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Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited form of mental retardation and is caused by the lack of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). In the brain, spine abnormalities have been reported in both patients with FXS and Fmr1 knockout mice. This altered spine morphology has been linked to disturbed synaptic transmission related to altered signaling in the excitatory metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) pathway. We investigated hippocampal protrusion morphology in adult Fmr1 knockout mice. Our results show a hippocampal CA1-specific altered protrusion phenotype, which was absent in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. This suggests a subregion-specific function of FMRP in synaptic plasticity in the brain.  相似文献   

Brain complexity varies across many orders of magnitude between animals, and it is often assumed that complexity underpins cognition. It is thus important to explore the cognitive capacity of widely used model organisms such as Drosophila. We systematically investigated the fly’s ability to learn discriminations involving compound olfactory stimuli associated with shock. Flies could distinguish binary mixtures (AB+ CD-), including overlapping mixtures (AB+ BC-). They could learn positive patterning (AB+ A- B-) but could not learn negative patterning (A+ B+ AB-) or solve a biconditional discrimination task (AB+ CD+ AC- BD-). Learning about the elements of a compound (AB+) was not affected by prior conditioning of one of the elements (A+ AB+): flies do not exhibit blocking in this task. We compare these results with the predictions from simulation of several well-known theoretical models of learning, and find none are fully consistent with the overall pattern of observed behaviour.  相似文献   

Animal self-cognizance might be of importance in different contexts like territoriality, self-referent mate-choice or kin recognition. We investigated whether the cichlid fish Pelvicachromis taeniatus is able to recognize own olfactory cues. P. taeniatus is a cave breeding fish with pronounced brood care and social behavior. In the experiments we gave male cave owners the choice between two caves in which we introduced scented water. In a first experiment males preferred caves with their own odor over caves with the odor of an unfamiliar, unrelated male. To examine whether self-recognition is based rather on individual or on family cues we conducted two further experiments in which males could choose between their own odor and the odor of a familiar brother and between the odor of a familiar brother and an unfamiliar, unrelated male, respectively. Males preferred their own odor over that of a familiar brother suggesting individual self-referencing. Interestingly, males (at least outbred ones) preferred the odor of an unfamiliar, unrelated male over that of a familiar brother, maybe to avoid competition with kin. We discuss the results in the context of animal self-cognizance. All experiments were conducted with in- and outbred fish. Inbreeding did not negatively affect self-recognition.  相似文献   

Bilateral intradentate injections of 3.0 μg of colchicine induced a substantial loss of granule cells and damage to the overlying pyramidal cell layer in region CA1 in adult male Long-Evans rats. All rats with such lesions showed a significant associative learning deficit in an olfactory discrimination task, while being unimpaired in the procedural component of this task. Injection of a partial selective 5-HT4 agonist (SL65.0155; 0.01 mg/kg, i.p., vs. saline) before the third of six training sessions enabled complete recovery of associative learning performance in the lesioned rats. Activation of 5-HT4 receptors by a selective agonist such as SL65.0155 might therefore provide an opportunity to reduce learning and memory deficits associated with temporal lobe damage, and could be useful for the symptomatic treatment of memory dysfunctions related to pathological aging such as Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

The failure to discriminate between a pattern consisting of four orthogonal bars and the same pattern rotated by 45° has been interpreted in the literature as evidence against pictorial representations in honeybees. This study determines whether prior training can facilitate the discrimination. In Experiment 1, one group of bumblebees was trained with a rewarding spiral pattern (S+) vs. its unrewarding 45° rotation (S−). A second group was trained with two different patterns, the spiral (S+) and the chevron (S−). Both groups were then tested with the spiral and its rotation, both of which were unrewarding. The first group failed in the discrimination while the second succeeded. The same was true when the training period was defined by choice frequency instead of time (Experiment 2). The facilitation due to prior experience was pattern specific (Experiments 3 and 4). These results show perceptual learning in bumblebees and weaken the case against pictorial representations.  相似文献   

Cancer predisposition testing can pose complex genetic counseling issues. This casereport discusses whether it is appropriate to provide BRCA1 testing to a woman withlimited intellectual capacity and documented psychological distress. This case is one ofseveral cancer counseling cases presented to our Genetic Counseling Supervision Groupover the past three and a half years. The Supervision Group provided valuable feedback and supportto proceed with this challenging case.  相似文献   

Factor analysis is arguably one of the most important tools in the science of mental abilities. While many studies have been conducted to make recommendations regarding “best practices” concerning its use, it is unknown the degree to which contemporary ability researchers abide by those standards. The current study sought to evaluate the typical practices of contemporary ability researchers. We analyzed articles reporting factor analyses of cognitive ability tests administered to adult samples over a 12 year period. Results suggest that, in aggregate, the science of mental abilities seems to be doing well with respect to the issues of sample size, number of indicators (relative to number of factors) and breadth of indicators. Further, our results suggest that the majority of ability researchers are using methods of factor analysis that allow for the identification of a g factor. However, 14.57% failed to use a method that allowed a common factor to emerge. These results provide insights regarding the methodological quality of the science of mental abilities, and will hopefully encourage further “introspective” research into the science of mental abilities.  相似文献   

Lymnaea stagnalis were operantly conditioned to not perform aerial respiratory behaviour in a specific context (i.e. context-1). The memory for this learned response was reactivated 3 days later in context-1. During the 1 h reconsolidation period following memory reactivation, randomly picked snails were either maintained in context-1 or exposed to a new context (i.e. context-2). One hour later in the post-reconsolidation period, snails in context-1 were placed for 1 h in context-2 and vice-versa. In neither the hypoxic reconsolidation nor the post reconsolidation periods did snails receive a reinforcing stimulus when they opened their pneumostome. All snails were blindly tested for memory 24 h later period in context-2. Only those snails that had been exposed to context-2 during the reconsolidation period exhibited 'memory' for context-2. That is, memory infidelity was observed. Snails exposed to context-2 in only the post-reconsolidation period did not show memory for context-2. The immediate cooling of snails after their exposure to the new context in the reconsolidation period blocked the formation the implanted memory. Snails trained in context-1 and exposed to context-2 in the consolidation period only, also did not have memory for context-2. However, the memory for context-1 could still be recalled following successful implantation of the 'new' memory. All data presented here are consistent with the notion that during the reconsolidation process memory can be updated.  相似文献   

In this study we tested the hypothesis that fear might facilitate learning when experienced contextually to the task. To this purpose, learning and memory performance of CD-1 mice in a Morris Water Maze (MWM) was assessed in the presence of a live predator (rat). Results indicate that a live predator induced specific predatory-avoidance responses, such as diving behavior and thigmotaxis. The rat-exposed group showed the most adaptive strategy, balancing anti-predator behavior and escape responses, while the rat pre-exposed group showed impairment in the initial phases of the acquisition. The probe trial revealed distinct swimming patterns but equal memory abilities in the different groups. Overall, this procedure represents a novel and easy test to assess the effects of stressful stimuli, contextually to spatial learning and memory performance, in mice.  相似文献   

To cope with environmental variability, animals should gather and use information to reduce uncertainty. In insect parasitoids, associative learning has been widely documented in the context of host foraging. However, despite its potential adaptive value, the insect food searching strategy and cues used to search are poorly understood. In this study, we examined the ability of hymenopteran Venturia canescens females to associate food to a visual cue. To broaden the scope of our results, experiments were performed with both arrhenotokous (sexual) and thelytokous (asexual) individuals. The wasps showed innate attraction for yellow and orange stimuli when presented versus blue stimuli. When trained to associate a food reward with one of the attractive colours (orange), they significantly moved from a distance towards the colour previously associated with food. The choice of the innately preferred colour (yellow) was not modified by associative learning. In the context of food foraging, this study is the first to show associative learning using visual stimuli in a parasitoid and active choice of this colour. This ability gives new insights concerning potential food sources for V. canescens in the field, since flowers are sugar sources, which emit colour signals.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is primarily due to a CGG repeat expansion found in the FMR1 X-linked gene. In a previous study, we conducted focus groups with women to assess their attitudes towards fragile X carrier screening. In this follow-up study, we conducted in-depth interviews of general population reproductive-age women who were identified as carriers. We explored their attitudes toward testing for carrier status of the fragile X mutation. These women underwent screening primarily to participate in a research project rather than in search of a diagnosis for specific symptoms. As such, these women were wholly unprepared for positive carrier results. Their responses about their results and carrier screening, in many cases, were being worked out over the course of the interview itself. The most salient finding of this work is the apparent lack of relevance of carrier status to these women. Many expressed that although the information could be relevant in the future, it is not relevant at this stage of their lives in terms of family planning (either with respect to having unaffected offspring or to premature ovarian failure) and personal relationships. Although issues of abortion seemed prominent in the focus groups, we found that carrier status did not have an apparent effect on women’s attitudes about termination. We hypothesize this may be related to the fact that women had not processed their new carrier status and had not related it to previously-formed personal opinions. The findings of this work have significant implications for genetic counseling and population screening. Genetic counselors should be mindful that general population women may not recognize the immediate importance of their carrier status even when literature is provided and discussed prior to providing a sample. As part of comprehensive genetic counseling, counselors should identify the reproductive life stage of the woman receiving the new information and help her identify when this information would be more meaningful in her life. Counselors can assist in setting up a personalized road map with specific types of services that will be more applicable to the woman as her carrier status becomes more relevant.  相似文献   

Male songbirds learn to produce song within a limited phase early in life; however they continue to learn to recognize songs in adulthood. Studies looking at Zenk activation after exposure to songs learned early in life for song production and songs learned in adulthood show opposite patterns of activation, suggesting distinct neural mechanisms may be involved in these two forms of learning. In this study, we look at IEG Zenk activation in auditory regions NCM and CMM of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to see whether recent exposure to song in adulthood leads to greater or decreased Zenk activation upon hearing that song versus a novel song. We found significantly lower activation in birds exposed to previously heard songs versus novel songs in vNCM but not dNCM, though further analysis suggest an overall trend in NCM. We found no significant difference in the amount of activation to previously heard songs vs. novel songs in CMM. These results support previous findings suggesting that activation is reduced to learned stimuli; we discuss possible implications of these findings in relation to song production learning early in life and song recognition learning in adulthood.  相似文献   

Information on the difference in cognitive function between laboratory and wild-caught mice is anecdotal and this question has not been systematically studied. Moreover, studying a wild-caught mouse strain per se may add information to the repertoire of mouse strains available. We aimed to study spatial memory in a wild mouse strain (Apodemus sylvaticus, AS) as compared to two individual laboratory mouse strains.Male AS (n = 20), CD1 (n = 19) and C57BL/6J mice (n = 19), 12–14 weeks old, were used in the experiments. The Morris water maze (MWM) was used for determination of spatial memory and time spent in the target quadrant at time points 5 (D5) and 12 days (D12) was evaluated. During the acquisition phase latency to reach the platform and path length to reach the platform was evaluated.Following four training days on day 5 (D5), time spent in the target quadrant was highest in AS > CD1 > C57BL/6J (P < 0.006). On day 12 (D12), time spent in the target quadrant was significantly higher in AS than in both other strains (P < 0.001).All animals learned the task and during the acquisition phase, latency to reach the platform as well as path length decreased significantly in AS.It is concluded that the AS is the most suitable strain for the evaluation of spatial memory in the MWM and is presenting with memory retention superior to laboratory mouse strains CD1 and C57BL/6J.  相似文献   

The inhibition of predatory behavior observed during the "prawn-in-the-tube" procedure has been extensively used in studies of cuttlefish learning. The present study examines the effect of age on the conditioning of this response in the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Data show that a significant increase in acquisition performance occurs between 15 and 21 days of age. The retention curves in 8- and 15-day-old cuttlefish show a monotonic memory process, presumably reflecting the presence of only short-term memory. In 21-day-old cuttlefish, there are two distinct processes which could be a labile short-term memory, and a subsequent intermediate memory. These mnesic systems seem to become more effective over the course of post-embryonic development. Moreover, the retention curves obtained in the oldest cuttlefish (30- and 90-day-old) bear a close resemblance to that observed in adults. These behavioral findings will allow further work on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory in the cuttlefish.  相似文献   

Vitamin E (α-tocopherol), a lipid-soluble anti-oxidant, prevents the uncontrolled propagation of lipid peroxidation by free radicals. Nevertheless, there is weak or no evidence of a protective effect of previous vitamin E intake on cognitive function in humans. In the present study, we explored the thermosensation model to investigate the possible effects of vitamin E administration on memory behaviors in Caenorhabditis elegans. Administration of 100 and 200 μg/mL of vitamin E had no significant effects on the memory for different time intervals, whereas relatively high concentration (400 μg/mL) of vitamin E exposure shortened the extinction period of the association paradigm (food at 20 °C). Following the UV-irradiation, post-treatment with 200 μg/mL of vitamin E not only retrieved the UV-irradiation-induced memory deficits, but also enhanced the memory functions in UV-irradiating animals. Post-treatment with trace vitamin E could also ameliorate the memory deficits in metal (Al or Pb) exposed worms. In addition, pre-treatment with 200 μg/mL of vitamin E could effectively prevent the occurrence of memory deficits induced by metal exposure and UV-irradiation. Therefore, the close association may exist between trace dietary vitamin E intake and memory behaviors, and a specific response mechanism may be activated after the administration of vitamin E in stress-exposed animals. Moreover, treatment with 200 μg/mL of vitamin E could restore the memory deficits formed in the ncs-1 mutant worms, suggesting that exogenous treatment with trace vitamin E can largely mimic the function of NCS-1 in regulating the memory for thermosensation.  相似文献   

The Simon effect is a robust phenomenon that persists after extensive practice. However, several studies using a transfer paradigm have shown that the Simon effect is eliminated after practicing a location-relevant task with an incompatible spatial mapping. The present study examined whether this transfer effect is a result of implicit, procedural knowledge developed through repeated execution of noncorresponding responses in the practice session or a consequence of explicitly learning and reinstating a noncorresponding mapping rule. Results from two experiments show that, although a small part of the transfer effect may be due to residual activation of noncorresponding S-R associations from the prior task, the larger and more stable part is likely due to response-selection strategies performed intentionally in the practice task.  相似文献   

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