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本研究考察学步儿期母亲将心比心和亲子依恋安全性与学龄前儿童创造力潜能的关系。参与者为92个家庭,儿童14个月时编码亲子依恋安全性,25个月时编码母亲将心比心,61个月时考察儿童创造力潜能。结果发现,将心比心与创造力潜能正相关;依恋安全性调节将心比心及愿望和认知状态评论与创造力潜能的相关,正相关关系仅出现在依恋安全性较低的亲子对。故本研究表明母亲将心比心对提升依恋安全性较低儿童的创造力潜能有更突出的作用。  相似文献   

目前,关于如何建立有效的医患关系凸显重要,从参与合作式的医患模式着手,分析这一模式的双面性.运用依恋理论的观点,分别探讨了患者的四种依恋模式和就诊心理,以及不同依恋模式的医生和患者在就诊过程中形成互动医患关系,为进一步促使医患关系的和谐发展提供了理论基础和现实依据.  相似文献   

依恋内部工作模式的研究概述及探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
依恋内部工作模式(internal working model)是一种认知/情感性的构造,是在婴儿/孩子与父母行为交互作用的过程中发展起来的对他人和自我的一种心理表征。Bowlby的内部工作模式的概念为理解依恋行为的发展提供了方法,是依恋研究工作的进步。该文从内部工作模式的性质、内部工作模式的结构和其稳定性的研究对内部工作模式进行了较为详细的介绍,详细论述了在发展心理学和社会心理学不同理论背景下的几种可能的结构,进一步分析了内部工作模式的稳定性和变化的机制及其影响因素,并对今后内部工作模式概念的发展和可能的不同类型的内部工作模型结构的存在进行了思考和探索。特别的提出,随着儿童青少年的成长,人际关系的不断复杂化,个体可能在自身的依恋模式基础上分别分化出不同类型的工作模式结构,对这一理论构想进行深入研究将有可能揭示内部工作模式的个体差异性。  相似文献   

老年阶段进入依恋研究者的视野是上个世纪90年代之后才陆续开始的。十几年来,该领域积累了不少研究成果。一系列研究考查了不同依恋对象对老年人生活的影响,包括对兄弟姐妹、成年子女、配偶、父母的依恋以及一种特殊的依恋:符号化依恋;不少研究发现了依恋模式分布的年龄效应,冷漠型和安全型依恋是老年依恋的主要模式,这与年轻成人的分布有很大差异;当前关于老年依恋的心理功能研究主要集中于以下两大领域:(1)老年依恋与慢性疾病中的照料;(2)老年依恋与心理健康。对于老年人依恋的研究还远未达到成熟的地步,老年依恋的测量工具亟待改进,跨文化的研究也需要进一步推广  相似文献   

林青  王争艳  卢珊  梁熙  贺琼  王朝  胡若时 《心理学报》2014,46(3):353-366
采用视觉习惯化实验程序、陌生情境技术及母亲行为Q分类方法对41名14个月的学步儿及其母亲进行了学步儿内部工作模式、学步儿在陌生情境中的依恋类型以及母亲在母婴互动中的敏感性的评估。结果发现:(1)不安全型的学步儿预期看护者对他们痛苦的信号是无回应的。(2)以自身为中心的母亲的学步儿预期看护者是无回应的。(3)潜类别分析的结果发现母亲敏感性影响学步儿依恋行为的2种关系模式:类别1, 以孩子为中心的母亲的学步儿更容易形成看护者是有回应的预期, 持这种预期的学步儿在陌生情境程序中表现出安全依恋行为; 类别2, 以自身为中心的母亲养育出的学步儿更容易对看护者形成无回应的预期, 并在陌生情境中表现出不安全依恋行为。研究表明:内部工作模式在母亲的敏感性和学步儿的依恋安全性之间起着重要的内部机制作用—— 母亲的敏感性行为的累积促进了学步儿内部工作模式关于母亲的预期, 这种预期又进一步引导着学步儿的依恋行为。  相似文献   

依恋的可塑性是成人依恋领域研究的重要主题,而探究依恋的可塑性首先需要了解依恋安全感是如何获得的。依恋控制系统模型指出,个体可以通过内部表征的方式通达依恋安全感。现有研究中常常将安全基地脚本作为这种内部表征方式,但忽视了另一种内部表征形式,即依恋相关情景模拟。先前有几项研究提出并证实了依恋相关情景模拟这一新的依恋安全感通达路径,但尚未回答:这一新的通达路径与已有路径相比有何特异性?其作用机制是什么?以及如何基于此进行特质依恋安全干预?本课题将通过3项研究来对这些问题进行考察:研究1考察依恋相关情景模拟对依恋安全感的影响及其特异性;研究2从依恋相关情景模拟的内容和加工过程的角度考察其对依恋安全感的影响机制;研究3采用自然语言处理技术开发依恋相关情景模拟分类方法,并将其用于特质依恋安全干预。本课题将补充依恋控制系统模型的内容,能够解释依恋系统的情境灵活性,并为理解依恋的可塑性及进行依恋安全的干预带来启发。  相似文献   

心理学对亲子依恋的研究经历三个阶段鲍尔比代表的第一阶段创建了理论框架爱因斯沃斯代表的第二阶段发展了陌生情境技术并积累了大量观察资料和跨文化资料;80年代以来的第三阶段在研究对象、研究方法、依恋与社会情绪的整合等方面有所发展。  相似文献   

本研究探究了祖辈将心比心、母亲将心比心、母子依恋与婴幼儿认知之间的关系,并提出了一个有调节的中介模型。对37名婴幼儿(平均年龄18.24 ±3.34个月)及其母亲和祖母进行研究,研究工具包括将心比心编码方案、依恋行为Q分类和贝利婴幼儿发展量表(第二版)。结果表明:(1)母亲将心比心与母子依恋、婴幼儿认知呈显著正相关,母子依恋与婴幼儿认知呈显著正相关;(2)母子依恋在母亲将心比心与婴幼儿认知发展之间存在中介效应,且该中介过程的前半路径受到祖辈将心比心的调节。当祖辈将心比心水平较高时,母亲将心比心对母子依恋存在显著的正向预测作用。本文是在中国特殊的社会背景下开展的研究,结果为祖辈共同看护这一普遍现象对婴幼儿发展的影响提供了证据支持。  相似文献   

采用幼儿依恋量表和儿童行为量表(Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL)测量265名祖辈共同养育幼儿的母子依恋、祖孙依恋和问题行为的情况,考察祖辈共同养育幼儿的祖孙依恋在母子依恋与问题行为的中介作用。结果发现:(1)祖辈共同养育幼儿的母子依恋与祖孙依恋呈显著正相关,幼儿的母子依恋与内化问题行为、外化问题行为呈显著负相关,幼儿的祖孙依恋与内化问题行为、外化问题行为呈显著负相关;(2)祖辈共同养育幼儿的祖孙依恋完全中介母子依恋对内化问题行为、外化问题行为的影响。  相似文献   

依恋内部工作模式的社会认知研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会认知取向的成人依恋研究,在验证依恋理论的核心假设和探索与情绪调节策略、依恋系统活动有关的心理活动过程方面取得了长足的进步。这种把当前社会认知理论特别是心理表征这一重要概念运用到理解依恋的内部工作模式(internalworkingmodel)中去的价值已经逐渐显露。文章概述了关于内部工作模式与心理表征的关系及其在启动效应、可得性与通达性、记忆、情绪、归因等五个重要方面的研究进展,并对将来的研究进行了思考与展望  相似文献   

We examine whether two general dimensions of sociopolitical belief—right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO)—are rooted in insecure psychological attachment. Based on an undergraduate sample ( N =  255), we model the relations among attachment styles, general worldviews, RWA, and SDO. A structural equation model indicated that anxious attachment led to RWA but not SDO and that this effect was mediated by the belief that the world is a dangerous place. In contrast, avoidant attachment led to SDO but not RWA, and this effect was mediated by the belief that the world is an uncaring, competitive jungle in which people are motivated to maximize personal utility. We discuss the implications of these findings for the nature and origins of political conservatism.  相似文献   

成人依恋表征与婚恋依恋   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
近年来依恋研究已拓展到成人的依恋表征和婚恋依恋,依恋表征是成人对其早期依恋经验的回忆和重构,婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间构成的依恋情感联结。该文介绍了依恋表征和婚恋依恋研究的理论背景、测量方法及主要成果——依恋的代际传递性、依恋的临床应用、婚恋依恋对成人婚恋关系质量和工作的影响。最后探讨了成人依恋领域有待深入研究的问题,如依恋表征与婚恋依恋的关系问题、依恋的稳定性与变化问题以及依恋是个体差异还是关系变量等,并分析了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

成年期的依恋与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依恋和探索是依恋理论中密切相关且最重要的两种行为系统,但后者受到的关注程度相对较少。在成人依恋研究的推动下,已有相当的研究者关注到成人期的探索活动,他们的研究视野扩展到各种领域,包括工作、闲暇、学业、成就动机等,既考察了探索过程的情感与体验、信息加工,也考察了探索的结果层面。该文就已有研究的理论背景、方法和成果进行了概述,并对成年期探索的界定、评估手段以及自我报告类的成人依恋测量工具进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among attachment, personality style, and family interaction patterns. The results revealed that avoidant attachment style was associated with indirect affect expression as measured by somatic complaints, social isolation, family disengagement, and family conflict avoidance. Anxious/ambivalent style was associated with more overt expression of depression and anxiety. Family factors were not significantly related to either the anxious/ambivalent or secure styles. The implications and potential therapy benefits for use of attachment theory in family therapy and directions for future research are also addressed. Marci Leveridge, PhD, is a Licensed Health Service Provider and private practitioner in Oklahoma City. Cal Stoltenberg, PhD, is Professor, Counseling Psychology Program, University of Oklahoma, Department of Educational Psychology, 820 Van Vleet Oval, Room 321, Norman, OK 73019-2041 (cstoltenberg@ou.edu). Denise Beesley, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Counseling Psychology Program at the University of Oklahoma.  相似文献   

The Adult Attachment Interview and psychoanalytic outcome studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last two decades, the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) has attracted growing interest from psychoanalysts concerned with empirical research. The paper discusses the application of Crittenden's Dynamic-Maturational AAI method for assessing the outcome of psychoanalysis. The aim is to demonstrate, through a case presentation, how therapeutic change can be expressed in the AAI. The pre- and post-treatment interviews of one patient, having completed a four-times-a-week psychoanalysis, are presented. It is demonstrated that the detailed discourse analysis of the AAI, based on transcribed tape-recorded interviews, focuses subtle formal elements of language and speech reflecting dominant patterns of affect regulation and object relating. The AAI text analysis provides possibility for coding procedural memory as conveyed by the handling of the relationship to the interviewer, incorporating the dynamic relationship between researcher and subject and thus complying with a methodological prerequisite regarded by many psychoanalysts as necessary for capturing data that are relevant to psychoanalysis. On this background, the method emerges as promising for psychoanalytic outcome studies.  相似文献   

Given the accumulating evidence for a role of anxiety sensitivity in the etiology of panic, it is important to understand the developmental origins of anxiety sensitivity. To this end, this study examined the relation between attachment beliefs and anxiety sensitivity in a sample of high school students (n = 203; mean age 15.7 years) and university students (n = 324; mean age 21.7 years). The Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR; K. Brennan, C. Clark, &; P. Shaver, 1998) was used to assess attachment beliefs and to classify participants into attachment groups. The Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI; R. A. Peterson &; S. Reiss, 1987) was used to assess participants' levels of anxiety sensitivity. Results supported the hypothesis that individuals with insecure attachment, specifically those classified as preoccupied and fearful (i.e., those with a negative model of self), had significantly higher anxiety sensitivity scores than securely attached individuals in both the high school and college samples.  相似文献   

This study replicated and extended the work of C. F. Weems, S. L. Berman, W. K. Silverman, and E. T. Rodriquez (2002) by investigating relations between anxiety sensitivity (AS) and attachment dimensions in a sample of young adults. Two hundred and twenty-six undergraduate students completed self-report measures including the Anxiety Sensitivity Index and the measure of adult romantic attachment used by C. F. Weems et al. (2002). In order to investigate the association between AS and a different domain of attachment, a measure of adult attachment referring to close relationships was included. As defined by both measures, insecurely attached individuals, specifically those classified as preoccupied and fearful (i.e., those with negative Models of Self), reported significantly higher levels of AS than those with secure and dismissing attachment styles (i.e., those with positive Models of Self). Results indicated that across both measures the Model of Self attachment dimension accounted for unique variance in AS levels beyond that contributed by trait anxiety. The Model of Others attachment dimension had a more limited association with AS.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of self-reported parental romantic attachment status and rearing behaviors on children’s self-reported attachment (in)security towards father and mother in a sample of 237 non-clinical children aged 9–12. All children and their parents completed a single-item measure of attachment style. The parents further completed an index of their authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive rearing behaviors. Results showed that the attachment status of the father was significantly related to the child’s attachment style to the father. Further, children who portray themselves as insecurely attached to their fathers have fathers with lower average authoritative scores compared to children who are securely attached to their fathers. In examining the relative contribution of attachment style and rearing behaviors of the parents, insecure attachment status of the father was still significantly related to insecure attachment style of the child but the effect of authoritative rearing behaviors of the father on attachment (in)security of children was not statistically significant anymore. Altogether, these results support the notion that attachment status of the father was most substantially associated with self-reported insecure attachment of children.  相似文献   

梁熙  王争艳 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1911-1923
母婴依恋是婴儿期形成的首要关系之一, 同时也是影响儿童早期社会化的关系性背景。以亲子互动中形成依恋安全感差异的相关研究为基础, 从特质观、领域特殊观和社会认知观的角度对它们进行梳理, 有助于提炼出母亲的敏感性、特定的互动情境以及儿童的社会预期分别在预测母婴依恋关系中的作用。3种研究取向的整合有赖于细致地区分特质观和社会认知观在看待亲子互动中双方情绪状态、认知能力和回应过程上的差别; 制定新的依恋干预方案应当以提高父母识别和应对婴儿消极情绪的能力, 以及为婴儿提供适当的依随性学习经验为目的。  相似文献   

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