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This paper contains a short review of the main results that were obtained by the author in a series of experiments that constituted a study of the effects of signal probability on choice reaction time. The effects of stimulus probability are shown to be influenced by the following variables: (1) differences in the method of varying stimulus probability, (2) differences in task complexity, (3) differences in S-R code, and (4) differences in Ss’ motivation. The data that are considered here are the overall mean RT for particular signals and the mean RT for sequential repetitions. Two questions, related to the psychological “nature” of the probability effects in choice RT are discussed: (1) The question of the relationship between the relative frequency and the number of alternatives as two different ways of determining the probability effect in choice RT; and (2) the question of identifying the main determinants of the trial-to-trial variability of RT in such experiments.


In a “Consistent” spatial choice reaction task, the same spatial relationship obtains between each stimulus and its appropriate response. In an “Inconsistent” task this is not so. The present experiment concerns errors in Inconsistent tasks. Duncan (in press) has suggested that, when two spatial S-R relationships are involved in a task, the dominant type of error is a response bearing to the stimulus the wrong one of the two relationships. Duncan's results, however, may be described by a different generalization. Rabbitt and Vyas (1973) have suggested that confusions occur between responses which, when made correctly, bear similar spatial relationships to their stimuli. In the present experiment, a new Inconsistent task is studied. The results support the account of Duncan (in press) but provide no support for that of Rabbitt and Vyas (1973). Partly on the basis of error results, Duncan (in press) proposed a model of response selection in the spatial choice reaction task. Unlike previous accounts, this model is not based on a set of individual “S--R” associations; operations generating sets of S--R pairs are involved.  相似文献   

This paper concerns sequential effects in choice reaction time tasks. Performance in two interleaved auditory tasks was examined, and two general types of sequential effects were revealed. First, a response repetition effect occurred: Subjects were facilitated in responding when both the stimulus and the response were immediately repeated. Generally, it appeared that subjects were operating according to the bypass rule—that is, repeat the response if the stimulus or some aspect thereof is repeated from the preceding trial; otherwise, change the response. In addition, the experiment also revealed a second type of sequential effect, known as a task-switching effect. Subjects were overall slower to respond when the task changed between adjacent trials than when there was no task change. A final result was that subjects were markedly impaired when the stimulus changed but the same response had to be repeated. This finding has been reported elsewhere when purely visual tasks have been used. Hence, it seems that particular difficulties arise, in such sequential testing situations, when type-distinct stimuli are grouped into the same response categories.  相似文献   

Inhibition is a widely used notion proposed to account for data obtained in choice reaction time (RT) tasks. However, this concept is weakly supported by empirical facts. In this paper, we review a series of experiments using Hoffman reflex, transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography to study inhibition in choice RT tasks. We provide empirical support for the idea that inhibition does occur during choice RT, and the implications of those findings for various classes of choice RT models are discussed.  相似文献   

Affective priming (AP) is a well-established phenomenon in which performance to a valenced target is typically better when it is preceded by an affectively congruent prime than when it is preceded by an incongruent prime. Several studies have emphasized a strong similarity between AP and Stroop suggesting that both are driven by response interference. The present study investigated this hypothesis by testing whether a general prediction of the response interference model was verified in the two tasks. This prediction refers to target strength and states that the size of compatibility effects should increase as the strength of the relevant information decreases. In four experiments, we show that this general prediction of the response interference model was verified in AP and Stroop when the strength of the relevant information was manipulated at the perceptual level (Experiments 1 and 2), while the opposite pattern was observed when this variable was manipulated at the semantic level (Experiments 3 and 4). While the results do not undermine the hypothesis that AP and Stroop effects are governed by response interference, they suggest that the model should be refined in order to account for differential effects of target strength in compatibility tasks.  相似文献   

In most of the literature on human performance the results of an experiment by Leonard (1959) are quoted as the most outstanding example of perfect S-R-compatibility. In that experiment the fingertips were stimulated by a 50 Hz vibration; the vibrating armature had to be depressed and the reaction times of the right index finger were recorded. The reaction time was found not to increase with an increasing number of tactual choices. In experiment 1 of the present study, also applying 50 Hz vibrations, the reaction times of other fingers were also reported. In addition the response stimulus interval (RSI) was varied. Leonard's results were not replicated: reaction time increased with the number of tactual choices at all levels of RSI. In experiment 2 the frequency and amplitude of vibration were systematically varied and it turned out that these variables could account for the differences between the results found. An increase in reaction time with the number of tactual choices was found with weak vibrations, but not with strong vibrations. The differences in reaction time patterns appeared to be caused by differences in tactile receptor systems (i.e. the non-Pacini versus the Pacinian system). It was concluded that the concept of S-R-compatibility did not cover the pattern of results but that the concept of ideomotor compatibility did.  相似文献   

Previous studies reported that movement observation affected movement execution. Using one and the same set of responses (i.e., lifting or tapping the finger), correspondence effects were observed for simple responses when the go-signals were similar to the responses (i.e., movies of finger movements) but not when they were dissimilar (i.e., moving squares). The difference was attributed to a higher degree of ideomotor compatibility with visible limb movements. We tried to provide further evidence for ideomotor theory by manipulating the degree to which different responses matched one and the same set of stimuli (drifting sine-wave gratings). To this end, we measured simple reaction time of dynamic (hand movements) or static (key presses) movements in response to the onset of object motion. Object motion and dynamic responses showed ideomotor compatibility without looking alike; however, both stimulus and response involved continuous displacements. Correspondence effects were observed for dynamic responses, but not for static responses.  相似文献   

We confirm Craik's (1947) observation that the human manual1y tracking a visual target behaves like an intermittent servo-control1er. Such tracking responses are indicative of "sampled" negative-feedback control but could be the result of other, continuous, mechanisms. Tracking performance therefore was recorded in a task in which visual feedback of the position of the hand-held joystick could be eliminated. Depriving the subjects of visual feedback led to smoother tracking and greatly reduced the signal power of their responses between 0.5-1.8 Hz. Their responses remained intermittent when they used feedback of their own position but not of the target to track a remembered (virtual) target. Hence, intermittency in tracking behavior is not exclusively a signature of visual feedback control but also may be a sign of feedback to memorized waveforms. Craik's (1947) suggestion that the intermittency is due to a refractory period following each movement was also tested. The errors measured at the start of each intermittent response, during tracking of slow waveforms, showed evidence of a small error deadzone (measuring 0.7 cm on the VDU screen or 0.80 degrees at the eye). At higher target speeds, however, the mean size of starting errors increased, and the upper boundary of the distribution of starting error was close to that expected of a refractory delay of approximately 170 ms between responses. We consider a model of the control system that can fit these results by incorporating an error deadzone within a feedback control loop. We therefore propose that the initiation of intermittent tracking responses may be limited by a positional error deadzone and that evidence for a refractory period between successive corrective movements can be satisfied without evoking an explicit timing or sampling mechanism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the integration of bimanual rhythmic movements and posture in expert marching percussionists. Participants (N = 11) performed three rhythmic manual tasks [1:1, 2:3, and 2:3-F (2:3 rhythm played faster at a self-selected tempo)] in one of three postures: sitting, standing on one foot, and standing on two feet. Discrete relative phase, postural time-to-contact, and coherence analysis were used to analyze the performance of the manual task, postural control, and the integration between postural and manual performance. Across all three rhythms, discrete relative phase mean and variability results showed no effects of posture on rhythmic performance. The complexity of the manual task (1:1 vs. 2:3) had no effect on postural time-to-contact. However, increasing the tempo of the manual task (2:3 vs. 2:3-F) did result in a decreased postural time-to-contact in the two-footed posture. Coherence analysis revealed that the coupling between the postural and manual task significantly decreased as a function of postural difficulty (going from a two-footed to a one-footed posture) and rhythmic complexity (1:1 vs. 2:3). Taken together, these results demonstrate that expert marching percussionists systematically decouple postural and manual fluctuations in order to preserve the performance of the rhythmic movement task.  相似文献   

One hundred and four participants performed a two-choice reaction time task requiring button-press responses to visual stimuli. Two levels of stimulus-response compatibility were factorially combined with two levels of stimulus discriminability and two levels of response repertoire. Results showed that the effects of these three variables were additive both in terms of mean reaction time as in terms of reaction time variances. The implication of this outcome is discussed in terms of the underlying information processing stage structure.  相似文献   

According to the contingent capture hypothesis, observers can specify their control settings in advance of the target’s presentation to quickly attend to relevant target colors. Two predictions were derived from this hypothesis and tested in a manual choice response task. First, contingent capture by color was expected: capture of spatial attention by a better-matching color stimulus should be stronger than capture by a less-matching color stimulus. Second, with the control settings specified in advance, the contingent capture by color should commence early after the stimulus onset and should be evident among fast correct responses in an RT distribution. Both predictions are shown to hold true in two experiments. Results are discussed in light of contrasting evidence for saccadic instead of manual responses.  相似文献   

Four-choice reaction tasks with a mixture of compatible and incompatible mappings were used to examine implications of the views that response selection occurs (a) in two stages (selection of the appropriate mapping rule, followed by application of the rule) and (b) by means of a second, direct route when the mappings for all possible stimuli are known to be compatible. All experiments showed, consistent with the two-stage view, that responses were faster and compatibility effects smaller when the mapping distinction corresponded to the left-right or inner-outer locations for the stimulus-response ensemble than when it did not. Moreover, precuing benefits tended to be larger when the cued responses had the same mapping than when they did not. There was an added benefit when both precued responses were compatible, rather than incompatible, consistent with the view that selection between compatible responses can proceed along a direct route. Received: 9 July 1997 / Accepted: 5 February 1998  相似文献   

Spatially orthogonal stimulus and response sets can produce compatibility effects. To explore whether such effects cross the border of logically independent tasks, we combined a nonspeeded visual task requiring verbal report of a stimulus movement (up vs. down) with an auditory reaction time task that required a unimanual movement to the left or right. Two experiments demonstrated that up stimuli facilitate rightward responses and down stimuli facilitate leftward responses, relative to the opposite combinations, thus producing an orthogonal cross-task compatibility effect. This effect presumably arises from abstract coding with respect to the salient referents of a spatial dimension (i.e., up and right), so that coactivation of structurally similar codes leads to mutual priming even when the codes refer to different tasks. The present evidence for abstract spatial coding extends previously proposed coding principles from single-task settings to dual-task settings.  相似文献   

In developing a motion prediction model it is important to initially consider the sources of variability that a model should reproduce. This initial step is followed by model evaluation, where the variability predicted by the model can be a useful test parameter. An existing lifting-motion dataset collected under controlled laboratory conditions was employed here to evaluate quantitatively some important sources of variability for lift motion modeling. The main source of variability was the segment being analyzed, which accounted for more than 20% of the overall variability. There was substantial left-right symmetry in individual segment variability estimates, which were largest for the upper arm segment and tended to be larger for the upper limbs than the lower limbs. Task-related factors accounted for variability mainly as a function of the segment being considered. Within-participant variability contributions to the dataset were relatively small, whereas the contribution of between-participants variability was dependent on the segment (as large as 50%) and could indicate different lifting strategies across participants. Variability was found to remain relatively constant across the different stages of the lifting movements. Implications of these results for the development and evaluation of motion prediction models are presented. Specifically, while task characteristics may be important modifiers of the mean segment trajectory during a lifting movement, their influence on variability differs based on the segment that is being considered. The relevance of the findings is discussed in terms of their utility in the ergonomic design of tasks and work spaces.  相似文献   

Psychophysiological measures were used to compare the response preparation and response execution processes of modified versions of F. C. Donders's (1868/1969) classic simple, go/no-go, and choice reaction time tasks. On all measures, differences between tasks were minimal prior to test stimulus onset, supporting the idea of equivalent motor preparation for the 3 tasks. In addition, the psychophysiological measures indicated that the time from the onset of motor processing to the keypress response was also approximately constant across tasks. These results support the assumption that the mean duration of motor processes can be invariant across simple, go/no-go, and choice tasks, at least for the present modified versions of these tasks. The findings emphasize the utility of psychophysiological measures for both examining preparatory processes preceding stimulus onset and for localizing effects on reaction time.  相似文献   

In this study, four components of the Stroop effect were examined for manual word and vocal responses. The components were lexical, semantic relatedness, semantic relevance, and response set membership. The results showed that all four components were present in the vocal response task. However, in the manual word response task, the only component that produced significant interference on its own was response set membership. These results do not support predictions made by recent translation models (see W. R. Glaser & M. O. Glaser [1989] and Sugg & McDonald [1994]). A possible solution was suggested that located two sites for Stroop interference. The lexical, semantic relatedness, and semantic relevance effects were located in the lexical system, whereas the response set membership effect was located at a response selection stage.  相似文献   

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