期人类所信奉的原始崇拜习俗之一.而以成都平原为中心的四川地区出土了丰富的树崇拜文物,不仅与神话传说中的记载相符,是早期社会分工留下的痕迹,而且反映了当时社会中长生信仰的流行.从广汉三星堆铜树到东汉成都平原的摇钱树再到道教的长生信仰,可以看出原始自然崇拜到神灵崇拜再到成熟宗教的信仰发展轨迹.  相似文献   

海德格尔的思想分为三个时期,《艺术作品的本源》是他中期的代表作。这个时期其思想的主题是历史,此历史不是人生在世,而是存在本身的命运,即存在自身的遮蔽与遗忘。他在寻找克服形而上的道路。海德格尔在此用现象学的方法,面对作品本身追问艺术作品的本源。  相似文献   

高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染是宫颈癌发病的必要条件,而HPV DNA与宿主基因组的整合及由此导致的E2基因断裂可能是宫颈癌致癌机制的关键。本文将从HPV感染、病毒基因组与宿主染色体整合及宫颈癌的演变历程中以哲学视角思考HPV DNA整合、E2基因缺失及宫颈癌演变的辩证关系,以期更好地解读宫颈癌发病原理并最终应用于临床治疗。  相似文献   

高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染是宫颈癌发病的必要条件,而HPV DNA与宿主基因组的整合及由此导致的E2基因断裂可能是宫颈癌致癌机制的关键.本文将从HPV感染、病毒基因组与宿主染色体整合及宫颈癌的演变历程中以哲学视角思考HPV DNA整合、E2基因缺失及宫颈癌演变的辩证关系,以期更好地解读宫颈癌发病原理并最终应用于临床治疗.  相似文献   

蒋孝军 《哲学动态》2012,(10):52-57
随着汉武帝立五经博士、独尊儒术,五经便在中国的文化系统中一直起着主心骨的作用。这种重要作用体现在它与统一思想、整饬人伦和建构制度这三者的密切关系上。经学在汉以后的漫长岁月中,其形态是基本稳定的,但是到了清代特别是清末,经学形态发生了巨大的变化。在清代乾嘉期间,政治相  相似文献   

周艳 《中国宗教》1995,(收录汇总):68-69
互联网技术的迭代更新与深入应用给全社会带来最深刻的变化,可谓是创造出一个独立的网络空间,相关主体(包括人和机器)在这一空间中活动形成一个不断完善的与现实社会交互渗透的“虚拟社会”。就宗教领域来看,由于网络空间的开放性以及“虚拟社会”宗教治理体系仍有完善余地等现实情况,互联网技术在帮助宗教服务更多受众的同时。  相似文献   

正念疗法是一系列以正念思想为基础的心理疗法的总称."注意当下"与"不作评判"是"正念"疗法的两大理论要点."正念"疗法在美国产生与发展,其外因是禅宗在美国的广泛传播,其内因是传统心理疗法的局限."正念"疗法的理论谬误在于抛弃了禅宗的理论内核,而仅继承了其形式外壳.  相似文献   

This article is focused on the Ukrainian branch of an international prayer network Mothers Prayers and its relations with the hierarchy of the Greek Catholic Church. The argument made here can be located within investigations on the transformations of religion and gender relations under Soviet socialism and the post-Soviet conditions (Buckley 1997; Kormina et al. 2015; Luehrmann 2011; Ngo and Quijada 2015; Wanner 2012). While a gender-focused analysis can undoubtedly help us understand some crucial aspects of this movement’s development, here I put forward a complementary interpretation which stresses the need to understand religious vitality and the role of religion, including religious organisations such as churches, in social and political struggles as an outcome of the Soviet secularisation project. The secularisation politics in the Soviet Union resulted both in the appearance of an ‘ambient faith’ (Engelke 2012; Wanner 2014) in unexpected areas of life and in changes of how people perceive the role of religious organisations in religious and political life. I argue that the praying mothers mobilise their motherhood to challenge the male-dominated hierarchical religious organisation in ways that are implicit and indirect, but nevertheless significant.  相似文献   


This study aimed to examine gender differences in the relationships between parental marital conflict, differentiation from the family of origin, and children’s martial stability. Data were collected from 453 married individuals in South Korea. The results revealed that parental marital conflict was directly related to children’s marital stability albeit only among married men. Emotional cutoff and family projection mediated the relationship between parental marital conflict and children’s marital stability among men and women, respectively. These findings can be used to develop gender-specific evidence-based interventions that enhance marital stability (e.g., programs for married and premarital couples).  相似文献   

认知神经科学:其特点及对心理科学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘昌 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1106-1107
1 引言近年来 ,认知神经科学 (cognitiveneuroscience)在国际心理学界、神经科学界被屡屡提及 ,其发展势头之迅猛使其成为 2 0世纪最后 10年心理学研究的一个重要方向。认知神经科学旨在阐明心理活动尤其是人类心理活动的脑基础(theneuralbasesofthemind) ,以揭示心理与脑的关系。这一特色是其被广泛关注的一个重要原因。但是 ,认知神经科学的这一目标并非现在才有。早在 1819年 ,Gall (175 8-182 8)和他的学生Spurzheim (1776 - 1832 )提出的所谓“颅相学”(phrenology)可算是朝此目标努力的一次大胆尝试。他们的努力无疑是失败的 ,因为…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to see if believing that others are praying for them reduces the noxious effect of living in a rundown neighborhood on change in depressive symptoms among older people. Findings from a longitudinal nationwide survey of older adults reveal that the deleterious effect of living in a dilapidated neighborhood on depressive symptoms is significantly reduced for older individuals who believe others often pray for them. Further analyses suggest that the stress-buffering properties of beliefs about being prayed for by others remain virtually unchanged after emotional support from family members and close friends is taken into account. The findings have potentially important implications for studying church-based prayer groups as well as assessing the ways in which individuals might support each other during difficult times.  相似文献   

抑郁认知易感性应激模式的研究:起源、发展和整合   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来,对抑郁易感性的研究,已经成为探寻抑郁心理病理的一个热点。文章介绍了抑郁易感性应激模型的相关定义、起源、及主要特点。介绍了在当代具有代表性的3个理论:(1)Abramson的抑郁无望理论;(2)Beck的认知易感理论;(3)双信息过程理论。尤其对抑郁认知易感性因素本身的起源、发展及影响因素进行了评述。最后,介绍了整合的抑郁认知易感性应激模型。在此基础上,提出了模型进一步完善和发展的方向  相似文献   

无证可辨浅识及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辨证论治是中医学精髓。无证可辨的情况,究其原因,一方面与医者辨证方法和技能有关,另一方面确实存在无证可辨的现象。为提高辨证水平,医者既要重视病性特点、病因、六经病辨证特色;也要积极引入中医“病”的概念和微观辨证,因为中医辨病在特定情况下可弥补辨证的不足,而微观辨证的深入研究则可能为无证可辨提供客观依据。为此,才可在实践中正确处理无证可辨的尴尬,并使中医诊断学内容臻备。  相似文献   

辨证论治是中医学精髓.无证可辨的情况,究其原因,一方面与医者辨证方法和技能有关,另一方面确实存在无证可辨的现象.为提高辨证水平,医者既要重视病性特点、病因、六经病辨证特色;也要积极引入中医"病"的概念和微观辨证,因为中医辨病在特定情况下可弥补辨证的不足,而微观辨证的深入研究则可能为无证可辨提供客观依据.为此,才可在实践中正确处理无证可辨的尴尬,并使中医诊断学内容臻备.  相似文献   

In early China, views concerning human nature underwent significant development, with philosophers moving from seeing it as desire or instinct to seeing it as virtue or essence. Before Confucius’s time, human beings’ xing, or nature, was construed as desire and instinct, i.e., as a physical nature. The key problem faced by theorists of human nature at that time was how to manage nature with virtue, i.e., how to use virtue to both control and enrich nature. A later, wide-reaching development was the use of qi to explain human nature. Laozi began, taking de or virtue to be the internal essence of the human being; Confucius took de or virtue to be xing or nature. Following this development, the main current of the theory of human nature in the pre-Qin period divided into two branches. One, created by the later Confucius, inherited in part by Zisi, and developed by Mencius, took virtue as nature and insisted on the a priority of internal morality. The other branch, inherited in part by Zisi and developed by the author of Xing Zi Ming Chu and Xunzi, featured the development of the old tradition which took yu, or desire, as nature.  相似文献   

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