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《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(3):191-206
Our article presents the results of three studies carried out to develop and validate a scale to measure satisfaction with the work environment (ESET). Environmental satisfaction refers to the way people evaluate their workplace and has become a central concept in environmental psychology. However, so far, it has been little explored in an organizational framework. Our study aims to fill that gap by drawing up a French scale of environmental satisfaction at work based on an overall view of satisfaction toward the work environment. A systemic approach needs to be taken, covering the different spaces that make up these work environments, including the work-station, the office space, the working area and the external environment. Participants were 143 office workers in different job sectors. Confirmatory analysis showed that our environmental satisfaction at work questionnaire had good psychometric qualities.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to achieve a transcultural adaptation of a measure scale of professional values, particularly Schein’s (1985) career anchors from a north American context where it has been conceived to an arab-islamic culture, Tunisian’s environment. For this, this research follows a rigorous methodological process, that enable it to establish a new measure scale, offering good psychometric qualities and building up professional values adapted to Tunisian employees.  相似文献   

Socioeducational contexts are frequently marked out as linked with pupils’ success at school. However, these contexts are often studied for their effects, therefore little researches are made on the pupils’ perceptions. The objective of this study is to build and validate a scale measuring pupils’ satisfaction towards high school. Three main factors and their subdimensions have been controlled in an exploratory study with 232 pupils. This structure of the scale has been reinforced in a cross-validation, during a confirmatory study with 542 high school students. The internal consistency of satisfaction’s dimensions, their predictive qualities and the adequacy of the measurement model give evidence of high psychometric qualities of this scale.  相似文献   

Organizational space is a meaningful environment that can contribute to the well-being of the individual or lead to dissatisfaction and stress. The objective of this research is to develop a scale of satisfaction of employees toward their work place and test its factorial structure and internal validity. Two principal satisfaction factors have been isolated in an exploratory study carried out among 214 participants. A second-order factorial structure has been established in a cross-validation of the scale during a confirmatory study applied to a second sample of 261 participants. The internal consistency of the satisfaction dimensions, the adequacy of the measurement model to the data, and the stability of the factorial structure are proof of the good psychometric qualities of this scale.  相似文献   

Although spirituality and religion have often been used in an undifferentiated way in the literature, the existence of an areligious spirituality beyond the question of religious belief. The objective of our study was to construct and validate a scale of areligious spirituality applicable to the university student. The unidimensional structure of the scale was revealed in an exploratory study carried out with 263 students. This structure was also exhibited in a confirmatory study concerning 259 students. The internal coherence was satisfactory. Multi-group analyses showed that the model works equally well for men and women and for members and non-members of a religious order. Finally a high score on the scale of areligious spirituality is associated with a strong satisfaction with life. This preliminary research highlights the good psychometric properties of the Explicit Scale of Areligious Spirituality (ESAS) and seems to be a good investigative tool for all researchers and professionals interested in the subject of spirituality.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of two studies designed to develop and validate the emotional self-efficacy scale (ESE). The emotional intelligence model of Mayer and Salovey (1997) and self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1997) are used in this study. The results of confirmatory analysis support the seven-factor structure: self-efficacy to perceive emotions in the self and others, self-efficacy to use emotion, self-efficacy to understand emotion in the self and others and self-efficacy to manage emotion in the self and others. In addition, results reveal that the ESE subscales display satisfactory internal consistency values. Furthermore, the construct validity is supported by correlations between the seven factors and between several variables associated with ESE (Big Five, the positive and negative affect and the alexithymia). Altogether, results provide preliminary support for the psychometric properties the ESE.  相似文献   

The study aims to develop and present the validation process of a questionnaire on emotional self-efficacy in the work context from the six steps proposed by Dussault et al. (2007). The study is based on the theories of emotional intelligence of Mayer and Salovey (1997), Petrides and Furham (2001) and the self-efficacy of Bandura (1997). Following an expert analysis and a pre-test, the Emotional Self-Efficacy at Work scale is composed of 41 items. The participants are 985 Canadian workers. The results of confirmatory factor analyzes support the seven-dimensional structure, namely the self-efficiency to perceive one's emotions and those of others at work, the self-efficiency to use emotions at work, the self-efficiency to understand one's emotions and those of others at work and finally, the self-efficiency to manage one's emotions and those of others at work. The results also indicate that the seven dimensions have satisfactory internal coherence indices. The results suggest that this questionnaire is well suited to describe emotional self-efficacy at work. The use of the questionnaire will be discussed.  相似文献   

Objective and methodThe aim of this article is to provide a portrait of the emotional competencies developed by school principals (n = 359) in a mentoring context by developing a seven-step questionnaire by Frenette et al. (2019) presenting various proofs of validity.ResultsThe analyses conducted support a factorial structure with two correlated aspects of emotional competencies (self and others). School principals in Quebec develop more emotional competencies related to the aspect of others than for themselves during mentoring. A further analysis indicates that school principals develop more two dimensions of Emotional competencies: Identification and Understanding. The results also show that 77.26 % of respondents indicated that they developed emotional skills during mentoring.ConclusionThe results provided an understanding of the importance of emotional competencies in education, and specifically in school management. It also revealed the importance of emphasizing the role of mentoring in their development. To our knowledge, the questionnaire developed in this study is one of the first to measure the development of emotional competencies during a mentoring relationship.  相似文献   

In the literature on the professional integration of teachers burnout is often invoked to at least partially explain the high percentage of those quitting the profession after a five-year practice or less. Teachers’ burnout implies emotional distress, viewing pupils as « things » (instead of as human beings), and being unsure of one’s teaching abilities. While this not always leads to quit teaching, victims of burnout can hardly escape pessimism and cynicism about their profession. This paper is made up of two parts: 1) a discussion of teachers’ burnout; 2) some suggestions for keeping teachers on the job.  相似文献   

Most researchers working on the thematic of workplace spirituality recognize the importance of its relationships with individual and organizational performance. However, no scale for assessing it has been translated and validated in a French-speaking context. Therefore, this study aims to validate the adaptation of the “Workplace spirituality” scale. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were carried out on all data collected from 623 participants working in France. The results revealed a five-factor solution: “Transcendence”, “Alignment with the organization values”, “Mindfulness”, “Compassion” and “Meaningful work”, as well as satisfactory psychometric qualities. The discussion presents the reasons why the French version is valid and identifies some of the limitations of this study.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of three studies aiming to develop and validate a French-language scale of adolescents’ self-esteem conditions, the Adolescents’ Self-Esteem Conditions Scale (ASECS). Designed for young people from the beginning to the end of adolescence, the 30-item scale measures to which extent youths base their self-esteem on positive and negative events related to their social acceptance, physical appearance, sportive and athletic performance, body weight and academic achievement. In the first study, the ASECS was administered to a sample of 431 francophone students from grade 7th to grade 11th. Seven weeks later, 372 of these students were invited to answer the questionnaire once more. Exploratory factor analysis yielded five factors with high internal consistency and strong test-retest reliability. In the second study, the five-factor model was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis on data from 1523 francophone 7th–11th graders. Finally, finding from the third study (n = 344) demonstrated the instrument's convergent validity. The results from the three studies establish the ASECS’ strong psychometric properties. The discussion focuses on its usefulness in research and intervention among adolescents.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2019,25(4):399-417
IntroductionReliable tools capable of assessing the various dimensions of the representations of informal work are inexistent. This very situation contributes in eliminating the possibilities of quantitative studies on informal work in psychology.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to put forward a quantifying instrument of the representations of informal work, presenting adequate psychometric qualities.MethodThree case studies have been realized in Cameroon: the first one is qualitative, and enables the identification of considerable elements of the representations of informal work through proper analyses; the last two studies are quantitative. Data are collected with a questionnaire and analysed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses through SPSS17.0 and Amos.21 software.ResultsThree dimensions of representations of informal work arises from analyses: nature and security, normative aspects, financial aspects related to informal work. It is also noted that intentions to engage into the restructuring programmes of informal work are significantly oriented by the representations of informal work.ConclusionThus, the convenience of the scale once validated, its perspectives and its limits remain arguable.  相似文献   

This paper has two aims: testing the Perceived Residential Environment Quality Indicators (PREQIs’, Bonaiuto et al., 2003) factorial structure and reliability in the French context and testing a three-level model where more specific PREQIs cover the first level, more molar PREQIs about pace of life (i.e., the attribution of qualities such as stimulating vs. boring and relaxing vs. distressing) cover the second level, and neighbourhood attachment represents the final outcome variable. Participants (n = 383) were residents of Paris who filled in a questionnaire including the French version of the extended PREQIs and Neighbourhood Attachment (NA) scales (Bonaiuto et al., 2006). PREQIs are validated in France with 139 items and 19 indicators (plus one indicator composed of 8 items for place attachment). The path analysis model presents an indirect connection between some PREQIs and NA via pace of life indicators, which are influenced by PREQIs and are directly associated to NA. More specifically, different PREQIs affect different pace of life dimensions: the perception of a more relaxed neighbourhood is associated to a high quality of design features, environmental health, and safety, whereas the perception of a more stimulating neighbourhood is connected to the presence of human activities and services.  相似文献   

Despite sustained interest of both researchers and practitioners in favor of a reliable measure of management consulting effectiveness, the existing assessment instruments remain scarce, poorly validated and often inadequate. This study proposes a new instrument for assessing management consulting effectiveness from the consultant's point of view: The Consulting Effectiveness Questionnaire (Questionnaire d’efficacité de la consultation). The preliminary empirical validation of the questionnaire was conducted using two samples of 116 and 207 consultants. Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analyses suggests a second-order two-factor solution, namely the Quality of the process and Value-added results. The results offer preliminary support for the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of this promising tool for both research and practice purposes.  相似文献   

IntroductionTo our knowledge, there is a lack of reliable measurement tools to assess different dimensions of recognition in the organizational context. As a consequence, quantitative studies in the area are still lacking.ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to propose a measuring instrument of recognition at work showing valid and satisfactory psychometric properties.MethodsTwo cross-sectional studies were conducted in this research. The data collected by questionnaire were processed by SPSS17.0 software for exploratory factor analysis and EQS 6.1 for confirmatory factor analyzes.ResultsThe results show that in organizational context, there may be 3 sources of recognition that have to be taken into consideration: the organization itself, superiors and colleagues.ConclusionThis study extend prior research on the measurement of recognition at work. A validated tool based on the most rigorous validation methods and the latest methodological advances, in particular by confirmatory factor analyzes, has then been created.  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify the determinants of turnover intention at women in male- dominated occupations, and namely, attitude-based (job satisfaction and organisational commitment), identity-based (self-efficacy and perceived gender-identity conflict), and context-based factors (perceived social support, induction practices and job design). The survey (N=131) reveals that affective commitment predicts two types of turnover intention: job retention and occupation retention. As regards job retention, affective commitment is related to job satisfaction and job-context structure ; as to occupation retention, affective commitment is linked to self-efficacy and perceived social support material from colleagues and superiors.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe illusion of control is widely accepted as a key factor in the gambling behaviors. A polysemic concept, its theoretical definition remains debatable, however, and the multitude of measures used to account for it makes it difficult to compare the results of research on it.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to clarify what the illusion of control is and to provide a measure that captures what it is.MethodBy considering the two valences, positive (focusing on gains) and negative (focusing on losses), relating to gambling cognitions, two subscales were thus subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses on the data collected from 482 participants (82.78% of women, Mage = 36.5, SDage = 12.31).ResultsThe results reveal that a 4-factor solution (absolute luck/series law; skills, knowledge and strategies; superstitious rituals and behaviours; personal luck/misfortune) allows us to describe the sample data for each of the two subscales. Polynomial regressions with response surface analyses make the case for presenting the two subscales simultaneously (matrix format). These analyses also show that the illusion of control is linked to gambling habits through the interaction of positive and negative valences. In particular, individuals gamble more frequently when they simultaneously attribute more their winnings and less their losses to luck.ConclusionsThe usefulness of this new tool, which addresses the illusion of control by a direct measurement of its dimensions and an indirect measurement of its affective structure, is discussed both in terms of research and practice, since it would make it possible to orient care.  相似文献   

This article presents a psychosocial intervention framework to support the development and deployment of a new technology. This methodology articulates the three phases necessary for the study of the representation of the use and its evolutions (i.e., the usual trajectory): acceptability, acceptance and appropriation. After an argumentative presentation of the methodological choices made, the article continues with the presentation of an example of accompaniment carried out within the framework of the IDViandes project aimed at the development of a traceability device for meat containers Of slaughter within the company SVA Jean-Rozé, subsidiary of the Intermarché group. This example argues in favor of the idea that the use of such a method makes it possible to optimize the successful accompaniment of the development of a technology and thus ensure its future diffusion.  相似文献   

Careers in the French Navy are determined by successive certifications allowed military to have more and more managerial responsibilities. Women are unequally represented in the hierarchy. Military identity is deeply associated with male characteristics (Sorin, 2003). Women encounter difficulties to be perceived as military in their own right (Héritier, 2011), but also to articulate their identity as women with their professional identity, de facto in opposition (Toulgoat, 2002). On the one hand women's family life is seen as incompatible with service life (Caraire & Léger, 2000), on the other hand, within the crews of warships, their skills are underestimated (Matthews, Ender, Laurence, & Rohall, 2009). The objective of this study is to model the effects of professional identifications and self-assessment of competences on the success of military women in professional certifications. We interviewed 154 students in training to become “experienced operators” (including 73 women) with an average of 3.32 years of duty (SD = 2.11) and 61 students in training to become “team leader” (including 20 women) with an average of 9.28 years of duty (SD = 3.30). The questionnaire measures self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977), performance expectations compared to their colleagues (Rosenthal, Crisp, & Suen, 2007), identification to the professional group (Laplante & Tougas, 2011) and identification to the organization (Tougas, Rinfret, Beaton, & de la Sablonniere, 2005). The final score at the end of the training is considered as an indicator of success. While women are as successful as men in the certification “operator”, they are less successful in the certification “team leader”. The structural equation model (path analysis) (χ2(15, n = 215) = 21.32, p = .13; CFI = .982, GFI = .976, RMSEA = .044) emphasizes the centrality of professional identifications to succeed in training. Women are less identified with sailor than men and feel less able to succeed, they develop lower performance expectations and they underestimate their performance compared to their colleagues, which has a negative effect on their success in training. In parallel, changes in family life are associated with reduced professional identifications, but this effect is independent of the sex of the individuals. Women are therefore exposed to two independent sources of influence limiting their career development: gender, which leads to less professional identifications and to compare unfavorably with their colleagues, and family status. These results highlight the importance of the dynamic of self-realization processes throughout the career.  相似文献   

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