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Classically, it has been assumed that visual space can be represented by a metric. This means that the distance between points and the angle between lines can be uniquely defined. However, this assumption has never been tested. Also, measurements outdoors, where monocular cues are abundant, conflict with this model. This paper reports on two experiments in which the structure of visual space was investigated, using an exocentric pointing task. In the first experiment, we measured the influence of the separation between pointer and target and of the orientation of the stimuli with respect to the observer. This was done both monocularly and binocularly. It was found that the deviation of the pointer settings depended linearly on the orientation, indicating that visual space is anisotropic. The deviations for configurations that were symmetrical in the median plane were approximately the same, indicating that left/right symmetry was maintained. The results for monocular and binocular conditions were very different, which indicates that stereopsis was an important cue. In both conditions, there were large deviations from the veridical. In the second experiment, the relative distance of the pointer and the target with respect to the observer was varied in both the monocular and the binocular conditions. The relative distance turned out to be the main parameter for the ranges used (1-5 m). Any distance function must have an expanding and a compressing part in order to describe the data. In the binocular case, the results were much more consistent than in the monocular case and had a smaller standard deviation. Nevertheless, the systematic mispointings remained large. It can therefore be concluded that stereopsis improves space perception but does not improve veridicality.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of egocentric and contextual references on a 3-D exocentric pointing task. Large systematic deviations were found for the slant (angle in the horizontal plane). For most observers, the deviations were smaller when the veridical pointing direction was parallel to a wall. For some observers the size of the deviations was also dependent on whether the veridical pointing direction was frontoparallel or not. For the tilt (angle in the vertical plane), the deviations were smaller and less systematic. Hence, although observers show comparable systematic deviations, the way in which the presence of structure in an environment is used for judging positions of objects is observer-dependent.  相似文献   

Kelly JW  Loomis JM  Beall AC 《Perception》2004,33(4):443-454
Judgments of exocentric direction are quite common, especially when judging where others are looking or pointing. To investigate these judgments in large-scale space, observers were shown two targets in a large open field and were asked to judge the exocentric direction specified by the targets. The targets ranged in egocentric distance from 5 to 20 m with target-to-target angular separations of 45 degrees, 90 degrees, and 135 degrees. Observers judged exocentric direction using two methods: (i) by judging which point on a distant fence appeared collinear with the two targets, and (ii) by orienting their body in a direction parallel with the perceived line segment. In the collinearity task, observers had to imagine the line connecting the targets and then extrapolate this imagined line out to the fence. Observers indicated the perceived point of collinearity on a handheld 360 degrees panoramic cylinder representing their vista. The two judgment methods gave similar results except for a constant bias associated with the body-pointing response. Aside from this bias, the results of these two methods agree with other existing research indicating an effect of relative egocentric distance to the targets on judgment error--line segments are perceived as being rotated in depth. Additionally, verbal estimates of egocentric and exocentric distance suggest that perceived distance is not the cause for the systematic errors in judging exocentric direction.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated large errors (over 30 degrees ) in visually perceived exocentric directions (the direction between two objects that are both displaced from the observer's location; e.g., Philbeck et al. [Philbeck, J. W., Sargent, J., Arthur, J. C., & Dopkins, S. (2008). Large manual pointing errors, but accurate verbal reports, for indications of target azimuth. Perception, 37, 511-534]). Here, we investigated whether a similar pattern occurs in auditory space. Blindfolded participants either attempted to aim a pointer at auditory targets (an exocentric task) or gave a verbal estimate of the egocentric target azimuth. Targets were located at 20-160 degrees azimuth in the right hemispace. For comparison, we also collected pointing and verbal judgments for visual targets. We found that exocentric pointing responses exhibited sizeable undershooting errors, for both auditory and visual targets, that tended to become more strongly negative as azimuth increased (up to -19 degrees for visual targets at 160 degrees ). Verbal estimates of the auditory and visual target azimuths, however, showed a dramatically different pattern, with relatively small overestimations of azimuths in the rear hemispace. At least some of the differences between verbal and pointing responses appear to be due to the frames of reference underlying the responses; when participants used the pointer to reproduce the egocentric target azimuth rather than the exocentric target direction relative to the pointer, the pattern of pointing errors more closely resembled that seen in verbal reports. These results show that there are similar distortions in perceiving exocentric directions in visual and auditory space.  相似文献   

Extending Fitts' law to a three-dimensional pointing task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt was made to extend Fitts' law to a three-dimensional movement (pointing) task to enhance its predictive performance in this domain. An experiment was conducted in which 10 subjects performed three-dimensional pointing movements under the manipulation of target size, distance to target and direction to target. As expected, the duration of these three-dimensional movements was rather variable and affected markedly by direction to target. As a result, the variance in the movement times produced was not satisfactorily explained by the conventional Fitts' model. The conventional model was extended by incorporating a directional parameter into the model. The extended model was shown to better fit the data than the conventional Fitts' model, both in terms of r(2) and the standard error of the residual between the measured movement time and the value predicted by model fit.  相似文献   

Gaunet F  Rossetti Y 《Perception》2006,35(1):107-124
Congenitally blind, late-blind, and blindfolded-sighted participants performed a pointing task at proximal memorised proprioceptive targets. The locations to be memorised were presented on a sagittal plane by passively positioning the left index finger. A 'go' signal for matching the target location with the right index finger was given 0 or 8 s after left-hand demonstration. Absolute distance errors were smaller in the blind groups, with both delays pooled together; signed distance and direction errors were underestimated with the longer delay, and were overestimated by blind groups, whereas the blindfolded-sighted group underestimated them. Elongation of the scatters was stretched but not affected by delay or group. The surface scatter was greater with the longer delay; and orientation of the main axis of the pointing ellipses shows the use of an egocentric frame of reference by the congenitally blind group for both delays, the use of egocentric (0 s) and exocentric (8 s) frame of reference by the blindfolded-sighted group, with the late-blind group using an intermediate frame of reference for both delays. Therefore, early and late visual-deprivation effects are distinguished from transient visual-deprivation effects as long-term deprivation leads to increased capabilities (absolute distance estimations), unaltered organisation (for surface and elongation), and altered organisation (amplitude and direction estimations, orientation of pointing distribution) of the spatial representation with proprioception. Besides providing an extensive exploration of pointing ability and mechanisms in the visually deprived population, the results show that cross-modal plasticity applies not only to neural bases but extends to spatial behaviour.  相似文献   

Ellard CG  Wagar LS 《Perception》2008,37(7):1044-1053
Many experiments have shown that a brief visual preview provides sufficient information to complete certain kinds of movements (reaching, grasping, and walking) with high precision. This suggests that participants must possess a calibration between visual target location and the kinaesthetic, proprioceptive, and/or vestibular stimulation generated during movement towards the target. We investigated the properties of this calibration using a cue-conflict paradigm in which participants were trained with mismatched locomotor and visual input. After training, participants were presented with visual targets and were asked to either walk to them or locate them in a spatial updating task. Our results showed that the training was sufficient to produce significant, systematic miscalibrations of the association between visual space and action space. These findings suggest that the association between action space and visual space is modifiable by experience. This plasticity could be either due to modification of a simple, task-specific sensory motor association or it could reflect a change in the gain of a path integration signal or a reorganisation of the relationship between perceived space and action space. We suggest further experiments that might help to distinguish between these possibilities.  相似文献   

The current experiment suggests that the speed/accuracy tradeoff is composed of two classes of constraints, effector and task. We examined the effects of movement distance, target size, orientation of the movement in the workspace, and C-D gain on the kinematics of discrete pointing movements made with computer mouse. It was found that target size influenced the shape of velocity profiles by elongating the duration of the corrective sub-movement phase, while movement distance scaled the entire velocity curve without affecting its shape. C-D gain and orientation of the movement exhibited two kinds of effects: an overall scaling of the velocity curve and a change in its shape. We conclude that target size is a task constraint and movement distance is an effector constraint, while movement orientation exhibited characteristics of both. C-D gain by itself was not a constraint, but interacted with both task and effector constrains. These results highlight the roles of biomechanical and information processing factors in the speed/accuracy tradeoff.  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Fraser, 1950) on the relation between angle of display and performance in a prolonged visual task (Mackworth's Clock Test), it was suggested that the presence or absence of the experimenter might affect performance on vigilance tasks. In Mackworth's original experiments (Mackworth, 1950) the subject was in a closed cabinet by himself, and as far as possible all external noise and stimuli were excluded. In the angle of display experiment, the writer sat in the same room as the subject, out of his sight, and there was no particular attempt to exclude the ordinary external noises, etc. It seemed worth while to follow up the previous experiment with another to test the hypothesis that the presence or absence of the experimenter might influence performance in such a task. A new apparatus was devised for this purpose, which possesses some advantages over the Clock Test.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a pointing task close to the observer. Unlike most research reported in literature, the stimuli were composed of real solid objects in an unambiguous context, free of any cue conflict. Moreover, the stimuli were either within arm-reach or just beyond arm-reach, thus having strong binocular depth cues. Surprisingly, systematic errors up to four times the standard deviation were found. These errors depended mainly on the variations in context and hardly on egocentric distance. In good first approximation, the results were scale invariant. These results are in direct conflict with classic theories about visual space. The stimuli were unambiguous real 3-D equivalents of the computer-generated stimuli we used in a previous experiment. A comparison of the results did not reveal a clear effect of a depth cue conflict between accommodation and disparity.  相似文献   

Research on aging and visual search often requires older people to search computer screens for target letters or numbers. The aim of this experiment was to investigate age-related differences using an everyday-based visual search task in a large participant sample (n=261) aged 20-88 years. Our results show that: (1) old-old adults have more difficulty with triple conjunction searches with one highly distinctive feature compared to young-old and younger adults; (2) age-related declines in conjunction searches emerge in middle age then progress throughout older age; (3) age-related declines are evident in feature searches on target absent trials, as older people seem to exhaustively and serially search the whole display to determine a target's absence. Together, these findings suggest that declines emerge in middle age then progress throughout older age in feature integration, guided search, perceptual grouping and/or spreading suppression processes. Discussed are implications for enhancing everyday functioning throughout adulthood.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate what types of visual cues may contribute to improving movement accuracy in a pointing task, and to determine in what kind of control processes these cues are involved. During the experiment, subjects had to point their finger at visual targets as accurately as possible making rapid movements. Subjects were required to perform a movement with an amplitude of 40 cm within a series of times ranging from 110 to 270 msec. Five visual feedback conditions were applied: no feedback (NF), dynamic ongoing feedback on the complete hand trajectory (CF), static error feedback on the movement end-point (EF), and two partial feedback conditions in which dynamic feedback was available from either the initial (IF) or the terminal (TF) part of the trajectory. The results showed that under the NF and IF conditions accuracy was lowest; constant error was not speed-dependent, whereas dispersion increased with movement speed. Accuracy was highest under the CF and TF conditions and was speed-dependent, as shown by both constant error and dispersion. Under the EF condition, the accuracy level was intermediate, and was also speed-dependent. The time course of performance during the series was analyzed by comparing the mean error of the first and the last five-trial blocks in the series under the three feedback conditions resulting in accuracy improvement and speed-dependence (CF, TF and EF). The block effect was significant overall, with the last block showing greatest accuracy. The block effect was found to be significant for rapid movements only under the CF and TF conditions (with a Block × Speed interaction under the CF condition), and for all movement speeds under the EF condition. But the feedback and speed effects turned out to be significant for each block. The results are discussed in terms of the interchange between ‘corrected’ ongoing responses vs ‘amended’ delayed responses within the motor regulatory processes, the preponderance of one or the other type of response being dependent on feedback availability and movement speed.  相似文献   

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