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Explicit memory tests such as recognition typically access semantic, modality-independent representations, while perceptual implicit memory tests typically access presemantic, modality-specific representations. By demonstrating comparable cross- and within-modal priming using vision and haptics with verbal materials (Easton, Srinivas, & Greene, 1997), we recently questioned whether the representations underlying perceptual implicit tests were modality specific. Unlike vision and audition, with vision and haptics verbal information can be presented in geometric terms to both modalities. The present experiments extend this line of research by assessing implicit and explicit memory within and between vision and haptics in the nonverbal domain, using both 2-D patterns and 3-D objects. Implicit test results revealed robust cross-modal priming for both 2-D patterns and 3-D objects, indicating that vision and haptics shared abstract representations of object shape and structure. Explicit test results for 3-D objects revealed modality specificity, indicating that the recognition system keeps track of the modality through which an object is experienced.  相似文献   

Young children are slower in naming the color of a meaningful picture than in naming the color of an abstract form (Stroop-like color-object interference). The current experiments tested an executive control account of this phenomenon. First, color-object interference was observed in 6- and 8-year-olds but not in 12- and 16-year-olds (Experiment 1). Second, meaningful pictures did not interfere in 5- to 7-year-olds’ manual sorting of objects on the basis of color (Experiment 2) or in their naming the number of colored objects in the display, that is, subitizing (Experiment 3). These findings provide support for the view that color-object interference results from the children’s immature inhibition of the prepotent but irrelevant task of object naming.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated change in the perception of an environmental property (object length) in each of 3 perceptual modalities (vision, audition, and haptics) when perceivers were provided with the opportunity to experience the same environmental property by means of an additional perceptual modality (e.g., haptics followed by vision, vision followed by audition, or audition followed by haptics). Experiment 1 found that (a) posttest improvements in perceptual consistency occurred in all 3 perceptual modalities, regardless of whether practice included experience in an additional perceptual modality and (b) posttest improvements in perceptual accuracy occurred in haptics and audition but only when practice included experience in an additional perceptual modality. Experiment 2 found that learning curves in each perceptual modality could be accommodated by a single function in which auditory perceptual learning occurred over short time scales, haptic perceptual learning occurred over middle time scales, and visual perceptual learning occurred over long time scales. Analysis of trial-to-trial variability revealed patterns of long-term correlations in all perceptual modalities regardless of whether practice included experience in an additional perceptual modality.  相似文献   

Regularities like symmetry (mirror reflection) and repetition (translation) play an important role in both visual and haptic (active touch) shape perception. Altering figure-ground factors to change what is perceived as an object influences regularity detection. For vision, symmetry is usually easier to detect within one object, whereas repetition is easier to detect across two objects. For haptics, we have not found this interaction between regularity type and objectness (Cecchetto & Lawson, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 103–125, 2017; Lawson, Ajvani, & Cecchetto, Experimental Psychology, 63, 197–214, 2016). However, our studies used repetition stimuli with mismatched concavities, convexities, and luminance, and so had mismatched contour polarities. Such stimuli may be processed differently to stimuli with matching contour polarities. We investigated this possibility. For haptics, speeded symmetry and repetition detection for novel, planar shapes was similar. Performance deteriorated strikingly if contour polarity mismatched (keeping objectness constant), whilst there was a modest disadvantage for between-2objects:facing-sides compared to within-1object:outer-sides comparisons (keeping contour polarity constant). For the same task for vision, symmetry detection was similar to haptics (strong costs for mismatched contour polarity, weaker costs for between-2objects:facing-sides comparisons), but repetition detection was very different (weak costs for mismatched contour polarity, strong benefits for between-2objects:facing-sides comparisons). Thus, objectness was less influential than contour polarity for both haptic and visual symmetry detection, and for haptic repetition detection. However, for visual repetition detection, objectness effects reversed direction (within-1object:outer-sides comparisons were harder) and were stronger than contour polarity effects. This pattern of results suggests that regularity detection reflects information extraction as well as regularity distributions in the physical world.  相似文献   

This article reports evidence that two variables—object viewpoint and semantic priming—differentially affect action and semantic decisions to objects. Changing the viewing angle of an object, so that its graspable parts are oriented away from observers, disrupted action decisions but had little effect on semantic categorization. In contrast, semantic priming influenced semantic categorization and object naming, but not action decisions. Action priming, however, did not affect performance. These selective effects are consistent with the existence of separate semantic and direct (nonsemantic) routes to action from vision.  相似文献   

This article reports evidence that two variables—object viewpoint and semantic priming—differentially affect action and semantic decisions to objects. Changing the viewing angle of an object, so that its graspable parts are oriented away from observers, disrupted action decisions but had little effect on semantic categorization. In contrast, semantic priming influenced semantic categorization and object naming, but not action decisions. Action priming, however, did not affect performance. These selective effects are consistent with the existence of separate semantic and direct (nonsemantic) routes to action from vision.  相似文献   

Previous research investigating the influence of object manipulability (the properties of objects that make them appropriate for manual action) on object identification has not tightly controlled for effects of both object familiarity and age of acquisition of objects. The current research carefully controlled these two variables on a balanced set of 120 photographs and showed significant effects of object manipulability during object categorization (Experiment 1) and object naming (Experiment 2). Critically, the effects showed a manipulability-effect reversal, with faster categorization of non-manipulable objects, but faster naming of manipulable objects, suggesting that task moderates the direction of the manipulability effect. Exposure duration (the amount of time the object was visible to participants) was also investigated, but no interactions between exposure duration and manipulability were found. These results indicate that not only can manipulability influence object identification, but the way in which it does depends on the task.  相似文献   

A current debate regarding face and object naming concerns whether they are equally vulnerable to semantic interference. Although some studies have shown similar patterns of interference, others have revealed different effects for faces and objects. In Experiment 1, we compared face naming to object naming when exemplars were presented in a semantically homogeneous context (grouped by their category) or in a semantically heterogeneous context (mixed) across four cycles. The data revealed significant slowing for both face and object naming in the homogeneous context. This semantic interference was explained as being due to lexical competition from the conceptual activation of category members. When focusing on the first cycle, a facilitation effect for objects but not for faces appeared. This result permits us to explain the previously observed discrepancies between face and object naming. Experiment 2 was identical to Experiment 1, with the exception that half of the stimuli were presented as face/object names for reading. Semantic interference was present for both face and object naming, suggesting that faces and objects behave similarly during naming. Interestingly, during reading, semantic interference was observed for face names but not for object names. This pattern is consistent with previous assumptions proposing the activation of a person identity during face name reading.  相似文献   

A study of object naming in 202 children, aged 5–11 years, demonstrated that varying the stimulus context affected the level of response accuracy. From age 6 to 10, completing a sentence with a noun (auditory) yielded the lowest error scores, naming objects upon hearing a definition (also auditory) produced most errors, while responding with names to pictured objects was of intermediate difficulty. This is the same order of object naming difficulty found in adult aphasic patients. Children older than 10 do not appear to be affected by stimulus context in their object naming. Results are discussed in terms of the relative syntactic difficulty of the two auditory conditions, the unexpected sex differences, and the “aphaseoid” naming errors of children.  相似文献   

The locus of category effects in picture recognition and naming was examined in two experiments with normal subjects. Subjects carried out object decision (deciding whether the stimulus is a “real” object or not) and naming tasks with pictures of clothing, furniture, fruit, and vegetables. These categories are distinguished by containing either relatively many exemplars with similar perceptual structures (fruit and vegetables;structurally similar categories), or relatively few exemplars with similar perceptual structures (clothing and furniture;structurally dissimilar categories). In Experiment 1, responses to the stimuli from the structurally similar categories were slower than responses to stimuli from the structurally dissimilar categories, and this effect was larger in the naming than in the object decision task. Further, prior object decisions to stimuli from structurally similar categories facilitated their subsequent naming. In Experiment 2, we orthogonally manipulated object decision and naming as prime and target tasks, again with stimuli from the four categories. Category effects, with responses slower to objects from structurally similar categories, were again larger in naming than in object decision, and these category effects in naming were reduced by priming with both naming and object decision. We interpret the data to indicate that category effects in object naming can reflect visually based competition which is reduced by the preactivation of stored structural knowledge for objects.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with younger and older speakers. In Experiment 1, participants named single objects that were intact or visually degraded, while hearing distractor words that were phonologically related or unrelated to the object name. In both younger and older participants naming latencies were shorter for intact than for degraded objects and shorter when related than when unrelated distractors were presented. In Experiment 2, the single objects were replaced by object triplets, with the distractors being phonologically related to the first object's name. Naming latencies and gaze durations for the first object showed degradation and relatedness effects that were similar to those in single-object naming. Older participants were slower than younger participants when naming single objects and slower and less fluent on the second but not the first object when naming object triplets. The results of these experiments indicate that both younger and older speakers plan object names sequentially, but that older speakers use this planning strategy less efficiently.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of food deprivation on oral and manual haptic size perception of food and non-food objects. From relevant theories (need-proportional perception, motivated perception, frustrative nonreward, perceptual defence, and sensory sensitisation) at least four completely different competing predictions can be derived. Testing these predictions, we found across four experiments that participants estimated the length of both non-food and food objects to be larger when hungry than when satiated, which was true only for oral haptic perception, while manual haptic perception was not influenced by hunger state. Subjectively reported hunger correlated positively with estimated object size in oral, but not in manual, haptic perception. The impact of food deprivation on oral perception vanished after oral stimulations even for hungry individuals. These results favour a sensory sensitisation account maintaining that hunger itself does not alter oral perception but the accompanying lack of sensory stimulation of the oral mucosa. Both oral and manual haptic perception tended to underestimate actual object size. Finally, an enhancing effect of domain-target matching was found, ie food objects were perceived larger by oral than by manual haptics, while non-food objects were perceived larger by manual than by oral haptics.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with younger and older speakers. In Experiment 1, participants named single objects that were intact or visually degraded, while hearing distractor words that were phonologically related or unrelated to the object name. In both younger and older participants naming latencies were shorter for intact than for degraded objects and shorter when related than when unrelated distractors were presented. In Experiment 2, the single objects were replaced by object triplets, with the distractors being phonologically related to the first object's name. Naming latencies and gaze durations for the first object showed degradation and relatedness effects that were similar to those in single-object naming. Older participants were slower than younger participants when naming single objects and slower and less fluent on the second but not the first object when naming object triplets. The results of these experiments indicate that both younger and older speakers plan object names sequentially, but that older speakers use this planning strategy less efficiently.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported examining the effects of surface colour and brightness/texture gradients (photographic detail) on object classification and naming. Objects were drawn from classes with either structurally similar or structurally dissimilar exemplars. In Experiment 1a, object naming was facilitated by both congruent surface colour and photographic detail, with the effects of these two variables combining under-additively. In addition incongruent colour disrupted naming accuracy. These effects tended to be larger on objects from structurally similar classes than on objects from structurally dissimilar classes. Experiment 1b examined superordinate classification. There were again advantages due to congruent colour and photographic detail on responses to objects from both structurally similar and structurally dissimilar classes. Incongruent colour disrupted classification accuracy on structurally distinct but not structurally similar items. For structurally similar items, the advantages of congruent surface attributes on classification were smaller than on naming, but this was not the case for structurally dissimilar items. Experiment 2 examined subordinate classification of structurally similar objects. Now effects of congruent and incongruent colour, but not of photographic detail, were found. Experiment 3 showed that congruent and incongruent colour effects occur only when the colours occupy the internal surfaces of objects. The results suggest that surface details can affect object recognition and naming, depending upon: (1) the degree to which objects must be differentiated for a correct response to be made, and (2) the nature of the rate-limiting process determining performance.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the relative position of objects and the body would influence haptic recognition. People felt objects on the right or left side of their body midline, using their right hand. Their head was turned towards or away from the object, and they could not see their hands or the object. People were better at naming 2-D raised line drawings and 3-D small-scale models of objects and also real, everyday objects when they looked towards them. However, this head-towards benefit was reliable only when their right hand crossed their body midline to feel objects on their left side. Thus, haptic object recognition was influenced by people's head position, although vision of their hand and the object was blocked. This benefit of turning the head towards the object being explored suggests that proprioceptive and haptic inputs are remapped into an external coordinate system and that this remapping is harder when the body is in an unusual position (with the hand crossing the body midline and the head turned away from the hand). The results indicate that haptic processes align sensory inputs from the hand and head even though either hand-centered or object-centered coordinate systems should suffice for haptic object recognition.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the activation of perceptual representations of referent objects during word processing. In both experiments, participants learned to associate pictures of novel three-dimensional objects with pseudowords. They subsequently performed a recognition task (Experiment 1) or a naming task (Experiment 2) on the object names while being primed with different types of visual stimuli. Only the stimuli that the participants had encountered as referent objects during the training phase facilitated recognition or naming responses. New stimuli did not facilitate the processing of object names, even if they matched a schematic or prototypical representation of the referent object that the participants might have abstracted during word-referent learning. These results suggest that words learned by way of examples of referent objects are associated with experiential traces of encounters with these objects.  相似文献   

In category-specific agnosia (CSA) patients typically have more trouble naming animals, fruits, and vegetables than tools, furniture, and articles of clothing. A crucial exception to this living vs nonliving rule involves the category of musical instruments. Patients with problems naming living objects often repeatedly fail to name musical instruments. In CSA it is crucial to equate living and nonliving object lists on object name frequency, complexity, and familiarity. The present study shows, however, that even the most rigorously controlled object lists can lead to erroneous conclusions if nonliving stimuli contain an overrepresentation of musical instruments. Naming capabilities of a herpes encephalitis patient were assessed using matched lists of living and nonliving objects and showed no indication of category-specific deficits. When exemplars were separated into biological objects, musical instruments and man-made artifacts, strong category-specificity emerged: artifact naming was flawless whereas musical instrument and biological object naming were both severely impaired. It is concluded that CSA is a veridical phenomenon but that our understanding of CSA is limited by adhering to the spurious living/nonliving distinction.  相似文献   

安蓉  阴国恩  冯虹 《心理科学》2007,30(2):351-354,319
在实物图片或轮廓图先期呈现的条件下研究了6岁、9岁、12岁及成人被试对两可图形的命名或相似判断。结果表明:(1)命名项目或相似判断与线索项目有关时,各年龄被试对判断项的命名或相似判断均表现出与线索项目一致的倾向。(2)轮廓图作为线索项目时.命名或相似判断反应时较长;实物作为线索项目时,命名或相似判断反应时较短。无关项目作为为线索项目时.被试命名或相似判断的反应时居中;命名项目或相似判断项目均与线索项目一致时反应时较短;命名项目或相似判断项目均与线索项目不一致时反应时延长。(3)被试命名或相似判断的反应时随其年龄的增长而下降,6岁和9岁儿童的反应时较长;12岁儿童的反应时较短;成人的反应时最短。  相似文献   

Some effects of color on naming and recognition of objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, we investigated the role of color in the recognition and naming of everyday objects. In the first experiment we found that color pictures were named faster than black-and-white and that shape information did not facilitate color naming. Experiment 2 was carried out to determine at which stage of object processing the color facilitation occurred. We found that color had no effect on object recognition but did facilitate object naming, even when color was redundant for discrimination. This did not apply to naming abstract shapes. Experiment 3 replicated the findings of Experiment 2 using different objects and colors. The results showed that color could facilitate but not inhibit object naming and did not affect object recognition.  相似文献   

We conducted a haptic search experiment to investigate the influence of the Gestalt principles of proximity, similarity, and good continuation. We expected faster search when the distractors could be grouped. We chose edges at different orientations as stimuli because they are processed similarly in the haptic and visual modality. We therefore expected the principles of similarity and good continuation to be operational in haptics as they are in vision. In contrast, because of differences in spatial processing between vision and haptics, we expected differences for the principle of proximity. In haptics, the Gestalt principle of proximity could operate at two distinct levels-somatotopic proximity or spatial proximity-and we assessed both possibilities in our experiments. The results show that the principles of similarity and good continuation indeed operate in this haptic search task. Neither of our proximity manipulations yielded effects, which may suggest that grouping by proximity must take place before an invariant representation of the object has formed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

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