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Biased attention in childhood Anxiety disorders: A preliminary study   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study provides preliminary tests of two hypotheses: (1) Anxiety-disordered children show an attentional bias toward emotionally threatening stimuli, and (2) normal controls show an attentional bias away from emotionally threatening stimuli. Twelve children, 9 to 14 years of age, with primary diagnoses of anxiety disorder were compared with 12 normal controls matched for age, gender, vocabulary level, and reading ability. Subjects completed a reaction time task that measured visual attention toward threatening versus neutral words. The anxious group showed the predicted attentional bias toward threat words. However, controls did not show the predicted bias away from threat words. These results are the first showing that biased attentional processing occurs among clinically anxious children. The potential role of such an attentional bias in childhood anxiety disorders and future direction for research are discussed.This research was supported by a Seed Grant and a Small Grant to the first author from The Ohio State University. Portions of this paper were presented at the 27th Annual Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, November 1993. Thanks are extended to the participants and all those who helped with the project.  相似文献   

Millon has proposed six fundamental dimensions of general personality functioning as providing the underlying structure of personality disorders. However, this widely-cited theoretical model has been the subject of few empirical studies. The purpose of the current study was to directly compare the validity of this model to the five-factor model with respect to their hypothesized relationships with personality disorder symptomatology. Participants were administered the predominant measures of general personality functioning for each theoretical model, along with an assessment of personality disorder symptomatology. The results found only weak support for the theoretical model of Millon. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the Big‐Five personality dimensions according to the lexical hypothesis among participants with a lifetime history of eating disorders (ED) (n = 84), as well as participants with a first‐time incidence of ED (n = 33) compared to participants with no history of ED (non‐ED, n = 1014). Personality and ED were investigated with self‐report questionnaires among women (n = 1157) randomly selected from the general population. Participants with a lifetime ED reported significantly lower levels of Agreeableness. Conscientious, Emotional Stability, and a significantly higher level of Openness compared to the non‐ED. When Emotional Stability was controlled for, participants with ED scored higher on Openness compared to controls. Participants were followed up after two years. Thirty‐three participants with complete data on all the scales developed an eating disorder for the first time at follow‐up. This first‐time incidence group had a very similar pattern of personality prior to developing any symptoms of ED (i.e. low on Agreeableness and Emotional Stability, and high on Openness) to those with a lifetime history of ED, and significantly different from those who never reported any symptoms of ED (controls, n = 636). This pattern resembles the Type 3 personality according to Caspi and colleagues. It is suggested that the presence of some specific personality traits may be regarded as a risk factor for developing ED. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed a dramatic acceleration in research on the role of the neuropeptides in the regulation of eating behavior and body weight homeostasis. This expanding research focus has been driven in part by increasing public health concerns related to obesity and the eating disorders anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Preclinical advances have been facilitated by the development of new molecular and behavioral research methodologies. With a focus on clinical investigations in AN and BN, this article reviews research on selected hypothalamic and gut-related peptide systems with prominent effects on eating behavior. Studies of the orexigenic peptides neuropeptide Y and the opioid peptides have shown state-related abnormalities in patients with eating disorders. With respect to gut-related peptides, there appears to be substantial evidence for blunting in the meal-related release of the satiety promoting peptide cholecystokinin in BN. Fasting plasma levels of the orexigenic peptide ghrelin have been found to be elevated in patients with AN. As discussed in this review, additional studies will be needed to assess the role of nutritional and body weight changes in neuropeptide alterations observed in symptomatic eating disorder patients, and to identify stable trait-related abnormalities in neuropeptide regulation that persist in individuals who have recovered from an eating disorder.  相似文献   

This study assessed family perception patterns of interpersonal behavior in families with a daughter diagnosed with an eating disorder 6 years after treatment that used a prospective design. Family perception patterns of patients found to have a poor outcome at followup (n = 15) were compared with patients with a good outcome (n = 23), as well as a control group (n = 36). Using the system of multiple level observation of groups (SYMLOG), all 238 family members evaluated themselves and each other. The index patients with a poor outcome perceived themselves as friendlier and more positive than they were perceived by their families. In comparison to parents of daughters with a good outcome and the control group, parents of daughters in the poor outcome group perceived themselves to be less friendly than their partners perceived them to be. A rigid polarization of the perception of the index patient by family members and a discrepancy in this perception between the index patient and the rest of the family were found to be indicative of a poor prognosis. Implications for treatment based on family perception patterns of interpersonal behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Body image and eating disorders in older adults: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Researchers have shown body image to be an important part of a person's self-concept and have linked body dissatisfaction to various psychopathologies, most frequently eating disorders. However, the majority of the literature to date has focused on adolescents and college-aged samples, with little attention paid to the course of body image and eating disorders throughout the life span. The present article reviews the available literature on body image and eating disorders in older adults to understand more fully the unique presentation of body concerns and disordered eating across the life span. The authors address unique factors affecting body dissatisfaction and the development of eating disorders among older adults and offer directions for future research.  相似文献   

Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, the within patient associations between drive for thinness, emotional states, momentary urge to be physically active and physical activity were studied in 32 inpatients with an eating disorder. Participants received an electronic device and had to indicate at nine random times a day during 1 week their momentary drive for thinness, positive and negative emotional states and their urge to be physically active and physical activity. Multilevel analyses indicated that patients with higher mean levels for urge to be physically active were characterized by lower body mass index (BMI) and chronically negative affect whereas patients with higher mean levels for physical activity were characterized by lower BMI and higher dispositions for drive for thinness. In addition, within patient relations between drive for thinness and urge to be physically active were moderated by BMI and chronically negative affect whereas within patient relations between drive for thinness and physical activity were moderated by BMI. Finally, also positive emotional states were significantly associated with physical activity within patients. By using a daily process design, characteristics of physical activity were revealed that have not been identified with assessment methods that have a lower time resolution.  相似文献   

Mirror exposure therapy has proven efficacious in improving body image among individuals with shape/weight concerns and eating disorders. No randomized controlled trials have examined the effect of mirror exposure in a healthy-weight clinical sample of eating disordered individuals. The purpose of the current study was to test the efficacy of a five-session acceptance based mirror exposure therapy (A-MET) versus a non directive body image therapy (ND) control as an adjunctive treatment to outpatient eating disorder treatment. Thirty-three males and females aged 14–65 with a body mass index of 18.5–29.9 were randomized to five sessions of A-MET or ND with a 1-month follow-up. Results indicated large to moderate effect size differences for efficacy of A-MET across measures of body checking, body image dissatisfaction, and eating disorder symptoms (d = ?0.38 to ?1.61) at end of treatment and follow-up. Baseline measures of social comparison and history of appearance-related teasing were predictive of treatment response. There were also differential effects of treatment on participants' perceived homework quality, but no differences in therapeutic alliance. Results suggest that A-MET is a promising adjunctive treatment for residual body image disturbance among normal and overweight individuals undergoing treatment for an eating disorder. Future research and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: Patients with eating disorders (ED) often suffer from co-morbid depression, which may complicate the ED treatment. Previous studies have found that ED interventions seem to have limited capacity to reduce depressive symptoms. Several studies of interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), have found that when patients have been treated for depression, co-morbid symptoms have diminished. As depression and EDs are commonly co-occurring conditions, this pilot study aimed to examine the effect of an IPT treatment for these conditions, with the focus on the depressive symptoms.

Method: In this multi-centre study, 16 patients with EDs and co-occurring major depression received 16 weeks of depression-focused IPT.

Results: Significant improvements with substantial effect sizes were found for both depression (d = 1.48) and ED (d = .93). Symptom reduction in the two syndromes were strongly correlated (r = .625, p = .004). Patients with a restrictive ED did not improve on either depression or ED symptoms.

Conclusion: These findings point to the usefulness of IPT for concurrent depression and ED with a bingeing/purging symptomatology. Working with negative affect and problem-solving related to current interpersonal problems may alleviate general psychological distress among these patients.  相似文献   

The influential Miller-Mowrer theory of fear and avoidance served well for over 30 years, but the need for revisions is now irresistible. The evidence in support of the first part of the theory, the conditioned acquisition of fear, is reviewed briefly and the major weaknesses of the theory are identified. The insufficiency of the second part of the theory, which deals with the persistence of avoidance behavior, is noted. Six emerging themes and theories of anxiety are described and briefly compared: Lang's bioinformational theory, Gray's neuropsychological theory, Beck's cognitive theory, Eysenk's neobehavioristic theory, emotional processing, and Bandura's self-efficacy theory. Attention is given to the 3 pathways to fear acquisition hypothesis, and to the role of safety signals in maintaining avoidance behavior. This subject is undergoing a period of healthy ferment, and significant advances in understanding can be expected to occur in the near future.  相似文献   

Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone, which is involved predominantly in the long-term regulation of body weight and energy balance by acting as a hunger suppressant signal to the brain. Leptin is also involved in the modulation of reproduction, immune function, physical activity, and some endogenous endocrine axes. Since anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are characterized by abnormal eating behaviors, dysregulation of endogenous endocrine axes, alterations of reproductive and immune functions, and increased physical activity, extensive research has been carried out in the last decade in order to ascertain a role of this hormone in the pathophysiology of these syndromes. In this article, we review the available data on leptin physiology in patients with eating disorders. These data support the idea that leptin is not directly involved in the etiology of AN or BN. However, malnutrition-induced alterations in its physiology may contribute to the genesis and/or the maintenance of some clinical manifestations of AN and BN and may have an impact on the prognosis of AN.  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive symptoms were measured in a consecutive series of new referrals with anorexia nervosa (n = 29) and bulimia nervosa (n = 77). In contrast with previous reports, there was no significant difference on MOCI scores between eating disorder groups and normal controls. A consecutive series of 38 patients with bulimia nervosa then entered a structured treatment programme. Poor outcome cases had a higher score on the MOCI-doubting sub-scale. However, there was no significant difference in obsessive-compulsive scores between those who were binge-free and those who were bingeing daily at the end of treatment and there was no significant in outcome between high and low-scorers on the MOCI. This study fails to support the view that the eating disorders are a subtype of OCD. Previous conflicting results are attributed to selection bias and the effects of low body weight.  相似文献   

The understanding of the eating disorders (EDs) anorexia (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) has undergone remarkable advancements in the past decade. Most studies that have been done in AN show brain gray and white matter volume loss during the ill state that, at least in part, remit with recovery. Similar patterns occur for brain phospholipids assessed using magnet resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Imaging studies have been used to provide functional information regarding serotonin neuroreceptor dynamics, regional cerebral blood flow, or cerebral glucose metabolism. Such studies have implicated cingulate, frontal, temporal, and parietal regions in AN. Investigators have found that challenges such as food and body image distortions may activate some of these regions, raising the possibility that such studies may shed light on puzzling AN symptoms, such as body image distortions or extremes of appetitive behaviors. Emerging data suggest these disturbances persist after recovery from AN, suggesting the possibility that these are traits that may create a vulnerability to develop an ED. While fewer studies have been done in BN or binge eating disorder, there may be disturbances of serotonin metabolism in similar brain regions. Taken together, these findings give promise for future investigations with the hope of delineating brain pathways that contribute to the etiology of EDs  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of Personality Disorders assessed by Structured Clinical Interview for Axis-II in 155 inpatients diagnosed with Unipolar Disorder vs inpatients with Bipolar Disorder (39). The most frequent Axis II diagnoses among Unipolar inpatients were Borderline (31.6%), Dependent (25.2%), and Obsessive-Compulsive (14.2%) Personality Disorders. Among Bipolar inpatients, the most prevalent personality disorders were Borderline (41%), Narcissistic (20.5%), Dependent (12.8%), and Histrionic disorders (10.3%). Using chi squared analysis, few differences in distribution emerged between the two groups: Unipolar patients had more recurrent Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder than Bipolar patients (chi(1)2=6.24, p<.005). Comorbid Narcissistic Personality Disorder was significantly more frequent in the Bipolar than in the Unipolar group (chi(1)2=6.34, P<.01). Considering the three clusters (DSM-IV classification), there was a significant difference between the groups, Cluster C (fearful, avoidant) diagnoses being more frequent in the Unipolar than in the Bipolar group (48.4% vs 20.5%, respectively). Cluster B (dramatic, emotionally erratic) diagnoses were found more frequently in patients with Bipolar Disorders (71.8% vs 45.2% in Unipolar patients, chi(2)2=10.1, p<.006). The differences in the distribution and prevalence of Personality Disorders between the two patient groups are discussed.  相似文献   

With the aim of assessing four forms of therapy with adjustment-disordered outpatients, we randomly assigned 70 subjects to the following treatments: supportive psychotherapy (psychoanalytically oriented), viloxazine (an antidepressant), lormetazepam (a benzodiazepine), and S-adenosylmethionine (a methyl donor with antidepressive properties). A further group of 15 subjects received a placebo, orally administered. The trial lasted 4 wk. None of the treatments had clearly superior effects over others on scores on the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale. All produced a significant improvement. However, groups given S-adenosylmethionine and supportive psychotherapy had the highest mean scores.  相似文献   

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