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把先前和现在遇到的客体视为同一个体的现象就可以称为客体连续性。目前对客体连续性的形成主要存在四种解释机制:相似理论、时空理论、种类理论和因果理论。研究者对时空理论中时空信息和客体表面特征信息, 种类理论和因果理论在此过程中所起的作用存在争论。今后应构建相似、种类、因果理论的实验范式, 改进时空、种类和因果理论实验设计的不足并把客体连续性的研究从视觉领域拓展到到嗅觉、听觉等领域。  相似文献   

We review the points raised by Farah (this issue) in her discussion of the paper by Rumiati, Humphreys, Riddoch, and Bateman (1994), in which a case study was presented of a patient, Mr W., with visual object agnosia without either prosopagnosia or alexia. We reiterate the argument that Mr W. had impaired stored knowledge about the visual characteristics of objects, and that this was more severe than his deficit at a semantic level. In addition, we summarize supporting evidence from another patient (Humphreys & Rumiati, submitted), who showed the same pattern of breakdown as Mr W. We suggest that stored visual knowledge can be specific to the form of stimulus (words, objects, and faces), that these different forms of knowledge may be represented in distinct neural areas, and that agnosia can result after damage to stimulus-specific sites of knowledge representation.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(1):79-85
Kirlik (this issue) reviews my recent (Stoffregen, 2003b) definition of affordance and suggests that it is too broad. Kirlik argues that the concept of affordance should include only things that are opportunities for action. In replying, I agree that affordance should be restricted to opportunities for action. However, I argue that action can and should include the great majority of animate behavior and possibly all of it. Finally, I argue that the concept of affordance is not unbounded but rather has strict limits.  相似文献   

同一事件的视听成分即使同时发生, 由于两种信息的物理传播与神经传导速度的差异, 大脑知觉到它们的时刻仍会存在一定的延迟。时间再校准指大脑可以最小化并适应这段时间延迟的现象。本研究采用“适应—测验”范式, 在适应阶段连续给被试呈现视觉先于听觉或听觉先于视觉128ms的刺激对, 在测验阶段以时序判断任务来测量被试此时主观同时点的变化。通过操纵适应及新异视听刺激对(即适应客体与新异客体)在测验阶段出现的空间位置, 探索空间与客体因素对视听时间再校准的影响。结果发现, 当适应客体出现于适应空间时, 主观同时点显著偏向了时间延迟的方向; 同样显著或边缘显著的主观同时点偏移还发生于适应客体出现于未适应空间时, 以及新异客体出现于适应空间时。研究表明, 视听时间再校准在不同空间中的表现取决于适应空间与适应客体的联合或独立作用。  相似文献   

徐晓东  刘昌 《心理科学》2008,31(3):609-613
对危险信号的快速警觉具有生物学意义,研究发现视觉恐惧信号可以经过两条不同的通路传达杏仁核:一条直接的皮层下通路,另一条是间接的视觉皮层通路.最近三年(2004-2006)一批脑成像和电生理研究对此进行了深入探讨.本文以此为基础对两条通路的主要神经结构,神经传递的先后过程以及它们间的关系进行了详细的综述.  相似文献   

丘脑枕核参与多条加工情绪信息的神经通路因而在情绪信息加工中具有重要作用。第一:丘脑枕核参与到上丘-丘脑枕核-杏仁核通路。该通路可以在没有初级视觉皮层参与情况下对情绪信息进行快速加工; 第二:丘脑枕核以皮层-丘脑枕核-皮层环路和上丘-丘脑枕核-皮层通路两种形式参与到丘脑枕核-皮层通路。该通路通过控制皮层间同步化水平促进信息传递的效率; 同时通过整合皮层和皮层下情绪信号扩大其在行为输出方面的影响力。  相似文献   

Studies have shown information specifying some affordances may be faster or easier to perceive than others. This article investigates the effect of affordance perception on the time taken to initiate and perform an action. In particular it focuses on how action timing varies as a function of a continuum of afforded action, that is, around an action-boundary. In Experiment 1, participants made judgments regarding whether they could fit a small ball through a series of different size apertures. Judgments were quick and accurate at the extremes of the affordance scale; however, at the perceived action-boundary longer, more variable initiation times (ITs) were observed. Trials repeated over 3 consecutive days revealed a systematic change in the IT distribution and demonstrated that IT is highly sensitive to changes in location of the perceived action-boundary. In Experiment 2 effects of action-scaling were observed on IT and movement time of afforded actions: around the perceived action-boundary the afforded action took longer to be both perceived and acted upon. The results highlight that affordance perception influences not only action selection and preparation but also the action itself. The findings are discussed in terms of the informational basis of action responses.  相似文献   

In order to safely negotiate cluttered and dangerous environments, firefighters must efficiently and effectively make affordance judgments. Failure to do so could put them at risk for slips, trips, and falls, which are major causes of injuries for firefighters. We examined how well firefighters were able to perceive their obstacle crossing abilities while wearing firefighting protective equipment. Firefighters were asked to judge whether they could cross over, under, and through different obstacles that simulated idealized fireground situations. Perceptual judgment errors were found for each obstacle type, the largest occurring with an overestimation of ability to pass under an obstacle. Years of experience had a moderate positive correlation with absolute judgment error in the “over” and “under” obstacles. Overall, a general lack of awareness of their personal protective equipment for obstacle crossing ability was observed. A better understanding of how to reduce judgment error while wearing firefighter protective gear would likely decrease the risk of injuries on the fireground.  相似文献   

采用单探测变化觉察范式,对三维图形的特征在客体和空间工作记忆中的加工时程进行了探讨。实验一的材料是由不同颜色和形状组成的规则立体图形。实验二的材料是由不同颜色和图案组成的六棱柱。实验结果显示:(1)客体和空间工作记忆绩效均随识记项目数的增加而显著下降;(2)随着刺激呈现时间的延长,客体工作记忆绩效显著提高,空间工作记忆绩效无明显增加;且在三种呈现时间条件下,空间工作记忆绩效均高于客体工作记忆;(3)三维图形中颜色特征的检测绩效优于形状、图案和特征捆绑。这些结果表明,视觉工作记忆中三维图形的特征加工存在显著的时程效应,空间位置加工最早完成,其次是颜色加工,然后是形状与颜色-形状的捆绑,最后是图案与颜色-图案的捆绑。  相似文献   


A crucial component of locomotion and mobility is the successful navigation of apertures (e.g., doorways, lanes, corridors). While much research has studied perceptions of action capabilities in a static environment, far less work has considered how action capabilities change in a dynamic environment, particularly when the environment moves in unpredictable ways. The current experiment assessed actors’ perceptions of aperture passability for a dynamically moving gap. In an immersive virtual environment, participants were seated in a wheelchair rolling toward a sliding door while the door oscillated to various widths. The patterns of oscillation were manipulated in terms of their amplitude (sequence standard deviation), predictability (sequence sample entropy), and base width (sequence mean) in a within-participants design. Participants gave judgments of passability within a temporal occlusion paradigm. Results showed that both the amplitude and predictability of the oscillating door impacted the reliability of passability judgments. We suggest that these variables act to alter the salience of optical constraints (e.g., attractors and repellors) within a dynamical systems framework.  相似文献   

Turvey MT  Shockley K  Carello C 《Cognition》1999,73(2):B17-B26
The physical basis of perceived heaviness requires consideration of the haptic perceptual system's role in controlling actions (the system's proper function) and the relation of an object's inertial properties to properties of the human movement system (the object's affordance). We show that the mass of a wielded object and particular scalar variables calculated from the object's inertia tensor combine linearly in determining perceived heaviness. The tensor-derived scalars reflect the symmetry and volume of the corresponding inertia ellipsoid. These measures bear directly on the object's wieldability, that is, on the patterning and level of muscular forces required to move the object in a controlled fashion.  相似文献   

Creative objects differ from ordinary objects in that they are created by human beings to contain novel, creative information. Previous research has demonstrated that ordinary object processing involves both a perceptual process for analyzing different features of the visual input and a higher-order process for evaluating the relevance of this visual information. However, it is unclear how and when these processes are influenced by the creative information of the object. This study utilized event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the time course of creative object processing. Behavioral results revealed that participants spent more time processing creative objects than they did ordinary objects. Analysis of scalp ERPs further revealed that creative objects elicited a more negative ERP deflection between 190 and 340 ms (N190–340) with an anterior scalp distribution. Additionally, creative objects elicited more positive ERP deflection than did ordinary objects between 400 and 700 ms (P400–700) with a right centro–parietal scalp distribution and between 700 and 1000 ms (late positive component) with a right anterior–central scalp distribution. Such results suggest that the processing of creative objects is composed of two distinct stages. The early perceptual stage involves the detection of visual differences exhibited by the creative objects, while the late stage involves the right-lateralized processes of understanding and encoding the creative information.  相似文献   

Children in Grades 4 and 6 read isolated target words following the auditory presentation of an ambiguous word (e.g., deck). The ambiguous word occurred as the last word in either a neutral sentence (e.g., “There is the deck”) or as the last word in a riddle (“Why couldn't anybody play poker on the ark? Because Noah sat on the deck). Related target words were consistent with either the dominant meaning (e.g., porch) or the subordinate meaning (cards) of the ambiguous word. In the neutral context, Grade 4 children showed equivalent facilitation for dominant and subordinate targets relative to unrelated target words; Grade 6 children showed facilitation only for the dominant targets. In the riddle context, both groups of children showed equivalent facilitation for the two types of related targets. The neutral context results supported the hypothesis that the two bases of context effects—automatic lexical access and selective access—develop at different rates (Simpson &; Foster, 1986). The results obtained from the riddles suggest that the selective process is strategic (Ceci, 1989).  相似文献   

句子加工领域内, 主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应是诸多语种内普遍存在的一种语言现象。本文对主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应从如下几个方面进行了分析和论述:①从成人语言、儿童语言和失语症患者三个领域并结合印欧语系和非印欧语系的语言特征, 详细分析了该效应及其普遍性和特殊性; ②主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应的理论解释:句法角色理论、“填充语-空位”依附理论、积极填充策略、名词短语可及性层级理论和干扰相似性理论; ③与主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应有关的脑电成分及相应的脑区激活模式的分析。最后, 在对已有理论评价分析的基础上, 提出“标记浮动”句子加工理论模型, 并指出该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

One of the developmental tasks for the adolescent is to construct a new transitional space that leads to internal changes and adapts to the external world. When a nurturing matrix is unavailable, adolescents experience the entrance into the adult world as a dangerous transition. The author bases his arguments on psychoanalytic theories, mostly Winnicott's, and illustrates these with clinical material. He suggests that, even though these traumatized adolescents experienced nonfunctional transitional spaces, it is proven that they could be treated psychoanalytically. Here, the main task of the analyst is to establish a holding environment as a type of transference, resulting in less emphasis on interpretation of inner conflicts.  相似文献   

We demonstrated the efficacy of using early memory (EM) data to distinguish postdictively criminally dangerous from nondangerous psychiatric patients. Dangerous patients (n = 30) had been adjudicated not criminally responsible (NCR) for felonies, whereas nondangerous psychiatric patients (n = 30) had no convictions for aggressive offenses. Groups were comparable in age, IQ, socioeconomic status (SES), marital status, and diagnoses. Group racial compositions, however, were significantly different. Statistical analyses were thus performed to clarify the potential effect of this racial confound. Overall, 73% of the dangerous and nondangerous patients were accurately classified via a newly developed EM scoring system, the Early Memory Aggressiveness Potential Score System (EMAPSS). Of those classified as dangerous, 15 of 16 (94%) were actually dangerous. The false-positive rate was an impressively low 6%, suggesting EM aggression is highly predictive of dangerousness postdictively.  相似文献   

An eye tracking study investigated the effects of local and global discourse context on the processing of subject and object relative clauses, whereby the contexts favored either a subject relative clause interpretation or an object relative clause interpretation. The fixation data replicated previous studies showing that object relative clause sentences were more difficult to process than subject relative sentences. Crucially, however, the reading difficulty asymmetry between subject and object relative clause sentences disappeared when the sentences were presented with a local or a global discourse context that favored the objects in the object relative clauses. These findings demonstrate that the evidence for a syntax-based account of sentence processing is found when sentences are presented in isolation. However, if sentences are placed more naturally, in context, discourse factors outweigh the initial structural assignment.  相似文献   

采用政策分析法和比较分析法,梳理典型国家和地区在社区临终关怀服务体系和运行机制方面存在的先进做法,并依据我国国情,围绕项目规划、床位设置、服务对象准入条件、服务标准等方面,分析我国社区临终关怀体系的不足;提出加强政府政策引导、动员社会多主体参与、细化社区临终关怀服务标准、完善配套措施等方面的建议。期望在老龄化背景下,为有效提升我国临终关怀服务能力、推动老年服务体系的完善提供有力的智力支持。  相似文献   

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