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小学生空间能力及其发展倾向的性别差异研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
许燕  张厚粲 《心理科学》2000,23(2):160-164
本研究探讨了二、四、六年级小学生空间能力的性别差异表现特征.结果表明,在空间能力的加工方式、加工精确性及加工策略上均存在着性别差异,而在加工速度上表现为无差现象.在空间能力的发展趋势和空间组合能力方面,女生表现出稳定的优势;在空间旋转能力上,男生的优势随年龄增长表现为减弱并消失的特征.  相似文献   

To help explain female inferiority in mathematical performance, sex differences in personality correlates of mathematical ability were examined. Three instruments, Rotter's I-E Scale, Miller Adult Locus of Evaluation Scale, and Byrd's Attitude Concerning Life and Self were administered to measure four personality factors: locus of control, locus of evaluation, identity confusion associated with resolution of the adolescent identity crisis, and self-esteem. Each personality score was correlated separately by sex with Scholastic Aptitude Test mathematical and verbal scores. The sample included 68 females and 63 males, randomly selected from college-bound seniors in a predominantly white, middle-class, suburban high school, chosen to limit the effects of social, economic, racial and educational differences. Two variables were partialed out for control purposes: number of mathematics courses completed and IQ Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test. For females only, internal locus of control and self-esteem were significant correlates of mathematical ability, and were seen as facilitators of female mathematical functioning in the face of environmental impediments to female mathematical performance.  相似文献   

The plans that adolescent boys and girls make about participating in senior mathematics courses and mathematics-related careers are often at odds with their actual mathematics achievements. In contrast to explanations relating plans to gender differences in mathematics performance, mathematics participation can be explained by expectancy-value models of academic choice, based on gendered self-perceptions, task perceptions, and value judgments. This study with Year 10 Australian students ( N = 199) added to an expectancy-value model the students' current course levels that act as salient social categories. The results suggest that intervention programs need to target perceptions by girls and boys about mathematical talent, as well as making mathematics more useful and interesting to young adults. The findings raise further questions about the stratification of students into separate mathematics courses during the early years of high school.  相似文献   

The Mathematics Problem Solving (MRS) and Mathematics Concepts (MC) subtests of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills were investigated for content and psychometric item bias at grades 3, 6, and 8. A small proportion of items were identified in each subtest which significantly favored either males or females. No skill classification, item content or location trends could be found for the mathematics subtests at each grade level. Across the grade levels, items in the MC subtest favored males for grades 3 and 6, but females were favored at grade 8. The procedure used in the study is generalizable to other groups (minority or grade levels). Test consumers have the right to know whether the test they use is fair for selected groups of students. Results from empirical investigations should appear in the Test Manual that accompanies the test battery.  相似文献   

高中生成就动机、物理学习成绩对其自我监控的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随机选取高中生314名,采用量表和问卷法探讨了成就动机、物理学习成绩对中学生物理问题解决自我监控能力发展的影响。结果表明:1、不同层次的动机,其自我监控能力不同,即高学习目标低成绩目标者监控水平最高,其次是高学习目标高成绩目标者,再是低学习目标低成绩目标者,最后是高成绩目标低学习目标者;2、物理学习成绩越好,中学生物理学习自我监控能力的水平越高。  相似文献   

L. A. Slavin, K. L. Rainer, M. L. McCreary, and K. K. Gowda's (1991) Multicultural Model of the Stress Process was used as the basis for exploring ethnic and racial differences in the life stress process among 103 Black, 129 Hispanic, and 105 White high school students from a multiethnic, predominantly minority, large urban school district. Cross-group comparisons were made on life stress exposure, appraisal of negative event impact, social support, and psychological symptomatology. White adolescents reported more negatively impactful stressful life events and lower levels of received social support than did Black or Hispanic adolescents. Minority status predicted ethnic and racial differences independent of socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

中学生创造性思维能力自评测验的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创造性思维有多种构成,其能力表现也有多种,即创造性思维能力是多维结构的.常用的最佳表现测验形式,无法良好测量其多维结构.一些研究者认为创造性思维能力是个体内在稳定的智力品质,并尝试使用典型表现测验来测量.本研究沿用此思路,尝试开发一套中学生创造性思维能力自评测验,即测查个体在日常生活中是否具有一些典型的习惯或行为方式.采用理论的探讨与实证分析相结合的方法,取得如下结果:(1)确定创造性思维能力的10维测评结构;(2)经过两轮测试检验,形成正式测验,信效度良好.  相似文献   

刘蕴坤  陶沙 《心理科学进展》2012,20(12):1980-1990
数学成就的性别差异是多年来广受关注的问题。长期以来人们多关注男性、女性数学成就水平的高低, 而近年来研究结果一方面揭示出总体上男性和女性数学成就的平均水平差异很小, 呈现出相似性多于差异性的特点; 同时也显示男性内部变异比女性更大, 男性在高数学成就者中占多数。数学成就性别差异的大小和方向受到评分系统、测验组织形式、测验内容和难度的影响。数学成就性别差异的形成是心理、生物、社会文化等方面多因素综合作用的结果。近期研究探讨了年龄、遗传和进化、激素和脑、刻板印象威胁、社会性别公平和时代等因素在数学成就性别差异的形成中的作用。未来对数学成就性别差异的研究应注意开展追踪研究, 关注低数学能力者, 进一步探讨复杂数学加工机制的性别差异, 建立数学成就性别差异形成机制的综合模型, 并在更广阔的社会文化背景下开展研究。  相似文献   

高中生物理问题解决中自我监控能力的结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在前人研究的基础上,以314名高中学生为被试,对物理学科问题解决自我监控能力的结构进行研究.结果表明,物理学科问题解决自我监控能力的五成分模型更为合理,与其它可能的模型相比,五成分模型的GFI最高,为085,χ2/df最小,为170.从物理解题过程来看,其物理问题解决自我监控能力由计划、调节、监察、检验和反思等五个方面的因素组成.  相似文献   

为探究高效率数学学习高中生的数学学习成绩的影响因素的不同作用效果,以及这些影响因素间存在的作用路径,通过目标抽样,选取102名高中生为被试开展调查研究。通过数据分析,并依托AMOS软件的模型界定搜寻功能进行路径分析,获得研究结论:(1)数学元认知、数学非智力因素、智力因素、数学学习策略和数学素养这5个变量对高效率数学学习高中生的数学学习成绩的作用效果值依次递减。(2)5个变量通过两条主要路径影响高效率数学学习高中生的数学学习成绩,一是智力因素与数学素养构成的影响路径,二是数学元认知、数学非智力因素以及数学学习策略构成的影响路径。  相似文献   

Despite impressive employment gains in many fields of science, women remain underrepresented in fields requiring intensive use of mathematics. Here we discuss three potential explanations for women's underrepresentation: (a) male-female mathematical and spatial ability gaps, (b) sex discrimination, and (c) sex differences in career preferences and lifestyle choices. Synthesizing findings from psychology, endocrinology, sociology, economics, and education leads to the conclusion that, among a combination of interrelated factors, preferences and choices-both freely made and constrained-are the most significant cause of women's underrepresentation.  相似文献   

Sex Differences in Episodic Memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Research shows sex differences in episodic memory. These differences vary in magnitude as a function of the type of material to be remembered. Throughout the life span, verbal episodic-memory tasks yield differences favoring women. In contrast, episodic-memory tasks requiring visuospatial processing result in differences favoring men. There are also sex differences favoring women on episodic-memory tasks requiring both verbal and visuospatial processing and on face-recognition tasks. Thus, there may be a small, general episodic-memory advantage for women—an advantage that can increase by the advantage women have over men in verbal production and can be reversed by the male advantage in visuospatial tasks. In addition, environmental factors affect the magnitude of the sex differences in episodic memory.  相似文献   

性别差异是认知心理学中一个重要的研究领域。男性在执行空间认知任务时的表现往往好于女性,在心理旋转任务中,这种现象更为普遍。近年来,人们在行为和脑成像等层面对心理旋转中的性别差异进行了大量的研究,该文通过对其中一部分研究的回顾描述了心理旋转的性别差异在行为及脑成像实验中的表现,总结了可能导致这种性别差异的生理及策略等因素  相似文献   

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