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Research suggests that perceptual experience of our movements adapts together with movement control when we are the agents of our actions. Is this agency critical for perceptual and motor adaptation? We had participants view cursor feedback during elbow extension–flexion movements when they (1) actively moved their arm, or (2) had their arm passively moved. We probed adaptation of movement perception by having participants report the reversal point of their unseen movement. We probed adaptation of movement control by having them aim to a target. Perception and control of active movement were influenced by both types of exposure, although adaptation was stronger following active exposure. Furthermore, both types of exposure led to a change in the perception of passive movements. Our findings support the notion that perception and control adapt together, and they suggest that some adaptation is due to recalibrated proprioception that arises independently of active engagement with the environment.  相似文献   

We investigated how exploratory movement influences signal integration in active touch. Participants judged the amplitude of a bump specified by redundant signals: When a finger slides across a bump, the finger’s position follows the bump’s geometry (position signal); simultaneously, it is exposed to patterns of forces depending on the gradient of the bump (force signal). We varied amplitudes specified by force signals independently of amplitudes specified by position signals. Amplitude judgment was a weighted linear function of the amplitudes specified by both signals, under different exploratory conditions. The force signal’s contribution to the judgment was higher when the participants explored with the index finger, as opposed to the thumb, and when they explored along a tangential axis, as opposed to a radial one (pivot ≌ shoulder joint). Furthermore, for tangential, as compared with radial, axis exploration, amplitude judgments were larger (and more accurate), and amplitude discrimination was better. We attribute these exploration-induced differences to biases in estimating bump amplitude from force signals. Given the choice, the participants preferred tangential explorations with the index finger—a behavior that resulted in good discrimination performance. A role for an active explorer, as well as biases that depend on exploration, should be taken into account when signal integration models are extended to active touch.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to investigate the effect of position on the perception of angle of trunk flexion while standing. For this purpose, the range effect was factored out by setting the constant target angle at 10 degrees, with varied starting positions of trunk flexion. We found that subjects underestimated angle of trunk flexion when the starting position was close to a quiet standing posture, overestimated when close to maximum trunk flexion, and correctly perceived it when at the middle position. Less perceptual distortion was observed at the positions close to maximum trunk flexion in the present study than in our previous one, in which various target angles of trunk flexion were reproduced from a quiet standing posture. The reduced distortion in the present study was believed to have resulted from factoring out the range effect. The flexion angle of the hip joint changed in tandem with that of the trunk, while very little movement was observed in the ankle, knee, and neck joints. Judging from the changing pattern of hip-joint angle, the muscle activity of the erector spinae and biceps femoris increased gradually to 90 degrees trunk flexion. In contrast, the actual increment of muscle activity reached zero or a minimum value at the middle angles as the angle of trunk flexion increased. It was assumed that the abrupt change in kinesthetic information associated with muscle activity exerted a great influence on the perception of trunk flexion.  相似文献   

The authors used a correlated motion paradigm to investigate the effects of aging and gender on motion sensitivity. In 2 experiments with a total of 50 elderly and 50 young subjects, motion thresholds were significantly higher for elderly women. The correlated motion signal, which was embedded in random motion, may have been coherent to subjects in much the same way a form is in Witkin's Embedded Figures Test (EFT). In Experiment 2, EFT scores were obtained. A significant positive relationship between motion thresholds and EFT performance was found within each age group. Although gender-related perceptual style differences may contribute to motion perception effects, the authors argue that a common neural factor contributes to performance on both the EFT and the correlated motion task.  相似文献   

Light source position in the perception of object shape   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K Berbaum  T Bever  C S Chung 《Perception》1983,12(4):411-416
The apparent relief of monocularly viewed surfaces reversed when the order of light and shade was reversed relative to the position of a lamp observed the moment earlier. The pattern of shading was reversed either by illuminating from a direction opposite to that of the apparent direction of illumination or by inverting the illuminating image relative to the light source. The combination of both of these manipulations restores the original juxtaposition of light source and shading and reestablished accurate perception of relief. These results demonstrate that the perception of the relief of physical surfaces depends upon the remembered position of an apparent light source.  相似文献   

Two experiments compared the perception of apparent movement when the second of two successive stimuli always appeared in the same position and when it varied randomly between two spatial positions. The results of both experiments showed that foreknowledge of the position of the second stimulus does not facilitate the perception of apparent movement. Experiment 2 also clearly showed that the space-time relationships of Korte’s third law of apparent movement does not depend on foreknowledge of the position of the second stimulus. These findings imply that apparent movement in real time occurs after the second stimulus has been registered by the visual system. It suggests that apparent movement involves a delayed decision mechanism that stores the first stimulus, the interstimulus temporal interval, and the second stimulus, and then impletes a motion compatible with the stimulus information.  相似文献   

A theory of visual movement perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The question investigated was whether or not eye movements accompanied by abnormal retinal image movements, movements that are either or both at a different rate or in a different direction than the eye movement, predictably lead to perceived movement. Os reported whether or not they saw a visual target move when the movement of the target was either dependent on and simultaneous with their eye movements or when the target movement was independent of their eye movements. In the main experiment, observations were made when the ratio between eye and target movement fem/tm) was 2/5, 1/5, 1/10, 1/20, and 0. All these ratios were tested when the direction of the target movement was in the same (H+), opposite (H?), and at right angles to (V+, V?) the movement of the eyes. Eye movements, target movements, and reports of target movement were recorded. Results indicate that a discrepancy between eye and target movement greater than 20% predictably leads to perceived target movement, whereas a discrepancy of 5% or less rarely leads to perceived movement. The results are interpreted as support for the operation of a compensatory mechanism during eye movements.  相似文献   

In setting up an apparatus for studying the phenomenon of apparent movement it was noticed that, when a metronome was employed for making the electrical contacts in the light-circuits, the path of apparent movement between the two lights was curved instead of straight. This deviation could not be attributed to the presence of any distorting structure in the visual field, and an experimental investigation of the conditions of the phenomenon was begun. So far five different display conditions have each been observed by ten or eleven subjects individually. No subject saw more than one condition in the experimental series, and their reports indicate that the following factors, in order of importance, are effective in leading to the perception of curved apparent movement: (1) the shape of the light-stimuli, (2) the regularity of the rhythm of presentation, (3) the gradient of brightening and dimming of the lights and (4) the sound of the metronome in synchrony with the appearance of the lights.

The possible role of past experience in the perceptual process, and the relationship of this “pendular” phenomenon to Johansson's (1950) “wandering” phenomenon and to normal stroboscopic movement, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Observers perceive objects in the world as stable over space and time, even though the visual experience of those objects is often discontinuous and distorted due to masking, occlusion, camouflage, or noise. How are we able to easily and quickly achieve stable perception in spite of this constantly changing visual input? It was previously shown that observers experience serial dependence in the perception of features and objects, an effect that extends up to 15 seconds back in time. Here, we asked whether the visual system utilizes an object’s prior physical location to inform future position assignments in order to maximize location stability of an object over time. To test this, we presented subjects with small targets at random angular locations relative to central fixation in the peripheral visual field. Subjects reported the perceived location of the target on each trial by adjusting a cursor’s position to match its location. Subjects made consistent errors when reporting the perceived position of the target on the current trial, mislocalizing it toward the position of the target in the preceding two trials (Experiment 1). This pull in position perception occurred even when a response was not required on the previous trial (Experiment 2). In addition, we show that serial dependence in perceived position occurs immediately after stimulus presentation, and it is a fast stabilization mechanism that does not require a delay (Experiment 3). This indicates that serial dependence occurs for position representations and facilitates the stable perception of objects in space. Taken together with previous work, our results show that serial dependence occurs at many stages of visual processing, from initial position assignment to object categorization.  相似文献   

Recent studies using moving arrays of textured micropatterns have suggested that motion percep-tion can be supported by two mechanisms, one quasilinear and sensitive to the motion of luminance-defined local texture, the other nonlinear and coding motion of contrast-defined envelopes of texture (Baker & Hess, 1998; Boulton & Baker, 1993b). Here we used similar patterns to study motion percep-tion under conditions previously shown to isolate the nonlinear mechanism (low micropattern densi-ties and positive interstimulus intervals [ISIs]). We measured direction discrimination for two-flash ap-parent motion over a much larger range of ISIs, and susceptibility to masking by incoherently moving “distractor” micropatterns. The results suggest that two nonlinear mechanisms can support motion perception under these conditions. One operates only for relatively short ISIs (less than c. 100 msec), is sensitive to small spatial displacements, and is relatively insensitive to distractor masking. The other operates over much longer ISIs, is insensitive to small spatial displacements, and is highly disrupted by distractor masking. These results are in line with previous studies suggesting that three mechanisms support motion perception.  相似文献   

Events are often perceived in multiple modalities. The co-occurring proximal visual and auditory stimuli events are mostly also causally linked to the distal event, which makes it difficult to evaluate whether learned correlation or perceived causation guides binding in multisensory perception. Piano tones are an interesting exception: They are associated with the act of the pianist striking keys, an event that is visible to the perceiver, but directly results from hammers hitting strings, an event that typically is not visible to the perceiver. We examined the influence of seeing the hammer or the keystroke on auditory temporal order judgments (TOJs). Participants judged the temporal order of a dog bark and a piano tone, while seeing the piano stroke shifted temporally relative to its audio signal. Visual lead increased “piano-first” responses in auditory TOJ, but more so if the associated keystroke was visible than if the sound-producing hammer was visible, even though both were equally visually salient. This provides evidence for a learning account of audiovisual perception.  相似文献   

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