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This study examined the effectiveness of external and internal focusing attention instructions on the performance of three throwing tasks under both quiet and distracted conditions. The main finding was that during acquisition, the external focus of attention led to improved performance when compared to internal focus of attention and control, but only under quiet conditions. It was also found that during auditory and visual distraction conditions, both types of focus attention produced similar levels of performance, and both groups were superior to the control condition. It is suggested that sport psychology consultants provide their athletes with external focusing attention instructions.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that people perceive their attitudes and beliefs as deriving from an internal, rational thought process, but not from an emotional process or from external sources. This work has examined explanations for the belief in God using such an attributional approach. The current study examines the explanations individuals give for why (1) they themselves, (2) the group of those who hold the same belief position, or (3) the group of those who hold the opposite position, believe (or not) in God. The attributional dimensions of internality, externality, emotionality, and rationality are used to assess explanations for belief or nonbelief. Believers reported arriving at their own belief position because of an internal, rational process despite the average characterization of the belief in God as less rational and more emotional.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that tendencies to misattribute one's own thoughts to an external source, as assessed by an immediate source-monitoring test, are associated with auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs). However, recent research suggests that such tendencies are associated instead with symptoms of thought interference. The main aim of the present study was to examine whether such tendencies are differentially associated with different types of thought interference, with AVHs, or with both. It has also been suggested that external misattributions are especially likely to occur with emotionally salient material and if the individual's focus is on the self. These suggestions were also tested. The positive psychotic symptoms of 57 individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia were assessed and they then completed the Self-Focus Sentence Completion blank. Immediately after completing each sentence they were asked to indicate to what extent the sentence was their own. The number of sentences that were not rated as completely their own served as their externalisation score. Externalisation scores correlated significantly with the severity of three symptoms: voices commenting, delusions of being controlled, and thought insertion. In a logistic regression analysis, all three of these symptoms were significantly and independently related to externalisation. Externalisation was not associated with either a negative or a neutral self-focus. Thus tendencies to misattribute one's own thoughts to an external source are associated with AVHs and some, but not all, symptoms of thought interference. The importance for externalisation of self-focused attention and of the emotional salience of the elicited thoughts was not supported.  相似文献   

Performance in skill-based and endurance sports can be enhanced when an individual directs attention toward internal or external cues. However, there might be advantages in attending to specific cues at different times during a continuous sport task. The present study examined the effects of switching attention between internal and external cues when rowing. Novice rowers (N = 27) completed three 2000 m rows while focusing attention on internal cues only, external cues only, or switching between internal and external cues. Overall performance, as measured by time and power output, was best in the switching condition. Measurements of heart rate and perceived exertion were not significantly different between switching and external conditions, suggesting that these performance improvements occurred without producing significant subjective or objective physiologic change. However, a focus on external cues resulted in lower ratings of perceived exertion relative to a focus on internal cues. Self-reported motivation did not differ between conditions. Although instructions to focus internally or externally can influence performance on aerobic tasks, switching attention between these cues may enhance performance. Athletes should consider attending to various cues in rowing and, by extension, in other endurance sports.  相似文献   

采用视觉图片和动画,听觉声音和词语任务,分别要求5岁(平均年龄66.5个月)、7岁(平均年龄80.8个月)和9岁(平均年龄117.2个月)共233名儿童在知觉和想象材料中作出来源判断,比较现实监控任务中视听觉通道之间和通道内部的发展差异。结果发现,在通道内部,不同实验材料对现实监控的影响不尽相同。在视觉通道内部:较小年龄儿童对图片的现实监控好于动画,较大年龄儿童对动画的现实监控好于图片;在听觉通道内部:儿童对声音的现实监控好于词。随着年龄的增长,对记忆现实监控的通道差异从视觉的图片刺激优势到图片和动画优势,到视觉刺激和声音对词的优势。文章还讨论了这些发展差异的可能原因,对我们理解个体记忆发展的规律和特点以及对实践的指导意义  相似文献   

Directing an individual to focus their attention on internal or external cues can influence performance of skill-based and endurance sports. The present study examined the effects of switching attention across different types of internal and external attentional foci in a rowing task. Novice rowers (19 male, 47 female) focussed attention on one of four different internal cues (or one of four different external cues) at discrete time points while completing a row on an ergometer. Overall, a focus on internal cues resulted in longer distance, higher power output, and higher heart rate than a focus on external cues. However, for the internal condition a focus on arm and leg muscles was associated with higher performance than a focus on breathing. For the external condition, a focus on exerting force on the handle produced higher performance than a focus on the movements of the handle or seat or on the sounds of the ergometer. Global instructions to focus internally or externally influenced performance, but the specific effects within these broad categories were also variable. The advice given to athletes and recreational exercises should consider both the broad attentional focus direction and the specific cues of the task to which attention is directed.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, it has been agreed that ‘internal’ people, who explain what happens to them by internal explanations (their behaviors, their aptitudes, their efforts, their personality, etc.) were more likely to succeed than ‘external’ people, who explain the same outcomes by external explanations such as chance, situational difficulties, the power of others, or fate. The social superiority of internal people is explained in terms of their personality (locus of control). Looking further into the intuitions of American researchers, a French school of thought attempted to show that internal explanations are socially valued. It was suggested that there exists a social judgment norm that could be called the norm of internality and that, perhaps, the success of ‘internal’ people was more specifically due to the fact that social appraisers, whether in school, in organizations, in the courts of justice, prefer this type of person because such people adhere more easily to current social ways of functioning.  相似文献   

采用实验法探讨在回忆和现实排斥情境下,不同社会排斥类型对大学生外显和内隐自我关注的影响及权力感的调节作用。实验1初步证实在两种排斥情境下,与拒绝型相比,忽视型被试的外显和内隐自我关注水平较高。实验2进一步证实权力感在忽视型对外显自我关注的影响中具有调节作用。结果表明,忽视型社会排斥威胁功效需要进而引发个体提高自我关注水平;情境因素对社会排斥产生的影响相同。  相似文献   

Several cognitive models propose that social anxiety is associated with increased self-focused attention. Indirect evidence for this hypothesis has been provided by questionnaire studies, and by cognitive psychology paradigms that have demonstrated reduced processing of external information during feared social-evaluative situations. However, no studies have simultaneously measured on-line attention to internal and external events. A probe detection task that aimed to measure the balance of attention between internal and external stimuli was developed. High and low socially anxious individuals were instructed to detect two probes. The external probe was superimposed on pictures of faces (happy, neutral, angry) or household objects that were presented on a VDU. The 'internal' probe was a pulse to the finger which participants were led to believe represented significant changes in their physiology. Compared to low speech anxious individuals, high speech anxious individuals showed an internal attentional bias, that was specific to conditions of social-evaluative threat.  相似文献   

College students were placed in 2 groups, hallucinators and nonhallucinators, on the basis of their responses to a verbal hallucinations questionnaire. Both groups were given a consonant-vowel version of a Dichotic Listening Test under 3 conditions: nonforced, forced-right, and forced-left. When hallucinators were instructed to attend to the left ear stimuli (forced-left condition), they had fewer correct responses to right ear syllables than did nonhallucinators. This resulted in a left ear advantage for hallucinators. When nonhallucinators were instructed to attend to the left ear, they maintained a right ear advantage. Results suggest that auditory hallucinations in college students are associated with differences in hemispheric functioning.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Cognitive approaches to social anxiety suggest that an excessive brooding about one's performance in a social situation (post-event processing; PEP) is involved in the maintenance of anxiety. To date, most studies investigating PEP were conducted in laboratory settings. The present study sought to replicate previous findings on predictors of PEP after a naturalistic social performance situation. Methods: Sixty-five students, who had to give an evaluated presentation for credits, completed measures of trait social anxiety. Immediately after their presentation, participants rated state anxiety and attentional focus during the presentation, and provided an overall evaluation of their performance. One week after the presentation, they rated PEP during the preceding week, and reappraised their performance. Results: Regression analyses demonstrated that the performance ratings after and self-focused attention during the presentation were unique predictors of PEP over and above the effects of trait and state anxiety. There was no evidence that PEP was associated with a biased recall of individual performance evaluations. Conclusions: The results support cognitive theories that emphasize the importance of negative self-perceptions in the development of social anxiety and related processes, and underline self-focused attention and self-evaluative processes as important targets during treatment.  相似文献   

Recent research has confirmed the presence of auditory hallucinations in non‐psychotic children, with this research also suggesting that such hallucinations may be more common than previously thought. While auditory hallucinations in children have frequently been associated with high levels of emotional stress, there is still a poor understanding of how this stress may precipitate hallucinations, and why some children experience hallucinations while others seem not to. The current study assessed the association between high levels of trauma symptomatology, anxiety and depression, and the presence of hallucinations against matched controls. Results indicated that hallucinating children had significantly higher mean anxiety, depression and, in particular, re‐experiencing scores than did the children in the control group. These results were examined within the framework of reality monitoring, that is, the ability to distinguish between externally or internally generated sources of information. The notion of high levels of emotional distress decreasing the efficiency of reality monitoring and leading to the possibility of confusion between internally and externally generated stimuli was discussed, with the conclusion advanced that the misattribution of an externally generated source – either held as a memory or as a traumatic re‐experiencing – as an internally generated one, underlies hallucinatory experiences.  相似文献   

Self awareness theory proposes that behavioural and cognitive changes following self- focused attention result from a comparison between a salient behavioural or cognitive aspect of the person and a relevant internal standard of correctness. Generalized drive has been offered as an alternative interpretation not requiring the assumption of a mediating cognitive process. The notion was tested that an internal standard of correctness, and not response dominance, guides behaviour following self-focused attention. The internal standard used, originality, was to be contrary to dominance. Subjects high or low on this standard were assigned to either a self-awareness, an arousal, or a control condition. First, response dominance was clearly established on a paired associates task. Then subjects' own associations to the stimulus words were obtained. In the self awareness condition, the originality of responses corresponded to internal standards. Responses in the arousal condition were not as predicted, but could be interpreted through the presumption that the particular operationalization of arousal raised not only drive level but also provided self-related stimuli. The data imply that internal standards of correctness and not response dominance influence the behaviour of those whose attention is self focused.  相似文献   

Rhythmic auditory stimuli presented before a goal-directed movement have been found to improve temporal and spatial movement outcomes. However, little is known about the mechanisms mediating these benefits. The present experiment used three types of auditory stimuli to probe how improved scaling of movement parameters, temporal preparation and an external focus of attention may contribute to changes in movement performance. Three types of auditory stimuli were presented for 1200 ms before movement initiation; three metronome beats (RAS), a tone that stayed the same (tone-same), a tone that increased in pitch (tone-change) and a no sound control, were presented with and without visual feedback for a total of eight experimental conditions. The sound was presented before a visual go-signal, and participants were instructed to reach quickly and accurately to one of two targets randomly identified in left and right hemispace. Twenty-two young adults completed 24 trials per blocked condition in a counterbalanced order. Movements were captured with an Optotrak 3D Investigator, and a 4(sound) by 2(vision) repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze dependant variables. All auditory conditions had shorter reaction times than no sound. Tone-same and tone-change conditions had shorter movement times and higher peak velocities, with no change in trajectory variability or endpoint error. Therefore, rhythmic and non-rhythmic auditory stimuli impacted movement performance differently. Based on the pattern of results we propose multiple mechanisms impact movement planning processes when rhythmic auditory stimuli are present.  相似文献   

Much anecdotal evidence suggests that sleep deprivation not only impairs performance, but also brings about other extraordinary effects like hallucinations. However, knowledge about how sleep deprivation may trigger hallucinations is limited. To qualitatively describe hallucinatory experiences during sleep deprivation 12 male military officers from the Norwegian Armed Forces who all had experienced at least one sleep loss-induced hallucinatory experience were recruited. Data were collected and analyzed by semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. This resulted in the identification of three distinct main themes: (1) Modalities, (2) circumstances/triggers and (3) reactions to hallucinations. Hallucinations were experienced in several modalities (visual, auditory and multi-modality), although visual hallucinations seemed to dominate. Typical reported circumstances/triggers were sleep loss, physical exhaustion, time-of-day, low calorie intake, mental exhaustion and lack of external stimuli (low sensory and social input, boring situations, and monotonous activity). Negative emotions were dominant during the hallucinatory episodes. Often some reasoning and checking on behalf of the officers were necessary to differentiate between real percepts and hallucinations. In some cases the hallucinations caused erroneous actions. Retrospectively, most officers viewed their hallucinatory experiences in light of positive emotions and several emphasized having learned something from them. The results are discussed in relation to the existing literature and suggestions for future studies are outlined.  相似文献   

A review of recent research on the non-medical control of auditory hallucinations is presented. It is suggested that the decreases in hallucinatory behavior obtained in studies using aversive contingencies may be attributable to the disruption of the chains of behavior involved. The results of several additional studies are interpreted as indicating that methods of stimulus control and the use of incompatible behaviors may be effective in reducing the rate of auditory hallucinations. Research relating auditory hallucinations to subvocalizations is presented in support of the view that hallucinatory phenomena are sometimes related to the subject's own vocal productions. Skinner's views (1934, 1936, 1953, 1957, 1980) are then presented as possible explanations of some hallucinatory behavior. It is suggested that some auditory hallucinations consit of the mishearing of environmental and physiological stimuli as voices in a fashion similar to that which Skinner observed in his work with the verbal summator. The maintenance of long chains of such responses may be largely attributable to self-intraverbal influences (such as are present during automatic writing). With some auditory hallucinations, this progression involves first mishearing ambiguous stimuli as voices and then attributing the voices to some cause (e.g., insanity, the television, radio, or God). Later, the frequent and ongoing chains of such behavior may contaminate other verbal responses. Such verbal behavior may be parasitic on "normal verbal behavior" (and hence, not directly dependent on consquences for maintenance), may be cued by various stimuli (including respiration), and may interfere with other covert and overt behavior. Several studies to investigate this view are presented. It is hoped that such research will lead to a better understanding of the major issues involved in the etiology and treatment of auditory hallucinations in particular and perhaps of psychosis in general.  相似文献   

There have been relatively few studies on the relationship between recent perceived environmental stress and cognitive performance, and the existing studies do not control for state anxiety during the cognitive testing. The current study addressed this need by examining recent self-reported environmental stress and divided attention performance, while controlling for state anxiety. Fifty-four university undergraduates who self-reported a wide range of perceived recent stress (10-item perceived stress scale) completed both single and dual (simultaneous auditory and visual stimuli) continuous performance tests. Partial correlation analysis showed a statistically significant positive correlation between perceived stress and the auditory omission errors from the dual condition, after controlling for state anxiety and auditory omission errors from the single condition (r = 0.41). This suggests that increased environmental stress relates to decreased divided attention performance in auditory vigilance. In contrast, an increase in state anxiety (controlling for perceived stress) was related to a decrease in auditory omission errors from the dual condition (r = - 0.37), which suggests that state anxiety may improve divided attention performance. Results suggest that further examination of the neurobiological consequences of environmental stress on divided attention and other executive functioning tasks is needed.  相似文献   


An external focus of attention is considered superior to an internal focus for learning and performance. However, findings specific to changing the task difficulty are inconsistent. The present study used a reciprocal aiming task to determine the effects of attentional focus on motor performance using speed-accuracy paradigm. We constrained timing to examine how internal and external focus of attention influenced accuracy when task difficulty changes. The results indicated greater accuracy on the right target and greater consistency on both targets for the external focus condition, regardless of task difficulty. Our results uniquely demonstrated how instruction modified a speed-accuracy task.  相似文献   

In this study techniques were employed to induce exercising subjects to focus attention on themselves or on an external event. A total of 20 adult subjects (10 men and 10 women) were familiarized with a treadmill exercise protocol and then on two subsequent occasions performed submaximal exercise followed by a run to exhaustion under attentional conditions of self-focus (watching themselves in a mirror while listening to their breathing) and external focus (watching and listening to a movie). The order of focus conditions was counterbalanced among subjects. Analysis of postexperimental responses from subjects indicated that the procedures used to induce each type of attentional focus were successful. However, physiological and psychological responses in the two focus conditions were not always uniform for men and women, particularly during light work when men tended to have higher heart rates and significantly lower Rated Perceived Exertion while women had lower heart rates and higher Rated Perceived Exertion under self-focused conditions than under externally focused conditions. Possible explanations for the incongruence of physiological and psychological responses of men and women to the two types of attentional focus are discussed.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of conscious monitoring and control on motor performance. Participants were instructed to adopt an internal or external focus of attention in different blocks of a darts task. For one group, the internal as well as external focus instructions emphasized monitoring. For another group, the instructions emphasized control in the two focus conditions. Furthermore, participants’ propensity for monitoring and control was gauged via two factors of the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale (MSRS) (Masters, Eves, & Maxwell, 2005). These factors were Movement Self-Consciousness (MS-C) and Conscious Motor Processing (CMP), which measure propensity for conscious monitoring and control, respectively. Performance differences between the internal and external focus blocks were expressed as mean radial error (MRE). Results revealed a 3-way interaction between CMP, instruction type (monitoring versus control) and an order effect. Only in the conscious control-group, but not the conscious monitoring-group was there a 2-way interaction between CMP and order. In the conscious control-group, participants with high CMP scores showed worse performance in whichever focus block (internal or external) was presented last. There were no significant effects in the monitoring-group or of MS-C. These findings indicate that conscious control has a stronger effect on motor performance than conscious monitoring.  相似文献   

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