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Subject/observers were accurate in identifying emergent leadership hierarchies on four leadership dimensions when provided records of target groups' meetings containing only verbal communications, only nonverbal communications, or both types of behavior. With knowledge of participation rates controlled by covariance, the subject/observers' accuracy scores retained significance in three of the information conditions demonstrating the presence of verbal and nonverbal leadership cues independent of participation rates. The value of verbal and nonverbal communications to identifying leaders varied with the type of leadership hierarchy being identified. The findings are presumed to hold for leader selection as well. The author proposes that the question of why a group member has emerged to fulfill a leadership role in a group be studied from the point of view of group members' selecting leaders or permitting emergence rather than leaders emitting behaviors.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of sex and gender role characteristics on emergent leader effectiveness ratings in small task groups. Data were collected on two occasions from 122 subjects in 28 mixed-sex groups performing sex-neutral tasks for valued rewards over many weeks of interaction. Results showed that there were neither significant differences between effectiveness evaluations received by male and female leaders, nor among ratings received by leaders with masculine, feminine, or androgynous gender role orientations. However, individuals with androgynous gender role orientations gave significantly higher effectiveness evaluations than individuals with masculine or feminine gender role orientations.  相似文献   

Narcissistic leaders in groups are capable of impeding progress of their patients and, at worst, can produce iatrogenic effects. Significant interferences may occur when the therapist is unable to tolerate the expression of negative transferences and when they need to be idealized by their patients. The rare therapist who is a malignant narcissist is capable of inflicting severe damage by sadistically exploiting the group to satisfy his or her own pathological needs. Less severe interferences consist of inhibition in making transference interpretations, reluctance to seek out training or supervision, and a difficulty in protecting patients against being scapegoated as a result of the displacement of negative feelings toward the therapist onto a member. The universality of these issues among therapists is discussed and possible remediation is proposed.  相似文献   

The problem of detecting emergent social structure in small groups is examined in terms of establishing a baseline or expected structure. The standard proposed here is equalitarianism; that is to say, every member is equally likely to interact with every other member. Using information theory, a formal statement of the equalitarian argument is possible. In addition to detecting a deviation by a single group, the structural tendency of several groups assigned to some experimental condition is discussed. This technique is designed for the preliminary analysis of structure; it deals only with the general character of the total structure.The author is indebted to Frank Restle for valuable criticism and comment upon an earlier draft of this paper.This baseline problem is similar to one encountered in studies of group problem solving. Faust [5], Davis [3], and Davis and Restle [4] have proposed the statistical pooling model of Lorge and Solomon [13] as a proper standard against which to compare the group's product in certain cases. (See Restle and Davis [22] for a more extensive theoretical discussion of individual and group problem solving.)  相似文献   

This paper highlights some developmental characteristics of adult psychotherapy groups and the relationships among them. It argues that members of a therapy group will experience and have an opportunity to resolve within the group itself normal developmental conflicts of adult life such as learning to establish intimate relationships. In addition, members will reexperience unresolved developmental conflicts of childhood and adolescence that frequently prevent adequate resolution of adult developmental tasks, and have an opportunity to rework them. Lastly, because of the essential isomorphism of therapy groups, members' developmental conflicts will be experienced and dealt with when the group-qua-group is dealing with parallel developmental struggles in its own life.  相似文献   

The influences of gender and gender role on emergent leadership in initially leaderless groups were examined. Subjects were multi-ethnic, multi-racial domestic and international M.B.A. students engaged in gender-neutral group projects throughout the term. The BSRI was administered near the beginning of the term and leader emergence measures were collected at the end of the term after many weeks of group interaction. Using leader emergence measures which allowed for the possibility of multiple group leaders, both masculine and androgynous group members emerged as leaders. In groups with one sole leader, masculine types were more likely to be nominated as the single leader than any other gender-role type. There were no gender effects on any measure of leader emergence.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid in the literature to the ways in which psychotherapy groups of fewer than five members can be led effectively. The conditions leading to small groups are presented, including both dynamic and circumstantial conditions arising in the institution, the group, and the therapist. The dynamics of small groups are described based on social psychology research and clinical observations. The paper concludes by presenting therapist and member characteristics as well as therapeutic techniques which contribute to the maximal effectiveness of groups with fewer than five members.  相似文献   

Wilfred Bion's seminal work with treatment and training groups is considered by many group therapists to be a classic study of group behavior. Despite the influence of his early work on groups, practitioners frequently find his later writings difficult to apply to group settings. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the potential usefulness of Bion's later psychoanalytic writings to our understanding of the complex dynamics active in therapy groups. This paper examines the relationship among four concepts that Bion emphasized in his later writings: projective identification, containercontained, (Ps<---->D), and catastrophic change. Two clinical vignettes are presented to demonstrate how these concepts can aid the therapist in understanding the complicated dynamics active in therapeutic group settings.  相似文献   

A recent clinical study of outpatient psychotherapy groups in a community mental health center explored the linkage between group leadership variables, group climate, and outcome. The study involved nine outpatient therapy groups, over 50 group clients, and several group therapists. A repeated measures design involving assessment of clients' outcome and level of functioning, group leadership style, and group climate was used to assess changes over a 6-month period. The findings suggest: 1) a reduction in symptoms and improved functioning for clients; 2) a similarity of perceptions by members and leaders of perceived leadership behaviors and group climate; 3) the presence of direct and indirect influences of group climate and leadership behavior on clients' outcome; and 4) a linkage between leadership behavior and group climate with the theoretical orientation of the group. The findings of the research are discussed in relation to the understanding of specific effects in group psychotherapy and the implications for construction of group psychotherapy theory.The authors would like to thank Robert Dies, Ph.D., for his helpful suggestions in the early phase of this study; Roy MacKenzie, M.D., for permission to use the Group Climate Questionnaire; Diane DePalma, Ph.D., for permission to use the Global Leadership Behavior Index; Chris Boltwood, B.A., for her untiring efforts in administering the instruments and coding and entering the data; and most importantly, the psychotherapy group members and the group therapists for their cooperation in this endeavor—without their help, this clinical study would not have been possible.A version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, 1987, New Orleans, Louisiana. Lenore Phipps, R.N., M.S., C.S., was formerly Director, Group Psychotherapy Program at Park Ridge Mental Health Center, Rochester, now in private practice at Guild Medical Center, Norwood, MA 02062.  相似文献   

This paper addresses recovering alcoholics' concurrent involvement in psychotherapy groups and self-help groups. A developmental model of alcoholism group psychotherapy is presented, differentiating between early and advanced sobriety. Psychotherapy and self-help groups are compared and contrasted. Multiple group membership entails various areas of compatibility. Divergence and conflict result from differences in underlying conceptual framework and approach. Clinical implications of members' involvement in partially discrepant group settings are explored with an emphasis on transference and countertransference reactions. Multiple group membership is identified as a salient factor in alcoholism group psychotherapy at all levels of recovery.She is also in private practice.This paper was presented at the American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Conference, Boston, February 1990.  相似文献   

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