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Vervet monkeys received food reinforcement contingent on autogrooming. Experiment 1 reinforced grooming on a schedule of increasing intermittency and grooming increased in frequency and duration; with only pauses reinforced, grooming decreased in frequency and duration. Experiment 2 demonstrated differentiation of operant autogrooming; in each session a different single form of grooming was reinforced (for example, grooming the tail only), and that form increased in frequency while other forms became less frequent. In Experiment 3 scratching was succesfully conditioned with a method that selectively reinforced variety in behavior; reinforcement was contingent on a shift in scratching form. In Experiment 4, with no contingencies on grooming, a prefood stimulus did not increase autogrooming whether or not grooming had previously resulted in contingent reinforcement. The form of conditioned autogrooming resembled the form of unconditioned autogrooming. The discussion suggests how reinforcement principles can account for changes in the topography of operant behavior.  相似文献   

Six naive male subjects were reinforced for responses in the 20-30 microvolt range, and two each for those in 10-20 and 30-40 microvolt ranges. Records were taken of 15 min of "settling down," 15 min of initial operant level responding, 30 min of conditioning, and 45 min of extinction, 30 min with light present and 15 min without. The results were: (1) small-scale muscle potentials from the thenar eminence, in the 10-20, 20-30, and 30-40 microvolt ranges, were conditioned, using pointer movement as the reinforcement; (2) the response rate in adjacent ranges of greater and lesser amplitude also increased during such conditioning and decreased during the subsequent extinction; (3) during conditioning the frequency of response distribution shifted toward the reinforced range; (4) subjects were unaware of the reinforced response; (5) observing a noncontingent moving pointer increased the response rate in the 20-30 microvolt range, but did not lead to conditioning.  相似文献   

Aerial respiration of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, can be operantly conditioned; however, the parameters necessary to produce long-term (LTM) or intermediate term memory (ITM) have not previously been investigated. We conducted training using procedures that varied in the duration of the training session, the number of training sessions per day or the amount of time between subsequent training sessions (SI). We found that by varying the duration and frequency of the training session learning could be differentially produced. Furthermore, the ability to form LTM was dependent not only on the duration of the training session was also the interval between training sessions, the SI. Thus it was possible to produce ITM, which persists for up to 3 hr, and not form LTM, which persists at least 18 hr. Learning, ITM, and LTM can be differentially produced by altering the SI, the duration of the training session, or the number of training sessions per day. These findings may allow us to begin to elucidate the underlying neural mechanisms of learning, ITM, and LTM.  相似文献   

Five rhesus macaques monkeys surgically prepared with Thiry small intestinal (jejunum) loops and implanted brain electrodes were restrained in primate chairs and kept on 23-hr deprivation-feeding cycle. After being trained to press a lever for sugar pills on an FR 25 schedule of reinforcement, a discrimination training procedure was established. Lever presses were reinforced during the S(D)-a non-aversive mechanical stimulus applied to the internal walls of the Thiry loop by rhythmic inflation-deflation of a small latex balloon by air at the rate of one cycle per sec at 100 mm Hg pressure. The S(Delta) was the absence of the visceral stimulation. The monkeys successfully discriminated between presence and absence of the internal stimulus. A discrimination reversal was attempted and completed on one monkey. The results clearly show operant discrimination based on an interoceptive stimulus. Cortical and subcortical EEG records reflected the onset but not termination of the visceral stimulation.  相似文献   

Operant control of preening in pigeons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Preening in four pigeons was observed and recorded during operant level determinations, continuous and variable interval reinforcement, and extinction. The rate at which preening responses occur seems to be controlled by reinforcement in the same way as other operant behavior. Preening during VI reinforcement and extinction appeared to be similar to preening in many natural situations. With respect to the part of the body preened, considerable stereotypy of responding was shown by all birds, particularly during VI training; there was, however, a conspicuous absence of consistency in the development of stereotypy both within and between individual birds, perhaps due to the nature of the response.  相似文献   

Although responses are sometimes easy to predict, at other times responding seems highly variable, unpredictable, or even random. The inability to predict is generally attributed to ignorance of controlling variables, but this article is a review of research showing that the highest levels of behavioral variability may result from identifiable reinforcers contingent on such variability. That is, variability is an operant. Discriminative stimuli and reinforcers control it, resulting in low or high variability, depending on the contingencies. Schedule-of-reinforcement effects are orderly, and choosing to vary or repeat is lawfully governed by relative reinforcement frequencies. The operant nature of variability has important implications. For example, learning, exploring, creating, and problem solving may partly depend on it. Abnormal levels of variability, including those found in psychopathologies such as autism, depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, may be modified through reinforcement. Operant variability may also help to explain some of the unique attributes of voluntary action.  相似文献   

In semantic flanker tasks, target categorization response times are affected by the semantic compatibility of the flanker and target. With positive and negative category exemplars, we investigated the influence of evaluative congruency (whether flanker and target share evaluative valence) on the flanker effect, using behavioral and electrophysiological measures. We hypothesized a moderation of the flanker effect by evaluative congruency on the basis of the assumption that evaluatively congruent concepts mutually facilitate each other’s activation (see Schmitz & Wentura in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38:984–1000, 2012). Applying an onset delay of 50 ms for the flanker, we aimed to decrease the facilitative effect of an evaluatively congruent flanker on target encoding and, at the same time, increase the facilitative effect of an evaluatively congruent target on flanker encoding. As a consequence of increased flanker activation in the case of evaluative congruency, we expected a semantically incompatible flanker to interfere with the target categorization to a larger extent (as compared with an evaluatively incongruent pairing). Confirming our hypotheses, the flanker effect significantly depended on evaluative congruency, in both mean response times and N2 mean amplitudes. Thus, the present study provided behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for the mutual facilitation of evaluatively congruent concepts. Implications for the representation of evaluative connotations of semantic concepts are discussed.  相似文献   

In a monitoring situation eye movements were required in order for signals to be presented. Detection of signals was the reinforcement. A multiple schedule of fixed-interval reinforcement, differential reinforcement of low rate, and fixed-ratio reinforcement was established for eye movements. Results demonstrated that an eye movement can act as an operant controlled by its consequences. Operant control of eye movements has important implications for human factor analysts concerned with "attention".  相似文献   

Two successive studies were conducted to determine the possibility of operant reinforcement of nonspecific galvanic skin resistance responses. In the first study, with five experimental and three control subjects who served for 20 to 30 min a day for 10 days, all experimental subjects learned to emit more nonspecific galvanic skin resistance responses than their ad hoc matched controls. In a second study, nine experimental and nine control subjects were matched for first-day levels of reactivity and yoked for operant reinforcement schedules. Significant differences between the two groups were found on the last day of conditioning and during extinction. Six of the nine experimental subjects showed higher cumulative rate curves than their matched and yoked controls. The concomitant measures (basal resistance, heart rate, etc.) all supported this finding. It was suggested that operant reinforcement of autonomic response tends to maintain a certain level of responding in contrast to persistent adaptation in the control group.  相似文献   

A methodology was developed for bringing smoking behavior in great apes under the control of a contingent food reinforcer. In this procedure, Ss were required to maintain long continuous draw durations (5 sec) against lighted cigarettes in order, to obtain candy rewards. By beginning with short criterional durations and gradually, working up to the desired response criterion, Ss were successfully habituated to the aversive aspects of smoking. The results indicated that it is possible to both shape and maintain smoking behavior with response-contingent reinforcement. The successful implementation of this procedure suggests that the pulmonary route can be used for drug administration with nonhuman primate species.  相似文献   

The classical visual latency explanation of the Pulfrich phenomenon is generalized to allow for the possibility that the visual system uses velocity information from motion detectors to compensate for spatial lag due to time lag, in identifying the instantaneous position of a moving object. The results of the reported experiment verify one consequence of the generalized version: the elliptical apparent path is skewed away from the filtered eye. The results suggest also that the extrapolation factor increases with visual latency and that there is a different extrapolation factor for each eye when the eyes are illuminated unequally.  相似文献   

Processing stages in overlapping tasks: evidence for a central bottleneck   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This article examines the attentional limits responsible for task slowing in the overlapping task (refractory period) paradigm. Five experiments are reported in which stimulus factors were manipulated in visual search tasks performed in isolation or temporally overlapping with another task. Bottleneck models suggest that second-task slowing is caused by postponement of "attention-demanding" stages of the second task, while earlier "automatic" stages proceed unhindered. A prediction was derived from this class of models, namely that in the overlapping task condition the effect of second task factors that slow automatic stages should be reduced, whereas the effect of factors slowing later nonautomatic stages should be unchanged. The data (Experiments 1-4) exhibit such a pattern and suggest that encoding and comparison stages of the second task, but not response selection, occur in parallel with work on the first task. The absence of overadditive interactions in these experiments, and also the effects of manipulating first-task factors in Experiment 5, seems to argue against capacity sharing as the source of the slowing in this task combination. Some implications of these results for attention theory are discussed.  相似文献   

A subject who spoke essentially in "telegraphic" English, leaving out most articles and auxiliary verbs, was trained to use a particular sentence form that included the articles and verbs to describe a set of standardized pictures. The subject used the trained sentence form to describe the trained pictures, and in addition, use of the sentence form generalized to sets of untrained and novel stimuli. When the trained sentence form was changed, the subject used the new form to describe both training and generalization stimuli. When the original correct form of response was retrained, the subject once again used the trained sentence form to respond to both training and generalization trials.  相似文献   

Evidence of operant control of vocal behavior in the cat is presented: (1) On mult FR 12 SΔ schedule, cats miaowed rapidly during periods of SD and much less or not at all during SΔ. (2) This control was re-established following reversal of stimuli. (3) The frequency distribution of response durations was shifted to both shorter and longer values by the differential reinforcement of shorter or longer response durations respectively. Since both the frequency and duration of vocal responses were shown to be under the control of the schedule of reinforcement, it is concluded that at least some of the vocal behavior of the cat is susceptible to operant control.  相似文献   

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