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The current investigation evaluated psychological and personality profiles of applicants to the diaconate and priesthood for several Episcopal dioceses. Applicants included both genders and their ages ranged from 29 to 67 years. A psychological testing battery including the MMPI-2, 16PF, and MCMI-III was administered to 42 applicants between 2008 and 2009 who subsequently entered the diaconate or priestly formation program in the Episcopal Church. Results indicate that these applicants were generally well-adjusted. Findings also suggest some tendency for defensiveness, repression, naïveté, and a strong need for affection, as well as for being emotionally stable, intelligent, trusting, and open to change. Finally, results suggest elevations on histrionic, narcissistic, and compulsive measures.  相似文献   

The current investigation evaluated psychological and personality profiles of successful applicants to a major Roman Catholic religious order. The MMPI-2 and 16PF were administered to 68 applicants between 1990 and 2004 who subsequently entered seminary. Results indicate that these applicants to the priesthood were generally well-adjusted as well as being socially responsible, interpersonally sensitive and sociable. Findings also suggest some tendency for defensiveness and repression. Furthermore, dealing with perceived negative impulses such as anger and hostility may also be a concern for many of these men.  相似文献   

The primary objective was to compare the MMPI-2 profiles for professional job applicants with corresponding profiles on the original MMPI. Male and female MMPI-2 profiles were also compared, and correlational and factor analyses were used to examine: A) Interscale correlations vis-à-vis item overlap, and B) The impact of K-corrections. The subjects were 82 auditor applicants, plus 212 sales and management applicants from an earlier study. The original MMPI was found to overpathologize applicant profiles. Male and female MMPI-2 profiles differed only on Mf. Scales L, K, and Hy formed a favorable cluster for job applicants, while F, Hs, Pt, Sc formed one unfavorable cluster—and D, Si a second. K-corrections consistently moved clinical scales in the direction of the favorable cluster.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that screening applicants for theft proneness using the Reid Report might screen in more conservative, more rigid, and less creative candidates, in effect outweighing the benefits of the instrument. A sample of 179 applicants were administered the 16PF and the Reid Report. Sex, minority status, and type of position applied for were shown to be independent of performance on the Reid Report. Applicants passing the Reid Report were shown, at a statistically significant level, to have higher ego strength, to be less anxious, more apt to behave in socially desirable ways, less driven by id impulses, and less inhibited. Furthermore, applicants failing the Reid Report were shown to have total 16PF profiles which were statistically significantly closer (D2) to the 16PF profiles of five pathological groups than were those passing the Reid Report. Higher scores on the Reid Report were related to faking good on the 16PF. Since the relationship between 16PF faking good and the Reid Report may be indicative of real personality variance, distortion variance, or both follow-up research has been suggested.  相似文献   

Psychological and social correlates of the back pain classification scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Back Pain Classification Scale (BPCS) identifies patients whose low back pain reflects a primary psychological disturbance. BPCS scores were related to the MMPI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Multiple Affect Adjective Check List, and Social Readjustment Rating Scale scores; to distribution, intensity, and activities affecting pain; and to social characteristics of 116 patients. High scores on the BPCS (psychological disturbance) are associated with elevated MMPI profiles, and with more widely distributed and more intense pain. Stepwise multiple regression solutions indicate that the MMPI Hypochondriasis (Hs) scale accounts for 15.5% of the variance. No other variable accounts for as much as 3% of the variance. Scores on Hs relate primarily to words in the BPCS psychologically disturbed pole, supplying convergent validity to the BPCS. BPCS scores are unrelated to social characteristics, implying usefulness with the variety of patients seen for evaluation of low back pain.  相似文献   

The Back Pain Classification Scale (BPCS). identifies patients whose low back pain reflects a primary psychological disturbance. BPCS scores were related to the MMPI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Multiple Affect Adjective Check List, and Social Readjustment Rating Scale scores; to distribution, intensity, and activities affecting pain; and to social characteristics of t 16 patients. High scores on the BPCS (psychological disturbance) are associated with elevated MMPI profiles, and with more widely distributed and more intense pain. Stepwise multiple regression solutions indicate that the MMPI Hypochondriasis (Hs) scale accounts for 15.5% of the variance. No other variable accounts for as much as 3% of the variance. Scores on Hs relate primarily to words in the BPCS psychologically disturbed pole, supplying convergent validity to the BPCS. BPCS scores are unrelated to social characteristics, implying usefulness with the variety of patients seen for evaluation of low back pain.  相似文献   

The use of the MMPI in predicting successful rehabilitation outcomes has met with limited success. Because the motives of a disability insurance applicant may differ greatly from a disability insurance recipient, disability applicants were investigated. The MMPI scores of state disability applicants and private industrial insurance applicants were compared to a control group. Positive outcomes of test taking was possible for all three groups. Significant group differences were found for scales F, Hs, D, Hy, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, and Ma. Significant sex differences were found for scales Hs, D, Hy, Mf, Pt, and Sc.  相似文献   

The prevalence of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) has led to job applicants increasingly choosing to use these mobile devices to complete online pre‐employment assessments in the application process. This study identifies increasing mobile device usage trends for applicants completing an unproctored integrity assessment across 13 quarterly time periods. Further, the comparability of the integrity assessment results when completed on mobile devices compared to when it is completed on computers was examined. Results revealed that the integrity assessment had comparable mean scores, number of admissions, reliability estimates, and validity coefficients across mobile devices and computers. Pass rates for the assessment across the delivery modes showed small differences though some were statistically significant. Applicants using smartphones to complete the assessment took significantly more time than applicants using computers or tablets.  相似文献   

This study examined the expectations of Roman Catholic priests' personality characteristics. Personality measures (i.e., Symptom Check List-90-Revised, Weinberger Adjustment Inventory, Belief in Personal Control Scale, and several authordesigned measures) were administered to 102 undergraduate students. The subjects' perceptions of Roman Catholic priests' personality traits were examined by having the subjects complete the Personality Adjective Checklist (PACL) describing a typical Roman Catholic priest. These scores were compared to PACL scores from 12 successful applicants to the priesthood. Findings suggest that subjects tend to view Roman Catholic priests stereotypically as authority figures and that Catholic subjects view priests more positively than do non-Catholic subjects.  相似文献   

This study examined the test-taking motivation and attitudinal set of employment applicants who completed the Reid Report measure of on-the-job integrity. Applicants who were subsequently found to have received low scores on the Reid Report, decreasing the likelihood that they would be recommended for hiring, were more likely than those who received higher scores, to have believed that they could outguess the test, to have minimized its importance in the hiring decision, and to have regarded dishonest preoccupations as legitimate. Both the Reid Report score and test-taking attitudes of Outguessing and Dishonesty Legitimization also predicted admissions of past defalcations during a pre-employment screening interview.  相似文献   

The relation of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) to the Racial Identity Attitude Scale--Black, Short Form (RIAS-B) was examined among 50 African American male college students in a reanalysis of unpublished MMPI data described in R. H. Dana (1993). This permitted study of relationships between MMPI scores and specific psychological variables hypothesized to produce cultural differences among African Americans. Results indicated RIAS-B scale scores functioned as predictors of MMPI scale scores. Similar research with the MMPI-2 incorporating larger samples that more adequately represent African American heterogeneity is needed. Methodological implications of these findings for MMPI-2 research with ethnic and racial groups are discussed, emphasizing the importance of research to depathologize African American racial and cultural identity.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theory suggests that orality and being female are positively related to adopting a help-seeking stance in the world. This may result in inflated scores on self-report psychological tests. These hypotheses were investigated using Rorschach-based, oral-dependence scores (Masling, 1986), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) help-seeking F minus K index (Gough, 1950; Meehl, 1951), and the MMPI clinical and supplementary scales. High orals are found to be more likely than low orals to adopt a help-seeking response set which in turn results in inflated scores on a number of MMPI clinical scales. Contrary to stereotypes, women are no more likely than men to be help seeking or oral dependent. Several other significant findings, including that orality is positively related to MMPI Scale 2 (Depression) scores for women, not men, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theory suggests that orality and being female are positively related to adopting a help-seeking stance in the world. This may result in inflated scores on self-report psychological tests. These hypotheses were investigated using Rorschach-based, oral-dependence scores (Masling, 1986), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) help-seeking F minus K index (Gough, 1950; Meehl, 1951), and the MMPI clinical and supplementary scales. High orals are found to be more likely than low orals to adopt a help-seeking response set which in turn results in inflated scores on a number of MMPI clinical scales. Contrary to stereotypes, women are no more likely than men to be help seeking or oral dependent. Several other significant findings, including that orality is positively related to MMPI Scale 2 (Depression) scores for women, not men, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Effect of Applicant's Clothing on Interviewer's Decision to Hire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This research investigated the extent to which an applicant's clothing influenced interviewer's perceptions of management characteristics and decisions to hire women for management positions. One hundred nine respondents (from marketing and banking) viewed color videotapes of four women applicants interviewing for a management position. The applicants were wearing one of four experimental costumes which differed in masculinity. The respondents rated each applicant on five management characteristics and made hiring recommendations for each applicant. Clothing masculinity was significant in predicting the perception of all the management characteristics examined. Applicants were perceived as more forceful, aggressive and so on when wearing more masculine clothing. Applicants also received more favorable hiring recommendations when wearing more masculine clothing. The mediating effect of the respondent's gender and occupation on perception of management characteristics and hiring decisions was not significant. The findings are discussed from an integrated conceptual framework.  相似文献   

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and a 60-item structured interview questionnaire were administered to 25 white single homo-sexually-oriented women and 25 white single heterosexually-oriented women between the ages of 20 and 45 years in order to investigate their psychological adjustment and current life styles. Groups were equivalent on age, marital status, educational and occupational levels, and other demographic variables. Groups did not differ in total psychological adjustment as measured by scale scores on the MMPI nor as evaluated by blind expert raters using the MMPI profiles. Groups differed significantly on the Masculinity-Femininity (Mf) scale (p <.001) and the Hypomania (Ma) scale (p <.05). On the interview questionnaire, which included current living situations, roles and relationships, behavior and friendship patterns, and drinking, drug, and suicidal behavior, no major differ ences between groups were found. Differences between groups were found only on items directly related to sexual orientation. The findings clarify some of the myths and misconceptions about lesbianism.  相似文献   

The current investigation evaluated the psychological profiles of applicants to seminary who were identified as being either homosexual or heterosexual in orientation. The MMPI-2 from 63 seminary applicants conducted between 1990 and 2004 was reviewed. Results indicate that 49 applicants (78%) identified themselves as being heterosexual while 14 applicants (22%) identified themselves as being homosexual. Few psychological differences emerged on the MMPI-2 when comparing heterosexual to homosexual applicants.  相似文献   

This paper defines and formulates the construct of negative psychological effects (NPEs) of selection and assessment methods upon applicants. The results of an empirical study into NPEs in an operational assessment center are also reported. Applicants (n=107) completed measures at three timepoints: Time 1 (just before the AC), Time 2 (immediately after the AC but before outcome decisions were known), and Time 3 (6 months after the AC). Both accepted and rejected candidates completed all three measures, which included self‐esteem, mental health, positive and negative affect, and career exploration behavior. No evidence of NPEs was found for rejected candidates despite significant between‐group differences on feedback reactions level items. Interestingly, well‐being and positive affect declined slightly for successful candidates at subsequent measurement compared against baseline Time 1 norms. Reactions level outcomes did, however, differ significantly between accepted and rejected candidates, with the latter rating feedback dimensions far less favorably. These results are discussed in relation to future research into the psychological impact of selection procedures upon candidates and the need for applied psychologists and HR practitioners to demonstrate that assessment methods do not exhibit NPEs upon applicants.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relationship between Rorschach determinants, MMPI scale scores, and pain reports in order to clarify the meaning of the MPI "conversion V" pattern among patients with low back pain. Study I showed that patients without demonstrable organic disease of the back produce Rorschach response summaries marked by lower F+%, lower Sum C, and higher F% than patients with demonstrable organic disease. Study 2 showed that only the increase in F% was associated with significant elevations of the MMPI Hs and Hy scales. The results suggest that elevated MMPI "conversion V" profiles are indicative of psychological disturbance among patients with low back pain. It is unlikely, however, that the disturbance is hysterical. Instead, the psychopathology is probably marked by tension and constraint rather than the over-reactivity of hysteria. The implications of these findings for diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the psychological process of discerning the vocation to the Catholic priesthood. Grounded theory, a qualitative research methodology, was used to uncover the meaning and essence of the psychological processes of discerning the vocation to the Catholic priesthood. Five themes emerged from the data paralleling other developmental theories. Presently, assessment work follows similar patterns used in vocational testing in relation to any career. Based on the findings of this research, another facet of psychological assessment in regards to developing a sense of self may be beneficial in understanding a man’s readiness to serve the Catholic Church as a priest.  相似文献   

In order to assess the utility of the Mini-Mult with a university counseling center clientele, MMPI answer sheets of 10 students at the University of Miami Counseling Center were scored for both the MMPI and the Mini-Mult. Four judges completed psychological reports (Q-item questionnaires) based on the profiles. Correlations between judges' responses to MMPI and Mini-Mult profiles were calculated as an indication of the correspondence between the two tests. In addition, correlations between judges' responses to repeated presentations of MMPI profiles were calculated as an indication of the judges' reliability over time. The results do not support the use of the Mini-Mult with a university counseling center clientele.  相似文献   

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