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Bodily experience and mentalization cannot be attributed to separate experiential fields, they are interrelated. Many twentieth and twenty-first century concepts of the embodied self in philosophy and psychosomatics have gone beyond dualistic models of mind and body. In accordance with these modern theories, a dialectical concept is presented that seems to be more adequate, highlighting two dialectical relationships. The first is between mentalization and bodily experience. On the one hand bodily experience always reaches beyond mentalization and on the other hand mentalization is constantly working on bodily experience and trying to represent it mentally. The second is between mentalization and intercorporeality. The embodied self is by no means a solipsistic self; rather, the mutual relatedness in a bodily encounter comes prior to all mentalization, which in turn remodels it into self-representations, e.g. the body image. These two dialectical relationships are important to take into account when trying to understand clinical phenomena, such as hypochondriasis, ideas of reference in schizophrenia or the psychological sequelae of Parkinson’s disease.  相似文献   

Faith in a broad sense is viewed as trustingly turning to a (personal) object located in the immanent as well as in the (relativ or absolute) transcendental field. The author describes on grounds of the object relational theory how the ability for faith is developing already in early childhood. In case of a beneficial development a firstly archaic faith is replaced later on by a faithful certainty (basic confidence) and, finally, by personal faith. Other forms of faith (faithful longing, magic or irrational faith culminating in fanatism) is viewed by the author as a consequence of unresolved archaic anxiety from the absolute evil. The development of the ability for religious faith is explained on the basis of the model of intersubjective narcissism.  相似文献   

With a prevalence of 0.8?% epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. Antiepileptic drugs form the main pillar for the therapy of epilepsy. The aim of therapy includes highly optimized seizure control and absence of adverse events. Since the 1990s many new antiepileptic drugs have been developed which helps to create an individually adapted drug regime for every patient. Presenting a short case report of a woman with secondarily generalized epilepsy we describe our considerations concerning the choice of drugs.  相似文献   

Perversion has been traditionally the “domain of men”. The necessity and ability inherent in perversion of sexualizing aggression, of externalization and fetish formation were regarded as specific characteristics of male development. Perversions of women were not recognized, because they were looked for in the wrong place, without taking into account the significance of the particular female body experience for the psychosexual development of the woman. In the perversion of the woman the externalization and fetish formation refers to the whole of the own body and especially to the uterus and the child (as an own “product” or as a part of the own body). The female perversions are presented and interpreted here on the basis of case studies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Traum und Übertragung sind die beiden Grundpfeiler der Erkenntnis in der Psychoanalyse. Sie stammen aus einer gemeinsamen Matrix und können als zwei verschiedene Ausdrucksformen des unbewussten Denkens über die analytische Beziehung beschrieben werden. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Frage, wie die jeweils aktive Übertragungsform sich auf die Art und Weise des Träumens auswirkt. Sie stellt zwei unterschiedliche Übertragungsmodi als Pole in einem Kontinuum dar, die mit zwei unterschiedlichen Modi des Träumens einher gehen, die wiederum mit den beiden Grundformen des Gedächtnisses — explizit bzw. implizit — verknüpft sind. Wenn die Übertragung vorwiegend prozedurales Erfahrungswissen aus dem impliziten Gedächtnis aktiviert, dann enthält der Traumbericht Zeichenträume als Hinweise auf archaische Ich-Zustände. Diese sind sind der Prototyp der niederstrukturierten Träume. Wenn die Übertragung aber außerdem Erinnerungswissen aus dem deklarativen Gedächtnis aktiviert, enthält der Traumbericht Geschichten als unbewusste Kommentare über die psychoanalytische Begegnung. Solche höherstrukturierten Träume sind vor dem Hintergrund der klassischen neurotischen Übertragung zu betrachten.
Transference as a matrix for dream generationOn high and low structured dreams
Dream and transference are the two substantial ways in psychoanalysis towards the understanding of the unconscious. Both are rooted in a common matrix and can be regarded as two different modes of expressing unconscious thinking about the analytical relationship. This contribution studies the question of how the respectively active form of transference effects the way of dreaming. There are two different modes of transference as the poles of a continuum, which are combined with two different modes of dreaming and which in turn are connected to the two basic forms of memory — the explicit and the implicit memory. If transference mainly activates procedural information from the implicit memory, then the dream report contains sign dreams which indicate digitally computed, presymbolic archaic ego-states. Those are the prototype of lower structured dreams. If transference in addition activates information from the declarative memory, the dream report contains analogically computed, symbolic episodes as unconscious comments on the psychoanalytical encounter. Such high structured dreams are to be regarded on the background of the classical neurotic transference.

Zum 10-jährigen Bestehen des DPG-Instituts für Psychoanalyse Frankfurt am Main am 25.11.2004.
Michael ErmannEmail:

The article is about the question whether or not a convicted person can be released on probation even though they are denying their offence. According to German Criminal Law, release on probation must be considered (by a special chamber of the court, “Chamber of Execution”; same question for any kind of Parole Board in other countries) in every case as soon as two thirds of the sentence are served, regardless the convicted person does or does not confess their offence. Using a case example, the article will show as to how the convict’s denial becomes a meaningful fact in the decision-making process. Besides referring to certain conclusions about criminal prognosis following from denying – which of course is a main issue with the decision about release, often valued by the help of expert testimony –, the focus will be set on the judicial framework around this question: Does the law give provisions on how to deal with denial, and how does the principle “nemo tenetur” (nobody has to charge themselves, harm their defence, nor give evidence against themselves) impact the considerations?  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der Psychotherapie der Panikstörung ist die Wirksamkeit störungsbezogener verhaltenstherapeutischer Ansätze in zahlreichen randomisierten kontrollierten Studien nachgewiesen; für die Wirksamkeit einer störungsbezogenen psychodynamischen Kurzzeitpsychotherapie (panikfokussierte psychodynamische Psychotherapie, PFPP) gibt es erste empirische Belege. Die theoretische Fundierung der therapeutischen Zugänge und die daraus abgeleiteten Behandlungsprinzipien werden für die beiden Therapieverfahren dargestellt; eine aktuelle Übersicht zu empirischen Wirksamkeitsnachweisen wird gegeben: Schulenübergreifend sind Vorgehensweisen wirksam, die die Auseinandersetzung mit der Paniksymptomatik in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Die Verhaltenstherapie erreicht dies mit der Exposition gegenüber panikbezogenen Körpersensationen und -situationen; in der psychodynamischen Psychotherapie hat sich die aktive Exploration panikbezogener Kognitionen und Emotionen sowie die Deutung der für Patienten mit Panikstörungen typischen ambivalent-abhängigen, konfliktvermeidenden Übertragung bewährt. Die mit der Überwindung der habituellen Vermeidung verbundene Stärkung des Selbstwertgefühls wird als wirksamer Faktor diskutiert.  相似文献   

Es gibt eine Reihe von Studien zur Pharmakotherapie der Essst?rungen. Empfehlungen für die pharmakologische Behandlung von Essst?rungen (Anorexia nervosa (AN), Bulimia nervosa (BN), Binge Eating Disorder (BED)), basierend auf der verfügbaren Literatur, werden vorgestellt: Für AN gibt es Hinweise, dass eine ,,Zinksupplementierung“ oder der Einsatz von atypischen Antipsychotika hilfreich sein kann. Für BN zeigen die Studien positive Ergebnisse hinsichtlich des Einsatzes von Antidepressiva, insbesondere für Fluvoxamin und Fluoxetin. Auch für das Antiepilektum Topiramat gibt es positive Studienergebnisse. Bei BED k?nnen bestimmte Antidepressiva und Antiepileptika erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. Jedoch wird weitere Forschung für die Verbesserung der Behandlung von Essst?rungen ben?tigt. Speziell für Anorexia nervosa besteht ein Bedarf für weitere pharmakologische Behandlungsstrategien.  相似文献   

Quality assurance is one of the recurrent topics in forensic psychiatry and the first methods used were systematic documentation and the development of structured assessment and documentation instruments. In German speaking countries the forensic psychiatric documentation system (FPDS) was derived essentially from the AMDP (working group for methods and documentation in psychiatry) system used in clinical psychiatry and consisted of a modular instrument with a basic module and additional ones for the assessment of violent offenders or of sex offenders for risk assessment etc. The development of comparable instruments became especially popular for risk assessment in different settings and for different offender populations. Even more important was that it initiated a platform for scientific exchange, producing a reliable data base, structured training in forensic psychiatry and evaluation of expert reports. Systematic documentation using instruments was often criticized for reducing information and overlooking the complexity of the problems encountered in forensic psychiatry. The critics, however, often do not seem to be aware of the real quality of forensic assessments and reports, of the variety or of the minimal information they often contain. Systematic documentation serves to find a common language among the experts and the courts to improve the assessment of reliability and validity of the information provided, to establish minimal requirements for the formulation of reports and to prove professionally correct handling of cases in litigation against an expert.  相似文献   

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