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Increasing pressures are being exerted on careers services in higher education to demonstrate their effectiveness. To avoid the imposition of crude and inappropriate measures, the issue of performance measurement needs to be subsumed within a broader approach to strategic planning. Two models are presented: a strategic-planning process used in the business sector, and a model developed for establishing accountability in careers services. Issues are identified in relation both to the process of the models and to the content of the careers-service matters to which they might be applied (many of these issues are relevant to other guidance and counselling services in higher education and elsewhere). Finally, some brief examples are presented of strategic planning in action.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to determine the relative effectiveness of teacher and counselling approaches in the reduction of disruptive or inappropriate classroom behavior. Inappropriate classroom behavior frequencies of 12 academically low achieving, seventh-grade, black male students, with a reported high rate of inappropriate classroom behavior, were recorded. Three groups, with nearly equal mean inappropriate behaviors, were randomly assigned to one of three treatment conditions: behavioral counselling, client-centered counselling, or no counselling. Each counselling group received fifteen 30-minute counselling sessions, at a rate of two to three times a week. In addition to counselling, all students subsequently received teacher approval within the classroom. Results indicated that the teacher was able to reduce inappropriate behavior more than any counselling group. There were also indications that behavioral counselling, but not client-centered counselling, was moderately helpful in reducing inappropriate classroom behavior.  相似文献   

The issues involved in the use of counselling skills and approaches by members of professions such as nursing and social work have received relatively little research attention. Grief counselling represents an appropriate area in which to explore these issues, since members of many diverse professional groups may be called on to work therapeutically or supportively with the bereaved. This paper explores the use of grief counselling in a variety of professional and voluntary contexts, through an analysis of the experience of students who had undertaken a bereavement counselling course. The aim of the study was to explore the level of awareness shown by employing organisations to the 'loss' element of client experience, and the implications of organisational context for the role of counsellor as a worker responding to client grief. A range of practice characteristics emerged. At one end of the spectrum was clearly focused and contracted grief counselling, usually within the context of specialist voluntary agencies. By contrast, there were practitioners whose counselling response to grief was concealed within a multi-professional perspective characterised by compromise, usually working in complex organisational contexts in the statutory sector. It is argued that the range of practitioner activity cannot be understood simply by describing some activities as counselling and others as the use of counselling skills; it seems that there is a real and sometimes subtle middle ground which lies between the two. This is territory which is determined by the context of practice and needs to be understood and defined as such  相似文献   

Emotion tunes cognition, such that approach-motivated positive states promote verbal cognition, whereas withdrawal-motivated negative states promote spatial cognition (Gray, 2001). The current research examined whether self-control resources become depleted and influence subsequent behavior when emotion tunes an inappropriate cognitive tendency. In 2 experiments, either an approach-motivated positive state or a withdrawal-motivated negative state was induced, and then participants completed a verbal or a spatial working memory task creating conditions of emotion-cognition alignment (e.g., approach/verbal) or misalignment (e.g., approach/spatial). A control condition was also included. To examine behavioral costs due to depleted self-control resources, participants completed either a Stroop task (Stroop, 1935; Experiment 1) or a Black/White implicit association test (IAT; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998; Experiment 2). Participants in the misalignment conditions performed worse on the Stroop task, and they were worse at controlling their implicit attitude biases on the IAT. Thus, when emotion tunes inappropriate cognitive tendencies for one's current environment, self-control resources become depleted, impairing behavioral control.  相似文献   

Emotion words are generally characterized as possessing high arousal and extreme valence and have typically been investigated in paradigms in which they are presented and measured as single words. This study examined whether a word's emotional qualities influenced the time spent viewing that word in the context of normal reading. Eye movements were monitored as participants read sentences containing an emotionally positive (e.g., lucky), negative (e.g., angry), or neutral (e.g., plain) word. Target word frequency (high or low) was additionally varied to help determine the temporal locus of emotion effects, with interactive results suggesting an early lexical locus of emotion processing. In general, measures of target fixation time demonstrated significant effects of emotion and frequency as well as an interaction. The interaction arose from differential effects with negative words that were dependent on word frequency. Fixation times on emotion words (positive or negative) were consistently faster than those on neutral words with one exception-high-frequency negative words were read no faster than their neutral counterparts. These effects emerged in the earliest eye movement measures, namely, first and single fixation duration, suggesting that emotionality, as defined by arousal and valence, modulates lexical processing. Possible mechanisms involved in processing emotion words are discussed, including automatic vigilance and desensitization, both of which imply a key role for word frequency. Finally, it is important that early lexical effects of emotion processing can be established within the ecologically valid context of fluent reading.  相似文献   

The relevance of the principles and practices of Buddhism to the field of counselling is discussed. Buddhist techniques have already been used by the helping professions in many settings (e.g. Japan, Sri Lanka). The extension of their use to a wider range of settings, and to a wider group of clients, is both feasible and desirable. In addition to the obvious relevance of Buddhist techniques to clients who have a Buddhist background, it is argued that they have a wider applicability. As Buddhism espouses the notion of a productive and healthy lay life, it offers ways not only of dealing with problems and difficulties, but also of improving psychological well-being in general. Examples are cited of relevant Buddhist techniques and their application. It is argued that, once systematically evaluated, many of these could profitably be incorporated into the repertoire of techniques used in present-day counselling and therapy.  相似文献   

The Irish Education Act (Government of Ireland 1998) stipulates that each young person in secondary school in Ireland is entitled to access ‘appropriate’ guidance. It has been argued that this very right has been eroded since Budget 2012, where resource re-allocations in guidance counselling are obstructing the requirement for schools to implement this section of the Act. This qualitative study explored the effects of ‘educational cutbacks’ from the perspective of guidance counsellors. Findings from interviews with guidance counsellors, suggest that the effects of such cutbacks in guidance counselling are far-reaching and ultimately students are the one’s losing out. The paper proposes that there is a need to reinstate guidance counselling hours to allow guidance counsellors provide a comprehensive service to young people – which they are entitled to.  相似文献   

Three cross-modal priming experiments examined the role of suprasegmental information in the processing of spoken words. All primes consisted of truncated spoken Dutch words. Recognition of visually presented word targets was facilitated by prior auditory presentation of the first two syllables of the same words as primes, but only if they were appropriately stressed (e.g., OKTOBER preceded by okTO-); inappropriate stress, compatible with another word (e.g., OKTOBER preceded by OCto-, the beginning of octopus), produced inhibition. Monosyllabic fragments (e.g., OC-) also produced facilitation when appropriately stressed; if inappropriately stressed, they produced neither facilitation nor inhibition. The bisyllabic fragments that were compatible with only one word produced facilitation to semantically associated words, but inappropriate stress caused no inhibition of associates. The results are explained within a model of spoken-word recognition involving competition between simultaneously activated phonological representations followed by activation of separate conceptual representations for strongly supported lexical candidates; at the level of the phonological representations, activation is modulated by both segmental and suprasegmental information.  相似文献   

Transdiagnostic skills (e.g. skills such as emotion regulation or social competence) are an important part of psychotherapy in outpatient as well as inpatient settings. To date there are no studies that answer the question whether both patient groups are comparable regarding several skills or if they differ. In the present study 102 outpatients were compared to 183 inpatients in 7 different skills. The difference between the two groups was smaller than a priori assumed. At the beginning of treatment inpatients had a lower ability to manage stress (mainly in the management of exhaustion). This could be interpreted as an indication that inpatients have more difficulties in coping with daily hassles which leads to greater exhaustion. To conclude, the improvement of skills should attract interest in both settings. Furthermore, a special focus on interventions to decrease deficits in stress management should be considered for in-patient treatment.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that we need a greater understanding of the role of emotion in career development and career management. Notions of careers as sequences of events and experiences and new relational approaches to organizational career development suggest opportunities for exploring the experience, expression, and management of emotion within individuals’ careers. Also, ideas about emotional labour can inform career counselling practice. I also explore how far research into emotions in career contexts requires a constructivist or constructionist approach, and discuss some of the methodological issues in working within positivist, and non-positivist (specifically constructivist and constructionist) paradigms. Both have their strengths, and we should not lose sight of these in furthering our understanding of individuals’ careers and of ways to intervene effectively in career development.  相似文献   

Sexual exploitation within therapy is founded upon inappropriate physical contact. Yet the use of touch in therapy remains a contentious issue. Some therapists purport that touch is a primary source of communication of which many clients, as children, were deprived. They argue that refraining from the appropriate use of touch in the counselling situation can be damaging to the client. This article considers the argument for the use of physical contact in therapy and counselling and its potential therapeutic value.  相似文献   

Young (<36 years) and older (>59) adults viewed videos in which the same individual committed a faux pas, or acted appropriately, toward his coworkers. Older participants did not discriminate appropriate and inappropriate behaviors as well as young participants. Older participants also scored lower than young participants on an extensive battery of emotion recognition tests, and emotion performance fully mediated age differences in faux pas discrimination. The results provide further evidence for the role of emotion perception in a range of important social deficits.  相似文献   


A national survey of 289 people from a variety of professions (nurses, social workers, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, etc) involved in counselling cancer patients and their families within the United Kingdom obtained a response rate of 82%. The primary findings discussed in this paper cover a range of issues, including the working conditions and responsibilities of the counsellors, what professional qualifications they possess, the extent and availability of supervision and support, as well as the types of counselling intervention employed. Particularly disturbing was the fact that only 25% of our sample had any recognised formal counselling qualification and that 75% did not belong to any professional counselling organisation. In view of the wide diversity of qualifications, salary scales, responsibilities and working conditions and practices amongst the respondents, we propose that the National Health Service (NHS) should establish clearer guidelines as to the minimum acceptable qualifications for people employed as oncology counsellors, and that more adequate provision and resources are made available for training and supervision.  相似文献   

Moves towards professionalisation within student counselling are discussed as a case-study which may have wider applicability within counselling as a whole. The main approaches to defining a profession are described, and eight criteria are distinguished and applied to student counselling. It is concluded that student counsellors are some way from the 'ideal-type' profession. Account also needs to be taken, how ever, of moves towards some forms of deprofessionalisation' within the traditional professions. Current moves towards accreditation of individuals and courses within the Association for Student Counselling are welcomed.  相似文献   

A whole school approach to guidance counselling has been promulgated by Irish policy-makers as a model of good practice in the delivery of guidance counselling in the post-primary sector since the 1998 Education Act (DES, 2005a, 2009, 2012). This approach to guidance counselling provision is viewed as a whole school responsibility where schools are expected to collaboratively develop a school guidance plan to support the needs of their students. The role of the regular teacher in a whole school approach to guidance counselling has received very little attention either in the Irish education system or in empirical research. This article will address this deficit through its discussion of a case study carried out in one school in 2012. It will position the findings from the study in the context of the re-allocation of post-primary guidance counselling provision in the national Budget 2012 that has witnessed the substantive erosion of the guidance counselling service in the last two years.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the oppression experienced by disabled people in society is sometimes replayed in the counselling room by counsellors who are unaware of their own disablist attitudes and prejudices. Whilst the provision of Disability Equality Training (DET) within counselling courses would ameliorate the problem, I believe that disabled people would be most empowered by a counselling approach which recognises the potential for oppression within the counsellor‐client relationship. One solution may be the creation of a new counselling approach (disability counselling) which includes the social model of disability as one of the foundations. An alternative solution may be found within the emerging counselling approaches that treat counselling as a social and political process and place emphasis on developing comprehensive anti‐discriminatory practice.  相似文献   

Pupils' perceptions' of the effectiveness of counselling services were investigated within a school with a high degree of commitment to guidance and counselling. Pupils were asked to read eight problems: four were school-based, and four were personal/familial problems. Half the sample were given a list of possible sources of assistance (including counselling staff); half were unprompted On personal and familial problems, the unprompted group were as likely to cite counsellors as being sources of assistance as were the group prompted with the names of counselling staff. This was taken as an indication that counselling staff were spontaneously seen as sources of help on these matters. In addition, respondents completed semantic-differential protocols, analyses of which indicated that counselling staff were seen in more pastoral terms than were other teaching staff. These results are discussed within a perspective that sees the school's guidance and counselling system as interacting with its general ethos.  相似文献   

Empirical findings suggest that Chinese and Americans differ in the ways that they describe emotional experience, with Chinese using more somatic and social words than Americans. No one, however, has investigated whether this variation is related to differences between Chinese and American conceptions of emotion or to linguistic differences between the English and Chinese languages. Therefore, in two studies, the authors compared the word use of individuals who varied in their orientation to Chinese and American cultures (European Americans [EA], more acculturated Chinese Americans [CA], and less acculturated CA) when they were speaking English during emotional events. Across both studies, less acculturated CA used more somatic (e.g., dizzy) and more social (e.g., friend) words than EA. These findings suggest that even when controlling for language spoken, cultural conceptions of emotion may shape how people talk about emotion.  相似文献   

Studies of emotion regulation typically contrast two or more strategies (e.g., reappraisal vs. suppression) and ignore variation within each strategy. To address such variation, we focused on cognitive reappraisal and considered the effects of goals (i.e., what people are trying to achieve) and tactics (i.e., what people actually do) on outcomes (i.e., how affective responses change). To examine goals, we randomly assigned participants to either increase positive emotion or decrease negative emotion to a negative stimulus. To examine tactics, we categorized participants' reports of how they reappraised. To examine reappraisal outcomes, we measured experience and electrodermal responding. Findings indicated that (a) the goal of increasing positive emotion led to greater increases in positive affect and smaller decreases in skin conductance than the goal of decreasing negative emotion, and (b) use of the reality challenge tactic was associated with smaller increases in positive affect during reappraisal. These findings suggest that reappraisal can be implemented in the service of different emotion goals, using different tactics. Such differences are associated with different outcomes, and they should be considered in future research and applied attempts to maximize reappraisal success.  相似文献   

The privacy of patients and their need for protection from harm are values respected by all professions. But words are open to interpretation. When counsellors join a multi-disciplinary Team, the variety of attitudes to confidentiality is often not made explicit, but is held within a broad corporate ideology. How then do counsellors protect the patient, and themselves, within the team approach to medical care? What are the consequences if they do not adhere to team norms? It is contended that corporate ideology is the main variable affecting the integration of a confidential counselling service within a medical setting.  相似文献   

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