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Effects of physical threat and ego threat on eating behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Restrained and unrestrained subjects were subjected to one of three distress manipulations prior to an ad lib taste task. The physical fear threat (anticipated electric shock) significantly decreased unrestrained subjects' eating and slightly increased restrained subjects' eating. Both ego threats (failure at an easy task or anticipating having to give a speech in front of an evaluative audience) significantly increased restrained subjects' eating but did not significantly suppress unrestrained subjects' eating. This pattern supports the proposition that physical fear differs from more general dysphoria in its effects on eating, perhaps because of the divergent effects of these two types of distress on eating control mechanisms, which in turn differ in restrained and unrestrained eaters.  相似文献   

One line of research indicates that people are more aggressive when they are insulted publicly rather than privately, whereas another indicates that subclinical narcissism predicts aggression. Drawing on these lines of research, we predicted that aggression would be increased among participants who scored higher on narcissism (as opposed to lower), received negative (as opposed to positive) self‐relevant feedback, and did so in public (as opposed to private). The findings supported that prediction and further confirmed that narcissism was only predictive of aggression in the negative‐public condition. The findings thus indicate that aggression is influenced by the interaction of situational and dispositional factors. Copyright © 2011 Crown in the right of Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents findings about affiliative reactions to a specific ego threat in a real life situation. Subjects exposed to a personal and cognitive evaluation were asked about their preference for sharing this experience with others or experiencing it individually. They were compared with subjects offered the same choice in a neutral non-evaluative situation. The actual self disclosure of the subjects was also evaluated. As hypothesized, the subjects in the evaluative condition reacted with higher levels of emotional arousal and preferred isolation rather than affiliation. The hypothesis that emotional arousal due to a specific ego threat would restrict self disclosing behavior was only partly confirmed.  相似文献   

A naturalistic study examined the effects of self-esteem and threats to the self on interpersonal appraisals. Self-esteem scores, ego threat (operationalized as a substantial decrease in self-esteem across an average of 9 months), and their interaction were used to predict likability and personality perceptions of college men and women. The results revealed a curvilinear function explaining likability: Moderate to low self-esteem men and women were higher in likability when threatened, whereas high self-esteem men were seen as less likable when threatened. Personality ratings indicated that high self-esteem men and women who were threatened were rated highest on Antagonism (i.e., fake, arrogant, unfriendly, rude, and uncooperative). Mediational analyses revealed that differences in Antagonism statistically accounted for differences in likability. These patterns are interpreted with respect to gender and time in interpersonal perceptions as well as naturalistic versus laboratory investigations.  相似文献   

In this paper two experiments support and amplify Coll and Coll's 1994 Progressively Finer Attributes Theory of Memory Trace Development. Important to the current paper are five propositions of this theory. (1) The memory trace develops along an attribute dimension from coarse/general to fine/specific attributes. (2) Forgetting is a reverse movement from fine to coarse as increasingly less fine attributes are lost. (3) A memory trace consists of a bundle of defining attributes and relating' attributes. There are no constraints on the type of attribute included in the attribute bundle or in the order of types acquired. The trace name is defined by the attribute bundle it represents. (4) Access to any defining attribute of a memory trace gives full access to all other attributes of the trace bundle. (5) In the early phases of trace development the attributes are preeminent in recall but, as familiarity with a to-be-learned item increases, the attributes become increasingly cohesive and the name assumes preeminence. As forgetting progresses, there is a return to the original state (attributes are preeminent). Exp. 1 supports Propositions 3 and 4 and Exp. 2 supports Propositions 3 and 5. Both experiments provide validation of Propositions 1 and 2 beyond that in prior work. The authors present arguments that the coarse-to-fine movement of the Progressively Finer Attributes Theory is the mechanism by which Levels of Processing operates.  相似文献   

The ego picture, ideal ego picture and normative ego picture of bullies and their victims in a school situation were measured with semantic differentials. The bullies considered themselves to be dominant, had high ideals concerning dominance and thought this was what the social norms require. They felt themselves to be impulsive and lacking in self-control. The victims considered themselves to be depressed, lacking in intelligence and personal attractiveness, and displayed in general feelings of inferiority. These characteristics can be partly a cause and partly an effect of the bullying situation. Girls scored in general lower than boys on socially valued characteristics and higher on socially undesirable ones.  相似文献   

Performance following ego threat has often been studied in the laboratory under conditions, which may limit external validity. In the current investigation, Men’s college basketball games were studied focusing on attempts at shot that completely missed the basket and are thus known colloquially as “air ball” shots (ABS). When an away player launches an ABS, the home crowd is likely to recite in unison an “air ball, air ball” chant (ABC) to single him out for a uniquely subpar performance. Similar poor performance by a home player is almost always ignored. An archival exploration showed that away players who shot an ABS had a lower success rate in the shot immediately after, as compared to home players launching an ABS, however, this difference was unrelated to ABC. Also, players with a better shooting ability were better able to deal with the debilitating effects. The results expand ego threat research and are discussed in the context of ego‐depletion and a model is proposed to predict performance quality in social context when the negative feedback is delivered by partisans and one’s knowledge of his skill level is known.  相似文献   

This was a study of the differences among individuals on their performance on oral and written versions of the Washington University Sentence Completion Test of ego development. The study included 192 subjects from three age groups: College age, community residents, and retired people. No oral versus written differences were found in scores. Gender was the only factor to exhibit a consistently significant effect on Sentence Completion Test score differences.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated differential predictions from two cognitive formulations of anxiety. According to one view, attentional biases for threat reflect vulnerability to anxiety; and as threat inputs increase, high trait anxious individuals should become more vigilant, and low trait individuals more avoidant, of threat (Williams, Watts, MacLeod, & Mathews, 1988, 1997). However, according to a “cognitive-motivational” view, trait anxiety influences the appraisal of stimulus threat value, rather than the direction of attentional bias, and both high and low trait anxious individuals should exhibit greater vigilance for high rather than mild threat stimuli (Mogg & Bradley, 1998). To test these predictions, two experiments examined the effect of manipulating stimulus threat value on the direction of attentional bias. The stimuli included high threat and mild threat pictorial scenes presented in a probe detection task. Results from both studies indicated a significant main effect of stimulus threat value on attentional bias, as there was increased vigilance or reduced avoidance of threat, as threat value increased. This effect was found even within low trait anxious individuals, consistent with the “cognitive-motivational” view. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, a visual search task was used to test the idea that biologically relevant threatening stimuli might be recognized very quickly or capture visuo-spatial attention. In Experiment 1, there was evidence for both faster detection and faster search rates for threatening animals than for plants. However, examination of the basis of this effect in Experiment 2 showed that it was not due to threat per se, as detection and search rate advantages were found for pleasant rather than threatening animals compared to plants. In Experiment 3, participants searched for the plants and pleasant and threatening animals used in Experiments 1 and 2, among a fixed heterogeneous selection of non-target items. There was no search rate or detection advantage for threatening animals compared to pleasant animals or plants. The same targets and non-targets as those used in Experiment 3 were also used in Experiment 4. In Experiment 4, participants searched for targets that were presented either close to or distant from an initial fixation point. There was no evidence for a "threat" detection advantage either close to or distant from the cross. Finally, an experiment was conducted in which target categories (fruit, flowers, and animals) were not pre-specified prior to each trial block. There were no differences in reaction times to detect pleasant animals, threatening animals, or fruit. We conclude that the visual search paradigm does not readily reveal any biases that might exist for threatening stimuli in the general population.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated various nonverbal behaviors including eye contact of women are associated with men's approach; however, duration of the eye contact was not tested. In Exp. 1, a female confederate established eye-contact of 3 sec. or 1 sec. with a man when entering a bar. Duration of returned glance was the dependent variable. Analysis showed mean duration of the return glance was statistically shorter in the 1-sec. condition. In Exp. 2, the confederate made eye contact with a man and looked at him less than 1 sec., 2 sec., or 4 sec. The presence versus absence of smile was the dependent variable. Longer duration of eye contact was associated with an increase of smiling.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we found that the performance-inhibiting consequences of stereotype threat were eliminated when the threat was subtly reframed as a challenge. In Experiment 1, Black school children in North Carolina completed a 10-item mathematics test. Participants who reported their race before taking the test performed more poorly than participants who reported their race after completing the test, unless the test was framed as a challenge. Experiment 2 replicated this effect with undergraduates at a prestigious university. When reminded that they graduated from high schools that were poorly represented at the university, they performed more poorly than their peers on a math test. However, when the test was reframed as a challenge, this threat had no effect on their performance. These findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical applications for both educational and athletic training.  相似文献   

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