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The purpose of this study was to examine if specificity exists between three factors of parenting stress (i.e., parental distress, parent–child (PC) dysfunctional interactions, and difficult child) and childhood internalizing and externalizing symptoms. The incremental validity of parenting stress beyond parental psychopathology was also examined. The sample was drawn from families of children aged 5–17 (N = 300), who sought treatment for their child from a community mental health clinic. Results indicated that the PC dysfunctional interactions factor showed specificity to internalizing symptoms when controlling for parental psychopathology. Parental distress did not show specificity or incremental validity and the difficult child factor was associated with both internalizing and externalizing symptoms when controlling for parental psychopathology. The influence of age, gender, and ethnicity on these associations is also presented, and findings are discussed in terms of how the results add to understanding the specific relations between parenting stress and child and adolescent symptoms.  相似文献   

儿童青少年内外化心理病理问题存在共发现象,已受到发展心理学和心理病理学研究者的广泛关注。本文对当前关于儿童青少年内外化问题的描述性研究和解释性研究进行了梳理,对儿童青少年共发现象发生率、发展特点、预测因素和发展结果等方面的重要研究发现进行系统性介绍。最后,基于发展级联和个体与环境因素交互作用视角,对未来本领域的研究进行展望,以期系统、完整地揭示内外化问题共发的原因。  相似文献   

Hierarchical linear modeling was used to examine 2 facets of externalizing behavior: its level at age 6 and its rate of change from age 2 to 6 among 299 boys from low-income families. As for age-6 level of externalizing behavior, maternal depressive symptoms, maternal acceptance of child behavior, parental conflict, and the interaction between maternal acceptance and maternal depressive symptoms were each uniquely associated with this outcome. Regarding the interaction, maternal acceptance was associated with externalizing behavior primarily when maternal depressive symptoms were low, and maternal depressive symptoms were related to externalizing behavior only when maternal acceptance was high. Externalizing behavior gradually decreased between ages 2 and 6; interactions between infant negative emotionality and maternal depressive symptoms and between parental conflict and maternal acceptance were associated with rate of change. Plots suggested a protective effect of low infant negative emotionality when maternal depressive symptoms were high and a larger effect of maternal acceptance when parental conflict was low compared to when it was high. Results add to a small but growing literature regarding predictors of continuity and change in early child externalizing behavior.  相似文献   

儿童外部问题行为稳定性的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
儿童早期外部问题行为对后期的学业、行为和同伴关系以及成人期的生活都有消极的影响。探讨外部问题行为的起源、影响因素和发展机制,对考察童年期外部问题行为是否可预测将来的问题、评估干预和预防措施的必要性和有效性,都是必不可少的。文章阐述了儿童外部问题行为稳定性的有关概念,介绍了外部问题行为的发展趋势、“童年期开始的”和“青春期开始的”外部问题行为的发展路径、行为遗传学研究成果以及影响外部问题行为稳定性的因素,并指出了这类研究对治疗和干预的意义  相似文献   

心理病理学视野中的完美主义自我展示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈童  温忠麟  陈启山 《心理科学》2012,35(1):233-237
完美主义自我展示是完美主义者在人际过程中为向他人展示自己非现实的、固定化的完美形象而进行的印象整饰过程。本文在简要阐述完美主义特征与澄清完美主义自我展示概念基础上,重点梳理和剖析了完美主义自我展示对抑郁、焦虑、社交恐惧、饮食障碍及人格障碍等常见心理病理现象的影响,并分析了其影响机制,最后,就深化该领域的研究提出了总结和展望。  相似文献   

强迫症病理的认知–行为研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知–行为领域对强迫症(OCD)的病理进行了深入的探索。强迫症的认知–行为理论认为功能失调性信念、应对策略及中和行为对强迫症的发生和维持有重要作用; 强迫症的安全动机模型把强迫行为归因于安全动机系统不能产生停止安全防卫行为的信号, 在此基础上有研究表明, 在做停止强迫行为的决策时, 强迫症患者依赖于主观停止标准, 导致决策困难, 延长了强迫行为持续的时间。通过整理近年来此领域的研究, 认为趋–避冲突存在于一些强迫症患者中, 且可能是导致强迫症的又一重要因素。  相似文献   

网络成瘾病理心理机制及综合心理干预研究   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
针对中国青少年网络成瘾问题,综合运用心理测评、深度访谈、脑事件相关电位、心率变异性等多层面的心理学研究方法,系统、深入研究网络问题的成因、病理心理机制、评估方法及心理干预方法等多项课题。依据得到的人群调查数据、网络成瘾者的心理测量结果、脑电与心电的生理心理学数据,同时结合临床干预疗效评估,提出研究结论:(1)使用谱系概念对中国青少年网络使用问题进行分型,并制定分型标准与评估方法;(2)从青少年心理发展角度分析了网络成瘾的形成原因,提出“失补偿”假说揭示网络成瘾形成过程;(3)提出“注意功能易化机制”从脑功能水平揭示网络“成瘾”病理心理机制;(4)制定“系统补偿综合心理干预”方案,包括团体、家庭、个体及家长干预等多项心理治疗方案,在临床研究中取得了良好实效  相似文献   

The association between children's externalizing behavior problems and mothers' overreactive discipline was examined in a longitudinally assessed sample of toddlers and their mothers. Path analyses indicated that mothers' overreactive discipline and children's externalizing behaviors were significantly and similarly stable over a 2 1/2-year period. No evidence of a cross-time influence of either variable on the other was observed. Mothers' overreactive discipline at Time 2 had a significant effect on Time 2 externalizing behavior. No significant effects of children's behavior on mothers' discipline were found. Mothers' depressive symptomatology and marital discord predicted initial overreactivity and were related to externalizing problems through their relations to overreactivity. The results support the appropriateness of implementing parenting interventions for externalizing problems before age 2 years.  相似文献   

Conduct disorder (CD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are common childhood externalizing disorders that frequently co-occur. However, the causes of their comorbidity are not well understood. To address that question, we analyzed data from > 600 Finnish twin pairs, who completed standardized interviews at age 14. Behavior genetic methods were used to examine how genetic/environmental factors contribute to each disorders symptoms and to their covariation. We found significant genetic effects on each disorder with only modest evidence of shared environmental influences. Our data suggest the comorbidity among CD, ADHD, and ODD is primarily explained by shared genetic influences; however, each disorder was also under unique genetic influence, supporting the distinction of each disorder.  相似文献   

多主体评定青少年外化问题行为的一致性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以529名城乡初一学生为被试进行短期追踪研究,考察了青少年自我、同伴和教师三种主体对学校情境中的青少年外化问题行为评定的一致性问题。采用相关分析、多质多法分析、验证性因素分析和检出率分析对三种主体的评定结果进行了分析比较。结果显示,青少年自我、同伴和教师对外化问题行为的评定只存在中低程度的一致性;通过同伴评定测得的四种外化问题行为群之间的相关性高于通过教师评定和自我报告测得的结果,而自我报告测得的四种外化问题行为群之间的相关性最低。不同报告主体对青少年外化问题行为评定的跨时间稳定性存在差异,同伴评定的稳定性最高,其次为教师评定,青少年自我报告的稳定性最低。通过同伴评定测得的结果对多主体评定的解释率高于教师评定和自我报告的结果,自我报告的结果对多主体评定的解释率最低。三种主体所检出的不同形式的外化问题行为的人数比例没有呈现出规律性的差异,只有通过同伴评定检出的不同形式的外化问题行为者的人数比例随着检出标准的提高而减小  相似文献   


Cybernetics, the study of principles governing goal-directed, self-regulating systems, offers a useful approach to understanding psychopathology or psychological dysfunction, overcoming limitations of other naturalistic approaches. Whereas influential theories of psychopathology have relied on definitions of dysfunction rooted in evolution and fitness, we define psychopathology in terms of cybernetic dysfunction, failure to make progress toward important goals. Cybernetic function in organisms is not identical to evolutionary function, despite their causal phylogenetic relationship. We define psychopathology as persistent failure to move toward one’s goals, due to failure to generate effective new goals, interpretations, or strategies when existing ones prove unsuccessful. This definition allows a thorough integration of dimensional approaches to psychopathology and personality and provides a new perspective on the nosology of mental disorder. We review evidence that the major dimensions of psychopathology correspond to major trait dimensions of personality, but we assert that extremity on these dimensions is neither necessary nor sufficient for psychopathology, which requires cybernetic dysfunction. Drawing from psychological and neurobiological research on personality and psychopathology, we present a theory of the mechanisms underlying the five major dimensions of psychopathology, some of their subdimensions, and the general risk factor for psychopathology. We conclude by discussing implications of our theory for research, diagnosis, and mental health interventions.  相似文献   

As children enter elementary school they display behavioral orientations that reveal potential developmental trajectories. Developmental transitions offer unique opportunities for examining developmental pathways and the factors that influence emerging pathways. The primary goal of this investigation was to examine characteristics of family and home contexts in predicting externalizing behavior problems among children transitioning into elementary school. Dimensions of the family and home environments of maltreated and nonmaltreated children (N = 177) were examined and used to predict externalizing behavior problems. Maltreatment was assessed using case file information, characteristics of the family and home environment were rated by interviewers, and externalizing behavior was assessed by mother's ratings on the Child Behavior Checklist. Relative to nonmaltreated children, the family environments of physically abused children were characterized by higher levels of negative social interactions. Also, in comparison to nonmaltreated children, the home environments of children who experienced neglect were characterized as less organized and clean. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that physical abuse was the strongest predictor of externalizing behavior. After controlling for the contribution of physical abuse, mother's negative behavior toward the focal child, aggression between siblings, and the lack of an organized and clean home were each predictive of externalizing behavior.  相似文献   

Triangulation is a family-wide process in which children are inappropriately involved in interparental conflict, placing them at heightened risk for adjustment problems. A common form of triangulation occurs by parents pressuring their children to take sides, which may result in feelings of being torn between parents. Externalizing behaviors in particular may develop as adolescents feel caught in the middle of conflict and forced to choose a side. However, the nature of the triadic process of triangulation may be impacted by dyadic-level relationships within the family. The authors thus explored how positive parenting processes may alter the relations between triangulation and adolescent externalizing problems. Mothers, fathers, and adolescents (n = 301 families) provided assessments of adolescent externalizing problems, triangulation, and maternal and paternal warmth. Analyses revealed a 3-way interaction among triangulation and maternal and paternal warmth predicting adolescent externalizing problems; child gender also moderated these relations. Among highly triangulated youth, boys displayed increased externalizing problems when both parents exhibited low or high warmth, whereas girls showed increased behavior problems in the context of low maternal but high paternal warmth. These findings indicate the importance of examining the broader family context and gender when considering the impact of triangulation during adolescence.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigates the moderating role of a temperamental trait, the effortful control, in the relation between father's psychological control and externalizing problems. In Wave 1, the participants included 507 adolescents attending the second classes of two public schools situated in two Italian cities; in Wave 2, 482 adolescents attending the fifth classes of high school participated again in the study. The results demonstrated a positive contribution of paternal achievement-oriented psychological control to externalizing problems and a moderator effect of effortful control in the relationship between the father's psychological control and externalizing problems. These findings extend current knowledge on the role of the father in the difficult task of balancing the promotion of individuality without falling into psychological control that can trigger externalizing problems among adolescents, especially when the temperament of the latter does not foresee the availability of self-regulating abilities that mediate disadvantageous reactivity.  相似文献   

本研究采用婚姻调适问卷、教养方式问卷及儿童行为量表对全国四大地理区域9个城市的2396名青少年及其父母进行测查。婚姻质量由青少年的父母自评,父母的教养方式由青少年报告,青少年的外化问题由父母分别报告,考察了父母婚姻质量与青少年外化问题之间的关系,以及教养方式在其中的中介作用。采用包含潜变量的结构方程模型和Bootstrap中介效应检验进行分析,研究发现:(1)父母婚姻质量与积极教养呈显著正相关,与严厉教养呈显著负相关。父母的婚姻质量、积极教养及严厉教养与青少年的外化问题之间呈现跨轮的显著相关。(2)父母婚姻质量能直接正向预测青少年外化问题,教养方式在父母婚姻质量和青少年外化问题中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

对1137名一年级职高生实施问卷调查,探讨感知教师和父母自主支持、基本心理需要满足与内外化问题的关系。结果表明:(1)一年级职高生在抑郁问题上女生更严重,在外化问题上男生更严重;(2)教师、父母自主支持与基本心理需要满足呈显著正相关,教师、父母自主支持、基本心理需要满足与一年级职高生内外化问题呈显著负相关;(3)一年级职高生基本心理需要满足在教师、父母自主支持与内化问题的关系中起完全中介作用,在教师、父母自主支持与外化问题的关系中起部分中介作用;(4)教师自主支持对一年级职高生外化问题的影响受父母自主支持的调节作用,对于感知父母自主支持较高的学生,教师自主支持对外化问题的影响呈较为明显的下降趋势。  相似文献   

The potential role of social support for the adolescent offspring of psychiatric patients has hitherto not been examined. We examined whether the adolescent's level of psychiatric symptoms is dependent on the content and the function of social support (whether direct or moderating), controlling for perceived stress. In a cross-sectional design, 40 adolescents (11–18 yrs) with a parent exhibiting an affective or personality disorder were given several questionnaires, including the Youth Self Report (Achenbach), a Social Support Inventory, and the MUSIC, an inventory assessing perceived emotional and physiological stress reactions. The social support inventory consisted of three subscales to assess the positive and negative perception of social support, and the discrepancy between demand and supply of social support. The mentally-ill parents were given the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Data were then analyzed using multiple linear regression analyses. Analyses showed that perceived stress and negative social support predicted the adolescent's level of psychiatric symptoms, and that social support served as a direct effect, and was independent of parental GHQ score. Results are discussed and the presently under-utilized potential of social support for this population at risk is highlighted as something warranting increased attention both in terms of research and practical preventative steps.  相似文献   

This study focused on the assessment of impulsivity in nonreferred school-aged children. Children had been participants since infancy in the Bloomington Longitudinal Study. Individual differences in impulsivity were assessed in the laboratory when children were 6 (44 boys, 36 girls) and 8 (50 boys, 39 girls) years of age. Impulsivity constructs derived from these assessments were related to parent and teacher ratings of externalizing problems across the school-age period (ages 7–10) and to parent and self-ratings of these outcomes across adolescence (ages 14–17). Consistent with prior research, individual measures of impulsivity factor-analyzed into subdimensions reflecting children's executive control capabilities, delay of gratification, and ability or willingness to sustain attention and compliance during work tasks. Children's performance on the main interactive task index, inhibitory control, showed a signficant level of stability between ages 6 and 8. During the school-age years, children who performed impulsively on the laboratory measures were perceived by mothers and by teachers as more impulsive, inattentive, and overactive than others, affirming the external validity of the impulsivity constructs. Finally, impulsive behavior in the laboratory at ages 6 and 8 predicted maternal and self-ratings of externalizing problem behavior across adolescence, supporting the longterm predictive value of the laboratory-derived impulsivity measures.  相似文献   

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