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Interoceptive exposure (IE) is a standard component of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for panic disorder and agoraphobia. The virtual reality (VR) program ‘Panic-Agoraphobia’ has several virtual scenarios designed for applying exposure to agoraphobic situations; it can also simulate physical sensations. This work examines patients' acceptability of the IE component as applied in two different ways: using VR versus traditional IE. Additionally, it explores the relationship between users' treatment expectations and satisfaction and clinically significant change. Results showed that VR and traditional IE were well accepted by all participants. Furthermore, treatment expectations predicted efficacy.  相似文献   

Cognitive therapy (CT) and interoceptive exposure (IE) as treatments of panic disorder without agoraphobia were compared in a sample of 69 patients, randomly allocated to condition. There were no significant differences between treatments as to reductions in panic frequency, daily anxiety levels and a composite questionnaire score, at posttest after the 12-session treatment, and at both follow-ups (4 weeks, 6 months). In both conditions, high percentages of patients were panic free at post and follow-up tests (range 75-92%). Although the reduction in idiosyncratic beliefs about the catastrophic nature of bodily sensations was equally strong in both conditions, post-treatment beliefs correlated strongly with symptoms at post and follow-up tests in the CT condition, but not in the IE condition. Reduction of beliefs may be essential in CT, but not in IE. This suggests that the two treatments utilize different change mechanisms.  相似文献   

Outcome was predicted from pre-treatment characteristics for 62 patients with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder with agoraphobia of moderate to severe magnitude who were treated with 16 sessions of behavioural therapy. Two approaches to the task of prediction was compared: (i) predicting class membership as clinically significantly improved at post-test and at 1-year follow-up on a composite score; and (ii) predicting individual change from the same variable. Agoraphobic severity was found to be a significant predictor of clinically significant improvement at both post-treatment and follow-up. It was also found to be a significant predictor of change at post-treatment, but not at follow-up. Instead the duration of the disorder was found to be a significant predictor of change at follow-up. Perceived treatment credibility, motivation, anxious cluster personality disorder or trait anxiety were not identified as significant predictors of outcome.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the overall changes in healthcare services utilization after providing an empirically supported cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Data on healthcare utilization were collected for a total of 84 adults meeting DSM-IV criteria. Participants were completers of a cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia. Data on utilization of healthcare services and medication were obtained from semi-structured interviews from baseline to 1-year after treatment. Results of the Friedman non-parametric analysis reveal a significant decrease in overall and mental health-related costs following treatment. This study shows a significant reduction in healthcare costs following cognitive behavior therapy for panic disorder with agoraphobia. More studies are needed to examine the potential long-term cost-offset effect of empirically supported treatments for panic disorder.  相似文献   

Anticipatory anxiety and avoidance in panic disorder with agoraphobia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present study utilized the responses of 34 patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia to investigate the occurrence and anticipation of panic attacks in relation to the avoidance of specific situations from the Fear Questionnaire [Marks & Mathews (1979) Behaviour Research and Therapy, 17, 263-267]. Results indicated that self-reports of avoidance of specific situations were often significantly correlated with the anticipation of panic but rarely with the occurrence of panic. The occurrence and anticipation of panic were also frequently associated with social phobic situations in addition to agoraphobic situations.  相似文献   

The symptom complex of panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder suggests an etiological role for hyperventilation. The present study investigates the overlap between DSM-III-R panic disorder, panic disorder with agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder with hyperventilation syndrome (HVS). The anxiety disorder diagnoses were based on a structured interview, and HVS syndrome (HVS). The anxiety disorder diagnoses were based on a structured interview, and HVS determined by the so-called hyperventilation provocation test (a brief period of voluntary hyperventilation with recognition of symptoms). The overlap rates with HVS were: 48% for panic disorder, 83% for panic disorder with agoraphobia and 82% for generalized anxiety disorder. However, a pilot study on transcutaneous monitoring of carbon dioxide tension leads us to question the validity of the voluntary hyperventilation method that we used to determine HVS-status. It is unclear whether hyperventilation plays an important role in panic and general anxiety, as our overlap findings suggest. For patients who recognize the symptoms induced by voluntary hyperventilation, the hyperventilation provocation procedure provides a therapeutic means of exposure to feared bodily sensations.  相似文献   

Seventy-three psychiatric outpatients with DSM-IV diagnosis of panic disorder with agoraphobia were assessed with a battery of independent assessor, self-observation, self-report and behavioral measures before and after therapy, and at a 1-yr follow-up. They were randomly assigned to Exposure in vivo (E; n = 25), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT; n = 26), or a Wait-list control (WLC; n = 22) and received 12-16 individual therapy sessions, once weekly. The treatments yielded significant improvements, both on panic/agoraphobia measures and on measures of general anxiety, depression, social adjustment and quality of life, which were maintained at follow-up. However, there were no significant differences between E and CBT. The three criteria of clinically significant improvement were achieved by 67% of the E-patients and 79% of the CBT-patients at post-treatment, and 74% and 76%, respectively, at follow-up. The conclusion that can be drawn is that adding cognitive therapy to exposure did not yield significantly better results than for exposure alone.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested several hypotheses derived from self psychology (Diamond, 1987) regarding personality features of patients suffering from panic disorder and agoraphobia (PDA). PDA patients are thought to suffer from a deficit in negative affect-regulating capacity, surrounded by defenses such as avoidance, repression, denial, and reaction formation against dependency needs. These defenses are thought to lead to a greatly impoverished affective life. The Rorschach Comprehensive System was used to assess the personality features of avoidance, restricted affective life, and reaction formation against dependency needs. We found evidence for the presence of a highly avoidant information-processing style (86% of protocols had lambda [L] greater than .99) and a constricted affective life (low weighted sum color [WSumC] and low affective ratio [Afr]). Our results were consistent with the hypothesis of reaction formation against dependency needs (low food content [Fd]). Findings are discussed in light of studies that found a high incidence of avoidant personality disorder in PDA patients.  相似文献   

There remains a lack of consensus regarding the possibility that especially high levels of panic-related cognitions characterise panic disorder with agoraphobia. We administered the Anxiety Sensitivity Index, the Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire and the Anxious Thoughts and Tendencies Scale as well as measures of agoraphobic avoidance to patients diagnosed with panic disorder with agoraphobia (n=75) and without agoraphobia (n=26). Patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia did not score significantly higher on any of the cognitive variables than did panic disorder patients without agoraphobia. However, most of the cognitive variables showed small to moderate-strength correlations with self-report measures of agoraphobic avoidance. Our findings suggest that anxiety sensitivity, catastrophising of the consequences of panic and a general anxiety-prone cognitive style, although to some extent associated with agoraphobic avoidance, do not discriminate panic disorder with agoraphobia from panic disorder without agoraphobia.  相似文献   

Exposure therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) are both effective in the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia. Cognitive theories suggest that the way in which exposure to avoided situations is implemented in either treatment may be crucial. In particular, it is suggested that clinical improvement will be greatest if opportunities for disconfirmation of feared catastrophes are maximized. In a small pilot study, 16 patients with panic disorder and (moderate or severe) agoraphobia were randomly allocated to either habituation based exposure therapy (HBET) or exposure planned as a belief disconfirmation strategy and accompanied by dropping of safety-seeking behaviours. Both treatments were brief (total of 3.25 h of exposure) and were similar in terms of expectancy of change. Patients in the CBT condition showed significantly greater improvements in self-report measures of anxiety, panic and situational avoidance. They also completed significantly more steps in a standardized behavioural walk, during which they experienced significantly less anxiety. The controlled effect sizes for CBT were substantial (range 1.7-2.7), which suggests it may be a particularly efficient way of managing therapeutic exposure to feared situations in panic disorder with agoraphobia. Further research is needed to clarify the mechanism of change involved.  相似文献   

A treatment protocol, called experiential cognitive therapy (ExCT), was developed. It integrated traditional cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) with virtual reality exposure for the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA). The objective of this study was to test the efficacy of short-term (four sessions) ExCT compared with a traditional 12-session panic control program (PCP) for the treatment of PDA. Forty patients diagnosed as having PDA by the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV were randomly assigned to ExCT and PCP groups of 20 patients each. The treatment effects were measured with self-report questionnaires, including the BDI, STAI, ASI, PBQ, ACQ, and BSQ. The authors also assessed high end-state functioning (HES), including the success rate of stopping or reducing medication at post-treatment and 6-month follow-up. In all ratings, both ExCT and PCP groups showed significant improvement post-treatment compared with pre-treatment scores. There were no significant differences between the two treatment groups in HES and medication discontinuation at post-treatment, but there was a significant difference in medication discontinuation at 6-month follow-up. These results suggested that although short-term effectiveness of ExCT might be comparable to the effectiveness of PCP, long-term effectiveness of ExCT might be relatively inferior to the effectiveness of PCP.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine whether therapists' emotional reactions to their patients mediate the effect of personality disorders and interpersonal problem behaviours on the outcome of treatment, focusing on an Axis I disorder; and whether therapists' reactions mediate the effect of personality disorders on the course of interpersonal problems. Therapists completed a checklist of emotional reactions to individual patients after the end of residential cognitive or guided mastery therapy for 46 inpatients with panic disorder with agoraphobia. The severity of DSM-III-R personality disorder was related to therapists' insecurity feelings, but not to interest and anger. A higher level of therapists' insecurity feelings was related to less reduction in self-reported agoraphobic avoidance during treatment, whereas therapists' emotions were unrelated to symptomatic course after treatment. Therapists' insecurity feelings appeared partly to mediate the relationship between patients' severity of personality disorder and persistence of patients' interpersonal dominance and nurturance problems.  相似文献   

From this systematic literature review it was concluded that panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA) can sometimes occur in conjunction with marital problems. Couples-based treatments for PDA – partner-assisted exposure and marital therapy – can be an effective treatment for the condition. It is as effective as individually based cognitive behaviour therapy. Involving partners of people with PDA in therapy may be appropriate in some cases, particularly those in which there are marital difficulties. Couple-focused interventions may enhance the maintenance of treatment gains by facilitating interactions that positively reinforce and perpetuate attempts by people with PDA to enter feared situations and cope with these effectively. People with PDA who have good marital relationships show a better response to both individual and couples-based treatment programmes. In some instances effective couples-based treatment leads to improvement in marital adjustment as well as in PDA symptomatology.  相似文献   

Although cognitive-behavioral treatments for panic disorder have demonstrated efficacy, a considerable number of patients terminate treatment prematurely or remain symtpomatic. Cognitive and biobehavioral coping skills are taught to improve exposure therapy outcomes but evidence for an additive effect is largely lacking. Current methodologies used to study the augmenting effects of coping skills test the degree to which the delivery of coping skills enhances outcomes. However, they do not assess the degree to which acquisition of coping skills and their application during exposure therapy augment outcomes. We examine the extant evidence on the role of traditional coping skills in augmenting exposure for panic disorder, discuss the limitations of existing research, and offer recommendations for methodological advances.  相似文献   

Social phobics were compared to patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia and normal controls on perfectionism and self-consciousness. On concern over mistakes and doubts about action, social phobics scored higher than patients with panic disorder. Social phobics also demonstrated a higher level of public self-consciousness than patients with panic disorder and when this difference was controlled for the significant differences on perfectionism disappeared. Within each patient group, however, perfectionism was more robustly related to social anxiety than was public self-consciousness, which replicates the findings of Saboonchi and Lundh [Saboonchi, F. & Lundh, L. G. (1997). Perfectionism, self-consciousness and anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 22, 921-928.] from a non-clinical sample. The results are discussed in terms of public self-consciousness being a differentiating characteristic of the more severe kind of social anxiety which is typical of social phobia.  相似文献   

A combined emotional Stroop and implicit memory (tachistoscopic identification) task with 3 types of words (panic-related, interpersonal threat, and neutral words) and 2 exposure conditions (subliminal, supraliminal) was administered to 35 patients with panic disorder and 35 age- and sex-matched controls. The patients showed Stroop interference for panic-related words both sub- and supraliminally and a similar but not equally robust effect on interpersonal threat words. On the tachistoscopic identification task, the patients identified more panic-related words than the controls did but showed no implicit memory bias effect. The patients' subliminal Stroop interference for panic-related words was found to correlate with trait anxiety and depression, although not with anxiety sensitivity.  相似文献   

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