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120 quality assurance engineers indicated how frequently job stressors, causing distress related to role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload, and career development, affected them at work. They also indicated their satisfaction with their most recent performance appraisal. Satisfaction with performance appraisal was significantly negatively correlated with each stressor.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify factors related to employee perceptions of the accuracy of performance ratings they received using a subjective rating system. It also sought to determine if the relationship between these correlates and perceived fairness and accuracy was moderated by employee sex and/or race. The results were based on the analysis of items from questionnaires completed by 234 government employees whose job performance was rated on a graphic rating scale. A factor analysis of the predictor items yielded three factors. The first factor dealt with employees' confidence in their supervisors' qualifications to accurately rate their performance, the second with matters related to a discussion of appraisal outcomes (i.e., rewards and career progress), and the third with the relevance of the appraisal instrument. The measure of perceived fairness and accuracy was regressed onto scores derived for each of the three factors, plus a set of contrast variables representing the various race/sex groupings and a set of demographic variables (viz., job tenure, education level, and supervisory status). Factors 1 and 2, race, and supervisory status were found to be significantly related to perceived fairness and accuracy. Moreover, the relationship of the criterion with job tenure was moderated by race, that with factor 2 was moderated by sex. Management implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Several studies have documented the importance of the performance appraisal interview in the appraisal process. However, interactions between the rater and ratee prior to the end of the performance evaluation period have been given little attention. The present study investigated the impact of several aspects of the appraisal process on three outcome measures: satisfaction with the appraisal process, fairness of ratings and motivation to improve performance. The findings suggest the importance of viewing the performance appraisal process from a systematic perspective, rather than as a single event.  相似文献   

The moderating effects of organizational level and self-esteem on the relationships between role perceptions (i.e., role ambiguity and role conflict) and employee satisfaction and performance were examined. Previous research suggested that self-esteem, as an indicator of perceived self-competence, should act as a buffering element contingent upon an individual's organizational level. To test this possibility, data were collected from a sample of 161 hospital professional and support personnel. It was hypothesized that the negative effects of role ambiguity and conflict on satisfaction and performance would be attenuated by high self-esteem at lower organizational levels. Two of the four predicted interactions (ambiguity-satisfaction and conflict-performance) were obtained. The importance of considering the combined effects of both situational and individual difference variables as potential buffers against aversive role perceptions was discussed.  相似文献   

Dissatisfaction with traditional performance appraisal (PA) has led some organizations to eliminate formal reviews entirely and to substitute alternative methods of performance feedback, while other firms search for ways to improve the formal process. This study attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate about the future of PA by investigating the effects of an understudied aspect of the PA process: how well the PA system is executed by the supervisor. Our results indicate that system execution explains a significant amount of variance in intention to improve over and above a host of variables studied in previous PA studies, and that these effect sizes suggest clear practical significance.  相似文献   

Procedural justice and social facilitation theories were used to investigate effects of 2 kinds of process control on fairness perceptions, task satisfaction and performance of complex, computer-monitored tasks. A laboratory study manipulated participation (high or low voice) and monitoring approach (monitoring, control over monitoring, or no monitoring). High-voice participants perceived higher justice. Monitored participants reported higher satisfaction with high voice and lower satisfaction with low voice. Task performance was poorer for monitored participants unless they had control over monitoring. Among those with control, performance was not impaired for higher baseline performers. The 2 kinds of process control had different effects on the outcome variables. Results suggest the value of considering variations in the kinds of control provided and the justice principles that may apply in predicting effects of monitoring procedures.  相似文献   

Because appraisal-related interactions between supervisors and employees may influence more than task performance, the authors considered the potential effects of social and interpersonal processes in performance appraisal on contextual performance. They hypothesized that performance appraisal process and system facets were associated with employees' contextual performance as well as with their perceptions of appraisal accuracy. After controlling relevant variables, they found that appraisal process facets explained variance in contextual performance and perceived accuracy beyond that accounted for by the system facets. However, when the order of entry for the process and system variable sets was reversed, only for perceived appraisal accuracy, as hypothesized, did the system facets account for variance beyond that explained by the appraisal process facets.  相似文献   

李霞  张伶  谢晋宇 《心理科学》2011,34(3):680-685
摘要:职业弹性是指个体灵活应对变化的职业环境甚至是逆境的职业能力。在控制无关变量及同一方法偏差的基础上,本文考察了职业弹性的不同维度对其后效变量的影响。通过对某信息集团下属的59家电子相关企业中的324位管理人员的问卷调查,结果表明职业弹性会影响个体的工作绩效和职业满意度,管理者的职业弹性越高,其工作绩效越高、职业满意度也越高。  相似文献   

This study postulates that performance appraisal will be effective to the extent that managers and subordinates have a shared perception of its purpose and function and the degree to which it meets the needs of both groups. A two part research project was conducted to: 1) identify manager/subordinate perceptions of the purposes served by the formal performance appraisal process; 2) determine the extent to which these purposes are being satisfied in organizational practice; and 3) assess if managers and subordinates have a shared perception of the effectiveness of the appraisal process. The sample for the study included 36 managers and 143 subordinates from a division of a large Midwest service organization. The results were mixed with regard to the appraisal system effectively accomplishing its diverse goals. However, in general, there was support for the notion that both managers and subordinates find the appraisal process to be a worthwhile organizational practice. Approximately 70% of the respondents indicated that they would participate in the appraisal program whether they were required to do so or not.  相似文献   

Unionized and nonunionized processing employees were compared on their perceptions of job characteristics and different facets of satisfaction. In addition, the relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction were compared for unionized and nonunionized samples. Jobs generally were not significantly different in relation to job challenge for the two groups, but nonunionized employees reported higher levels of some satisfaction measures. The correlations between job characteristics and job satisfaction were stronger in the unionized sample. Implications of the present results and suggestions for further research are discussed.This article is based on research presented at the meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association at Chicago, December, 1987.The author would like to thank James Martin for his help on this project.  相似文献   

Though the job characteristics model proposed by Hackman and his associates has provided the impetus for a large number of correlational studies, few of any studies have involved the systematic manipulation of one or more of the five-core dimensions (job properties) while noting the performance outcomes. In this study, the autonomy dimension was experimentally varied (four levels) in a laboratory setting. Four groups of undergraduate students performed a job comprised of three tasks under varying degrees of autonomy while measures of performance, "perceptions" of task properties, and other self-reports were obtained. It was found, contrary to our hypothesis, that variations in autonomy produced a negative effect on quantity of performance and no effect on quality of performance, though subjects in the more autonomous conditions reported a higher level of autonomy. Reservations regarding the strategy of drawing causal inferences from correlational analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between performance indices and facets of job satisfaction, role ambiguity, and role conflict was studied among 102 full-time faculty members across three career stages. Results indicate that an individual's career stage within a profession has an important moderating effect on facets of job satisfaction and role perception relationships with role-related performance.  相似文献   

Situational performance constraints, task interest, and pay contingencies were manipulated in a laboratory study in order to investigate the cognitive mechanisms associated with the previously observed detrimental effects of constraints on affective task reactions. It was hypothesized that feelings of task competence and self-determination would account for both the direct and the interactive effects of constraints on motivation and satisfaction. The results of the study indicated that despite the fact that participants' performance was being constrained and they were aware of these constraints, the mere presence of the constraints alone failed to result in lower levels of satisfaction or motivation on a proofreading task. Post hoc analyses suggested that the constraints, in fact, led to negative affective task reactions when they also reduced participants' feelings of competence and self-determination. Interestingly, participants' generalized locus of control was associated with such effects. Internals tended to maintain stronger feelings of competence and self-determination than externals in the presence of constraints, thereby also maintaining greater motivation and satisfaction.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of observer presence and subject sex on both performance quantity and quality, job satisfaction, and task perceptions. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) results demonstrated statistically significant multivariate effects on the performance measures. Significant main effects of observer presence were found for performance quality but not quantity. A significant observer presence x subject sex interaction was found for performance quantity. The results for task perceptions supported the hypothesis that the situational factors would make salient the significance of the task. Main effects of observer presence were found for task significance only. Also there was a significant observer presence x subject sex interaction on perceptions of task significance. No effects were found on job satisfaction, consistent with past research. The results are discussed relative to social facilitation research in the broader context of social influence.  相似文献   

Despite an established body of research supporting the benefits of rater training on performance appraisal (PA) ratings, it is unclear whether PA training has been widely adopted in the field and what types of PA training are most frequently utilized. This study expanded upon previous research by using a sample of 229 active managers collected via Qualtrics panels to examine the prevalence of various types and instructional contexts of PA training. This research also examined the relationship between training and perceptions of rater preparedness. Collectively, results suggest that PA training is occurring in organizations, that training is perceived favorably, but that the nature and usage of training differs widely.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the effect of delays in the response of the computer on the performance of the user and his satisfaction with the system. While it is generally assumed that computer responses should be no longer than several seconds, the present study showed no effect of 5- or 10-sec fixed or variable delays on subjects debugging a simple BASIC program. These results have important implications for the design of large, multiuser timesharing systems.  相似文献   

Three schedules of pay (hourly, fixed ratio, and variable ratio—variable amount) were used in a job simulation setting. Three groups of 20 subjects each worked for 1 week on programmed texts under each of the three schedules. Results indicated that performance was superior under the contingent schedules, but there were no differences between FR and VR VA. A hard criterion of effort, however, showed that FR was superior to VR VA. Attitudes did not differ across conditions. It was concluded that, based on this and other studies, there is no real evidence that partial schedules are more effective in maintaining task performance than continuous FR (piece-rate) schedules.  相似文献   

Michael Hecht 《Sex roles》1984,10(9-10):733-741
This study examined the effects of sex of self and other on communication satisfaction. Respondents rated perceived satisfaction with a conversation they had just completed or one they recalled. Communication satisfaction was operationalized by a 60-item self-report instrument. Results indicated that a person's own gender does not influence the amount of communication satisfaction one experiences, and mixed sex dyads are slightly more satisfying for males and females.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of a social studies peer-teaching intervention on student perceptions of class environment, adjustment, and academic performance. There were 45 students in the experimental group (E) and 46 controls (C) from four fifth-grade classes in a suburban, predominantly white, middle-class school. The Classroom Environment Scale (CES) and a School Opinion Survey were used to assess student views of the classroom. Students completed self-esteem and peer sociometric rating measures and teachers submitted adjustment ratings for all pupils. Report card and average monthly grades were recorded in social studies. After the intervention, Es compared to Cs came to see their classes as more Involved, Orderly and Organized, and Competitive, and reported being happier in class and enjoying aspects of their school work more. The groups did not differ in change in self-esteem. Both groups improved directionally in peer liking, though Cs did so more than Es. Teachers rated Es as having increased competence and decreased in problems after the program. Es did significantly better than Cs both on report cards and monthly social studies grades due primarily to the substantial improvement of Es with initially low academic status.  相似文献   

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