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The processes people use to retrieve information about another person's behavior and personality were investigated. Subjects viewed different lengths of segments from videotaped sequences of actors' behaviors. The subjects' reaction times to questions about the actors' behaviors and about personality traits were both an increasing function of the duration of the segment about which the questions were asked. These data were taken as an indication that people do, in general, carefully examine the contents of their memories in order to respond to questions about another person. In particular, an exhaustive serial search model was supported. Additional data and analyses demonstrated that relatively abstract trait terms usually were answered on the basis of the exhaustive search, while relatively specific trait terms were not. A two-stage process model was proposed to explain the differences in the results for the two types of trait terms.  相似文献   

This study investigates how personality traits in combination with frequency of and emotional reaction to negative comments about appearance while growing up are related to appearance evaluation and orientation among adult women. Nine hundred and seven participants from a representative sample of Norwegian women aged 22–55, answered questions measuring body image, personality (Big Five), and history of experiencing negative comments about appearance. Results indicated that only emotional reaction to negative comments about appearance significantly predicted both appearance evaluation and orientation, while frequency of negative comments did not. Being extrovert predicted more positive appearance evaluation and being more appearance oriented than being introvert. Scoring high on neuroticism was related to negative appearance evaluation and high appearance orientation. The findings demonstrate the importance of differentiating between the frequency and the emotional impact of teasing as well as including personality traits when studying body image.  相似文献   

Regardless of culture, being a musician (whether composing, arranging, or performing) is a complex undertaking. Choosing to be a musician cannot be attributed to personality factors per se. Like any career choice, being a musician represents a blend of genetic and biological endowment with social and emotional reinforcers received in life experiences. Using a cognitive social-learning framework, this article examines research relevant to the musician's personality and seeks answers to 3 questions: (a) Why does one person, and not another, become a musician? (b) What influence, if any, does music have on personality? and (c) Does the musician have distinguishing personality characteristics? Research supports and contradicts numerous possible personality characteristics for musicians, but has yielded little, if any, unassailable empirical support for believing that there are personality characteristics unique to musicians. It has neglected the possible relation between the musician's personality and factors like the venue or context in which the music is performed, the particular musical genre, the presence or absence of career success, and culture. Research points toward music enhancing learning for musicians and nonmusicians alike. In addition to addressing personality and factors, future research will likely give emphasis to genetic or biological endowments.  相似文献   

In this article, I consider first the questions about the relation between personality and education that we have, to a large extent, answered, and then the questions that we have yet to answer, and, in large part, even to ask.  相似文献   

The physical, emotional, and psychological changes that occur in adolescence prompt youths to have serious questions about their bodies, relationships, and health that are often personal, sensitive, or embarrassing. Past research has shown that adolescents are often reluctant to consult physicians, peers, and others for personal health questions due to concerns about confidentiality. One new venue for health information is the Internet, which is a promising resource due to its accessibility, interactivity, and anonymity. This study is a snapshot investigation of a popular health support website, which utilized a peer-generated bulletin board format to facilitate the discussion of adolescent health and social issues. Analyses of two health bulletin boards—one on teen issues and one on sexual health—were conducted on the questions and replies found on 273 topics of mainly anonymous adolescents collected over a 2-month period. Results revealed that the questions most frequently posted and viewed reflected interests and concerns about their changing physical, emotional, and social selves: Romantic relationships were the most frequent topic on the teen issues bulletin board; sexual health was the most frequent topic on the sexuality bulletin board. The bulletin boards proved to be a valuable forum of personal opinions, actionable suggestions, concrete information, and emotional support and allowed teens to candidly discuss sensitive topics, such as sexuality and interpersonal relations.  相似文献   

Part I of this two-part article described the demographics, patterns, typologies, and motives of different subtypes of serial killers. Part II describes the development of the serial killer's drives and offense patterns. It discusses the brain mechanisms and dysfunctions that have been purported to underlie this type of extreme crime, as well as the cognitive, psychodynamic, and sociocultural factors that contribute to the development of the serial killer's relentless quest for victims. The article then discusses the practical forensic aspects of theories and knowledge about serial killers, specifically, the efficacy of behavioral profiling of offenders and the relevance of the insanity defense to serial killer cases.  相似文献   

Conclusion Therapists are human-and, believe it or not, fallible humans. Ideally, they are supremely well infored, highly confident, minimally disturbed, extremely ethical and rarely under- or overinvolved with their clients/Actually, they are hardly ideal. If you, as a therapist, find yourself seriously blocked in your work, look for the same kind of irrational beliefs, inappropriate feelings, and dysfunctional behaviors that you would investigate in your underachieving clints. When you ferret out the absolutistic philosophies and perfectionist demads that seem to underlie your difficulties, ask yoursell—yes,strongly ask yourself—these trenchant questions: (a) Why do Ihave to be an indubitably great and unconditionally lowed therapist?; (b) Where is it written that my clientsmust follow my teachings and absolutelyshould do what I advise?; (c) Where is the evidence that therapymust be easy and that Ihave to enjoy every minute of it?If you persist in asking important questions like these and insist on thinking them through to what are scientific and logical answers, you may still never become the most accomplished and sanest therapist in the world. But I wager that you will tend to be happier and more effective than many other therapists I could—but charitably will not—name. Try it and see!This article is adapted from an invited address presented at the 91 st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association at Anaheim, Calif., August 1983.  相似文献   

The original ABCs of rational-emotive therapy (RET)—where A stands for the Activating events in people's lives, B for their Beliefs about these events, and C for the emotional and behavioral Consequences or Concomitants of their Beliefs—have proved very popular and therapeutically useful since RET was created in 1955. These ABCs have been expanded over the years by Ellis and other writers on RET. This article presents an up-to-date and more detailed expansion of the ABCs, with special emphasis on expanding the more common rational Beliefs (rBs) and irrational Beliefs (iBs)  相似文献   

Although the murders committed by serial killers may not be considered rational, there is growing evidence that the locations in which they commit their crimes may be guided by an implicit, if limited rationality. The hypothesized logic of disposal site choice of serial killers led to predictions that (a) their criminal domains would be around their home base and relate to familiar travel distances, (b) they would have a size that was characteristic of each offender, (c) the distribution would be biased towards other non-criminal activities, and (d) the size of the domains would increase over time. Examination of the geographical distribution of the sites at which 126 US and 29 UK serial killers disposed of their victims' bodies supported all four hypotheses. It was found that rational choice and routine activity models of criminal behavior could explain the spatial choices of serial murderers. It was concluded that the locations at which serial killers dispose of their victims' bodies reflect the inherent logic of the choices that underlie their predatory activities.  相似文献   

This commentary on Brackstone and McDonald’s (1999) historical review of car-following models focuses primarily on five issues: (i) Why has so much effort been devoted to car-following models? (ii) What assumptions do car-following models make about driver behavior? (iii) What factors influence car-following? (iv) What improvements can be made to car-following models? and (v) Do we need a ‘normative’ model of driver behavior? The review concludes that differences between the approaches of traffic engineers and traffic psychologists to activities such as car-following have not led to a common understanding of behavior, which is required if the challenge of anticipating how people will drive in other circumstances with different in-car systems is to be successfully overcome.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, coalition building has become a prominent intervention employed in communities across America. Coalitions provide community psychologists and those in related fields with a chance to work with whole communities and to better understand how to create community change. As we reflect on the past two decades of community coalition building, there are many questions to be answered about this phenomenon. Why has there been such an upsurge in community coalition building activity? What is the impact of this activity? What have we as students of community learned? What are the questions that we need to be asking to improve the effectiveness of coalition building efforts and their evaluation? This set of articles will review the state of the art of community coalition building in both practice and research. The structure of the articles reflects a collaborative process, with multiple contributors from different disciplines, using a variety of formats. Because this is an evolving phenomenon where the questions asked are as important as the lessons learned, many of the major sections include dialogues with community experts from across the country and from multiple fields, including community psychology, public health, political science, public administration, and grassroots organizing.  相似文献   

The study of human genetics, now greatly accelerated by the federal Human Genome Project, raises important religious questions about human health, two of which are explored. To the first question—whether to terminate a pregnancy for genetic reasons—it is suggested that a pregnancy with a serious genetic defect may be considered at the same level of moral gravity as pregnancy from rape or incest, thereby permitting termination. To the second question—whether genetic predispositions negate personal responsibility—it is argued that genes affect but do not determine personality and behavior.The author wishes to thank Ian Barbour, Gene Fowler, Olivia White, Ted Peters, Brent Waters, and Russell Willis for many helpful criticisms of an earlier draft of this article. Appreciation is also expressed to Memphis Theological Seminary for granting a study leave during which this article was written.  相似文献   

T Wolff 《American journal of community psychology》2001,29(2):165-72; discussion 205-11
Over the last 20 years, coalition building has become a prominent intervention employed in communities across America. Coalitions provide community psychologists and those in related fields with a chance to work with whole communities and to better understand how to create community change. As we reflect on the past two decades of community coalition building, there are many questions to be answered about this phenomenon. Why has there been such an upsurge in community coalition building activity? What is the impact of this activity? What have we as students of community learned? What are the questions that we need to be asking to improve the effectiveness of coalition building efforts and their evaluation? This set of articles will review the state of the art of community coalition building in both practice and research. The structure of the articles reflects a collaborative process, with multiple contributors from different disciplines, using a variety of formats. Because this is an evolving phenomenon where the questions asked are as important as the lessons learned, many of the major sections include dialogues with community experts from across the country and from multiple fields, including community psychology, public health, political science, public administration, and grassroots organizing.  相似文献   

Part I of this two-part article outlines the history of serial killing and describes the varying patterns and motives for this type of crime. It reviews the assorted typologies of serial killers that have been elaborated by different researchers and offers an integrative classification of primary serial killer subtypes. In addition to the commonly cited male, heterosexual, solitary sadistic sexual homicide offender, this article describes a number of subpopulations of serial killers, including sadist–masochist, female, couple, homosexual, and professional serial killers. Part II will examine the developmental factors, neuropsychodynamics, and forensic applications of serial killing.  相似文献   

If, as the new tenseless theory of time maintains, there are no tensed facts, then why do our emotional lives seem to suggest that there are? This question originates with Prior’s ‘Thank Goodness That’s Over’ problem, and still presents a significant challenge to the new B–theory of time. We argue that this challenge has more dimensions to it than has been appreciated by those involved in the debate so far. We present an analysis of the challenge, showing the different questions that a B–theorist must answer in order to meet it. The debate has focused on the question of what is the object of my relief when an unpleasant experience is past. We outline the prevailing response to this question. The additional, and neglected, questions are, firstly –‘Why does the same event elicit different emotional responses from us depending on whether it is in the past, present, or future?’ And secondly –‘Why do we care more about proximate future pain than about distant future pain?’ We give B–theory answers to these questions, which appeal to evolutionary considerations.  相似文献   


This paper raises a pair of objections to the novel libertarian position advanced in Robert Kane's recent book, The Significance of Free Will.The first objection's target is a central element in Kane's intriguing response to what he calls the “Intelligibility” and “Existence” questions about free will. It is argued that this response is undermined by considerations of luck.The second objection is directed at a portion of Kane's answer to what he calls “The Significance Question” about free will: “Why do we, or should we, want to possess a free will that is incompatible with determinism? Is it a kind of freedom ‘worth wanting’... and, if so, why?” A desire for “objective worth” has a featured role in his answer. However, a compatibilist can have that desire.  相似文献   

A subset of violent criminals fixates on deviant (and often grossly misogynistic) sexual fantasies, or engages in sexually sadistic behavior toward victims. Although the role of psychosexual deviancy is quite common among many notorious serial killers (e.g., Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgway, Dennis Rader), it appears to be a motivating factor for some recent mass killers as well. Evidence indicates that the killer’s psychosexual issues were a motivating factor for mass killers (e.g., George Sodini, Jared Lee Loughner, and Elliot Rodger) in their assault. This article will compare and contrast the role and influence of a deviant sexual/misogynistic fantasy formation process for mass and serial killers.  相似文献   

This article provides a “behind-the-scenes” account of how and why the Inwald/ Hilson tests were developed. Since the 1970s, personality testing has been adapted and customized for use in selecting applicants for different occupations, including police, public safety, fire and emergency services personnel. The author developed the Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI) in 1979 as the first comprehensive behaviorally-based personality measure designed and validated specifically for use in high risk occupations, such as law enforcement. Over time, studies consistently demonstrated that the IPI was a better predictor of poor job performance than were traditional tests of psychopathology. While antisocial behavior patterns and characteristics measured by the IPI predicted poor job performance, there also developed a need for measures that would predict above-average/excellent performance in the workplace. In 1988, the author designed and validated the first comprehensive test of “positive” work-related characteristics or “emotional IQ,” the Hilson Personnel Profile/Success Quotient (HPP/SQ). Other instruments followed, including the Inwald Survey 5 — Revised (IS5-R) with questions added on domestic violence. This article describes the theoretical rationale, development and validation of several instruments developed by the author and now widely used for high risk occupations and for screening corporate managers and key personnel in occupational settings.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether there are different processes operating in the crime location choices between body‐disposing and non‐body‐disposing serial killers and between sexual serial killers and acquisitive serial killers. A sample of 49 series of solved German serial killings is used to examine the differences in travelled distances between these groups of killers. Nonparametric tests revealed that body‐disposing and non‐body‐disposing serial killers and sexual and acquisitive serial killers did not constitute subgroups of serial killers regarding their spatial behaviour. The results suggest that the compared groups are subjected to the same factors that influence their travelled distances. Furthermore, the possible role of planning and anticipated emotions in crime location choices of serial killers is discussed, as well as the limitations of the study and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

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