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“乘马”是认识周代农民负担乃至整个周代社会变迁的一种重要制度。《管子》与《司马法》所载“乘马”征收标准的差异生动地反映了春秋时代农民负担不断加重的历史事实。如果对二者的文献解读存在错误,就难以把握历史真相,甚至有可能作出与历史事实相反的结论。  相似文献   

龚武 《管子学刊》2016,(2):13-17
学界奉行宋代以来的"管书非管著"论,使得今本《管子》各种正式出版物均仅署校注者或译者之名,而不署"管仲撰"。早于西汉初年,著名政治家贾谊即作《新书》,以"管子曰"引用《管子》原文,全书共4次,均存于今本《管子》相关篇目。贾谊不仅阅读、效法管子,其"《管子》体"著述《新书》具有承前启后的典型性和代表性。今本《管子》虽成书于刘向编修,但其文本主干为管仲撰,而管书最早可上推到姜齐桓公时代或稍后,至少应在"田氏代姜"之前。《新书》与《韩非子》《史记》及《管子》构成密切的互文关系,从而形成管仲是《管子》主要"责任者"或"著者"的系列证据链,证伪了宋代以来的"管书非管著"论。  相似文献   

郭丽 《管子学刊》2007,(2):17-19,38
明万历十年赵用贤本《管韩合刻》本《管子》,是在南宋浙刻本和明刻刘绩本《管子补注》基础上形成的新版本。此本补充浙本、刘本没有的文句,修订讹误之字,将刘绩本注释的精华部分刊印于上栏,并将赵用贤本人补充的注释亦刊印于上栏,印刷精美。此本用字比较正规,影响很大,明清众多版本以此为母本,清代研究《管子》的学者亦多以此本为底本。  相似文献   

先秦法家以"法"观"怨",从知、行、言三个维度切入论题,为中华传统"怨"论框架的奠定做出了独特贡献。从情感发生学入手,管仲、商鞅、韩非等人旗帜鲜明地标举"私怨不入公门"的理念,既通观上下内外,又不限于一时一事。由知入行,先秦法家还通过情感调控一面严明赏罚,以绘制"不怨"的治国蓝图;一面又精研人情事理,提炼出"除怨"与"用怨"之术。秉持功用主义的言行观,法家于上建议君主"怨而无言"统御臣民,于下又主张"刑罚而民不敢怨"的持续高压。将上述理念验之商鞅作法自毙和秦朝二世而亡,可知先秦法家虽构想"无怨"、处处防"怨"却又最终亡于"怨",其理论与实践的背离值得深思。  相似文献   

本文结合黎翔凤《管子校注》,阐述了《管子》校释整理中底本与校本的选择、资料的搜集利用、文本的校勘与注释等方面的问题。仔细梳理版本源流,广泛搜求包括未刊稿本、出土文献在内的各种资料,是做好《管子》校释整理的基础;综合运用各种校勘方法,力避主观武断,强为做解,是校勘与注释中需特别注意的问题。  相似文献   

现存《管子》一书部分篇章被认为属于法家系统著作。一些学者认为《管子》是齐法家的代表,甚至认为《管子》以齐法家政治思想为主导,其特点是"法教并重",强调《管子》法家与商、申、韩等为代表的三晋法家思想有别。而另一些学者则将《管子》中的一些篇章与三晋法家同等看待。事实上,《管子》中的法家作品应分属不同的两派,一派体现出"法教并重"的特点,可用"齐法家"概念概括;而《法禁》《重令》《法法》《任法》《明法》《明法解》《正世》等7篇则并不体现"法教并重"观念,应属于三晋法家一派。  相似文献   

张林祥 《管子学刊》2005,(1):106-108
在先秦诸子的著作中,可能要算《管子》的问题最多,情况最复杂。首先是作者不明,虽托名管仲,但显然非管仲手著,而是出白多人之手,经过多次整理和编辑。其次是难以断代。书中包含大量管仲身后才出现的人称、地名、事件、观念、思想等等,甚至还能看到西汉的蛛丝马迹。再次是内容庞杂,思想体系和学派归属难定,举凡道、法、儒、名、兵、农、  相似文献   

论《管子》的富民思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张越 《管子学刊》2007,34(1):9-12
《管子》的富民思想是齐国强盛的主要思想根源。它以对人性的认识作为哲学基础,以对民众巨大力量的认识为现实考虑,在实践层面具体演化为行之有效的富民治国方略。《管子》的富民思想体现了“以人为本”的理念,这不仅对秦汉及后世统治者的治国思想有着重大影响,而且对于我们今天的社会经济发展有着重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

《管子》借鉴吸收先哲思想中“廉”的智慧,并赋予它充沛的生命力。《管子》把“廉”与政治结合起来考察,使之成为立国的四大纲要之一。《管子》的“廉”思想在社会生活和政治生活领域具体表现为:廉正为人、廉洁奉公、廉明治国。《管子》的“廉”思想在哲学、经济、法律、教育等方面均显示出与众不同的理论特色。  相似文献   

《管子》中提出“夫霸王之所以始也,以人为本。本理则国固。”当代,中国共产党提出:“第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本。”《管子》中的“以人为本”与当代的“以人为本”虽然时间距离几千年,但是都有强调顺民心、对人民“诚心”、富民、关注人民谋利益的共同之处。但是《管子》的“以人为本”目的是为了稳固统治,治理人民。即所谓的“必先富民,然后治之”。而当代的“以人为本”则是为了人民,不断地满足人民日益增长的物质和精神需要,保持经济的可持续发展和人的全面发展;并且《管子》中的“以人为本”与当代的“以人为本”视野不同;当代我们党提出的“以人为本”,是对《管子》“以人为本”的继承和超越。  相似文献   

The experimental analysis of academic responding has emerged as one approach to strengthening decisions related to problem analysis and treatment design. This study provided an example of how both brief and extended assessments can be used within a data based, problem solving approach to addressing reading fluency concerns. For six children with reading difficulties, within-trial effects of various instructional strategies were used to identify and design interventions. Assessment-derived interventions were evaluated using weekly academic growth on general outcome measures. Results indicated that five of the six children responded favorably to intervention. Future research involving the contribution of experimental analysis to response to intervention models of service delivery is discussed.  相似文献   

Brief experimental analyses of reading fluency are useful for identifying effective interventions for improving reading fluency. The current study extends previous research by conducting an exploratory evaluation of brief experimental analyses of reading fluency for Spanish reading. A 10-year old Hispanic male presented with reading fluency deficits for English and Spanish reading. Brief experimental analyses of English and Spanish reading identified distinct interventions for each which increased oral reading fluency. Intervention procedures evaluated during brief experimental analyses included listening passage preview, repeated readings, and reward. Replication of analyses was conducted to examine changes in instructional need over time. For English reading, the intervention identified during the initial analysis (i.e., listening passage preview with repeated readings) was identified as the most effective when the analysis was replicated. For Spanish reading, listening passage preview was identified as the most effective intervention during the initial analysis, while repeated readings was identified as most effective when the analysis was replicated. Results are discussed in terms of future research given the exploratory nature of the current study.  相似文献   

Reingold, Reichle, Glaholt, and Sheridan (2012) reported a gaze‐contingent eye‐movement experiment in which survival‐curve analyses were used to examine the effects of word frequency, the availability of parafoveal preview, and initial fixation location on the time course of lexical processing. The key results of these analyses suggest that lexical processing begins very rapidly (after approximately 120 ms) and is supported by substantial parafoveal processing (more than 100 ms). Because it is not immediately obvious that these results are congruent with the theoretical assumption that words are processed and identified in a strictly serial manner, we attempted to simulate the experiment using the E‐Z Reader model of eye‐movement control (Reichle, 2011). These simulations were largely consistent with the empirical results, suggesting that parafoveal processing does play an important functional role by allowing lexical processing to occur rapidly enough to mediate direct control over when the eyes move during reading.  相似文献   

The Prevention of Reading Difficulties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this article is to provide practical advice about methods to prevent reading failure that is grounded in the new knowledge we have acquired about reading and learning to read over the past 2 decades. Recent research on reading is used to establish a set of facts about reading and reading growth that is relevant to establishing instructional objectives and methods for the prevention of reading difficulties. Within the context of our current understanding of the reasons many children find it difficult to learn to read, the article also identifies the instructional conditions that need to be in place to prevent the development of reading difficulties in all but a very small proportion of children. The article concludes with a discussion of issues and procedures for the early identification of children who are likely to experience difficulties learning to read.  相似文献   

Abstract: In theological and ethical discussions, Lutherans appeal to a “Lutheran hermeneutic.” The content of this hermeneutic often is assumed more than defined. When defined, often a theological short‐hand is employed: the Word of God, law and gospel, grace through faith alone, and the like. This article suggests a more complex context for Lutherans reading the Bible and engaging in hermeneutics. There are “orientational dimensions” which create an environment for this biblical exegesis, interpretation, and proclamation. Noticing these orientational dimensions can deepen our understanding of the Lutheran tradition and also its ecumenical rootage.  相似文献   

Brief experimental analyses (BEA) have been used to identify effective individualized interventions for improving reading fluency with school-age children. Interventions involving incentives, modeling, repeated reading, and error correction are most often tested in a BEA. However, these interventions are rarely modified according to individual student needs. The current study examined the effects of varied levels of modeling (passage, sentence, word) and varied contingencies (tracking and fluency) on fluency in non-treated high-word overlap passages and general outcome measure passages. BEA-identified interventions were effective for improving reading fluency on non-treated passages for both second grade students and the third grade student. Notably, the effects reversed when intervention was withdrawn with one of the second grade students. Results are discussed in terms of considerations in the application of BEA technology in the schools.  相似文献   

王晓辰  李清  邓赐平 《心理科学》2014,37(4):803-808
本研究对汉语阅读障碍的加工缺陷进行探讨,期望有助于揭示语言加工的普遍性与特殊性,以及阅读障碍的成因,并可为后期的干预提供帮助。研究采用改编的言语认知测验对阅读水平匹配组与阅读障碍组和生理年龄匹配组进行比较后发现,阅读障碍组在语音意识和正字法加工任务上的成绩均明显差于生理年龄控制组和阅读水平匹配组;阅读障碍组在快速命名和语音记忆任务上的成绩不如生理年龄匹配组,仅达到阅读水平匹配组水平。因此,汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童存在语音意识和正字法加工缺陷,这两种缺陷可能是阅读障碍儿童面临的最主要的两大缺陷;阅读障碍儿童在快速命名和语音记忆上的不足可能是发展迟滞所致。同时,大多数的汉语阅读障碍儿童存在不止一种的认知缺陷。阅读障碍儿童在语音意识和正字法加工上存在缺陷的比例最高。  相似文献   

汉末思想嬗变对《伤寒杂病论》的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
汉末是两汉经学向魏晋玄学过渡的时期,有清通简要、得意忘言、务实求真等时代特点,并在一定程度上摆脱了神仙之风对医学的影响。从思想嬗变的角度,对中医巨著《伤寒杂病论》的行文风格、方法原则、学术思想等诸方面进行分析,从而提出对其时代背景研究的新思路。  相似文献   

本研究测查了183名儿童在一年级期间(学年初,学年中,学年末)的词语阅读能力(词语解码,阅读流畅性)及一年级末和二年级末的阅读理解能力,采用分层线性模型估计每名儿童在一年级期间词语阅读能力的初始水平和发展速率,以考察二者对阅读理解能力的独立预测作用。结果表明,词语识别的初始水平和增长速率都能独立预测一年级末和二年级末的阅读理解能力,阅读流畅性的初始水平和增长速率只能独立预测二年级末的阅读理解能力,但可以预测阅读理解能力在一年级到二年级的增长。  相似文献   

Reading fluency is necessary for reading comprehension, but approximately 40% of U.S. fourth-grade students have inadequate reading fluency skills. Because small-group (SG) instruction is often used as a first line of intervention for struggling readers, SG instruction targeting deficiencies in text reading fluency ought to be part of every school's intervention toolbox. The authors summarize the existing research on instruction and interventions that specifically targets reading fluency and is implemented by an adult with 3 or more students at once. Key findings revealed that most studies used a single-case design, nearly all studies were rated positively in terms of methodological quality, and the majority of participants significantly improved as a result of receiving SG intervention. Furthermore, of the five studies examining comparable SG and 1-on-1 interventions, 79% of the students performed equally well from both interventions. Implications and several recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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