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儒家的生态伦理思想,其本质是人类中心主义的,但它不是以利益为中心的,而是以道义为中心的,这构成了其与西方传统的人类中心论的重要区别.从孔子开始,经过孟子,到宋明理学家,这种以道义为中心的人类中心论形成了儒家的一个重要传统,是儒家对待人与自然万物的关系的主流方式,它视万物为与人类同源、同构、同体,要求人类将仁者爱人的道德情怀扩展到对待自然万物,把仁爱万物作为道德的最终完成和最高境界."人者天地之心"是儒家人类中心论的核心命题,依据这种观念,人类在为自己确立了"天地之心"的价值定位的同时,不是拥有了主宰万物的权力,而是主动承担起了自然万物的"主持者"、守护者的责任和义务.这种道义类型的人类中心观念,在中国漫长的农业文明史上发挥了保护自然环境的积极作用,它可以为我们突破和超越西方的人类中心主义提供一种不可多得的传统思想资源,对于当今人类走出生态危机的困境、实现可持续发展具有重要的启发和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

理论范式作为解释社会政治事实时所形成的框架结构,其理论范畴集中体现着社会科学的抽象性,其因果机制凸显了解释进路的多重可能性。社会中心论和国家中心论分别以"社会"和"国家"为理论内核来探究社会事实中的因果关联,开放出"由社会解释国家"和"由国家解释社会"两种相互对应的知识进路。在国家中心论的视域中,政治多元主义、结构—功能主义、西方马克思主义等理论范式都呈现出"以社会为中心"的范式特质,在多重分析进路背后具有共同的理论逻辑。社会中心论的范式身份在与"国家中心论"比照中得以确立。以此为范例分析不同范式的差异和同一范式之多重进路,能够使我们形成理论范式的认知自觉,从而更好地理解既有的理论,进而创生出新的知识。  相似文献   

牟宗三与新儒家生活在中国积贫积弱、社会政治文化发生翻天覆地变化的大变革时代。如果要了解牟宗三提出的"道德主体的自我坎陷"的历史背景,我们就需要考虑他思想产生与发展的论述环境——"欧洲中心论"。在欧洲中心论笼罩下的中国思想界,学者视西方民主制度为人类有史以来最优良的政治体制。但是近年来,民主政体的结构性缺陷在民主国家的运作实践中越来越凸显。而在牟宗三看来,民主制度的有效运作需要多种文化与社会条件与之相配合。在牟宗三"自我坎陷"论的视域下,我们可以看到民主理论需要的不是自由主义所突出的个人权利,而是集体的社会福益。民主政治得以运作的基本条件不是个人争取合法地满足自己的所有需要与欲望,而是透过互相尊重、妥协、合作而达成对社会共同利益的维护。民主政治要求选民妥协、合作,甚至自我否定,这便是牟宗三"自我坎陷"论所蕴含的道德精神。牟宗三"自我坎陷"的理论观照了民主制度的缺陷,同时补充了西方民主理论之不足。  相似文献   

道德经验刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德经验指的是人们在利益关系境遇中既可维护或获取自己的利益,又能表明自己是"道德人"的经验.它直接来源于人们的生产与交换关系、生活与消费关系、相处与交往关系,具有自发性、群众性、普适性和连续性等特点,本质内涵是"趋利避害",反映人作为价值主体的本性.维护现实社会基本伦理秩序的道德其实多为道德经验,而体现人类社会道德发展进步客观方向的则是道德经验的整合形式.  相似文献   

目前有很多学者认为儒家哲学也是人类中心论,其根据主要有三个:一是儒家强调人的尊贵;二是儒家仁爱万物出自人类自身道德完善的需要;三是儒家主张差等之爱。实际上,这三点都不能成为儒家哲学是人类中心论的根据。儒家的生态智慧在价值取向和道德实践两个层面上都实现了对人类中心论和非人类中心主义二者的超越,是中国乃至世界建设生态文明的重要理论资源。  相似文献   

住宅的"二重性"是指它双重的起源、二维的存在与本质、双重的功能和作用等。住宅的"二重性"是由人的活动的"二重性"即筑与居所决定的。从这种"二重性"中,我们可以窥探到人类自由的真谛,这就是:自由是在人的身体满足基础之上的精神追求,是精神所具有的特性;自由不是人对自然、社会、他人的占有而是看护;自由不是一种理想的、纯然的状态,它总是与不自由、限制、束缚等相互交叉地联系在一起。  相似文献   

人是道德的主体肖雪慧道德起源于人类对良好生活原则的探寻,并以规范的形式把有利于个体和类的保存发展的行为确立下来。它既应为人们满足起码的生存需要提供必要的社会准则,又应为人们满足高层次的精神需要提供导向和行为方式。因此,道德在本质上是产生并服务于人的需要的工具。道德的工具本质揭示了人作为道德的主体与道德之间的基本关系:道德是为人而存在,不是人为道德而存在。然而,在道德实际运行中,它的工具本质常常被忘却,出现道德由工具变为目的,人由道德主体变为被道德役使的现象。这种现象产生的原因主要是:一切文化规范起作用的特点往往是要由工具上升为目的方可更好地实现其作用。道德必须具有它的神圣性,使人们把它作为值得追求的事,道德规范的作用才由于具备自律的基础而得到保证。不过,这个原因还是潜在的。只有当它与某些社会原因结合在一起时,潜在的原因才会转化为现实。比如,在社会发展的一定阶段,各社会集团的利益斗争导致社会形成统治阶级和被统治阶级的对峙格局。统治集团的道德作为在全社会占支配地位的道德,一方面或多或少包含一些体现人类社会生活共同要求的因素,但另一方面,这种道德的核心内容却是直接从他们的特殊利益中引伸出来的。因而道德在本质上就成  相似文献   

绘画创作必须具有时代性。绘画创作的时代性主要由它的思想性、作品题材的根源和它的历史发展过程三个方面来决定的,而这三个方面是相互联系的统一体,决不是孤立存在。我们强调绘画创作"时代精神""时代面貌"的同时,必须分清它与"赶时髦"的本质区别。  相似文献   

陈新 《学海》2001,(4):44-50
"世界历史"观念作为我们理解世界、描述世界的理论框架,起源于希腊化时代;中世纪,它融入宗教哲学,完成了哲学化转向.近代以来,理性取代了上帝,"世界历史"观念随之转向认识论,并逐步成为孕育欧洲中心论的温床.近代早期,维柯与伏尔泰为近代"世界历史"观念确立了基本的范式,这种范式大大削弱了中世纪"世界历史"观念广泛具有的实践性.自康德始,近代"世界历史"观念以德国思想家为其表述者.康德的创造性表现在,他认为普遍世界历史的存在,首先是人们以某种预想为线索进行撰述的结果;赫德尔则以强调个体的特殊性与历史性的方式来撰述世界历史.西方近代"世界历史"观念的集大成者黑格尔.他的世界历史思想代表着近代"世界历史"观念的确立与完善,同时意味着中世纪普世主义"世界历史"观念的彻底破产.  相似文献   

"性善"说是孟子哲学思想的核心,强调人最终的道德本然性,从而达到维护整个社会稳定的目的.比之康德"人本质是道德自由与自律"的观点两者有表面的相似与内含的本质区别.  相似文献   

Anthropocentrism is a construct that may be defined as a dualistic worldview or set of ideals in which the individual views humanity as superior to other species within the environment and to nature, as a whole. A measure of anthropocentrism has been introduced as a means to assess the varying degrees of anthropocentric beliefs among individuals. In the initial validation studies of this scale, no significant differences in anthropocentrism were found to exist as a function of religion. The purpose of this investigation was to further examine the relationship between religion and anthropocentrism. More specifically, this study focused on doctrinal orthodoxy and religious orientation (Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Quest) as possible correlates of anthropocentrism. Within the obtained sample of undergraduates (N=144), significant correlations were found to exist between anthropocentrism and the religious variables of interest, thus expanding the nomological network of related constructs, adding support to the construct validity of the Anthropocentrism Scale.  相似文献   

Abraham Mansbach 《Ratio》1997,10(2):157-168
In this paper I argue that although Heidegger's Being and Time and 'The Origin of the Work of Art,' seem to deal with different topics, there is continuity between these two texts. In the latter Heidegger was trying to solve a central problem that arose in the former: how to account for authentic existence and at the same time overcome the anthropocentrism of traditional philosophy.
In Being and Time Heidegger tries to overcome traditional philosophy, by redefining human existence in non-Cartesian terms. Yet, his treatment of the problem of the Self preserves one of the main tenets of that tradition: its anthropocentrism. This anthropocentrism is implicit in Dasein and further reinforced by the notion of the hero as the paradigm and channel of authentic existence.
In 'The Origin of the Work of Art,' Heidegger solves that problem. Placing man at the periphery and the work of art at the centre of his endeavours, gives works of art a special status similar only to that of heroes. Works of art open up new horizons for generations to come by drawing in advance the paths for authentic behaviour.
This shift is more than merely methodological. Heidegger overcomes not only the anthropocentrism of his previous analysis but also the instrumentality that derived from that anthropocentrism, thus revealing the essence of things.  相似文献   

Stephen H. Webb 《Zygon》2014,49(3):761-763
In his work on the moral status of nonhuman animals, David Clough rejects the theory of anthropocentrism while accepting its practical importance. He thus leaves theology in a dilemma: reflection on animals should not support the very concept that practical approaches to animals require. An alternative is a “weak anthropocentrism” along the line of Gianni Vattimo's “weak ontology.” A weak anthropocentrism is better suited to a Neoplatonic theory of participation, not the traditional framework of creation out of nothing, and it also can give new meaning to the idea of imago Dei and a Christocentric affirmation of nonhuman value.  相似文献   

以人为本的人文精神或人文主义,是人类的共同财富,它不只是泛指一般对人的关怀,而且还包括对人的基本权利的尊重。讲以人为本,只讲对人的关怀而不讲人的权利,是不全面的。当前在卫生保健服务中妨碍以人为本思想的实践,不仅有技术至上的唯技术主义,还有表现以皇权思想为特征的各种特权及与权力相结合的商权。清除特权思想的影响,防止商业利润凌驾于病人健康利益之上,是保健服务实践以人为本思想的必需。  相似文献   

The Second Vatican Council’s constitution Gaudium et Spes stated that man is ‘the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake’. Post-conciliar Catholic teaching on the environment largely reproduced this anthropocentric theology. Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si’, however, appears directly to contradict this well-established tradition with its repeated assertions of the intrinsic value of nonhuman life and its critical approach to the term ‘anthropocentrism’. Questioning this putative discontinuity, this article challenges the perception that Laudato Si’ has definitively rejected anthropocentrism. It suggests that the claim for the intrinsic value of nonhuman life, and the traditional assertion that man is the only creature willed for its own sake, can be seen to converge in light of the traditional theological anthropology of the human being as microcosm. On this view, the centrality of the human person in the order of creation is constituted by its gathering up of the sakes of creatures. The distinctive place of the human does not come at the expense of the rest of creation, but rather is the means of creation’s movement towards the unity and harmony to which God calls it. Laudato Si’ is distinguished not by its rejection of anthropocentrism, but by its refusal to set human and nonhuman over against one another. In contrast, the language of ‘intrinsic value’ is criticised for conceiving created value as a zero-sum game, as though human and nonhuman value are in competition with one another; the language of ‘stewardship’ is criticised for its extrinsicist conception of the human being in the natural order.  相似文献   

Throughout his writings, Heidegger's view of animals is ostensibly anthropocentric, defining them as deficient in relation to human beings. His most extensive analysis of animality, found in the 1929–1930 lecture course entitled The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics, seems to be a clear example of this anthropocentrism, defining the animal as poor in world in opposition to the human being's world-forming character. Nevertheless, Heidegger is explicitly ambivalent regarding the anthropocentric implications of this conception of animality. This paper examines Heidegger's articulation of the notion of world-poverty as a distinct form of negativity, its implications for the question concerning Heidegger's anthropocentrism, as well as his ambivalence with regard to this question.  相似文献   

This investigation tests relationships between three kinds of group self-centeredness and their relationship with negativity towards specific outgroups. A questionnaire study with 270 undergraduates focused on three prominent kinds of group self-centeredness: ethnocentrism, fundamentalism, and anthropocentrism. Although overall ethnocentrism, fundamentalism, and anthropocentrism were positively intercorrelated, fundamentalism was positively associated with one ethnocentrism dimension (intragroup) and negatively with the other (intergroup). A path analysis showed that each kind of group self-centeredness was related only to negativity to specific and relevant outgroups and not to other outgroups. Implications of the research, particularly for the study of religiosity and prejudice, are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a tension between Laudato si's consistent emphasis on relationships and interconnectedness and its acceptance of anthropocentrism. While Laudato si’ does reject certain problematic forms of anthropocentrism, the encyclical does not assert an alternative to this traditional framework. This article contends that “relatiocentrism” provides the best avenue for developing the convictions expressed within Laudato si’ while moving beyond the limitations of the encyclical itself. In so doing, this essay explores the use of narrative as a means of shaping identity by mapping significant relationships and points of meaning. It examines the central anthropological claims of the encyclical and the tensions these create with anthropocentric narratives. And it examines relatiocentrism in light of the biblical creation accounts, the eschatological perspective of Laudato si’, and virtue ethics. The essay concludes by suggesting further theological and moral implications of this shift in perspective.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(2):56-64

Taking its cue from the oblique of Elaine L. Graham's ‘post/human’, this essay examines the difficult relationship between humanism and its ‘post’. If, as Graham points out, the present moment is one in which anthropocentrism is both in crisis and deferred to as ‘common sense’, what is to be done? Perhaps the answer lies in strategies for ‘obliquing’ humanist discourse, working through its contradictions in order to establish the ‘post/human’ as a figure that forever disrupts humanism.  相似文献   

网络建构行为是指个体尝试与对自己工作或职业有(潜在)帮助的人建立和维护非正式关系的一系列行为。研究表明:人口统计学差异、个性差异(如工作动机)、环境差异(如职业安全)等能影响个体的网络建构行为; 网络建构行为能使个人(如职业成功)和组织获益(如组织绩效)。今后的研究需要进一步探讨:网络建构测量工具的完善、相关研究的拓展、网络建构行为的培训开发和网络建构的经济衡量等问题。  相似文献   

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