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莫良元 《学海》2012,(5):134-138
司法法治图景作为法治文明对司法系统的逻辑本真要求,在应然的层面为转型社会司法法治的生成提供了一种反思的范式,藉此对司法的实然运行状态及前行轨迹进行理性的观照.在司法改革的实践图景与司法现代化研究的理论关切中,司法法治生成的应然目标经由社会变迁的主旨共识而逐渐显现出来,即达致公正、高效、权威的现代司法系统运行实践性图景,由此彰显其在政治、社会和文化层面上所具有的多维价值.  相似文献   

人及其存在的二重性是道德价值生成的内在根据 ,客观的社会物质生活条件对道德价值的决定作用只有通过人及其存在的二重性这个中介才能实现 ;道德价值的生成经历了需要———秩序和要求———应当———行为规范的社会实践过程 ;道德价值的特殊性就在于它是功利价值和精神价值、外在社会价值和内在主体价值的统一。  相似文献   

平等是现代社会普遍认可并致力于追求的一种核心价值.在当今这个贫富悬殊的世界,平等显得尤为重要和紧迫.然而,与此同时,人们对于平等的价值(尤其是它的内在价值)的认识并不十分清楚.对平等的追求可以有助于其他价值的实现,如自由、福祉、正义、尊严等,这表明平等具有外在(工具)价值.在某种程度上,不平等本身就是坏的,这表明了平等是具有内在价值的.  相似文献   

质疑非人类中心主义环境伦理学的内在价值论   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
非人类中心主义环境伦理学认为自然具有内在价值 ,并试图通过价值客观主义和泛主体论来提供理论证明。可是他们的证明并不成功 ,因为价值并不是自然物的客观属性 ,非人存在物也统统不是什么“价值主体”  相似文献   

胡华敏  马剑虹 《应用心理学》2008,14(1):35-41,47
从合作动机的激发与破坏的角度探讨公共物品困境中突显身份对合作行为的影响,同时考察社会价值取向与突显身份之间的关系。结果表明:突显合作者与突显不合作者两种方式都会提高被试的合作水平;两种突显方式的作用机制不同。突显合作者条件下,被试的合作行为受内在动机和外在动机的共同影响。而突显不合作者则会破坏被试合作的内在动机,外在动机对提高合作行为起主要作用;突显合作者条件下,合作取向的被试更多受内在动机的影响,而非合作取向的被试则更多受外在动机的影响。在突显不合作者的条件下,合作取向和非合作取向被试的合作行为都受外在动机的影响较大。  相似文献   

《新时代公民道德建设实施纲要》在第一部分"总体要求"中提出,坚持以社会主义核心价值观为引领,将国家、社会、个人层面的价值要求贯穿到道德建设各方面,以主流价值建构道德规范、强化道德认同、指引道德实践,引导人们明大德、守公德、严私德。在"总体要求"中还指出:坚持发挥社会主义法治的促进和保障作用,以法治承载道德理念、鲜明道德导向、弘扬美德义行,把社会主义道德要求体现到立法、执法、司法、守法之中,以法治的力量引导人们向上向善。  相似文献   

为了实施中国"强起来"战略和应对当今世界百年未有之大变局,中国共产党十九届四中全会首次盘点了中国特色社会主义制度优势。该制度优势符合制度的性质,包括"外在优势"和"内在优势"。"内在优势"是科学性与善性的内在结合,其中的善性表明中国制度蕴含着政治伦理。该政治伦理是在中国特色社会主义政治实践中内生的,它以美好生活为道德理想,以秩序和发展为主要伦理价值,对于中国制度优势的发挥起着相应的作用。  相似文献   

正任何宗教都是客观存在的社会现象,都是在与现实社会互动中产生、传播、发展的。宗教由其内在的宗教观念、情感与外在的宗教行为、组织四要素构成,并相互影响、相互制约,成为完整的宗教信仰体系。其中,宗教行为是信仰者内在信仰的外在表现,通过一定的组织形态与活动方式,规定或影响着信仰者的价值观念与价值取向,使之成为具有独特作用的社会力量以及社会文化体系[1]。由  相似文献   

法治一般分为实质性的法治和程序性的法治,前者强调善法、良法,后者则更注重形式正义.新自然法学派代表人物朗·L.富勒的学说即为程序法治论的一种.富勒认为法律与道德密不可分,并将道德区分为愿望的道德与义务的道德,而义务的道德与法律相似.他提出法律具有内在的道德性,将法律的道德性分为外在道德和内在道德两个方面,而他主要阐述的是法律的内在道德,也称为"程序自然法",并将法律的这一道德定位于八项"法治原则"和达致法律的"目的性事业"的手段.  相似文献   

"工匠文化"在构筑和演绎艺术史中扮演着极其重要的角色。艺术史的广度与高度、深度与精度都离不开"工匠文化"。"工匠文化"在艺术史中不仅具有本体价值,还具有极其重要的社会伦理价值。"工匠文化"所蕴含的伦理价值主要表现在社会关系、"义""利"关系等两个基本方面。本文将从内在的价值理想和外在的行为规范两个层面对艺术史中"工匠文化"的伦理价值进行剖析与阐释。  相似文献   

病历书写中的质量缺陷存在于主诉、病史、体格检查、病程记录、诊断等各个方面。提高医学生病历书写质量及临床思维能力,是完成高质量病历书写的关键。同时病历书写有关的法律、法规相继出台,对病历书写提出了新的挑战。  相似文献   

Post‐conflict criminal prosecutions for the worst of crimes can play a meaningful role in achieving transitional justice. This once‐common view has recently been the subject of widespread criticism that is rooted in the belief that criminal prosecutions undermine reconciliation. This has lead some scholars to argue that we must either abandon criminal prosecutions post‐conflict or that we ought to use them for more general transitional justice aims, like restorative justice. This article argues against abandoning criminal prosecutions post conflict and against subsuming criminal justice aims under restorative or reconciliatory aims. When post‐conflict criminal prosecutions are properly structured and practiced they can bolster respect for the international, regional and domestic rule of law and in that way limit conflict in a number of important ways.  相似文献   

法律运行道德追问的两重向度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将法律运行的道德追问规定为两重向度 ,既有其学理的依据 ,又是历史给予的启示和破解现实难题的需要。对立法的道德追问不仅要考察法之形式正义和实质正义 ,而且要审视法与社会主导道德以及与广大民众心理和情感相契合的状况。对司法的道德追问则不仅要关注司法是否公正以及司法工作者是否具有良好的职业道德素质 ,而且应特别关注当下我国社会全面转型时期司法之“应然”。  相似文献   

全社会共同努力,在发展中实现卫生公正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“公正”是科学发展观的重要内容,是卫生系统的主要价值取向,实现公正是医药卫生界的神圣职责。目前,在发展中实现卫生公正已经刻不容缓。我们必须以政府为主导,坚持以人为本和卫生公正,树立扶贫济困的社会风气,共同努力,采用多种措施实现卫生公正。  相似文献   

当代美国行政伦理的理论与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代美国行政伦理的基本价值理念在个人价值上重视诚实和正义;在职业价值上重视专业和敬业;在组织价值上重视效率和规则;在合法价值上重视依法和守法;在公共利益价值上重视为公共利益服务。美国行政伦理规范经历了一个制定、修订和演进过程,并始终重视其管理和实践。美国行政伦理50年的建设经验,对我国社会主义行政伦理建设具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

Stephen Kines 《Res Publica》1996,2(1):147-162
Conclusion Analysis of the U.S., Canadian and English approaches to excluding illegally obtained real evidence, which passes the threshold test of authenticity, probative value and relevance, reveals various ways in which poisoned truths are treated in criminal legal systems. A person who has no interaction with the criminal legal system may of course be considerably sympathetic to the English rule which attempts always to reveal the immediate truth. For if one considers only an individual criminal case, the English rule certainlyappears to value truth above all else. However, a contextual analysis makes it clear that there is a systemic effect in always revealing the truth that may result in fewer incidents of the truth being revealed in the future than if the immediate truth were suppressed in a particular case. The U.S. and Canadian exclusionary rules recognize the systemic harm of automatically revealing all truths the moment the truths become apparent. While the U.S. courts have had trouble agreeing on the rationale for excluding illegally obtained real evidence, they have come up with a rule which in the end balances the immediate harm of exclusion of the truth and the systemic harm of its inclusion. The U.S. rule is also very predictable, clearly setting out when a future truth is threatened by revealing an immediate truth. The Canadian rule is in the early stages of development, and, while there is a clearly stated rationale that seeks a justice of truth, it is not sufficiently concrete to allow one to predict when the rationale of a justice of truth will be achieved. In the final analysis, and in contrast to the English exclusionary rule, both the Canadian and U.S. rules address thesystemic harm of always including illegally obtained real evidence.  相似文献   

Using Shari‘a court records from Ottoman Salonica and Karaferye, this paper examines the nature of justice as articulated by the state and judges vis à vis Christians. As arbiters of local and state/local relations, the courts were responsible for defining and promoting the state's desire for social harmony, efficiency, and order at the local level while also overseeing the rights and obligations of local populations vis à vis state and local officials. The paper examines the standards of evidence and legal reasoning employed by judges and the relationship between religious law and state law, particularly in the realm of criminal justice. Furthermore, in a bid to assess Christian familiarity with the workings of the law, the paper explores how and when Christians used the courts and the strategies employed by them in the court setting. Ultimately, the Shari‘a courts provided a public forum for strengthening communal networks and resolving disputes between Christians and between Muslims and Christians.  相似文献   

当代农民价值取向现状的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究测量了来自江苏、福建、山东、辽宁、内蒙古和陕西 6个省份的586名农民的价值取向 ,并对其在年龄、教育水平、省份和婚姻状况等方面的特点进行了分析 ,结果表明 :(1 )中国农民的价值取向总体上是积极向上的 ,他们在重视正义公理、公共利益和法律规范的同时 ,也重视学习工作的重要价值 ;(2 )不同亚群体农民的价值取向之间存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

晚期癌症患者治疗决策的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
现代医疗尚无法治愈所有晚期癌症。现实与期望之间的较大差距,挑战晚期癌症治疗的临床决策。WHO强调为防止资源滥用,应确保抗癌治疗只用于可获益阶段。对于晚期癌症患者的治疗决策,除遵循规矩原则和循证医学证据原则外,还应该遵循尊重患者意愿、社会公平的美德原则。大多数癌症患者需要接受姑息治疗。姑息治疗为患者及家属提供既简便又经济的医疗服务。  相似文献   

The criminal justice system has reached unprecedented scope in the United States, with over 6.4 million people under some type of supervision. Remedies that have the potential to reduce this number are continually being sought. This article analyzes an innovative strategy currently being reconsidered in criminal justice: the apology. Despite a legal system that only sporadically acknowledges it, evidence for the use of apology is supported by social science research, current criminal justice theories, case law, and empirical studies. Social psychological, sociological and socio-legal studies pinpoint the elements and function of apology, what makes apologies effective, and concerns about apology if it were implemented in the criminal justice system. Theoretical evidence is examined (including restorative justice, therapeutic jurisprudence, crime, shame, and reintegration) to explore the process of apology in the criminal justice context. Attribution theory and social conduct theory are used to explain the apology process specifically for victims and offenders. A brief examination of case law reveals that though apology has no formal place in criminal law, it has surfaced recently under the federal sentencing guidelines. Finally, empirical evidence in criminal justice settings reveals that offenders want to apologize and victims desire an apology. Moreover, by directly addressing the harmful act, apology may be the link to reduced recidivism for offenders, as well as empowerment for victims. This evidence combined suggests that apology is worthy of further study as a potentially valuable addition to the criminal justice process.  相似文献   

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