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作为一种特定的人的观念,世界主义公民具有正义感和善观念这两种道德能力,拥有理智理性与合情理性的理念,是自由而平等的道德主体。这样一种人的观念也预制了全球正义的核心理念:全球正义是全球制度的首要美德;个人是全球正义的终极关怀单元;伦理普遍主义是全球正义的伦理基础;倡导平等主义的全球分配正义。作为世界主义公民的人的观念与全球正义理念是紧密相连、彼此印证和相互支撑的。  相似文献   

广东得改革风气之先,在发展社会主义市场经济中取得了较大的成绩。迅速发展的市场经济,必然要来产生与之相适应的社会王义市场经济伦理。我们会天所倡导的经济伦理,是相适画社会主义市场经济本质要求,在经济生活中促进市场壬体行为健康发展的伦理观念、伦理规范和伦理实践活动。本文就如何从识和利用好广东经济伦理发展的若干条件,作一些论析。(一)思想文化条件广乐经济伦理的发展得益于邓小平理论的指导。其中,邓小平关于义利并举,义利统一,先富带动后富、共同富,道德的多层次性,道德的先进性和广泛性相结合,道德建设导制度建…  相似文献   

道德上“积”的思想是荀子论“积”的核心环节,构成荀子伦理思想的一个重要组成部分,也是荀子伦理思想的一个鲜明特色.荀子道德上“积”的思想主要关乎人的道德品性、道德行为的积累形成,关乎个体道德人格的成长发展.“化性起伪”是道德之“积”的前提;“积善成德”是道德之“积”的主要内涵;注重学习、专心一志、实践行动和人文环境,是道德之“积”的主要方法.  相似文献   

作者对先秦伦理思想作了较系统的考察,认为春秋战国之际是宗法奴隶制伦理危机和地主阶级新伦理形成时期,孔子的伦理思想基本上还是维持宗法奴隶制道德,而墨子的兼爱说冲破孔子“仁”的贵族藩篱,尖锐地批判了孔子旨在维护宗法制的孝弟之道。战国后期,荀子对诸子的伦理思想进行了批判总结,初步确立了地主阶级的伦理思想。韩非的忠孝观念则体现了其专制主义精神,也为后世统治者所采用。  相似文献   

荀子与黑格尔伦理思想共同点之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荀子与黑格尔的伦理思想有许多相似之处,具体包括:在人性问题上都持性恶论的观点;在社会问题上都主张“群”或整体说,并阐明“分”或等级对于构建社会秩序的重要意义;都更加关注社会普遍层面的伦理问题而非个人的道德修养问题;都指出伦理的核心问题是规范问题;都从社会整体出发来考虑义利关系问题;都强调教育为实现伦理的基本前提;都强调法律是实现伦理的基本保障。以上这些共同点表明荀子与黑格尔在对伦理问题的思考中,都将伦理目标定位或落实于社会的基本或普遍层面,都注重伦理内容的现实性和伦理实现的可能性,具有很强的现实理性的精神。…  相似文献   

先秦儒家义利观及其当代价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以孔子、孟子、荀子为代表的先秦儒家,主张“义以为上”、“见利思义”、“义利两有”,是我国传统伦理思想的重要组成部分,对于塑造中华民族精神产生过重要影响。在构建社会主义和谐社会过程中,坚持义与利的辩证统一,对于弘扬以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观,促进精神文明与物质文明协调发展,维护社会稳定必将产生积极作用。  相似文献   

罗尔斯伦理思想总体上可归结为一种权利伦理学;“自由优先于德性”是罗尔斯伦理思想的基本原则之一,这个原则以“自我优先于目的”为形式根据,以“正义(权利)优先于德性”为质料内容。罗尔斯权利伦理揭示了现代自由社会的道德特征和道德要求,提出了诸多新的伦理理念和伦理观点,但也存在着一些局限性。  相似文献   

罗尔斯伦理思想总体上可归结为一种权利伦理学;“自由优先于德性”是罗尔斯伦理思想的基本原则之一,这个原则以“自我优先于目的”为形式根据,以“正义(权利)优先于德性”为质料内容。罗尔斯权利伦理揭示了现代自由社会的道德特征和道德要求,提出了诸多新的伦理理念和伦理观点,但也存在着一些局限性。  相似文献   

差等原则是荀子分配正义的一个重要原则。在中国思想史上,荀子明确肯定以礼义为基础的差等分配原则的合理性与正义性。具体到政治权力和经济利益的分配,荀子特别强调“德能”与“位禄”相挂钩。对于差等分配,荀子首先从“天秩”与“人秩”的维度作了理论层面的可欲性分析,同时又从礼、法、圣王的维度作了现实层面的可行性设计。依荀子,差等分配是一种公平正义的分配方式,只有实行差等分配,方能实现“群居和一”的社会理想。荀子的这一思想主张对于当今社会的资源分配具有一定的理论借鉴意义和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

西方文明中的人性假设与现代市场经济的伦理特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧健 《道德与文明》2010,(4):119-123
制度伦理与人性假设是密切相关的.性恶论是西方文明中的基本人性假设,早期崇恶制度伦理的起源即是以此为基础的.近代社会契约理论促进了西方市场经济制度伦理的形成,古典和新古典经济学发展了人性假设理论,对市场经济制度伦理至善性进行了探索,到了现代,有限理性主义一定程度上又复归到崇恶制度伦理上.西方人性假设理论折射出的现代市场经济的伦理特性应当是:利己和利他结合、经济和道德一体、竞争与合作的互动、公平与效率的平衡.  相似文献   

周代的“敬德保民”思想中包括了三个方面的经济伦理思想内涵:一、“无逸”的劳动伦理观和“孝养父母”的生产观;二、反对“独专于利”,主张利益分配的公正性;三、在生活方式上,主张“恭俭惟德”的消费观。这些思想具有德性主义的性质。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the boundaries of political sovereignty, one key aspect of global political justice and an important background condition to the issues of global economic justice treated in the other papers of this volume. I first present an interpretive summary of the traditional arguments against and for intervention, stressing, to a greater extent than is usual, the consequentialist character of the ethics of intervention. It makes a difference whether we think that an intervention will do more good than harm, and some of the factors that determine the outcome are matters of strategy and institutional choice. I then explore the significance of a key factor that makes for much of what is new in the new interventionism: the role of multilateral and particularly U.N. authorization and implementation. I argue that the more salient role of the United Nations should lead us to a more expansive tolerance of international intervention and that global standards of justice, both political and economic, can therefore be more widely enforced against claims to national autonomy.  相似文献   

In recent years, scholars of Confucian ethics have debated on important issues such as whether Confucian ethics embraces, or should embrace, universal values and impartiality. Some have argued that Confucian ethics integrates both care and justice, and that Confucian ethics is both particularistic and universalistic. In this essay, I will defend a view of the relation between care and justice and the relation between care ethics and justice ethics on the basis of the notion of ‘configuration of values,’ and show why care ethics and justice ethics cannot be integrated. I will support this view by a reading of some pertinent passages in the Mencius.  相似文献   

Despite the passage of H.R. 3590 in the 111th Congress, the national healthcare debate in the United States continues, with repeal or modification of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act under ongoing consideration. Reference is often made to morality or ethics, but typically in general terms only. This paper elucidates themes from one system of moral theology, namely Jewish healthcare ethics, that would valuably inform this debate. Themes include "covenant," "holiness," "justice," "mercy," "for the sake of peace," "to save a life," "peoplehood," "repair of the world," "repentance," and "jubilee." Policy-related, economic, political, and moral challenges to acting on these principles are discussed.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,以消费主义为标志的后现代文化思潮对中国当代社会的全方位浸染已是在所难免,以情感制作与“快适伦理”为表征的“后情感主义”审美趋向日渐明朗。然而,大众文化承诺给人们的欢乐神话与身体解放,却往往陷入娱乐透支后的身心疲乏和性感聚焦后的精神空幻,形象的欲望满足取代了文化的意义追索,审美正义与文化伦理成为亟待解决的现实问题。消费时代的大众文化完全无视生命中的“痛苦”、“严肃”、“庄严”与“意志”一端,沉溺于“人生幻觉”“瞬间的快感”,在世俗娱乐中丧失起码的自知与清明,不但以“媚俗”为荣甚至以“恶俗”为乐,踏越了文化伦理的底线,使中国文化道统愈陷困境。  相似文献   

论医学公正   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对公正的理论考量,揭示公正作为卫生经济伦理学的核心理念,在医学实践中具有重要的价值评判作用.同时指出中国的卫生经济发展的指导性方针应该是:公平优先,兼顾效率.  相似文献   

This paper explores both differences and points of contact between selected contemporary theories of public ethics in the West and China. China is in a greater state of flux in this connection, with new, eclectic approaches to ethical justification for moral agency gaining prominence. There are thematic parallels between East and West in their distinct strains of institutionalism (in which neither individual moral agency nor the justice claims of individuals have much play). However, there are recent Chinese theoretical proposals – many incorporating Western sources – that address this quandary, namely the institutional overdetermination of moral agency. These proposals are joined to contributions from feminist and liberation ethics in a critical reconsideration of overridingness in formal ethics. Contemporary Chinese ethics connect moral claims to kin, community, and reciprocity networks, particularly as traditional philosophy is recovered in new theoretical syntheses. The grounding of Confucian ethics in kin and community offers an instructive contrast to formal Western ethical systems, as do radical strains of Western ethics that suggest that transcendence is found in the self's extension toward others in need. This paper considers these ethical themes in connection with hypothetical instances of interactional justice in organizations.  相似文献   

Should environmental, social, and economic sustainability be of primary concern to engineers? Should social justice be among these concerns? Although the deterioration of our natural environment and the increase in social injustices are among today’s most pressing and important issues, engineering codes of ethics and their paramountcy clause, which contains those values most important to engineering and to what it means to be an engineer, do not yet put either concept on a par with the safety, health, and welfare of the public. This paper addresses a recent proposal by Michelfelder and Jones (2011) to include sustainability in the paramountcy clause as a way of rectifying the current disregard for social justice issues in the engineering codes. That proposal builds on a certain notion of sustainability that includes social justice as one of its dimensions and claims that social justice is a necessary condition for sustainability, not vice versa. The relationship between these concepts is discussed, and the original proposal is rejected. Drawing on insights developed throughout the paper, some suggestions are made as to how one should address the different requirements that theory and practice demand of the value taxonomy of professional codes of ethics.  相似文献   

Ten years on from the first issue of the Journal of Global Ethics, Darrel Moellendorf and Heather Widdows reflect on the current state of research in global ethics. To do this, they summarise a recent comprehensive road map of the field and provide a map of research by delineating the topics and approaches of leading scholars of global ethics collected together in the recently published Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics which they have co-edited. Topics fall under issues of war, conflict and violence; poverty and development; economic justice; bioethics and health justice; and environmental and climate justice. In all these areas, ethicists are becoming ever more engaged in the details and mechanisms of actually delivering justice in the real world.  相似文献   

This article considers the links between international institutions and global economic justice: how international institutions might be morally important; how they have changed; and at what those changes imply for justice. The institutional structure of international society has evolved in ways that help to undercut the arguments of those who take a restrictionist position towards global economic justice. There is now a denser and more integrated network of shared institutions and practices within which social expectations of global justice and injustice have become more securely established. But, at the same time, our major international social institutions continue to constitute a deformed political order. This combination of density and deformity shapes how we should think about international justice in general and has important implications for the scope, character, and modalities of global economic justice. Having laid out a view of normative development and where it leads, the article then examines why international distributive justice remains so marginal to current practice.  相似文献   

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