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Testing individual animals from a heterogenic population of Drosophila melanogaster, we demonstrate conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex. The presentation of paired (conditioning) stimuli produced (a) an increase in the average number of conditioned responses over trials, (b) measured differences in performance levels among individual subjects, and (c) a sex difference, with more males conditioned than females, and those that did did so more quickly. The presentation of unpaired (control) stimuli produced significantly lower average levels of acquisition responding and a change in the distribution of individual response patterns. Neither central excitatory state nor sensitization induced by the conditioned or unconditioned stimuli directly affected the conditioned response, whereas unconditioned stimulus preexposure adversely affected performance levels. Presenting the unpaired (extinction) stimuli after conditioning produced less of a decline in responding than did an extinction procedure with removal of the unconditioned stimulus. With the ability to identify individual differences in acquisition and extinction patterns, and given the relatively large number of individuals that can be tested simultaneously on the automated stimulation apparatus, it is now possible to make precise behavioral measurements on samples large enough for the behavior-genetic analysis of D. melanogaster with conditioning as the phenotype.  相似文献   

Eye-blink conditioning involves the pairing of a conditioned stimulus (usually a tone) to an unconditioned stimulus (air puff), and it is well established that an intact cerebellum and interpositus nucleus, in particular, are required for this form of classical conditioning. Changes in synaptic number or structure have long been proposed as a mechanism that may underlie learning and memory, but localizing these changes has been difficult. Thus, the current experiment took advantage of the large amount of research conducted on the neural circuitry that supports eye-blink conditioning by examining synaptic changes in the rabbit interpositus nucleus. Synaptic quantifications included total number of synapses per neuron, numbers of excitatory versus inhibitory synapses, synaptic curvature, synaptic perforations, and the maximum length of the synapses. No overall changes in synaptic number, shape, or perforations were observed. There was, however, a significant increase in the length of excitatory synapses in the conditioned animals. This increase in synaptic length was particularly evident in the concave-shaped synapses. These results, together with previous findings, begin to describe a sequence of synaptic change in the interpositus nuclei following eye-blink conditioning that would appear to begin with structural change and end with an increase in synaptic number.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the proposal that modifications in developmental rate may mediate differences in aggressive behavior, two series of selective breeding studies were completed. Stable lines of mice that differed in the frequency and latency of attacks were rapidly established in two series (by S1 in the first series and S3 or S4 in the second series). For evaluation of the developmental-genetic proposal, an analysis was made of the ontogeny of aggressive expression in male mice of the two series, with a detailed report provided of the S1 and S4 generations of the second breeding series. Comparisons between the results of a longitudinal design and the results of a new type of cross-sectional design (involving only siblings, or co-sibial) indicated (a) a reliable developmental course of attack expression, with a sharp rise in early maturity and a slow decline thereafter; (b) a convergence in later maturity of the behavior of lines selectively bred for high or low aggressive behavior, if the animals had been assigned to the longitudinal design; (c) a strong effect of repeated testing on attack latency and frequency, even though the dyadic tests were brief in duration and separated by long intervals. In addition, cross-generational comparisons suggested that the selective breeding differences came about primarily by changes in the behavior of the low aggressive lines, in that these animals failed to show in early maturity the sharp increases in attack occurrence that were observed in earlier generations. Certain implications of these findings for developmental and evolutionary concepts (e.g., neoteny, acceleration, heterochrony) are discussed.  相似文献   

Three Pavlovian lick suppression studies with rats were conducted to compare the role of the conditioning context in excitatory backward and forward conditioning. The experiments explored the possibility that excitatory backward conditioning, but not forward conditioning, is mediated by the context. That is, in excitatory backward conditioning, the conditioning context may function as an excitatory mediator, which supports second-order conditioning of the target cue. This possibility contrasts with traditional accounts, which suggests that common processes underlie excitatory backward and forward conditioning. Experiment 1 found that conditioned responding following backward conditioning was attenuated as a result of posttraining extinction of the training context, but the same manipulation elevated responding after forward conditioning. Experiments 2 and 3 found that posttraining and pretraining associative inflation of the context (presenting unsignalled USs) increased conditioned responding to the target of a backward conditioning procedure but either had no effect or reduced responding to the target of a forward conditioning procedure. Thus, excitatory backward and forward conditioning appear to differ in their dependence on the status of the conditioning context.  相似文献   

The major goal of this study was to determine whether classical conditioning produces long-term neural consolidation of frequency tuning plasticity in the auditory cortex. Local field potentials (LFPs) were obtained from chronically implanted adult male Hartley guinea pigs that were divided into conditioning (n = 4) and sensitization control (n = 3) groups. Tuning functions were determined in awake subjects for average LFPs (approximately 0.4 to 36.0 kHz, -20 to 80 dB) immediately before training as well as 1 h and 1, 3, 7, and 10 days after training; sensitization subjects did not have a 10-day retention test. Conditioning consisted of a single session of 30 to 45 trials of a 6-s tone (CS, 70 dB) that was not the best frequency (BF, peak of a tuning curve), followed by a brief leg shock (US) at CS offset. Sensitization control animals received the same density of CS and US presentations unpaired. Heart rate recordings showed that the conditioning group developed conditioned bradycardia, whereas the sensitization control group did not. Local field potentials in the conditioning group, but not in the sensitization group, developed tuning plasticity. The ratio of responses to the CS frequency versus the BF were increased 1 h after training, and this increase was retained for the 10-day period of the study. Both tuning plasticity and retention were observed across stimulus levels (10-80 dB). Most noteworthy, tuning plasticity exhibited consolidation (i.e., developed greater CS-specific effects across retention periods), attaining asymptote at 3 days. The findings indicate that LFPs in the auditory cortex have three cardinal features of behavioral memory: associative tuning plasticity, long-term retention, and long-term consolidation. Potential cellular and subcellular mechanisms of LFP tuning plasticity and long-term consolidation are discussed.  相似文献   

Learning in a signaled avoidance procedure was studied in the eye withdrawal reflex of the green crab, Carcinus maenas. A puff of air to the eye, which causes eye retraction, was used as the unconditioned stimulus (US). A mild vibration on the carapace, which has no effect on untrained animals, was used as a warning (conditioned) stimulus (CS). Eye withdrawal during the CS led to the omission of the otherwise scheduled US. Acquisition was rapid, reaching about 75% avoidance after 30 trials. Extinction occurred slowly over the course of 40 CS-only trials. Yoked controls did not perform as well. The behavior of experimental animals in the avoidance procedure was found to be essentially identical to the performance of animals subjected to a classical conditioning paradigm in which CS responses had no effect on US presentation. Additional groups of animals were subjected to experiments in which (a) avoidance conditioning (60 trials) was followed by classical conditioning (40 trials) or (b) classical conditioning was followed by avoidance. The behavior of these groups was, again, essentially identical. The results suggest that there may be an underlying Pavlovian mechanism for the learned response, although the contribution of an operant process is not excluded. The results expand the range of invertebrate animals in which fundamental conditioning phenomena can be demonstrated, and may provide a neuronal model for learning in a signaled avoidance procedure.  相似文献   

The rabbit nictitating membrane (NM) preparation was developed in 1962 by Gormezano as a model system for classical conditioning. It had many features that made it ideal for use in exploring the laws of this conditioning paradigm, including easily obtainable subjects, good control of stimulus delivery and precise response specifications. Most importantly, the preparation evidenced very low spontaneous response rates and showed no evidence of nonassociative effects of sensitization and pseudoconditioning and had highly predictable learning functions. In contrast, previous human and animal models that had been utilized to explore the features of classical conditioning, such as the dog salivary model were far less easy to use, showed high spontaneous response rates, and had high nonassociative components. Over the ensuing years, Gormezano and his students characterized most of the parametric characteristics of classical conditioning with the use of the preparation. In 1970, Richard Thompson began exploring the use of the rabbit NM preparation in his laboratory as a model system with which to explore the brain substrates of classical conditioning. At the time, his work was centered around exploring the neural substrates of sensitization and habituation in spinal reflexes. Soon, however, he turned his attention to the brain substrates of classical conditioning almost exclusively, and produced an impressive amount of data detailing the neural underpinnings of classical conditioning. His work has generated perhaps the most detailed and complete picture of the neural mechanisms of learning currently available, and has led to countless other research efforts in the area of brain and behavior. Current understandings of neural mechanisms of associative learning owe much to Thompson and his various colleagues.  相似文献   

Freezing to a tone following auditory fear conditioning is commonly considered as a measure of the strength of the tone-shock association. The decrease in freezing on repeated nonreinforced tone presentation following conditioning, in turn, is attributed to the formation of an inhibitory association between tone and shock that leads to a suppression of the expression of fear. This study challenges these concepts for auditory fear conditioning in mice. We show that acquisition of conditioned fear by a few tone-shock pairings is accompanied by a nonassociative sensitization process. As a consequence, the freezing response of conditioned mice seems to be determined by both associative and nonassociative memory components. Our data suggest that the intensity of freezing as a function of footshock intensity is primarily determined by the nonassociative component, whereas the associative component is more or less categorical. We next demonstrate that the decrease in freezing on repeated nonreinforced tone presentation following conditioning shows fundamental properties of habituation. Thus, it might be regarded as a habituation-like process, which abolishes the influence of sensitization on the freezing response to the tone without affecting the expression of the associative memory component. Taken together, this study merges the dual-process theory of habituation with the concept of classical fear conditioning and demonstrates that sensitization and habituation as two nonassociative learning processes may critically determine the expression of conditioned fear in mice.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Rammsayer & Vogel, 1991), rats selectively bred for high and low catecholamine responses to stress showed a selective response to the 5-HT2 receptor blocker ritanserin. However, it remained unclear whether selective breeding resulted in a decrease in 5-HT responsivity, as suggested by the lack of an effect in high stress responding rats, or in an increase in 5-HT responsivity, as suggested by ritanserin-induced reduction in alcohol intake in low-responding rats. To answer this question, nonselectively bred rats were forced to drink a 5% alcohol solution for 10 days. For the subsequent six days, animals were injected subcutaneously with 2.5 mg/kg/2 ml ritanserin or vehicle only, and both a 5% solution of alcohol and water were presented to the animals. Ritanserin neither affected alcohol nor total fluid intake suggesting that in the general population of N/NIH (Hansen) rats as well as in rats of the same strain selectively bred for high catecholamine responses, mesolimbic dopaminergic activity is not effectively modulated by specific blockade of 5-HT2 receptors. However, a very pronounced ritanserin induced difference in daily water intake between nonbred male and female rats became evident.  相似文献   

Selective breeding of wild rats over many generations on the basis of low or high defensive threat and attack to human approach and contact has produced highly polarized “domesticated” and “wild-type” animals. Because the selection procedure selectively involves these two defense patterns, and these clearly differ in the two groups, it is of interest to determine if other, nonselected, defensive behaviors to threat stimuli also change. “Domesticated” and “wild-type” rats of the thirty-fifth generation were run in a fear defense test battery (F/DTB) to systematically evaluate defensive behaviors to a variety of present threat stimuli. “Domesticated” rats showed reduced avoidance and slower flight speed to an approaching experimenter, reduced jump/startle response to handelap and dorsal contact, less vocalization and boxing to vibrissae stimulation or to an anesthetized conspecific, and reduced defensiveness to an attempted pickup by the experimenter. These results indicate that selective bi-directional breeding for defensive threat and attack to human approach and contact produces group differences in a variety of defensive behaviors, and in defensiveness to stimuli other than those on which the selection was based. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The concept of sensitization has a long history in psychology, and on both empirical and logical grounds it has been argued that sensitization and conditioning denote different neurophysiological processes. Investigators have devised elaborate control procedures that purport to differentiate sensitized and conditioned responses. But, mainly on logical grounds, it is argued that there is no valid basis for considering sensitization and conditioning as separate processes. A theory of learning is proposed in which sensitization is the basic construct.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, the ability of a single lithium preexposure to disrupt CS effectiveness was assessed using a latent inhibition procedure. Lithium preexposure administered proximal (90 min) to a saccharin familiarization trial reduced latent inhibition whereas a similar administration more distal (360 min) to flavor familiarization failed to do so. Additional experiments demonstrated that this socalled “US overshadowing” effect was not attributable to sensitization (Experiment 2), excitatory backward conditioning (Experiment 3), or state dependency (Experiment 4). The implications of US overshadowing for proximal US-preexposure effects are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effect of corticosterone on consolidation of contextual fear memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) in rats. In Experiment 1, dose–response effects of corticosterone on consolidation of contextual fear memory were determined. Immediately after training in contextual fear conditioning task, rats received different doses of corticosterone. Testing 24 h later, it revealed that corticosterone enhanced memory consolidation in an inverted U shape as evidenced in increased freezing behavior of corticosterone-treated animals. The most effective dose was 3 mg/kg. In Experiment 2, LTP was examined in rats whose memory consolidation has been enhanced with corticosterone. The rats were trained as the above and received corticosterone (3 mg/kg) immediately after training. Immediately or up to one day after retention test, rats were anesthetized with urethane for LTP experiments. For LTP induction, three episodes of high frequency stimuli, 30 s apart, were delivered to the perforant path, each consisting of 10 stimuli at 250 Hz. LTP was assessed by measuring the increase in the initial slope of the population excitatory post-synaptic potentials and the amplitude of the population spikes. Data indicated that animals whose memory has been enhanced by corticosterone, also displayed enhanced hippocampal LTP. The above findings suggest that glucocorticoids may enhance contextual fear memory consolidation via enhancing hippocampal LTP.  相似文献   

The possibility of reversing the deficit produced by overshadowing through the use of memory reactivation was investigated. Using lick suppression as a measure of associative strength, water-deprived rats were conditioned in a Pavlovian paradigm which produced reliable overshadowing of a flashing light by a tone. It was found, however, that exposure to the overshadowed stimulus outside of the conditioning context during the retention interval (reminder treatment) caused an increase in lick suppression during testing in animals that had undergone overshadowing, relative to nonreminded overshadowed animals. Subjects that received the reminder treatment but were conditioned without overshadowing showed no increase in lick suppression. Additional control groups ensured that the increase in suppression observed in the overshadowed subjects following reminder treatment was not due to nonspecific fear. The results suggest that the performance deficit produced by overshadowing is due at least in part to a reversible failure to efficiently retrieve associations to the overshadowed stimulus at the time of testing, rather than a failure to form those associations during conditioning.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in which jaw movements (JM) and heart rate (HR) were concomitantly assessed in rabbits during simple Pavlovian conditioning. A 2-s 1200-Hz tone was the conditioned stimulus (CS) and an intraoral 1-cc pulse of 0.5 M sucrose-water solution was the unconditioned stimulus (US). Sham and medial prefrontal (mPFC)-lesioned animals received paired CS/US training with a 70- to 75-dB CS and were compared with sham- and mPFC-lesioned animals that received explicitly unpaired CS/US presentations. The percentages of JM CRs were significantly greater in the paired than the unpaired groups, but mPFC lesions had no effect on this measure. Conditioned HR decelerations occurred only in the paired groups and then only during the first session of training. Moreover, these CS-evoked cardiac decelerations were somewhat attenuated by the mPFC lesion. CS-evoked HR accelerations, which were significantly greater in unpaired than in paired animals, occurred during the four subsequent sessions. These results suggest that a CS-evoked cardioinhibitory process, mediated by the mPFC, is engendered by Pavlovian appetitive conditioning, as has been previously demonstrated for aversive conditioning. However, during JM conditioning these inhibitory changes are quickly replaced by tachycardia, possibly related to increased nonspecific somatomotor activity, since the tachycardia was somewhat greater in the unpaired animals.  相似文献   

LAGERSPETZ, K. M. J. & LAGERSPETZ, K. Y. H. Changes in the aggressiveness of mice resulting from selective breeding, learning and social isolation. Scand. J. Psychol. 1971, 12, 241–248.–Selective breeding for aggressiveness and non-aggressiveness in mice has now been going on for 19 generations. The aggressiveness score distributions of the males have not changed since the 7th generation. Socially naive male mice which had been living in isolation, had five encounters with submissive males, and five with receptive females. Learning of aggressive and sexual behaviour occurred in males of both the aggressive and the non-aggessive strain. When living in groups, the males of both strains show no aggressiveness towards a submissive opponent. Social isolation for 1–2 weeks greatly increases the aggressiveness level of the animals of the aggressive strain. The effects of grouping is interpreted as social learning of non-aggressive behaviour, the effect of isolation as return of the inter-individually variable aggressiveness level, determined by genetic variation and early experience. Some neurochemical findings are in agreement with the observed behavioural effects.  相似文献   

Covert sensitization is the first of a family of behavior therapy procedures called covert conditioning initially developed by Joseph Cautela in the 1960s and 1970s. The covert conditioning procedures involve the use of visualized imagery and are designed to work according to operant conditioning principles. When working with cooperative clients to treat maladaptive approach behaviors, covert sensitization has been found to be a humane and effective alternative to in vivo aversion therapy procedures that employ aversive stimuli such as chemicals and electric shock. This primer describes covert sensitization, provides examples and notes representative research. Guidelines for use and suggestions for further readings are also included.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported which investigated the conditioning of inhibition to a neutral stimulus as a result of its repeated pairing with a previouslyconditioned inhibitor. Both experiments employed a conditioned suppression technique with rat subjects. Experiment 1 detected the second-order inhibition through the retarded acquisition of concurrently administered excitatory conditioning. Experiment 2 found similar retardation in the acquisition of excitatory fear conditioning following previous second-order conditioning of inhibition to the stimulus. Implications are discussed for theories of the nature of inhibition and for second-order conditioning as an assessment technique.  相似文献   

The influence of contextual stimuli on the conditioning and performance of responding to a discrete stimulus was examined in the US preexposure paradigm using both context shift manipulations and a measure of context conditioning. Four groups of rats received both repeated exposure to an electric shock US in one context (Context 1), and repeated nonshocked exposure to a second context (Context 2). Two additional groups of rats received exposure to these contexts, but never received shock presentations. Rats exposed to shock learned to escape from the stimuli of Context 1, but did not escape from the stimuli provided by Context 2. Rats not exposed to shock failed to escape from either context. All rats then received a single CER conditioning session in which four pairings of a 3-min noise CS and shock US were presented. Half the rats received those CS-US pairings in the excitatory Context 1, while the remaining rats received those pairings in the neutral Context 2. Finally, half the rats in each of the CER conditioning treatments received extinction test trials of the noise CS in Context 1, while the remaining rats received those test trials in Context 2. Thus, this design factorially manipulated the presence of excitatory or neutral contextual stimuli during both conditioning and testing of a discrete CS. In comparison with the two groups of rats never preexposed to shock alone, attenuation in acquisition of conditioned suppression observed during test trials occurred only when CER conditioning had been administered in the excitatory Context 1, and this effect was manifested when testing occurred in either the excitatory Context 1 or the neutral Context 2. These results support the model of R. A. Rescorla and A. R. Wagner (1972) (in A. H. Black & W. F. Prokasy (Eds.) Classical Conditioning II, pp. 64–99, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts) which asserts that contextual stimuli and sicrete CSs compete for limited associative strength supportable by a given US.  相似文献   

A unidirectional selective breeding experiment performed over six generations resulted in a line of mice (S6), which differed from the maintained unselected Swiss albino strain, called normal (N) strain, in the following respects: S6 mice increased their open field activity after maze learning significantly more than N mice. S6 mice ambulated more and exhibited more thigmotactic behaviour in a circular open field than N mice. S6 mice were superior than N mice in regard to maze learning capacity. Finally, S6 mice were interpreted as significantly less emotional according to their defecation, more responsive to novelty according to their urine pattern and more aggressive than N mice.  相似文献   

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