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In the present study we examined Eysenck's incubation hypothesis of fear. Probability of skin conductance response (SCR) was analyzed for a sample of 79 undergraduate women, ranging in age from 18 to 25 years. Different groups of participants were conditioned to two levels of unconditioned stimuli (UCS) intensity and presented to three levels of unreinforced conditioned stimuli (CS) exposures (extinction phase) in a delay differential conditioning paradigm. The CSs were fear-relevant slides (snakes and spiders) and the UCSs were aversive tones. Analysis did not show a clear incubation effect; instead an increased resistance to extinction of SCR probability in association to the high-UCS and the short unreinforced CS presentation was evident. Findings support partially Eysenck's incubation theory of fear/anxiety.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test Eysenck's incubation theory of fear/anxiety in human Pavlovian B conditioning of heart rate (HR) responses. The conditioned stimuli (CSs) were phobia-relevant slides (snakes and spiders) and the unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) were aversive noises. The subjects were presented with two levels of noise intensity during acquisition and three levels of nonreinforced CS presentation (CS-only) in a delay differential (CS+/CS-) conditioning paradigm (2 x 3 x 2). Consistent with the incubation theory, conditioned HR acceleratory responses were sustained (resistance to extinction) for high-noise intensity and short-presentations of CS-only subjects. During the extinction phase, HR acceleratory responses quickly extinguished in low-noise intensity groups after the first presentations of CS-only. These findings were interpreted as support for the incubation theory of phobic fear.  相似文献   

The present study was performed as a test of phobic conditioning being a case of prepared learning (Seligman, 1971). Skin conductance responses were conditioned in three groups of subjects to either slides of snakes and spiders; electric outlets; or geometric shapes, as conditioned stimuli (CSs) with shock to the forearm as the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). The purpose of the experiment was to compare electrodermal conditioning to potentially phobic CSs, i.e. snakes and spiders, with conditioning to fear-relevant, but non-phobic, CSs, i.e. electric outlets.Each subject saw two pictures, either a snake or a spider; or two different slides of electric outlets; or two different geometric shapes. Only one of the two cues (the CS + ) was immediately followed by the shock-UCS during the acquisition phase. Thus, a differential paradigm was used. There were 4 habituation, 12 acquisition, and 16 extinction trials. The duration of the pictures was 8 sec with an intertrial interval of between 35–45 sec.The results showed reliable effects of conditioning in all three groups during the acquisition phase. Furthermore, a significant interaction during extinction is reported, indicating responses to potentially phobic CSs to be more resistant to extinction than responses to the other two classes of stimuli. It is concluded that the present results favor an interpretation of phobic conditioning in terms of biologically prepared learning.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that electrodermal responses to potentially phobic stimuli “conditioned” through verbal threats about an aversive UCS should be equally resistant to instructed extinction as the responses obtained by actual CS-UCS pairings. Two groups of human subjects were exposed to pictures of either snakes and spiders (phobic CSs), or circles and triangles (neutral CSs) in a differential Pavlovian conditioning paradigm. Changes in skin conductance were recorded. Half of the subjects in each group were threatened with a shock-UCS while the other half were given shock-reinforced CS presentations. At the onset of extinction, all subjects in each of the four groups were informed that no more UCSs were to be delivered, and the shock electrodes were removed. All groups showed evidence of conditioning during acquisition. During extinction there was an immediate drop in responding in the two neutral groups, whereas the two phobic groups showed reliable evidence of resistance to extinction, with no differences between the threatened- and the CS-UCS-group. The observed resistance to extinction found in the phobic groups implies a similarity to the irrationality of real-life phobias. Furthermore, the data are in accordance with analysis of electrodermal fear-conditioning as a case of prepared learning.  相似文献   

In a review of existing theories of learning, Seligman (Psychol. Rev. 77, 406-418, 1970) suggested that humans should have an evolutionary derived preparedness to associate fear-relevant (e.g. snakes) events with aversive reinforcers. The preparedness hypothesis has been extensively tested by Ohman and his colleagues. One argument against a non-preparedness explanation for the Ohman findings has been that culturally aversive stimuli, like pictures of guns have not shown the same resistance towards extinction as pictures of snakes. However, the effect of pointing a gun directly towards the S vs pointing it to the side has not been tested. Therefore both slides of guns and snakes, directed both towards and aside from the subject, were used as conditioned stimuli (CSs) in the present study. A second question that has been discussed in the preparedness-literature is the quality of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), i.e. if only shock can act as UCS for prepared CSs. Thus, both shock and noise UCSs were used in the present study. Skin conductance responses (SCRs) were recorded as dependent measures. The results showed conditioned acquisition, i.e. larger SCRs to CS+ than to CS-, in all groups except for the shock and noise UCS groups with the gun pointing aside as CS+ (where actually larger responses were observed to the CS-, i.e. the gun pointing towards). The extinction data showed significantly larger SCRs to CS+ than to CS- for both snakes and guns directed towards the S. Strongest resistance to extinction was observed for the group with the gun pointed towards as CS+ and with noise as UCS. The gun with noise as UCS pointed towards the S was not different from the snake with shock as UCS. Taken together, the results have shown three things; (a) directing a fear-relevant CS towards the S was a potent manipulation, and especially directing a gun with noise as UCS; (b) shock was overall not superior to noise as UCS, and especially not for snake CSs; (c) a weak form of unique belongingness was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Nine rhesus monkeys were tested in a visual observing situation to determine the influence of conditioned aversive visual stimulation. A set of meaningless visual stimuli was selected on the basis of cumulative frequency and cumulative duration of observing during a pretest phase of the experiment. Three subsets of stimuli (low, medium, high) were formed indicating level of observing during pretesting. A portion of the "medium" category of slides then served as conditioned stimuli in a classical conditioning procedure by being paired with electric shock. Following conditioning the entire set of stimuli was again presented in a visual observing situation. The results showed a significant decrease in both frequency and duration of observing of the slides with conditioned aversive qualities, relative to non-shock control slides. These findings support an aversion-produced suppression of observing relatively unconfounded by methodological, procedural, and other differences existing among previous reports on the role of fear or anxiety in this context.  相似文献   

Two experiments employing 180 rabbits and involving tone conditioned stimuli (CSs) and intraoral water unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) investigated pseudoconditioning of jaw movement. CS-alone, UCS-alone, paired CS-UCS, and four explicitly unpaired CS-UCS treatments were compared to no stimulus presentation. UCS-alone presentations were sufficient to produce pseudo-CR (conditioned response) acquisition. Pseudo-CRs were retained and gradually extinguished over 30 days of CS-alone presentations. Random sequences of unpaired CSc and UCSs produced higher pseudo-CR frequencies than fixed sequences. A pseudo-CR partial reinforcement extinction effect was observed. Background extinction, that is, simply confining the subject in the experimental environment without stimulation, was effective in extinguishing both pseudo-CRs and CRs. Pseudo-CR results could not be attributed to CS-UCS trace conditioning, sensory preconditioning, second-order conditioning, or intra-analyzer conditioning. Results indicate that the associative mechanisms underlying pseudoconditioning phenomena involve conditioning of associations to contextual background (apparatus, trace, temporal, and sequential aftereffect) cues by UCS-alone and unpaired UCS presentations.  相似文献   

Rats received first- and second-order conditioning based upon a food unconditioned stimulus (UCS). They then received one of two manipulations designed to reduce the value of that food, satiation, or pairing of food with high-speed rotation. The effects of these manipulations were assessed during extinction tests of the conditioned stimuli (CSs). Compared with controls, both manipulations reduced the activity produced by the first-order CS but did not affect that produced by a second-order CS. The results are interpreted as consistent with those from aversive UCSs in implying the involvement of a UCS representation in first- but not in second-order conditioning. They also suggest that a major effect of satiation is to reduce the value of the UCS.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt was made to replicate the preparedness effect reported by Öhman, Fredrickson, Hugdahl, & Rimmö (1976). Following Öhman et al. (1976) as closely as possible, a differential conditioning procedure was carried out in which subjects'skin conductance responses (SCRs) were conditioned either to stimuli of evolutionary significance (slides of snakes and spiders) or to evolutionally neutral stimuli (slides of mushrooms and flowers). The experiment consisted of 8 habituation, 12 acquisition, and 20 extinction trials. Electric shock served as an unconditioned stimulus during the acquisition phase. Although SCRs showed significant decreases during habituation and were significantly influenced by the conditioning procedure during acquisition, they were not found to extinguish significantly more slowly in the group that saw slides of snakes and spiders. This result contradicts the earlier results reported by Öman and colleagues. Possible explanations for this failure to replicate their results are discussed.  相似文献   

Electric shock was used to establish a conditioned fear in 48 college Ss, who then received either deep muscle relaxation training, cognitive relaxation training or anxiety relief conditioning. Relaxation was conditioned to a slide of the word NOW and the aversive stimulus was a pure red slide. The compound stimulus NOW on a red background was presented to generate counterconditioning, followed by a re-presentation of pure red as a measure of transfer. GSR and Blood Volume Pulse were recorded for evaluation of the fear reduction generated by each training procedure. All group differences were non-significant. The two relaxation procedures were equally effective, while the Anxiety Relief group manifested consistently smaller response-reduction. Implications and the usefulness of the paradigm were discussed.  相似文献   

Conditioning models have been very helpful in the understanding of the etiology and maintenance of anxiety. Such laboratory models, however, leave unexplained why in many cases of naturally occurring anxiety, as in the case of agoraphobia, the fear responses do not extinguish. Literature on experimental anxiety provocation suggests that a systemic alkalosis might play a role in the maintenance of phobic fear. It was hypothesized that a subject in a state of respiratory alkalosis would show delayed extinction to classical conditioned anxiety. In a differential classical conditioning paradigm, consisting of a habituation-, an acquisition-, and an extinction-phase, slides and electric shocks were used as conditioned stimuli (CS) and unconditioned stimuli (US) respectively. The skin conductance response was taken as (U)CR. Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups: hyperventilation or control. It was shown that the extinction was not delayed when subjects were hypocapnic during the extinction. These data support the view that a respiratory alkalosis per se is not a sufficient condition for the maintenance of neurotic fears. The data of the present study are discussed in the context of existing literature on a psychological interpretation of the maintenance of anxiety.  相似文献   

Two studies examining relationships of extraversion (E), neuroticism (N) and psychoticism (P) to conditioning performance are reported. In the first, 31 male volunteers developed electrodermal CRs to appetitive or aversive stimuli of either weak or strong rated intensity. Factor analysis yielded general factors of classical CR acquisition and extinction across reinforcement type. Stability and E loaded the acquisition factor, these Ss, from post-hoc analysis, revealing superior conditioning in the strong appetitive condition. In the second study, 20 of these 31 Ss participated in two series of discrimination motor reaction time trials, in which attainment of criterion RT was reinforced by appetitive slides, and slower-than-criterion responding by aversive slides. Introversion was correlated with greater response acquisition under both conditions, although post-hoc analysis suggested that improvement under positive reinforcement did not differ from simple practice. Results are congruent with a model combining reinforcer preference with response potential to describe personality-conditioning relationships.  相似文献   

The ventrolateral, agranular insular portion of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in rats is involved in visceral functions and has been shown to be involved in emotional processes. However, its contribution to aversive learning has not been well defined. Classical fear conditioning has been a powerful tool for illuminating some of the primary neural structures involved in aversive emotional learning. We measured both the acquisition and the extinction of conditioned fear following lesions of the ventrolateral PFC of rats. Lesions reduced fear reactivity to contextual stimuli associated with conditioning without affecting CS acquisition, and had no effect on response extinction. Ventrolateral PFC may normally be involved in the processing of contextual information while not being directly involved in extinction processes within the aversive domain.  相似文献   

In 2 studies, the authors investigated whether evaluative conditioning (EC) is an associative phenomenon. Experiment 1 compared a standard EC paradigm with nonpaired and no-treatment control conditions. EC effects were obtained only when the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS) were rated as perceptually similar. However, similar EC effects were obtained in both control groups. An earlier failure to obtain EC effects was reanalyzed in Experiment 2. Conditioning-like effects were found when comparing a CS with the most perceptually similar UCSs used in the procedure but not when analyzing a CS rating with respect to the UCS with which it was paired during conditioning. The implications are that EC effects found in many studies are not due to associative learning and that the special characteristics of EC (conditioning without awareness and resistance to extinction) are probably nonassociative artifacts of the EC paradigm.  相似文献   

Aversive conditioning and extinction were evaluated in children with anxiety disorders (n=23), at-risk for anxiety disorders (n=15), and controls (n=11). Participants underwent 16 trials of discriminative conditioning of two geometric figures, with (CS+) or without (CS-) an aversive tone (US), followed by 8 extinction trials (4 CS+, 4 CS-), and 8 extinction re-test trials averaging 2 weeks later. Skin conductance responses and verbal ratings of valence and arousal to the CS+/CS- stimuli were measured. Anxiety disordered children showed larger anticipatory and unconditional skin conductance responses across conditioning, and larger orienting and anticipatory skin conductance responses across extinction and extinction re-test, all to the CS+ and CS-, relative to controls. At-risk children showed larger unconditional responses during conditioning, larger orienting responses during the first block of extinction, and larger anticipatory responses during extinction re-test, all to the CS+ and CS-, relative to controls. Also, anxiety disordered children rated the CS+ as more unpleasant than the other groups. Elevated skin conductance responses to signals of threat (CS+) and signals of safety (CS-; CS+ during extinction) are discussed as features of manifestation of and risk for anxiety in children, compared to the specificity of valence judgments to the manifestation of anxiety.  相似文献   

Enhanced conditionability has been proposed as a crucial factor in the etiology and maintenance of panic disorder (PD). To test this assumption, the authors of the current study examined the acquisition and extinction of conditioned responses to aversive stimuli in PD. Thirty-nine PD patients and 33 healthy control participants took part in a differential aversive conditioning experiment. A highly annoying but not painful electrical stimulus served as the unconditioned stimulus (US), and two neutral pictures were used as either the paired conditioned stimulus (CS+) or the unpaired conditioned stimulus (CS-). Results indicate that PD patients do not show larger conditioned responses during acquisition than control participants. However, in contrast to control participants, PD patients exhibited larger skin conductance responses to CS+ stimuli during extinction and maintained a more negative evaluation of them, as indicated by valence ratings obtained several times throughout the experiment. This suggests that PD patients show enhanced conditionability with respect to extinction.  相似文献   

Animal data suggest that shock sensitization as well as aversive learning potentiates the acoustic startle reflex. The present experiment tested, whether this shock sensitization also occurs in human subjects and whether it precedes aversive conditioning. Sixty subjects viewed—prior to conditioning—a series of slides of different emotional contents including the to be conditioned stimuli (CSs). Afterwards, the experimenter attached the shock electrodes and initiated shock exposure. Then, subjects were randomly assigned to view a series of two slides, each for eight acquisition trials in which one slide was followed by a shock. Subsequently, extinction trials (12 for each slide) were administered. During preconditioning, acquisition, and extinction, startle probes occurred unpredictably during and between slide viewing. Preconditioning data replicated previous results by Lang and his associates, showing that the startle response magnitude is directly related to the affective valence induced by the slides. Shock exposure strongly facilitated the startle reflex magnitude. This shock sensitization was absent for the skin conductance response. Course of learning also varied for both response systems. The data suggest that startle reflex potentiation indexes the acquisition of an avoidance disposition, which is preceded by a general sensitization of the protective reflexes. Skin conductance learning follows arousal changes and is modulated by cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Safety behavior is involved in the maintenance of anxiety disorders, presumably because it prevents the violation of negative expectancies. Recent research showed that safety behavior is resistant to fear extinction. This fear conditioning study investigated whether safety behavior after fear extinction triggers a return of fear in healthy participants. Participants learned that two stimuli (A and C) were followed by an aversive loud noise (“threat”), and one stimulus (B) was not. Participants then learned to use safety behavior that prevented the loud noise. Next, A and C were no longer followed by the loud noise, which typically led to extinction of threat expectancy. Safety behavior then became available again for C, but not for A and B. All participants used safety behavior on these C trials. In a final test phase, A, B, and C were presented once without the availability to use safety behavior. At each stimulus presentation, participants rated threat expectancy by indicating to what extent they expected that the loud noise would follow. Compared with the last extinction trial, threat expectancy increased for C in the test phase, whereas it did not increase for A and B. Hence, safety behavior after the extinction of classically conditioned fear caused a partial return of fear. The findings suggest that safety behavior may be involved in relapse after exposure-based therapy for anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

According to Donegan and Wagner's priming model [1987], a signalled UCS will elicit a smaller UCR than an unsignalled UCS. Assuming that fear-relevant CSs are good predictors of aversive UCSs, while fear-irrelevant CSs are relatively bad predictors of aversive UCSs, the present study examined the effect of fear relevance on electrodermal UCR diminution during the acquisition phase of a single cue conditioning procedure. Four groups were studied, each of which consisted of 12 subjects. Group 1 had a fear-relevant CS (a slide of an angry face) paired with a UCS (7 mA shock), whereas group 2 had a fear-irrelevant CS (a slide of a happy face) paired with a UCS. Groups 3 and 4 had unpaired presentations of the CS and UCS and served as control groups for 1 and 2. There were 4 habituation, 8 acquisition, 4 recovery (UCS-only), and 6 extinction (CS-only) trials. While overall UCR levels were lower in the paired than in the unpaired control groups, it was also found that the size of UCR decrement and subsequent recovery was greater in the angry face CS-paired group than in the happy face CS-paired group. This finding is in line with the predictions that flow from the Donegan and Wagner model.  相似文献   

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