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沈迺璋 《心理学报》1963,8(3):24-31
問題 一斤鉄同一斤棉花的物理重量是相等的,但是,两者在輕重之感上是不一样的。輕重之感主要取决于物体的重量,但是这并不是一个簡单的比例关系。人們比較(不是衡量!)一斤棉花与一斤鉄的輕重时,都会感觉到后者較前者重得多。輕重之感往往靠提举物体  相似文献   

Abstract— Subjects' judgments of the mean of 12 scores were influenced by the way in which the scores were dichotomized. The estimated mean was higher when the three highest scores formed one group (e.g., payments for women) and the nine lowest formed the other (e.g., payments for men) than when the nine highest were one group and the three lowest the other. We call this phenomenon the Will Rogers Illusion (WRI). The WRI occurred only when estimates of the subgroup means were made prior to the estimates of the mean of the whole group. When the latter mean was judged first, the WRI was reversed. These and other data indicate that the means of subgroups can influence judgments of group means, a finding that is relevant to research on social stereotypes.  相似文献   

When a set of concentric circles is subjected to a rinsing motion, moving radii will be seen. The phenomenon is explained in terms of the dependency of the intensity of the receptor processes on the time of stimulation. It is suggested that the term effect be substituted for the term illusion in describing the phenomenon.  相似文献   

关联性记忆错觉的产生与保持   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张力  朱滢 《心理学报》1998,31(4):374-380
两项实验对关联性记忆错觉的产生与保持进行了考察。实验结果表明,关联性记忆错觉接近学过词的回忆水平,但它的产生不随年龄的变化而变化;时间变量对关联性记忆错觉的影响不显著。此外,关联性记忆错觉不同于学过的词,在延迟加快时没有系列位置效应的产生。  相似文献   

E isler , H. On the problem of category scales in psychophysics. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 81–87.—In the first Part of the paper it is shown that, if three assumptions are granted, the category scale must be logarithmically related to the magnitude scale: K =α log φ +β . In the second part of the paper, the relation K =α log ( kφ+ q) +β is derived, starting from the assumptions that the category scale is a pure function of discrimination and that discrimination is appropriately described by the linear generalization of Weber's law for prothetic continua. We can reconcile these two formulas by defining the zero-point of the magnitude scale as the point where variability vanishes.  相似文献   

双陈述任务下演绎推理的错觉   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘志雅  赵冬梅  郑雪 《心理学报》2003,35(5):636-642
研究了双陈述任务下的复合命题推理和三段论推理的错觉。被试为暨南大学本科生60名。使用冠有“只有一个陈述是正确的”作为限制条件的双陈述推理任务。实验1为纯命题任务,实验2为角色化任务。t检验的结果表明被试只考虑了正确的陈述,却忽略了错误的陈述而出现推理的错觉。结果支持了心理模型理论中的正面表征原则,初步提出正反信息转换机制的观点。  相似文献   

This reply to Sypher argues that neither his data nor his analysis provide good evidence for confirming the systematic distortion hypothesis in general or showing that it is operative in the communicator style measure in particular. At best, Sypher's research provides additional construct validity for the communicator style domain. It is maintained that “difficult memory conditions” do not prevail for the self-report of style behaviors. Three studies are briefly reported supporting this conclusion. Finally, necessary conditions are identified in order for self-report data to be increasingly useful. Although the results of factor analyses (and related methods) of sets of ratings are often of immediate and intrinsic interest, there are few personality psychologists today who would claim that obtained factor structures represent inexorable verities (cf. Lykenn, 1971). It is now well recognized that by varying the mix of variables included in a clustering analysis, one can fundamentally alter both the number and nature of the summarizing dimensions subsequently obtained.  相似文献   

L'illusion de la verticale et L'hypothèse écologique. — La discussion dont L'hypothèse écologique a été récemment L'objet, paraît ignorer, en ce qui concerne L'illusion verticale, un article de Künnapas (1955) qui démontre que cette illusion se compose de deux effets: 1) L'un qui est attribuable à la verticalité de la ligne; 2) L'autre qui est dû à L'intersection d'une ligne par L'autre. L'A. a réalisé une expérience qui, avec des stimuli différents, a donné des résultats qui sent en accord avec ceux de Künnapas. Une critique de la littérature consacrée à ce problème suggère que les données se raccordent mieux à L'hypothèse, bien qu'encoie imparfaitement, si L'on tient compte de la dualité des effets. L'auteur souligne la complexité du problème et pense que la symétrie pourrait être considérée comme un facteur additionnel.  相似文献   

利用二维铁钦纳错觉图片对单手及双手抓握情境下的知觉与行为分离现象进行实验验证,并探讨注意引导等因素对分离现象的影响。实验包括知觉任务和行为任务两项内容,前者主要测量被试的主观错觉量,后者则探讨分离现象是否存在及其影响因素。在行为任务中,记录被试在中心(目标)圆尺寸“实际相同”和“知觉相同”等不同情境下的行为,以拇指和食指抓握图片中心圆的最大抓握孔径为行为指标。结果发现:单手抓握时,左、右手的行为虽然在一定程度上受到了错觉的影响,但均显示出分离现象;双手抓握时,右手受错觉影响的程度减少,分离现象增强,而左手的结果则比较混淆。因此,分离现象是存在的,但它的出现可能受到注意引导、注意分配倾向或双手协调能力等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Perception is shown in a block diagram which includes the instrumental errors in the sensing device, the transmission distortion in the nerves and the perceptual misjudgment in the high center. The perceptual misjudgment originates from the variation of comparison standards and the method of comparison, and would correspond to the mis-programming of the computer. A general mathematical formula for perception under the influence of various background stimuli is presented. The mechanism and equation for predicting the Ebbinghaus illusion are also presented.  相似文献   

The practicality of three appraisal instruments were measured in terms of user preference, namely, behavioral observation scales (BOS), behavioral expectation scales (BES), and trait scales. A questionnaire containing items pertaining to differentiating good from poor performers, objectivity, providing feedback, suggesting training needs, and ease of use was administered to managers and their subordinates. In all instances, BOS were preferred to BES, and in all but two instances, BOS were viewed as superior to trait scales. Trait scales were felt to be as good if not better than BES. A second questionnaire administered to attorneys indicated that BOS would be easier to defend in the courtroom than either BES or trait scales.  相似文献   

Abstract— One reason for people's voluntary cooperation in social dilemmas, or altruistic behavior in general, may be their belief that altruism pays off in terms of long-run self-interest. Although this is often true, it is typically false in large-scale social dilemmas among strangers. In three questionnaire studies, subjects endorsed this self-interest illusion frequently for large-scale dilemmas, such as over-fishing and pollution, in which the benefits of cooperation are delayed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the development of a self-report measure of innovative-ness. The utility of such an instrument in human communication research is discussed, together with issues relating to its reliability, validity, and association with social desirability.  相似文献   

For 113 managerial personnel, a new supervisory judgment test, the Leadership Evaluation and Development Scale (LEADS) was found to be the best (r = .36) of four predictors of salary corrected for age and length of service. Other predictors were a verbal comprehension measure and the two Leadership Opinion Questionnaire scores. The R involving all four predictors was .39. LEADS was also found to be the best predictor of personnel department ratings on performance in the employee relations area. None of the predictors was significantly related to supervisors' ratings. Meaningful dimensions of supervisory performance not indicated by the other predictors appear to be measured by LEADS.  相似文献   

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