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This article proposes that recent disputes between two groups of family therapists, represented by Watzlawick and Keeney, have a substantive base as yet unexplicated in current literature. However, guiding principles of the approach known as ecosystemic epistemology have received considerable attention by Wittgenstein, a colleague of Russell's, and Rorty, a contemporary philosopher. Both contend that the prospect of systematizing language and culture may be ill advised. The article suggests that discussion regarding the nature and practice of family therapy ought not be confined to epistemological thinking.  相似文献   


This paper proposes that operating from an ecosystemic epistemology does not preclude a family therapist from focusing on the individual responsibility of each family member. Rather, a systemic therapist can examine the family's pattern of distributing responsibility and map how this perpetuates the presenting problem. Examples from early, middle, and late therapy illustrate how a clinician can design interventions to encourage responsible behavior on the part of each individual, while being mindful of typical transactional patterns in the system  相似文献   

It is no secret that Gregory Bateson was often disturbed by interpretations and translations of his ideas by pragmatically oriented therapists. In his later years Bateson and I occasionally discussed the strategy of connecting ecosystemic epistemology to clinical contexts. One of his last letters to me proposes the form of how he thought the "battle," as he called it, should be carried out. A part of this letter is shared with the reader as one of Gregory's final metaphors.  相似文献   

This paper provides a perspective on spouse abuse from an ecosystemic approach suggested by second order cybernetics. An attempt is made to demonstrate the interactional basis for an understanding of spouse abuse and to suggest that the failure to use an ecosystemic perspective may result in therapists and other helpers inadvertently exacerbating the problem. Borrowing from the work of Keeney and Bateson, an analysis of the relational aspects of the problem of spouse abuse is provided which illustrates the similar nature of typical intervention strategies to the problem.The ideas discussed in this paper were developed while the author was a therapist at the Family Therapy Clinic at Texas Tech University. Appreciation is expressed to Monte Bobele, Bradford Keeney, and Thomas Conran for the helpful comments and ideas provided during the preparation of this paper.  相似文献   

A M Termini 《Adolescence》1991,26(102):387-398
An overriding theme within systemic therapies has been the need for the development of a comprehensive and coordinated network of community-based treatment resources to effectively meet the unique needs of adolescents experiencing emotional difficulties. An ecosystemic approach to meeting this need focuses on the interdependence of such environmental elements as the residential institution, the school, various social agencies, peer group, and the family in the life of the adolescent. Ecological interventions consider the significant environmental elements, the relationships among these elements, and the adolescent's interaction with them. Such an ecosystemic model is essential to planning and implementing academic and social programs for our youth. This paper illustrates some important differences between interdisciplinary and ecological perspectives. It highlights the use of ecosystemic models in residential and school facilities and also enumerates areas where ecologically based changes might be appropriate. In addition, it outlines operational guidelines focusing on the reintegration of the adolescent from the institution back to the neighborhood school.  相似文献   


A contentious debate between the modern and postmodern epistemologies continue to wage on since the rise of constructivism and social constructionism in the 1990s. This debate has led to both modern and postmodernists falling into an either/or mindset. Others have proposed a solution, the both-and approach, that emphasizes integration of different therapeutic camps. Intentionality is a core component of this approach, as therapists must understand how employed interventions flow from the epistemology and theoretical orientation under which they operate. Another core component of this approach is tailoring the integration to the specific context of the client case. With this understanding and tailoring, therapists can utilize methods across the modern/postmodern divide, as they will coherently flow from their original epistemology and theoretical orientation. Applying methods from both modernism and postmodernism, then, enhances therapists’ therapeutic repertoire, allowing for more opportunities to adapt treatment to each client case. Altogether, the quality of services improve and the amount of clients therapists can help increases as well. This paper will provide an application of the both-and approach to a case study to provide an example of how the said method can be employed in therapy.


This paper is a feminist critique of traditional family therapy considering the cybernetic epistemology underpinning it as a particular way of seeing the family. The political implications of this way of seeing d be considered in tern of structural inequalities with a preference for, the intergroup perspective. There will be a close examination and discussion of the one parent family structure. The discussion will then move one a practical evaluation of the ecosystemic view of helping families, in particular single parent families.  相似文献   

This essay proposes that family therapy is currently undergoing a paradigm shift as a result of the ascendance of an epistemological focus absent in the foundational works that gave rise to the field's dominant clinical approaches. While systemic metaphors for the family are based on mechanistic, biological, and linguistic models primarily concerned with how the world is (ontology), postmodernism's social constructionist leanings give primacy to meaning, interpretation, and the inter-subjectivity of knowledge (epistemology). Thus, the metaphor of the family as a system is gradually being subsumed by a metaphor that construes families as interpretive communities, or storying cultures. It is suggested that this largely implicit transformation be made explicit in order to explore more fully the clinical implications of the new epistemology.  相似文献   

Virtue epistemology is the view that beliefs are attempts at truth (or perhaps knowledge) and, as a result, can be assessed as successful, competent, and apt. Moreover, virtue epistemology identifies central epistemic properties with normative properties of beliefs as attempts. In particular, knowledge is apt belief and justified belief is competent belief. This paper develops a systematic virtue epistemological account of defeat (of justification/competence). I provide reason to think that defeat occurs not only for beliefs but for attempts more general. The key constructive idea is that defeaters are evidence that attempting (in a certain way) isn't successful and that defeaters defeat the competence of an attempt when one stands in a certain normative relation to the defeater. I argue that while this account handles paradigm cases of defeat both within epistemology and beyond nicely, cases of external (sometimes also ‘normative’ or ‘propositional’) defeat continue to cause trouble. To handle these cases, I develop a distinctively functionalist version of virtue epistemology. This functionalist version of virtue epistemology allows me to countenance proficiencies, that is, roughly, abilities that have the function to produce successes under certain conditions. It is the normative import of proficiencies that delivers the normative relation that serves to explain defeat in cases of external defeat. In this way, the functionalist version of virtue epistemology ushers the way towards a satisfactory account even of external defeat.  相似文献   

This paper argues that a core skill needed to be an effective therapist is to have developed an awareness of one's own ontological and epistemological positions in relation to one's work as a therapist. In the same way that researchers need to develop reflexive awareness of their assumptions about what there is to know (ontology) and how they can come to know about it (epistemology), therapists need to be aware of their fundamental assumptions about human beings and the world they live in (ontology), as well as their beliefs about how best to develop an understanding of their clients and the meaning(s) of their experiences (epistemology). Regardless of which therapeutic model is adopted, the language used to talk about (and in) therapy, the kinds of questions asked of clients and the comments/interpretations offered, all presuppose and reinforce particular versions of human being and experiencing, which are themselves not usually questioned or challenged during the course of therapy. It is essential that therapists are aware of their own fundamental assumptions about what it means to be human and that they recognise their ontological and epistemological positions as positions that they are taking (rather than perceiving them to be self‐evident truths). This is important for two reasons: (a) if clients do not share the therapist's assumptions, the therapeutic work cannot proceed and be effective; and (b) without such an awareness, therapists are at risk of unwittingly imposing their own model of the person upon the client which raises ethical issues.  相似文献   

Integration of behavioral and physical health is becoming critical for the overburdened primary care system. Policy changes are needed to accommodate integration nationally. Locally, medical and behavioral health providers are working together to create models that better fit their patients?? comprehensive needs while respecting the clinical, operational, and financial constraints of the current system. Family therapists trained to work in medical settings have an opportunity to emerge as clinical, research, and administrative leaders in this context. However, a paradigm shift is crucial to adapting their systemic orientation to interactions between individual patients, providers, staff, and healthcare and support systems. This article provides family therapists with: (1) an overview of the basic structure and barriers of integration, (2) suggestions on how to deliver quality care despite barriers at the local level, and (3) examples of key advocacy efforts representing possible entryways on a larger scale.  相似文献   

Synthesizing individual and family therapies can founder if the underlying epistemological assumptions concerning “what is self” are not taken into account. Most individual therapies assume self “really” exists as a relatively stable internal entity, the repository of residues of experience where traits, memories, et cetera are organized via internal schemas. Such a view tends to treat self as a thing, and implies that psychological problems are the result of internal deficits or conflicts; this can lead to difficulties in therapy. In contrast, ecosystemic views employ constructivist and contextualist approaches that are more fluid. However, by basing autopoetic self-organization in language, ecosystemic epistemology still separates subject from object. Adopting a perspective in which self has no fixed, distinguishing characteristics can resolve many difficulties and create a dimensionless point where self and system, individual and family, therapist and client can meet without hindrance.  相似文献   

This paper approaches the topic of visual art in medical education from a philosophical perspective, drawing on arguments from epistemology, philosophy of science, aesthetics, and contemporary ethical theory. Several medical ethicists have noted that the traditional clinical paradigm may increase the epistemic and emotional distance between patient and physician in part by focusing on the physical body and medical technology. Some of these same writers recommend a new approach to patients based on empathy and increased attention to suffering. After reviewing these arguments, supporting examples, and recommendations, I explain how visual art that expresses or symbolizes the emotional response to illness could be used to introduce an additional paradigm into medical education. This would be a paradigm based on empathetic attention to patients' emotional experiences in illness. My own argument is that this additional way of perceiving and relating to patients may reduce the distance between patient and physician and may allow physicians to better meet the ideal of treating the patient as a person.  相似文献   

This article describes a systematic program of research that focuses on Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) and the adaptations that were developed based on BSFT principles. The culture-specific origins of BSFT are reviewed, as well as its broader applications to the field of family therapy. Research is reviewed demonstrating that BSFT is a promising family-based approach to treating Hispanic youth behavior problems and drug abuse. Treatment innovations are described that address the combination of intergenerational and cultural differences that occur among youths and their Hispanic parents. Programmatic work is described that challenges basic principles of family therapy by expanding BSFT to a One Person modality and a strategic engagement procedure. Both of these novel approaches are intended to add tools to therapists' repertoire in working with difficult-to-engage families. A preview discussion of results is presented from a randomized clinical trial that is an application of an ecosystemic prevention version of BSFT. The implications of the work of the Center for Family Studies are discussed in the context of the broader service system. Ultimately, this article articulates a way of thinking about adolescent problem behavior, its social interactional determinants, and a range of theoretically consistent family-centered strategies that attempt to change social ecological processes that impact adolescent developmental trajectories.  相似文献   


This study assessed the theoretical perspectives of marriage and family practitioners using the Paradigm Adherence Scale (PAS), which measures practitioner adherence to the psychological, systems, and social constructionist paradigms associated with marriage and family therapy. Results from a survey of clinical members of AAMFT ( N = 204) indicated that a majority of therapists were primarily adhering to the systems paradigm (43.6%) or practicing from a combination of paradigms (42.2%), while the social constructionism approach was used by a smaller but significant percentage of therapists (13.7%). Factors predicting membership in paradigm adherence groups included the current or most recent supervisor's preferred paradigm (most predictive), therapist gender, and years of clinical experience. While only 16.5% of the variance in paradigm adherence was accounted for by the set of predictor variables, this was viewed as having some practical significance in the difficult task of explaining choice and utilization of theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Within an ecosystemic framework integrating a cultural-family approach and Bowlby's attachment theory, this paper describes a mother-infant therapeutic program focusing on a high-risk population of infants from dysfunctional extended matrifocal families in the French Caribbean island of Martinique. Some of the factors involved in the disturbed mother-child attachment relationships were identified, and a multisystemic approach for remodeling both internal family processes and interactions between the family and the larger social system were described. The authors stress the importance of using a combination of specialized and non-specialized services which draw upon, and remain embedded in, the family's ecological context and argue for a conceptualization of extended matrifocal family organizations as being resourceful and resilient systems.  相似文献   

NEW VOICES, NEW VISIONS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article proposes an alternative model for psychological inquiry based in the experiences of lesbians and gay men. I propose that there are three elements that cross-situationally define a lesbian and gay reality: biculturalism, marginality, and normative creativity. Each of these elements is explored with examples of how these perspectives might alter the way that certain dominant notions about human relationships are understood. The article closes with questions regarding the application of this lesbian and gay paradigm to methodologies for inquiry. The relationship between a lesbian/gay paradigm for psychology and feminist questions regarding epistemology is also explored.  相似文献   

Family therapists share the belief that people simultaneously are parts of a multiplicity of contexts, one of which is the family. The family contexts connect people in patterns as part of the unity of all contexts. Family systems, like all other living systems in nature are structured entities governed by such aesthetic principles as symbolic representation, order, patterning, balance, and unity. Our therapeutic techniques have been created to help transform the various patterns of connections within families, our goal being to help increase the degree of personal and interpersonal flexibility and differentiation for each part of the family system. The family therapist is like the artist searching for a beauty and unity of structure. It is through that aesthetic process that flexibility and differentiation are best furthered. Discovering the nature of the meaningful aesthetic arrangements within family systems is the difference that makes a difference in defining ourselves as family therapists. That difference involves us as part of a paradigmatic movement ( 4 , 20 ) espousing an ecological systems epistemology of mental life.  相似文献   

In contemporary Western culture, death has been widely censured because of its conceptual implications; it lies at the boundaries between reductionism and metaphysics. There is not yet an efficacious epistemology able to solve this contraposition and its consequent collision with science and tradition. This article analyzes Near Death Experiences (NDEs) as a prototypical argument in which the two perspectives conflict. Specifically, it analyzes the epistemological antinomies of the ontological representations of death, inhering in passage versus absolute annihilation. Indeed, the NDEs theme permits the examination of the logical contradiction between monistic reductionism and its ontological counterpart to improve the discovery of a new paradigm that integrates the ecological with eternalist views.  相似文献   

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