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张林  邓小平 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):155-160
以527名大学生为被试,采用问卷调查法探讨了自尊在人格特质、社会支持与主观幸福感关系间的中介效应。结果发现:(1)自尊在人格特质、社会支持预测主观幸福感的情感体验维度时具有中介效应,而在其预测主观幸福感的生活满意度时无中介效应;(2)自尊在社会支持与情感维度关系间的中介效应相对高于在人格特质与情感维度关系间的中介效应。  相似文献   

Human psychology and behavior are influenced by culture. Self-construals reflect the individualism-collectivism dimension at the level of individual personality. The current study aimed to explore how self-construals affect subjective well-being (SWB) in China, which has a collectivist culture. Chinese undergraduates (N?=?442) participated in this study. They responded to the self-construal scale, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, collective self-esteem scale and measures of SWB. The results suggested that the type of self-construal significantly predicted SWB. Moreover, an individual’s self-esteem completely mediated the impact of independent self-construal on SWB, whereas interdependent self-construal influenced SWB directly, as well as indirectly though collective self-esteem. In addition, collective self-esteem promoted individual self-esteem, which in turn further stimulated SWB. These findings extend prior reports and shed light on how individual differences in self-construal affect SWB.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了大学生主观社会地位在客观社会经济地位与自尊间所起的作用。采用客观社会经济地位问卷、Rosenberg总体自尊量表、大学生主观社会地位问卷, 对1066名大学本科生进行调查。结果发现:大学生主观社会地位和客观社会经济地位均与自尊呈显著正相关;大学生主观社会地位在客观社会经济地位和自尊之间起显著中介作用(中介效应值为0.34)。  相似文献   

为探讨评价恐惧在自尊与社交焦虑间的作用,本研究采用正向评价恐惧量表、负向评价恐惧量表、自尊量表、社交互动焦虑量表,以大学生作为研究对象进行问卷调查,得到655份有效问卷。研究结果表明:(1)正向评价恐惧量表在本研究大学生样本中具有良好的信、效度。(2)正向评价恐惧、负向评价恐惧在自尊与社交焦虑间起着部分中介作用,中介效应值为47.17%,即自尊一方面直接影响社交焦虑,另一方面通过负向评价恐惧、正向评价恐惧影响社交焦虑。  相似文献   

The study focuses on the psychological significance of ethnic minority identity among youth of Chinese origin living in the Netherlands. Relations of perceived group status and cultural values (allocentrism) with 3 measures of psychological well-being are examined. In addition, the mediating role of components of collective self-esteem (self-evaluation of ethnic in-group) is assessed. Collective self-esteem and psychological well-being depended more on perceived group status than on cultural values. Evidence was found primarily for the idea that components of collective self-esteem act as a mediating variable between perceived social status and psychological well-being. Different components function as mediators for different measures of well-being, suggesting that there are different mechanisms through which ethnic identity factors influence different aspects of psychological functioning.  相似文献   

探讨特质自我控制对主观幸福感的影响机制。多重中介模型揭示自我控制策略在特质自我控制(TSC)与主观幸福感(SWB)之间的作用。对924名大学生进行问卷调查,结果表明:情境选择、注意分配、认知重评均为TSC与SWB之间的中介变量。结论:解释了高特质自我控制个体SWB高的内在机制,也为自我控制过程模型提供实证支持。  相似文献   

This study examined a model of independent and interdependent self-construal, individual and collective self-esteem, and subjective well-being in a sample of college students from the mainland USA, Hawaii, and Japan. Specifically, the mediation role of individual as well as collective self-esteem in the effects of independent and interdependent self-construal on subjective well-being was explored. Results indicated that the hypothesized model fit well. The study found the direct effects of independent self-construal on subjective well-being in all three cultural groups. Collective self-esteem was a significant mediator of the effects of both independent and interdependent self-construal on subjective well-being only in the mainland USA. The negative effect of interdependent self-construal on collective self-esteem was observed only in the mainland USA. Better understanding of both universal and culture-specific aspects of collective self-esteem in promoting subjective well-being seems essential for further theoretical development as well as effective prevention/intervention efforts across three cultural groups.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Previous research has illustrated that lifestyle is correlated with widowhood and subjective well-being amongst older people; however, few studies have...  相似文献   

李虹  林崇德  商磊 《心理科学》2007,30(3):519-523
本研究的目的是检验生命控制感对内在控制感和外在控制感与心理健康之间关系的调节和中介作用。所使用的测量工具有:生命控制感量表(LCS),内外在控制感量表(LOCS),自尊量表(SES)和一般健康问卷(GHQ-20)。被试为来自北京市三所高校的788名大学生。研究结果为:生命控制感对内在控制感和外在控制感与自尊和一般健康状况之间的关系均存在调节作用,但不存在中介作用。研究结论是:生命控制感对于内在控制感和外在控制感与心理健康之间的关系具有调节作用,但不具中介作用。  相似文献   

采用领悟社会支持量表、德克萨斯社会行为问卷和综合幸福感问卷对330位大学生进行调查,建立社会支持、社交自尊和幸福感的结构方程,考察社交自尊在社会支持与幸福感之间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)大学生社会支持对社交自尊和主观幸福感、心理幸福感都有显著的正向预测作用;(2)大学生社交自尊对主观幸福感和心理幸福感均具有显著的正向预测作用;(3)社交自尊在社会支持和主观幸福感、心理幸福感之间起到部分中介的作用,即社会支持直接对主观幸福感、心理幸福感产生影响,也可通过社交自尊间接影响主观幸福感、心理幸福感。  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrated that subjective well-being is associated with goal value and perceived progress but their validity is affected by methodological biases. Moreover, a few have analysed the influence of short-term goals. We aimed to analyse how the levels of and changes in short-term goals progress and value influence subsequent levels of and changes in subjective well-being. This study adopted a three-wave longitudinal design with one-month intervals. Four hundred nine participants (186 males; age 19–71) reported their subjective well-being and their two most important goals and rated each over time in terms of value and progress. A latent difference score model revealed that levels and increases in goal progress positively influenced subsequent levels of subjective well-being. Goal value increases led to decreases in negative affect. These findings provide insights on the promotion of subjective well-being. Given the importance of goal progress in promoting subjective well-being, we propose the implementation of goal-setting programmes that are aimed at fostering successful goal pursuit.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - We examined the multiple mediating effects of the satisfaction of relatedness needs at school and self-esteem in the relation between prosocial behavior and...  相似文献   

52 college student volunteers received the MMPI, Rorschach, TAT, and Sentence Completion Test in counterbalanced order with a test-retest interval of approximately 24 hours. State and trait anxiety measures were assessed immediately prior to and immediately following each test administration. Results indicated that state anxiety measures increased significantly following administration of the more ambiguous, unstructured test stimuli, namely the Rorschach and TAT. In contrast, the more structured, direct assessment methods, namely the MMPI and Sentence Completion Test, did not induce any significant changes in state anxiety. In all cases, trait anxiety measures remained relatively stable.  相似文献   

采用状态-特质焦虑量表、流调抑郁量表、注意控制量表和正负性信息注意量表,对481名在校大学生进行调查研究,考察了焦虑、抑郁对注意偏向的影响,并探讨了注意控制在其中的中介作用。研究发现:(1)正性注意偏向与注意控制呈正相关,与状态焦虑、特质焦虑和流调抑郁呈负相关;负性注意偏向与注意控制呈负相关,与状态焦虑、特质焦虑和流调抑郁呈正相关。(2)特质焦虑、注意集中、注意转移可显著预测正性注意偏向,状态焦虑、流调抑郁和注意集中则显著预测负性注意偏向。(3)注意转移和注意集中中介了状态焦虑、特质焦虑、流调抑郁和正、负性注意偏向间的关系。研究提示注意控制是一个重要的保护性因素,可缓解或消除焦虑和抑郁对注意偏向的负面影响。  相似文献   

While previous studies have established social capital as an important determinant of subjective well-being (SWB), the broader social context people are living in has not received much attention in terms of SWB. To address this issue, we propose the concept of social affiliation, measuring the feeling of belonging to the social whole, of being a respected and valued member of society. In contrast to standard concepts of social capital, social affiliation is not related to an individual’s direct environment (‘Gemeinschaft’), but concerns one’s relation to society (‘Gesellschaft’). Such a subjective evaluation of how an individual feels within a broader societal context is neither covered by traditional concepts of social capital nor by the concept of social cohesion which focuses on the macro level. A perception of oneself as living on the margins of society, of not being a respected member of society, is very likely to diminish subjective well-being. At the same time, it can be expected to not be completely unrelated to individual resources of social capital. Drawing on unique survey data from Japan, we analyze the triangle relationship between social capital, social affiliation and subjective well-being applying a structural equation model. Our results have two main implications. First, we show that social affiliation has an effect on subjective well-being that is independent from the effect of standard measures of social capital. Second, we find that social capital influences social affiliation, and thereby also has an indirect effect on subjective well-being. In terms of theory building our results suggest that social embeddedness has two elements which should be measured separately: a community dimension usually measured as social capital in terms of trust, personal networks and norms, and a societal dimension of being and feeling part of a ‘Gesellschaft’, measured as social affiliation.  相似文献   

Self-serving attributional bias (SSAB) is defined as the tendency to attribute positive situations to internal, stable and global causes, and negative situations to external, unstable and specific causes. SSAB, like other manifestations of the self-enhancement motive, is aimed at protecting self-esteem, and therefore expected to be associated with well-being. Furthermore, given the features of this bias, this possible positive association between SSAB and well-being could be mediated by coping strategies. In this study, we wanted to analyze the relationships among SSAB, coping strategies and subjective well-being. Two hundred and five individuals (90 male and 115 female, mean age = 35.99, ranging from 22 to 50) participated voluntarily in this study. Path analysis showed that SSAB had an indirect effect on life satisfaction (the cognitive component of subjective well-being) through the affect balance (the emotional component of subjective well-being). In turn, SSAB had both a direct and an indirect effect on affect balance. The indirect effect was through the use of problem solving and positive cognitive restructuring coping strategies as well as the non-use of avoidant ones. These results suggest that well-being promotion programs should aim at encouraging the use of problem solving and positive cognitive restructuring coping strategies, as well as promoting healthy attributional styles.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of the 2008 economic crisis on the reported subjective well-being (SWB) of nationally representative samples in 36 mainly European countries between 2002 and 2013. We study how SWB fluctuates along the business cycle, and how it is mediated by individual and country-level socioeconomic factors. Our key finding is that the economic crisis had a negative and S-shaped effect on SWB, implying diminishing marginal sensitivity at higher income losses and gains. During the economic downturn, roughly half of individual-level and macro-level determinants exhibit notable changes in significance and/or magnitude of the effect on SWB. This is taken as an indication of psychological adaptation and shifting reference frames. Five factors display an augmented effect on happiness and life satisfaction during the crisis (below-average income, the Gini index, attitude towards income equality, religiosity, and conscientiousness), while two determinants exhibit attenuated impact on the SWB measures (relationship status and unemployment rate).  相似文献   

Objectification theory provides an explanatory conceptual framework for describing women’s lived experiences. By using a social psychological approach, the present study focuses on the mediating role of contingent self-esteem within the objectification framework. Participants were 178 female college-students who took part in a paper-and-pencil survey. We explored the possibility that contingent self-esteem can mediate the relationship between body surveillance and body shame with self-sexualizing behavior and self-esteem. Based on the results, we suggest that self-objectification brings about contingent self-esteem. This mental state can explain changes in self-esteem in turn. We propose that contingent self-esteem can play an essential role in the context of objectification theory.  相似文献   

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