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ABC-DEF framework is at the core of rational emotive behavior therapy. It is a highly flexible framework and has proven to be applicable to many emotional disorders. We cannot take for granted, however, that this framework can be used successfully with all clients, particularly with those suffering from severe disorders or personality disorders. In fact, the difficulties of these clients in recognizing, naming and reflecting upon states of mind, their dysregulated emotions and self-defeating behavior, and their difficulty in establishing a strong working alliance with a therapist may hamper the correct implementation of the ABC-DEF framework and the disputing of their irrational beliefs. This paper aims to describe in detail the challenges that clients with personality disorders may pose during treatment and offer possible technical suggestions, derived from either REBT or non-REBT literature, that can help REBT and CBT practitioners adapting their interventions to resistant clients.  相似文献   

The PTSD Theory and practice of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is explained and compared with other forms of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) that help clients to dispute their dysfunctional cognitive processing and to use exposure. Because these other CBT Theoreries do not emphasize REBT's principles of absolutist musts and demands it is shown how REBT hypotheses may better explain some of the cognitive processing theories of other CBT formulations regarding PTSD.  相似文献   

This article identifies the current rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) playing field as we head towards the 21st century. Some of the important refinements, embellishments and clarifications of REBT theory and practice as described in the Ellis' 1994 revision ofReason and Emotion in Psychotherapy are reviewed. The second section of the paper presents a variety of recommendations concerning ways in which future REBT research can help bolster its scientific status. Finally, predictions by REBT experts concerning the longevity of REBT and whether it can maintain its distinctive identity within the cognitive behavior therapy movement are revealed.  相似文献   

This article addresses how marriage functions within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Case studies of couples within these three religions are used to demonstrate how rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) can help address marital issues within couples counseling of religious individuals in a manner that supports the couples’ religious values but decreases disturbance associated with religious issues within marriage.  相似文献   

This paper presents the REBT Competency Scale which can be used in the evaluation of adherence to an REBT treatment model in clinical and research applications. The scale has been developed to map closely onto the REBT treatment protocol developed by Dryden et al. (A primer on rational emotive behaviour therapy, Research Press, Champaign, 2003). Based on this treatment protocol 21 core steps (tasks) were identified for effective REBT practice. Each step is operationally defined, the rater is reminded of how the step relates to REBT theory and practice and scoring criteria are established that enable a rating of the therapists performance of the task. The potential uses for and application of the scale in clinical and research settings are considered.  相似文献   

This paper describes and critically discusses how rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) spread among Italian cognitive psychotherapists. In the 1980s Cesare De Silvestri, with the help of Carola Schimmelpfennig, Franco Baldini, and Mario Di Pietro, brought REBT to Italy and eagerly disseminated it. In addition, De Silvestri cooperated with the two leading figures in the Italian clinical cognitive movement, Vittorio Guidano and Gianni Liotti. Guidano and Liotti applied the ABC framework to their constructivist version of cognitive therapy. Given that the large majority of Italian cognitive therapists adopted Guidano and Liotti’s approach, they all started applying the ABC framework and are still applying it today. However, Italian therapists adapted the ABC framework to their constructivist training. For example, Guidano and Liotti interpreted the ABC framework as aimed at promoting cognitive and emotional awareness in clients, while they considered the ‘disputing’ phase to be not compatible with the constructivist principles they held. They also encouraged the application of John Bowlby’s ideas to REBT and the use of life experience report techniques in the ABC. Sandra Sassaroli and Roberto Lorenzini applied George Kelly’s “laddering” technique to the ABC framework, a technique more focused on dilemmatic structures than on REBTian dysfunctional thought. Caselli investigated REBT’s influence on Adrian Wells’ metacognitive version of the ABC. Finally, Ruggiero and Ammendola have made a strong call for “back to Ellis”. This implies that any innovation should involve a more stringent and faithful application of REBT principles.  相似文献   

Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) depends on the implications A ? B and B ? C where A is an activating event, B is a belief and C is an emotional consequence. We use this idea to present a logical theory for REBT, and show how it can be used to create a computer program that can be used as a therapist’s aid.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case study of a middle-aged woman with restless leg syndrome (RLS) and the course of her treatment using rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Although the empirical support is somewhat limited, published literature suggests the potential effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating clients with RLS. This client sought treatment for chronic pain consistent with RLS which had affected her quality of life and daily functioning. She was assessed using a battery of quantitative measures. Conceptualization and treatment from an REBT perspective is discussed. The client was seen for six sessions. Treatment involved a combination of REBT disputing and cognitive restructuring techniques and behavioral interventions. Homework was given after each session. Between-meeting progress was assessed at each session using the Outcome Questionnaire and a scale measuring the client’s rational and irrational beliefs. The client reported a steady reduction in symptoms with associated improvements in sleep and daily functioning over the course of the six-session intervention. Therapeutic gains were maintained at 8-months follow-up.  相似文献   

Several therapies have been adapted for use with elderly people, including Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). These two therapies emphasize the importance of irrational or dysfunctional beliefs in the creation of emotional disturbance, and tend to use a number of cognitive, emotive, and behavioral methods of disputing and changing these beliefs for more functional ones. Some of the main therapeutic techniques used in REBT and CBT are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore and respond to some of the criticisms of REBT which have contributed to its continuing marginalisation in Britain, both within counselling in general and cognitive-behaviour therapy in particular. These criticisms include: REBT's highly active-directive and apparently aggressive manner, its reputation for being foul-mouthed, defending Hitler as an example (albeit an extreme one) of human fallibility, REBT's lack of empirical support for its theoretical tenets, and endlessly advocating profound philosophical change when it is probably outside of the reach or interest of most clients. Finally, I suggest some ways of tackling these criticisms in order to help REBT become more attractive to the wider counselling community.  相似文献   

Although there are some major philosophical differences between the underpinnings of REBT and religion, REBT has still been used effectively with religious clients (DiGiuseppe et al. in A practitioner’s guide to rational-emotive behavior therapy, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014). To date, most of the literature on using REBT with religious clients has focused on Christians and Christianity (e.g. Johnson in Cognit Behav Pract 8(1):39–47, 2002; Nielsen in Cognit Behav Pract 8(1):34–39, 2002; Ellis in Prof Psychol Res Pract 31(1):29–33, 2000; amongst others), with less attention given to other religions. This paper provides examples for the therapeutic use of Jewish texts from Biblical and Rabbinic literature to help religious Jewish clients who present with clinical anger. The texts are used to highlight and accompany disputations and other REBT therapeutic techniques. Before offering the disputes and the techniques, a brief history of REBT and religion is presented, followed by general ethical guidelines for treating religious clients. A review of different Jewish denominations and a background to Biblical and Rabbinic sources are described as well.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the ways in which laddering in Personal Construct Therapy and the downward arrow in Cognitive Therapy can be used as adjunctive techniques to inference chaining in locating a client's critical A or emotional core. We describe their use through a number of case examples and annotations. We conclude that these two methods require skilled use if they are to be successfully integrated into inference chaining and are offered as part of REBT's interest in theoretically consistent eclecticism. The use of inference chaining in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), the downward arrow in Cognitive Therapy (CT) and laddering in Personal Construct Therapy (PCT) are techniques which aim to help therapists and clients gain rapid insight into the latters' core beliefs and values about themselves, others and the world. This article will show how each technique reveals underlying beliefs and then, from the REBT viewpoint, in what circumstances laddering or the downward arrow might be used as an adjunct to inference chaining in the assessment stage of therapy.  相似文献   

Anxieties associated with the social evaluative nature of golf are present in the majority of athletes and impact directly on their wellbeing and objective performance. One potential intervention that could reduce social anxiety in golfers is rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). There is limited research into the effectiveness of REBT in reducing social anxiety and even less research to assess if REBT can be delivered in time-constricted situations when the expectations for immediate results are high, as is the case with many handicap golfers. The current study used an idiographic single-case study design to assess the effects of REBT-informed single-session therapy (SST) on the social anxiety of five amateur golfers. REBT was employed in a short telephone call to target the performance issue, followed up with a single face-to-face session. Data were collected prior to, immediately following, and four weeks after the REBT intervention. Visual analysis following single-case guidelines revealed substantial reductions in irrational beliefs and social anxiety as well as improvements in wellbeing, scoring average, competition placings and handicap reductions in four out of five golfers. Discussion with golfers at a telephone follow-up indicated the positive receipt of REBT by the golfers and supported the visual analysis findings. This current study supports the effectiveness of REBT and also extends the research by demonstrating that REBT-informed SST can be an effective intervention, in a time-restricted environment, for those golfers with a clear target problem and who are ready to take care of business, providing clear implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

The rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) theory holds that individuals with severe personality disorders in general, and borderline personalities in particular usually are biologically different from “normal” neurotics and are born with a predisposition to be highly vulnerable to stressful environmental conditions. They tend to have cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficits or disabilities that handicap them socially, vocationally, and in other important aspects of their lives. But they also have distinct, and sometimes exceptionally strong, neurotic tendencies to demand that they absolutely must perform well, that other people have to treat them kindly and fairly, and that frustrating conditions ought not exist. Their neurosis exacerbates their cognitive-emotive-behavioral handicaps, produces even greater life difficulties, and often interferes with their working hard at therapy. A summary is presented of how borderline personalities can be treated with rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT).  相似文献   

In cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a black or white perception of the world is generally considered to be a distortion of reality. This paper addresses the issue of bipolar or categorical thinking and its role in creating disturbance. It introduces a new quantitative methodology known as fuzzy logic (FL) and shows its potential in developing new effective CBT strategies to address bipolar thinking. The paper maintains that the roots of such thinking can be traced back to the Aristotelian logic which posits a 'black or white' view of the world. It is argued that a bipolar perspective is no longer defendable given recent developments in the field of literature, physics and logic. Moreover CBT can derive significant benefits by embracing the fuzzy logic paradigm. In particular it can, first, benefit by improving the degree of precision of its diagnostic tools and, second, by applying the FL principles to derive alternative strategies for inducing healthy changes in clients. Such improvements are believed to enhance CBT profile in terms of the degree of realism, flexibility and efficiency of its methods. The illustrations offered throughout this paper are based on the two main CBT perspectives; rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and cognitive therapy (CT).  相似文献   

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) includes several main theories and practices, especially the hypotheses that people are both constructivists and destructivists. It holds that they have powerful innate and socially acquired tendencies to often be self-helping and rational but also self-defeating and irrational. REBT largely derives its method of therapy from many clients seen by the author, from hundreds of therapy studies, and from the social psychology literature. This article shows how REBT formulations overlap with some of the findings of social psychology, how these findings can appreciably be used to improve REBT practice, how some of the unique theories and methods of REBT may contribute to the field of social psychology, and how social psychologists can help to research some of the main REBT principles.  相似文献   

Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) has achieved positive results in quantitative reviews of treatment outcome studies. In part because of methodological limitations of these studies, however, the generalizability of their favorable results to routine clinical practice is unknown. Also unknown are the clinical significance of outcomes achieved by REBT, the contribution made by its distinctive and specialized procedures, and the types of patients for whom REBT is particularly useful. Recommendations are provided for refining our knowledge of the effectiveness of REBT.  相似文献   

An extended interview was conducted at the Albert Ellis Institute coinciding with Albert Ellis' 85th birthday. Questions were submitted in advance by Michael Bernard and covered areas central to the theory and practice of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Clarification was sought for: a) the primacy of cognition in REBT theory, b) critical features of REBT interventions for the treatment of anxiety, depression, guilt, anger and procrastination, c) the long-standing inclusion of self-efficacy training and problem solving with mainstream practice of REBT, d) psychoeducational aspects of REBT, and e) the self-actualizing tendency.  相似文献   

The concept of irrational beliefs is central to rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). These beliefs are defined by their absolutist and dogmatic qualities. The terms absolutist and dogmatic are also characteristic of some personality constructs, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) being foremost among these. A relatively new personality construct, social dominance orientation (SDO) is similar to RWA in that both are excellent predictors of prejudice. As these two constructs are independent of each other, it has been suggested that they have different etiological underpinnings. The present study examined the relationship between the presence of irrational beliefs in people scoring high in RWA and SDO. Results suggest that high RWAs are more likely than high SDOs to endorse irrational beliefs. These findings add to the growing literature examining the relationship between these two personality constructs as well as suggesting possible implications for the use of REBT with clients scoring high on these personality dimensions.  相似文献   

Performance anxiety has been studied in relation to golf performance, but one phenomenon that has received scant attention is social anxiety. One potential intervention that could reduce social anxiety in golfers is rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), a cognitive-behavioral approach for which research interest is growing. The current study used an idiographic single-case study design to assess the effects of REBT on the social anxiety of 3 male amateur golfers. REBT was employed both on and off the golf course to ensure integration of REBT into the golfers’ performance, offering a methodological advancement of past research. Data were collected prior to, during, and after the REBT intervention. Visual analysis following single-case guidelines revealed substantial reductions in irrational beliefs and social anxiety in all three golfers. Social validation data indicated the positive receipt of REBT by the golfers and supported the visual analysis findings. This current study supports the effectiveness of REBT and extends the research by applying REBT in a “real-world” performance setting, offering methodological advances and providing clear implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

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