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Two experiments were performed in an attempt to examine the contribution of the exploratory experience to performance on Maier's 3-table spatial problem-solving task. In the first experiment, the runway configurations were altered between exploration and testing. It was found that following an initial impairment animals exposed to the altered runway configurations could perform as well as animals not confronted with an altered runway configuration on the test trial. In the second experiment, animals were allowed to explore only elements of the problem space. Exploration of either the runways only or the tables only led to unsuccessful performance on the 3-table task. The results of both experiments were related to current theory of cognitive mapping.  相似文献   

To ascertain whether normal and hyperactive learning disabled children differ in their responses to Kagan's Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF) as a function of a temporal cue, the stopwatch used in the testing situation, 16 learning disabled and 15 normal 8- and 9-year-old boys were compared. A counterbalanced design, in which each child was administered one-half of the test with a stopwatch (standard administration procedure) and the other one-half of the test without a stopwatch (No-Stopwatch procedure), was used. For the normal children, the MFF latency scores in the two conditions were not correlated, indicating that the stopwatch influenced their performance. For the learning disabled children, however, the MFF latency scores in the two conditions were correlated. A significant difference between the two correlation coefficients indicated that the normal and learning disabled children responded in a different manner to the temporal cue. On the MFF error measure, the correlation between the scores obtained in the two conditions of test administration was significant for the normal children, but not for the learning disabled children. A significant difference between these correlation coefficients again indicated differential responding to the temporal cue by the two groups.  相似文献   

Three methods for programming the differential reinforcement of low rate were explained, labeled, illustrated by research studies, and analyzed, but not compared. Spaced Responding DRL, the first and most common method in laboratory studies, was illustrated through the reduction of the inappropriate questioning by three behaviorally disturbed children. Full Session DRL, the most common method in applied studies, was illustrated through the reduction of talk-outs by an EMR male. Interval DRL, not previously presented in either applied or laboratory literature, was illustrated through the reduction of talk-outs by a 6-yr-old first grade girl. All methods proved effective, and an analysis of their differences and similarities was discussed.  相似文献   

To further evaluate the construct validity of Kagan's Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF), three different scoring methods—the MFF error measure, the MFF latency measure, and Kagan's double median split—were used to compare learning disabled and behavior disordered boys at two age levels with their normal peers on the frequency with which they were designated as impulsive. In the comparison of 7-year-old and 12-year-old learning disabled boys with the normal children, the MFF error measure identified a greater frequency of the learning disabled boys as impulsive at both age levels. No differences occurred between the learning disabled and the normal boys at either age level on the latency measure. Kagan's double median split procedure differentiated only between the older learning disabled and the normal boys. Thus, combining the latency measure with the error measure detracted from the effectiveness of the error measure. None of the MFF scoring procedures differentiated between the behavior disordered and the normal boys at either age level. Although the findings tend to support the results of studies with normal children in indicating that the error measure is more sensitive than the latency measure, the failure of the error measure to designate a greater frequency of the severely behavior disordered boys as being impulsive than are their normal peers raises further questions about the construct validity of the MFF, regardless of the scoring procedure used.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken in a department store and in four school districts to determine if managerial motivation is related to management success indexes and whether female managers have less managerial motivation than males. The measure of managerial motivation used was the Miner Sentence Completion Scale. Managerial motivation did prove to be significantly related to the success of female managers, but no consistent differences in the managerial motivation of male and female managers were found. The results are interpreted in terms of their implications for the vocational guidance of females and for research in the area of managerial talent supplies.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted with samples of students from four different universities to determine if male-female differences in motivation to manage existed. Although differences were not found among students majoring in the field of education, females in business administration and the liberal arts did prove to have lower managerial motivation scores than the comparable male samples. These findings are discussed in terms of their relationships to sex discrimination, prospective managerial talent shortages and the vocational guidance of female college students.  相似文献   

One of Dennett's principal arguments for an instrumentalistic construal of intentional attributions (e.g., attributions of belief, etc.) is that such attributions are environment relative. I argue that one can and should adopt a realist perspective toward such attributions, but accommodate their environmental relativity by treating intentional properties as relational properties. By doing so one acquires a useful perspective on experimental cognitive psychology; in particular, one can overcome the temptation to treat ecological accounts and information processing accounts as incompatible alternatives and come to see them as mutually supportive. Treating intentional properties as relational may be counter-intuitive, but I provide examples of how other sciences have had to treat what seem to be intrinsic properties as relational.  相似文献   

Dichotic listening research with children has continued to be prevalent although numerous authors have described both theoretical and methodological limitations with traditional dichotic listening free-recall paradigms. The present research adds to this growing skepticism by reanalyzing two major longitudinal studies of children's ear asymmetries. These two studies, based in different countries (United States, Holland), utilized highly similar paradigms (free-recall digits), subjects (males), and age levels (kindergarten and second and fifth grade). The questions of ear advantage development, patterns of ear advantages, and the relationship between dichotic listening performance and reading skills are addressed from the multiple statistical methodologies represented in the literature. From these analyses, support for all of the major hypotheses regarding the developmental patterns of dichotic listening performances could be obtained from the same data samples. The use of traditional free-recall dichotic listening paradigms are not recommended for use with children. The implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 used a within-response procedure to compare inhibitory stimulus control of the extinction cue in multiple variable interval-extinction (mult VI EXT) and the variable time cue in multiple variable interval-variable time (mult VI VT). Experiment 2A made the same comparison using a crossresponse procedure. In addition, Experiment 2A also tested the extinction cue in multiple variable time-extinction (mult VT EXT), and Experiment 2B tested the variable time cue in mult VT EXT. Unlike the mult VI EXT and mult VI VT conditions, the mult VT EXT condition was administered in the absence of a response manipulandum. The main findings of the present study were: (1) cross-response suppression by the variable time cue in mult VI VT; (2) greater response suppression by the extinction cue in mult VI EXT than by either the variable time cue in mult VI VT or the extinction cue in mult VT EXT; and (3) response facilitation by the variable time cue in mult VT EXT. These findings indicate that inhibitory stimulus control based on an operant source (i.e., absence of an R-S contingency) does transfer across responses, and that such transfer cannot be explained in terms of competing responses. These findings also indicate that operant and Pavlovian sources of stimulus control summate algebraically to determine the inhibitory strength of the extinction cue in mult VI EXT. Finally, the third finding is not consistent with notions that emphasize the importance of location and localization of cues explicitly paired with positive events.  相似文献   

Recognition memory for unfamiliar faces was related to locus of control and anxiety. On the basis of Rotter's social learning theory, it was predicted that memory for faces would be associated with more internal locus of control in an unstructured memory task but not when encoding was controlled. In Experiment 1, where no specific instructions about encoding were presented, the predicted relationship was found for males. In addition, better recognition was associated with low anxiety for females. In Experiment 2, where encoding was controlled by having subjects judge the faces, no significant correlations between the personality measures and memory were found. The results are interpreted as supporting predictions made on the basis of social learning theory.  相似文献   

School psychologists have traditionally experienced difficulty in assessing children referred to them for behavior disorders. Given this reported difficulty, a behavioral assessment model is proposed which specifies three types of assessment information: direct observations, rating scale data, and interview data. Characteristics of these three types of assessment information are discussed, along with recommendations for their use. Two psychological models are suggested to guide school psychologists through the assessment process. Bergan's behavioral consultation model is recommended for securing valid and reliable interview and observational data, and Campbell and Fiske's multitrait-multimethod model is proposed as a means of logically integrating behavioral assessment information. The notion of convergence or agreement between dissimilar assessment methods is discussed.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that being outperformed on a task that is relevant to one's self-definition is threatening to self-esteem, and that this threat is greater when one is outperformed by a friend rather than by a stranger. When another's performance threatens self-esteem, persons will be less likely to help the other by making the task easy. To test these hypotheses, 52 friendship pairs participated with strangers in a word identification task described either as a measure of important skills (high relevance) or as a game (low relevance). Participants chose clues for both a friend and a stranger to use in identifying target words. As predicted, they gave harder clues under high-relevance than under low-relevance conditions. Moreover, they gave harder clues to strangers than to friends under low-relevance conditions, but gave harder clues to friends than to strangers under high-relevance conditions.  相似文献   

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